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Player/Ped Model/Skin Requests

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As stated by the title this thread will be used to request skins and/or give good ideas you have for skins.


please give what model you would like to see the skin on and

any picture links or reference material will be helpful.


NOTE: please dont spam this thread with off topic talk.

not all skins you request will get made,

so dont use this thread to repeately bother the skin authors with the same requests.


think of this as more of a wish list.

wishes dont always come true.


ok heres my contribution,

new marilyn manson skin, love it or hate it.

user posted image user posted image


EDIT: short tut on using skins for another model other than the default.

ill use player 5 as an example...


open the img tool by spooky,

direct to your gta3.img in the models folder.


find the player.txd andf player.dff using the search funtion.

rename them player5.img and player5.dff.


now find the original player 5, both txd and dff,

not the one you just changed the name of.

rename these player.txd. and player.dff.


now your main model will be player 5,

only player 5 skins put into your folder will work correctly,

but this change also allows for higher resolution skins which is great.



get vice txd,

open it and direct it to the same gta3.img in the models folder.

scroll down until you find the player 5.txd skin.


import the new skin over the original (remember always to back up).

now whenever you are using the player 5 model in game you will be wearing the skin you imported.


for the movie cut scene skins (cs) use vice txd and again replace the new one with the original.

make sure you have the correct skin for the model though.


note: if your using an older version of vice txd, hit cancel when it asks for the alpha texture.

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You know I'm all for this. I hope they let this stay. turn.gif Also it would be nice if you would say which skinner you would like to do the skin, we all have our own unique styles you know. So if you have a favorite style ask for that style, though others might still do it any ways.

Also you could add a list of known skinners who are willing to help. They can state if they want on the list here or pm you or something.

I'm willing of course. tounge.gif


Yay its pinned!


Edited by General_tryst
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Yes! Glad this is up. I'm sure that this will be pinned.

I might be able to help with this. I'm learning to skin. Muahah.


@ Loman - Nice site, get on MSN too!

@ Sharkey - Perhaps when a skin is done you should edit the first post and put it there. With a d/l and such.

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here is request


1.dragonball c-18



2.marilyn manson


Any particular model you would like that on? Candy? I don't like DBZ but I'll do it just to uphold the request. Also looking into doing Randy.

<!--- edit ---> DBZ thingy as of 5:29 Pm

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Edited by General_tryst
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i think  IGMERC is more simmilar than candy.



DBZ C-18 image


candy n igmerc

so um, did you like the manson skin?

thanx would be nice confused.gif


edit: nice tryst, not a fan, hell i dont even know what

dbz is all about but you did a good job on the skin, and high res to boot cookie.gif

Edited by Sharkey
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All of my skins are at 512, I just scale em down for my uploader because I hate jpgs and unfortinatly the code for my uploader blows up when the files size gets too big. My stepdad is going to write new code so it wont do that in the next few days.

and might I say I hate dbz, I was just fullfiling the request.


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so um, did you like the manson skin?

thanx would be nice confused.gif


yes, i really appreciate it.

nice job.


tryst , sharkey both.







tryst seems looking for web host




http://www.t35.com/ no hotrink but 250kb x unlimit, ftp





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Um no, astro33, you missunder stood me. If you didn't know already my site is already hosted and its a good host, unless we have technical/human errors. What I was saying was that there is some problems with the code in my uploader that won't let you upload larger files, it blows up. A new code is being worked on now.


@Lynk: You by any chance have any refrence pics? I don't want to go looking for ref pics.

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How about a CJ skin? We're all dying for SA to be released (and those of us who don't have a PS2 console still have a long way to go before we can get it on PC), so this might help assuage the longing...


I suggest using the BMYCR texture and model, but BMYST might do just as well, and perhaps even male01.


For the sake of convenience, here's a fairly decent shot of CJ's mug:


user posted image


I guess I'll leave the clothes up to you, skinning artists...


The only CJ model available for VC looks nothing like CJ, so I'm sure anyone who can come up with a decent CJ skin will get much praises, and perhaps even attain something like a hero's status in the community...



Also, if anyone could make me a skin of this guy here (yes, he's the guy in my avatar), then I would certainly consider him a hero.


Here's a 512 x 512 x 24 bpp copy of the original GTA3 skin: it's a 224 Kb, zipped BMP. You should probably use VC's male01 texture and model for best results.


If you need more screenshots of Novy, you'll find them right here.

Edited by Ka-BOOM
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CJ could be made to the player 5 model if you want him in a vest.

Sure, why not? I suppose the haircut would have to be adjusted accordingly, but I can see how it could work, too. Anybody interested?

well i just started the face but when i went in game and checked it out the first time i noticed that it will be damn near impossible to make tommys models face look like cj.


user posted image


so im giving up sorry,

i gave it a shot but it isnt gonna work and i hate skinning the ped models.


@ka-boom, as far as the one from the avatar, it probably could be easily converted from that skin to a vice one, but thats no fun...


@blackhawk, not sure what you mean.

maybe if you gave some pics or something so we can get a better idea of what ur talking about.

Edited by Sharkey
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G®€€n Lan†€®n

aight. plz help me out here wit this cause i need it for REALVICECITY.


1.) can i get these new lance vance skins with new tee shirts on em?


user posted image


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I want the t's to be changed to this: user posted image


2.) can i get an african american looking version of tommy with a goatee out of player9.txd and play9.txd? I want him to be wearing this motorcycle jacket:


user posted image


Can he also be wearing navy blue or black jeans to match too?


3.) Can u just skin mercedes wearing a jean jacket a normal lookin skirt and normal looking stockings?


Please do this man. and i promise you. you WILL be credited in realvicecity for your work.

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my friend jarrod made a ludacris skin, get it here


he made a cj skin too see it here


@loman, he looks a little red.

maybe tint him brown a bit and itll be nice.

just a suggestion, looks better than mine suicidal.gifbiggrin.gif


edit: ok i made these but i havent tested em so honestly i dunno how theyll look ingame.

the text is unreadable to from having to shrink it so much...


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I'll get to work on one of these skins after I burn me a new copy of one of my cd's.

I'll start on CJ, was going to do Lamb of God guy but I don't have enough refrence material and I don't know what he looks like on my own.

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@Loman: I knew you wouldn't let me down... You are da man! It does look a bit reddish, but perhaps it's the screenshot?


@Sharkey: Thank you for your effort, I appreciate it. I'd still love to download the skin, perhaps I could fit it onto one of the peds skins? As for the Novy skin, I have tried to do as you have suggested and "convert" it to a VC skin, but it just didn't look as good as I would have wanted it... I thought someone might want to make a scratch-made skin, which would probably look better...


@General_tryst: Thank you, General_t. Can't wait to see your CJ...

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The skin looks like that in the game, but you don't really notice that much. It's reddish because I used the skin color from the screenshot I took the face from. It's one of the old ones, the close up of his face. I'll work on it a little bit more, any suggestions for the clothes? He's wearing Fido's jacket right now, the pants are a combination of Cash's pants and I think Tommy's pants, the shoes are kinda like biker boots or something, lol
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@Sharkey: Thank you for your effort, I appreciate it. I'd still love to download the skin, perhaps I could fit it onto one of the peds skins?

well i didnt wanna release it because its crap and not even half done,

but ill do it anyway.

do with it what you want...


user posted image




@loman, i tryed to download the skin but the link didnt work,

says "server failure"


edit: nope still dont work, might be just me,

i have trouble dling from freewebs...

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