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Vice Judgement II Stunt Video

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Hey guys, i created a stunt video a long time ago from Vice City, but i never had the space to download it. Now that i have set up my Apache Server, its available for download. Its not the best one i ever created, but i think its still decent enough for a release. In the same download folder is My Latest Video "San Andreas Remix" and my tribute video for GTA: Liberty City.


Enjoy them all, and let me know what you think.


Download it/them HERE

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Damn, after a loooooooong download, probably 3 hours or so, I watched your stunt vid.

The tricks you performed are pretty okay, but the editing and the music is what makes the video special.

Nice job

Yeah, i agree. The stunts could have been better but i put more effort into the effects and editing. Glad you liked it.

I haven't seen it yet, I'll update this post when I do, but I can already tell you if you have a lot of effects added to the stunts, then it's going to suck.

Effects are nice to add on at times, but too many makes it look like crap no matter how good the stunts are.



Spend 2-3hours to download 4mins of crap. Some of your stunts were ok, but not great. "Hey, let me see how many of the 20-30 scene translations I can fit into 4mins. Well would you look at that, all of them" Do you see the sarcasm here? And the scene translations weren't the only useless effects you used, most of the video effects were useless too.

The music; uninspiring, over done already, and not original for a VC stunt video.


I noticed you had some other video and if it didn't take forever and a day to download this one, I would have looked at the others.


The server sucks! Upload your video the Filefront.com; it might be as fast as Fileplanet is for downloads, but atleast no one has to way in line for 30mins to download crap, plus you don't have to sign up to download.

Edited by wolf68k
I haven't seen it yet, I'll update this post when I do, but I can already tell you if you have a lot of effects added to the stunts, then it's going to suck.

Effects are nice to add on at times, but too many makes it look like crap no matter how good the stunts are.



Spend 2-3hours to download 4mins of crap. Some of your stunts were ok, but not great. "Hey, let me see how many of the 20-30 scene translations I can fit into 4mins. Well would you look at that, all of them" Do you see the sarcasm here? And the scene translations weren't the only useless effects you used, most of the video effects were useless too.

The music; uninspiring, over done already, and not original for a VC stunt video.


I noticed you had some other video and if it didn't take forever and a day to download this one, I would have looked at the others.


The server sucks! Upload your video the Filefront.com; it might be as fast as Fileplanet is for downloads, but atleast no one has to way in line for 30mins to download crap, plus you don't have to sign up to download.

I can take constructive criticism, but when you come out and say its "Crap", my reply to that is, go f*ck yourself.


The server sucks because its a home server set up on ftp. Where i live the fastest connection i can get is 256/128, so thats why its slow.


Stop f*cking complaing, your like a whining little baby you f*cking Tw*t.


Who the f*ck do you think you are?


Point me out to one of your videos and id be happy to tell you just how sh*t it is.

I have to agree with Dome Piece on this one. Wolf, I think your comments were out of line. They were very harsh and they weren't constructive at all. He made an attempt at a video for us to see, and you basically threw it in his face. I haven't taken a chance to look it over myself, but at least he took the time and effort to make this video and set it up on his server for us to download it off of. Have some respect please.

Actually I was being nice.

But hell it's not like it's the first video Dome made, and I'm sure he's seen a bunch of the others posted here and read the comments. It's called learn from example.


Actually I was being nice.

But hell it's not like it's the first video Dome made, and I'm sure he's seen a bunch of the others posted here and read the comments. It's called learn from example.

Point those comments out to me you f*cking knob head.


Again i ask, where are youre videos?



EDIT: Ive gotta take the server down for a couple of hours just incase anyone wanted to download. It'll be back around 12AM GMT. (Its 20.24GMT now)

Edited by Dome Piece

No need for swearing.


As for my video, I don't have the time or patences to make one plus I don't give a damn about making one.

I had thought about it at one time, but has I said no time.


Not that it would matter anyway, you're so ticked off at me for speaking the truth about yours and you didn't like hearing it that even if I did have video made no matter how good it was you'd still rate it badly.


Look I know I might have sounded about bit harsh, but good damn man you know your server is offering files as such a slow speed no one is going to want to wait 3 hours for a 60+meg file to watch a badly made video and be happy about it.

It reminded me back in the day I was on a 28k dial-up modem and downloading music from Napters or mIRC and wating 30mins to 1+hours to find out that the song isn't really complete, even though I did get a complete download or that the bit rate is really low or something other reason that made the whole a waste of time.

So I'm sorry if it seemed harsh, but it's still the truth.

Edited by wolf68k
No need for swearing.


As for my video, I don't have the time or patences to make one plus I don't give a damn about making one.

I had thought about it at one time, but has I said no time.


Not that it would matter anyway, you're so ticked off at me for speaking the truth about yours and you didn't like hearing it that even if I did have video made no matter how good it was you'd still rate it badly.


Look I know I might have sounded about bit harsh, but good damn man you know your server is offering files as such a slow speed no one is going to want to wait 3 hours for a 60+meg file to watch a badly made video and be happy about it.

It reminded me back in the day I was on a 28k dial-up modem and downloading music from Napters or mIRC and wating 30mins to 1+hours to find out that the song isn't really complete, even though I did get a complete download or that the bit rate is really low or something other reason that made the whole a waste of time.

So I'm sorry if it seemed harsh, but it's still the truth.

Like i said, i cant take constructive crititcism, but when you talk like a Tw*t it makes you look like one.

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