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Stuck on Supply Lines...? LOOK HERE! GUIDE!

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I still couldnt beat this after the reading the tutrial. I also tried a different method but still nuthing. I have no problem killing the 5 carriers its just making it back to the roof without wasting all the fuel

I've said it once, I'll say it again: Supply Lines is almost anti-climatic after doing the flight school when the third island opens up.


I've done it four times now after getting my flight skill up a little (not even maxed, which would probably help even more), and the only times I didn't complete the mission was my own fault, except for one time when the last van ended up heading out towards Pier 69, a LONG way away from where it should have been.


Other than that, the mission is a lot easier afterwards. Give that a try. Maybe it'll help. smile.gif

i dont need flieght school.. i spawn a hydra everyday and fly it. im the best at flying. its just that theirs never enough fuel.. can u come over and finish it gor me.

If you are such a great pilot you would have finished the level fine. I'll come over, but you have to buy me dinner.

The key to this mission (besides luck w/ the couriers' locations) is flying skill. If you can kill the first 3 (van-bike-van) couriers without crashing at all, you should make it to the 4th (sanchez) with at least 1/2 a tank of fuel left. (I advise against landing to kill the first 3, they shouldn't be that challenging and it will use way more fuel if you do)


The sanchez was the hardest target for me, since it's bullet sensitive and FAST once it takes off; if you haven't blown it up after chasing it a couple blocks, chances are you won't have enough fuel to beat the mission.


You should be well into downtown after killing the 4th, so you can just go kill the final courier if it's close, or land and wait for it if it's not. Once it's in your sights, it doesn't take much to kill this one.


Then just take the most direct path back to Zero's.


Took about 10 tries, and yes, it seemed impossible the first few times when I could barely fly the Baron.


Once I was good at flying, I only had to try twice before I passed; and the first time I was about 50 feet from the marker when I ran out of fuel and failed.


So, cliff's notes: flying cleaning is the KEY to this mission.



So, cliff's notes: flying cleaning is the KEY to this mission.

I'm not so sure about that. I could swear that having the pilots license decreases the rate at which the fuel is used. My strategy for the last few times I've played the game (I'm on #4, going for 100%) was to leave Supply Lines alone until after I've completed the flight school. Once that's done, I head directly to Zero's place, and do the mission.


Trust me, I'm not a clean flyer, as I'm bumping into walls, hitting street lights, stuff like that, but the only times I've failed the mission was when I didn't shoot the Sanchez enough and the guy blew my plane up and one time the game had the last van drive WAY too far away. Other than that, the mission gets completed on the first attempt, even with landing behind the targets and riddling them with bullets until they explode.


Maybe results will vary, but that's what worked for me, and what I plan on doing every time I encounter that mission from now on...



Well, after countless attempts at passing this mission, I finally did it this evening. Just thought I'd share my strategy:


I started out with the bicycle courier after reading the beginning of this guide. After he's taken care of, I just make the block until I'm facing the first van, where I waste the driver (I'm usually on the ground at this point). Then, I just take off headed left from where I was on the ground and fly over to the second van. I usually try to fly in behind it and begin firing until that van goes boom. For the Sanchez, I lucked out, since although it was still a few blocks away from the Baron, it wasn't too terribly far off. And no, I didn't land and wait for it. Most times for the Sanchez I just unload on it from behind and hope the Baron doesn't explode from getting hit too often. Here's where I lucked out, because the last van wasn't too far from where I'd taken out the Sanchez. I just landed in an intersection facing the front end of the van and hit the trigger. It blew up, and I still had like a quarter of a tank left to get back to Zero's roof, which wasn't that far away. As I was flying over that building with the arch roof, I thought "Wow, I might just land this thing!" As the red marker got closer and closer, I was cheering that little Baron on. And when I hit the red marker and heard Zero talking about the smell of ozone smelling like victory, I breathed a sigh of relief! One less obstacle on the road to getting 100%!


The Doomite Is Out!

