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Why in the 80's

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Now that i come to think of it..why are is the gta story set in the 80's and not in present times? before i realised the time it was set in, i already thought it was in modern day settings. And i also think it would be much cooler to have it in the present anways tounge2.gif All the cars look modern and all the weapons do to. i just think its odd. blink.gif

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The only reason I can think of is the one that Styxx pointed out. Why not make a game based on the past? It was a pretty good reason to make a Scarface-like game too.


but i heard that san andres is going to be present time..

San Andreas is taking place in the early-to-mid 90s as far as we know. wink.gif

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sorry if too many of yall weren't even born in the 80's but for those of us who grew up in that era, well i was more fond of that decade than i was of the 90's


and no 'real' rap stations.. that's a plus all in it's self


(the reason i say this is because that san andreas main influence for radio stations is going to be rap from what i've read) i guess i'll be making my own radio stations immediately.

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sorry if too many of yall weren't even born in the 80's but for those of us who grew up in that era, well i was more fond of that decade than i was of the 90's


and no 'real' rap stations.. that's a plus all in it's self


(the reason i say this is because that san andreas main influence for radio stations is going to be rap from what i've read) i guess i'll be making my own radio stations immediately.

Ya, i know, I hate rap too. I think the game would be much better without it. Id much rather listen to rock.

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Coming off of the huge success that was gta3 Rockstar was in their Glam Rock period. There wasn't a better way to follow up gta3 than to express all of their success, than with excess. Parties, fast cars, nude women, and plenty of available narcotics. Vice City in the 1980's was the perfect expression.

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well i hope rock* keeps the grand theft auto franchise secure, in the same styling as 3, vc, and san an


but it would be cool if they used rw's engine to make a futuristic 'fifth element' style game that you steal cars in and have missions with.. i think it would be able to pull it off well, and it would help secure the franchise until gta4 comes out on ps3 (if it ever does)

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I'd like to see a Grand Theft Carriage set in 1784. Seriously.

There was hardly any crime back then confused.gif Not to mention that if you DID do anything worthy of cop attention, you were hanged. Game over.

There's hardly any crime, so the story would be have you starting the first organised crime gang in whatever city they placed you, somewhere in Europe I would assume.


And since it would be a GTA game, whenever you get caught or died, you'd be disarmed, robbed and left to your own devices outside the nearest Doctor/Guardhouse.


I like that period in time, and I'd like to see a virtual world based on it. The only real problem would be the lack of vehicles. It's walking, a horse, or a carriage, maybe a pushbike. Not a stunning variety.

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Those were great times. I wouldn't mind living through the 80's again. It was also the reason why i love VC's soundtrack, those were the songs i grew up with. Some of those songs i even hated before, but after being exposed to them for hours because of playing VC, i ended up liking them because of the feeling it brought back.
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Brother Marcus



GTA: London 1961, GTA: London 1969. (In the sixties London was the place to be)


GTA: Vice City (Florida was mad in the eighties, just watch Scarface) biggrin.gif


GTA: San Andreas. Set in California in the early nineties, Boyz N the Hood was a cool movie in the early nineties with Ice Cube. Also NWA, Ice Cube, Dr Dre, Snoop Dog etc.


They're just basically setting them in places when it was hot. I think their next game though won't be based in America, maybe somewhere else.

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I agree with Evan and Brother. When I first got VC and started going through the missions, I just couldn't help but notice the similarities between the game and the movie Scarface. Miami is the '80s was, like, the drug capital, full of corruption and gangs.


The main difference between Tommy and Tony Montana is that you didn't come on a boat from Cuba, and you don't die in the end. Heh. I would say Ricardo Diaz is more like Tony; considering the fact and fashion that he was taken out when he was at the top.

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I always thought Ricardo Diaz was based on Tony Montana... you have to storm his mansion, and he shows up at the top of the stairs and you kill his stupid fat ass. It was a lot like Scarface... except you had less backup, and Tony Montana wasn't fat.

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GTA: London 1961, GTA: London 1969. (In the sixties London was the place to be)


GTA: Vice City (Florida was mad in the eighties, just watch Scarface) biggrin.gif


GTA: San Andreas. Set in California in the early nineties, Boyz N the Hood was a cool movie in the early nineties with Ice Cube. Also NWA, Ice Cube, Dr Dre, Snoop Dog etc.


They're just basically setting them in places when it was hot. I think their next game though won't be based in America, maybe somewhere else.


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