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New problem (can't find any related posts)

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Please, pretty please, help me if you can! I admit to the filthy title of noobie, however I have trawled through the previous posts and can't find one that is anything like my problem!


I've played Vice City with no problems until the Dildo Dodo mission, where I find I can't take off in the Skimmer. It goes painfully slowly, I'm pressing forward and take-off and using up all the fuel. (I'm going forwards in a straight line, just not taking off.) I've started getting a blank screen for a long period of time when loading missions, save games, etc.

Also, I can't seem to turn the sirens or Mr Whoopie jingle on or off. Once it's on, I have no problem holding down shift to change the tone, but tapping shift to turn off or on will only work very sporadically!


System info:

AMD XP3200, 1280MB RAM, Radeon 9800 Pro, latest drivers

Win XP with SP1, DirectX 9.0b (dxdiag reports no errors)

No Vice City mods or patches installed!


I'd greatly appreciate any advice or help on this matter, as I love the game and I'm desperate to complete it!


PS: I've tried deleting my VC settings file but it makes no difference.

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Cartoon Corpse

for take off on dildo dodo. 'up' and 'down' are opposite what they are in the heli's. that's probably your problem there.


for whoopeee. i had same problem, hit the shift key about 20 times, it will start eventually. same with cop car sireens.


and remain clam.

Thanks for the reply.


I ended up re-installing the game again, without any of my user files, and going through a tedious process of elimination. I discovered (to my surprise) that the culprit was the frame limiter. Turn it on, and you can fly the skimmer without a problem, operate sirens effortlessly, and save games/missions load almost instantly. Turn it off, and you get all the problems I was having!


One big downside to having frame limiter on is that the helicopter takes over twice as long to take off - not good if you're looking for a quick getaway! One odd thing though - my graphics seem to be a bit glitchy (doesn't always load textures properly), whether I've got frame limiter on or off. Now why would that have changed?!


Anyone got any ideas? Does anyone know exactly what the frame limiter does?!

One big downside to having frame limiter on is that the helicopter takes over twice as long to take off - not good if you're looking for a quick getaway!

No, it only APPEARS to be slower. EVERYTHING in the game is slower, including whatever it was you were trying to get away from.


Frame limiters are basically insurance against technology. Already, we have computers that can push VC at about twice what it was intended to be. Eventually we'll have PCs powerful enough so that when you push forward, you're a block away. Not helpful when tried to, say, move your aim just a hair. Plus the way the maps are disected, some areas take more resources to load/transfer than others. Without a frame limiter, the game will just push things as much as it's able which leads to an uneven and sometimes uncontrollable gaming experience. Only those with hardware specs close to the minimum should turn it off.

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