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99 Hidden Packages! Help!

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I have 99 hidden packages and the one I am missing was not in the place it was supposed to be. The package that is supposed to be in the middle of the southernmost helipad near the airport is not there. People have told me that cheating will sometimes cause this package to be missing but I have never cheated so I don't know what's up.


Please someone help, this is really frustrating.

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You likely got that one already and you are missing another. If you have gone through the list you probably looked in a slightly wrong spot and didn’t see it. I had the exact same problem and until I started a new game and went through the list (I used one of the methods to get to the 2nd island early) again. I finally discovered the 2 I was missing


1. the one behind Phils place near the water (is behind a pylon—hard to see)

2. the one behind the Malibu (I kept looking in the big lot behind it, not the tiny one right behind the Malibu)


I recommend you do what I did, It only takes about and hour or so to go through the list with a heli (police heli is available from the start of the game, if you get to the 2nd island. I recommend you buy and save at the Skumhole shack in case you die or get busted—they will send you back to the first island if you die before you open up the 2nd.




Edited by Spuds725
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  • 2 weeks later...

#10 is located on a roof. To get to it hit second stairway ramp you hit in the alley for PCJ playground and land on the roof to your right. It is located on the roof in the SW corner.


#67 From downtown on main drag, take first right into little Haiti. Look left just past first intersection and you will see a short alley with a ramp on it. Hit this ramp on a bike and land on roof. To your east is another building roof at same height (can jump across) Package is in a shallow “pit” on the roof. your map shows it farther south then it is, it is actually across the street from where it is shown on your map.


#73 Find laudry/cleaners in little Havana, Head east a short distance up road and on right there should be a pinkish building with a for sale sign—go up stairs to find package.


To see pictures of where the packages are, go back to where you linked your pic from and click on the numbers on the map. Voila'... pics.


It even says to do this at the bottom of the pic you posted tounge.gif



Edited by Spuds725
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GameFAQs.com GTAVC

Use the map here. It's better made. Instead of just showing the locations it also can tell you if they are on the ground or above your head.

from the map you posted, you're lucky to package at all for some of them they are so close together

It it wasn't for the screen shots the site that made the map provides you'd never find the ones over your head...and some of the screen shots you still can't be sure where they are at.

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