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Checkpoint Charlie

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Cartoon Corpse

i noticed on 'stuntboat challenge' you get (on your radar) an indication of the next target as well as the one after that (easier to orient your boat strategically). HOWEVER on checkpoint charlie you only get the next target location. so until you memorize (or use demarests map of) the course, you are doomed to fail checkpoint charlie, cause (if i remember) there is not much room for inefficiently lining up the targets.,



BTW - i just finished it again. use the boat with the 'wing' on it. more maneuverable. also use dem's map. much less repitition to learn the route. keep an eye on your radar (at least at the point you hit a target) so you know how to immediately setup (not always urgent) for the next one.


when you win, 'park' the boat at el swanko case (get a good running start from the finish point and use the dock.

Edited by Cartoon Corpse
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Also if you really can't do it, then use the seaways cheat and park a good car near your boat. When it starts get out into the car and drive off into the water (the handling is much better). You'll lose a few seconds but you can make up for it pretty easy.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

i guess it's also helps to put your camera mode on the furthest one, 'cuz then you will be able to see the next point at the start of the game and know how sharp you need to turn. and i think there is no way to go easy on this mission except practice and cheats (which i think is a bad idea) and the most difficult parts that you need to spend your time on are the three jumps (especially the first two).

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jeez people its one of the easiest missions around, the boats are class and its easy, i did it with 32 seconds to spare biggrin.gif , but really to stear just accalerate and turn at same time and also try different views blink.gif

Once you get used to the boats handling, yeah it is pretty easy. But if you don't play for a while or it's first time, you'll end up balder than ... a bald man.

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another point i forgot to mention is that most of us are used to controling a car and when we make a sharp turn we slow down (either break or let go the gas) or use the hand brake - DON'T DO THAT when you are driving the boat - the handbrake won't work that good and when you let the gas the boat will slow down much faster than you think and then act like it's dead - actually boats are turning much easier and having a much smaller turning radius than cars, you don't need to slow down on under any circumstances to make a turn.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Use the cuban boat,it can jump better, and slowly and calmly pick up the drug packages!Be extra carefull at the 3 jumps!The most important thing is to stay calm;I got pissed an` it took me more time to pass it(eventually I did beat it) biggrin.gif

Same here.

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