FINALLY completed Supply Lines!


Man, this mission was really pissing me off. I made a few observations that I hope will help others to finish this difficult mission and enjoy the rest of this great game.


After many failed attempts, I was getting frustrated at running out of fuel before I could return to the landing zone, but was NOT convinced that the amount of thrust I used made any difference at all!


So I ran a little experiment in which I timed the mission once using full throttle the entire time, and then again just gliding around the ball fields, hardly thrusting at all. I found you have just under 5 minutes of flight time either way! I concluded that it doesn't matter how much thottle you use, and that the only way to conserve fuel was to stop the plane on the ground altogether. (press O to self-destruct message appears)


This strategy is only advantageous when you know for sure that a courier is headed straight towards you and since I discovered that their paths are different every time, I do not recommend stopping. There is some factor of luck involved with the paths of the couriers so keep trying. I agree with the order of targets suggested in this guide, but when I completed the mission, the two distant targets were nearly on top of one another. After I dispensed with the last courier, I still had a quarter tank of fuel, which was plenty of TIME to get the altitude and distance necessary to return to Zero's rooftop at full throttle.


Although I found it easier to shoot when not at top speed, do not be afraid to crank it up when you must! It will not affect your fuel consumption. Good luck!

I'm still convinced that having a good flying skill helps appreciably with this mission.


Can some bored soul out there test my theory? If you've just opened the third island but have not yet completed Supply Lines, get to the mission Verdant Meadows, buy the air strip, and quickly do the flight school.


Then drive to Zeros shop, attempt Supply Lines, and just fly in a straight line, seeing how long or far you can make it (maybe head out to sea, then fly down along the coast). Always have the gas on so that's consistent. Once you know how far you went, or how long you flew (once the mission is failed), go out and increase your flying skill (just doing the mission "Learning to Fly" will not max out your flying skill). Right after getting the message "Flight skill upgraded", go back to Zero's shop and try again, seeing if you can go further/fly longer.


I'd do it, but on all of my current savegames, I'm well past the abandoned airstrip missions...


This strategy is only advantageous when you know for sure that a courier is headed straight towards you and since I discovered that their paths are different every time, I do not recommend stopping. There is some factor of luck involved with the paths of the couriers so keep trying.

This thread is going long (hopefully not yet as the GF's guide) so the information is keeping out of sight to most users.


I already wrote that the thing that affects the most the mission (apart from your flight skill as kojak1970 says, but I've not checked myself) is the pattern followed by the sanchez and the last van. There are several patterns, but not random. They will eventually repeat. There are some awful ones with the Sanchez and the van going northwards, to downtown and Michelle's etc. If so, just restart the mission. there is a very gentle pattern where the Sanchez is coming south to meet you. After you kill the first three couriers, you are flying northwards and the Sanchez is coming south through the street between your garage's and Zero's. You can even don't go far north and wait for the bike at ground level without loosing fuel and without going far away from Zero's shop. Sometimes this Sanchez pattern is combined with the last van coming south, and through the tunnel that ends in your garage's street just south of Wang's. You can wait for the van outside the tunnel at ground level again without loosing any fuel (but you have to be patient, the van comes reeeeeeeeeeeeeally slow) then shoot and you are near to Zero's shop going over the garage and the construction yard.


Don't go meet the couriers if they are already coming to you! don't waste your fuel!


i just finished reading every post here.




two things i picked up, but cannot confirm. increased pilot skill (i dont seem to get any pilot skill from the mission, so i doubt any connection), the other thing was if u do it alot of times, it gets "easier" (ie, more fuel or something). agin, ive spent a good couple of days to try this, and i dont have the mission to buy some airstrip done yet, and i cant get into any airports or fly anything legally. i stole a few planes back in los santos.


i dont find the plane to hard to fly, but no sh*t, its radius is limited. i tried flying out in one direction, and i can tell u boys and girls, it aint far. there are for sure some rotations of routes the vehicles take, some of which take them far beyond your pitiful point of no return. this thing requires big luck.


my luck is 0. whats up with that? ive won upwards of near a million dolloars in the horse betting...what the ?uck? anyone want to comment on luck, as it seems highly related?

my luck is 0. whats up with that? ive won upwards of near a million dolloars in the horse betting...what the ?uck? anyone want to comment on luck, as it seems highly related?

