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VC PC Crashes

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My VC PC (both 1.0 & 1.1) crashes after about 15 mins of playtime and I keep having this errormessage in a small dialog-box when i return to windows.


"Unhandled exeption c0000005

at address 0064dc6a"




Please help, I wanna keep playing my favourite game until San Andreas PC is released!

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Lurk Morrison

Do you have any sort of mods installed? Have you edited any of the files?


If so, uninstall and reinstall, then try it out. Make sure that you copy the GTA:VC folder and make a copy of it [thus you always have a clean install of Vice City on your computer]. Then add the mods to that one, one at a time to see which mod is crashing your PC.


If you don't have any mods, where are the crashes occuring? In a specific area, or just randomly?

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No mods. And the crashes seem to happen in any area, in any car, on foot, copchased or not and on missons and in freeplay. It just crashes. Sometimes it crashes in the meny when I load a game, but newer before 15-20 minutes of play.


I've updated the drivers for my GforceTi4200 and Audigy 2, but no difference noticable.


But, I have tons of shortcuts to mp3´s (well, not really 1000´s but 100´s) and I'm going to try a reinstall over the weekend when I´ve got some time off. So, I will have more info on my issue on monday, if noone has any suggestions.

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SO, now I uninstalled and installed a fresh copy of VC. It didn't help or, let's say the problem is still there in at least one form.


I checked by driving around going completely berserk, getting all the cops after me for some 15 minutes then dying. Did nothing but started the whole crazyness all over again from outside the hospital the hospital. Then got killed after another 15 minutes and decided to load as the picture faded away before respawn at the hospital. Now GTA froze exactly when I pressed the Load Game button in the menu. Returned to windows by pressing windows-key, saw the regular error message.


Played again, but no problems seemed to occure if I waited to after the fading away-animation before respawn before going to Load Game. Strange.


Did this a couple of times more and it continues this way. Anyway, i didn't do it so many times that it would be provable statistically, busy playing Doom3 wink.gif (a game that really freaks me out BTW).


I think i will contact Rockstar on this if I get that error message next time I really play VC seriously. My system always seems to be a source of strange errors, not to mentions the blue screens of death I got when I played Soldier of Fortune II (OpenGL-problem I think) and when i played Doom3 with multichannel audio for the first time (hasn't occured anymore). So, this is WAAAY out of topic, I guess I'll just have to hope that my machine will run San Andreas for PC when/if it will be released or that I get some money to buy a new machine.

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