Luck is based on how many horseshoes you collect, not how much or often you gamble. I found the best advice for supply lines is to land and wait at differnt points, to conserve fuel. I beat it without high flying skill or repeated attempts (I reloaded so any dynamic game difficultty wasn't in effect).

I don't get it, this mission is hard, but not annoying, it took me 37 trys, but it was fun. It never got annoying, sure when you get very close then run out fuel, that kinda sucks...Alot of people at school are like, "This is impossible! It's just too hard, I give up!" But yeah, you get what I'm saying.

so i almost threw my ps2 out the window, punched my bed and pillows countless times... gonna try today with the help of this guide and see what happens...


BTW zero is the worst character in the game.. why would a thug like cj would even want to help a p***y nerd like zero... sorry im just pissed at him for pretty much not letting me advance in the game

BTW zero is the worst character in the game.. why would a thug like cj would even want to help a p***y nerd like zero... sorry im just pissed at him for pretty much not letting me advance in the game

You can finish the game without Zero's strand.... you only need it for 100%, not regular storyline finish.

I don't get it, this mission is hard, but not annoying, it took me 37 trys, but it was fun. It never got annoying, sure when you get very close then run out fuel, that kinda sucks...Alot of people at school are like, "This is impossible! It's just too hard, I give up!" But yeah, you get what I'm saying.

Yeah, I know what you mean.


When I began playing VC, I sucked at the beginning, I cheated and all this stuff until I got better and then realized how cheating ruins the game (I haven't done any in SA) and several missions seems just IMPOSSIBLE the first time you face them. When you do THE DRIVER then you know that everything is possible, so now when I think that something is impossible (BMX, NRG, Kickstart, AIr Raid, supply lines etc) I also know that I will make it, no matter how many tries I need. BMX seems very easy now for me but I once thought no one could pass it.

I m at this mission now too, and think its pointless, but i dont see how to get around it, i dont have any other missions on my map, any way around this? maybe i missed something.





It's not required for the storyline, so you should have other missions available. Did you finish driving school and buy Wang Cars?

Supply lines mission video set to mortal combat techno remix . Done with 0 % flying stat , not flawless on purpose , to show that you can make a ton of mistakes and do it. Just remain calm.



Edited by LAD
havnet dont the driving school and not sure what the wang cars are? but i dont see any other icon on my map besides that Z mission.




Finish driving school to move the storyline along, you can ignore Zero if you want.

  • 2 weeks later...


Is Zero's 'Supply Lines' mission not needed to advance in the game? Sorry for the bump, but I really need to know because I hate this god damn mission.

It's not required to move the story along, just required for 100% completion.


EDIT: Just noticed that's the 3rd time I've said it's not required in 9 posts. Try reading, people.

The Untouchable


Is Zero's 'Supply Lines' mission not needed to advance in the game? Sorry for the bump, but I really need to know because I hate this god damn mission.

It is NOT needed for the storyline, but it is required for 100% completion of the game. If you decide to go that far wink.gif


Thanks for helping out in the topic guys smile.gif Especially Mxyzptlk.

Edited by The Untouchable

Sure the mission was hard but I did not think that it was so hard as to justify a guide topic. It took me about 5 tries to complete it. And besides you can get on with the storyline without it and I saw someone post today that you can still get 100% without completing it (But I personally don't think that is true).

Sure the mission was hard but I did not think that it was so hard as to justify a guide topic. It took me about 5 tries to complete it. And besides you can get on with the storyline without it and I saw someone post today that you can still get 100% without completing it (But I personally don't think that is true).

You cannot get 100% without beating Supply Lines.

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