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Tutorial Requests


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Does anyone know if there is software available that allows you to edit paths in gta-vc, I want to edit some paths for my mod which is based on the gta-lc mod, I tried moo mapper but the paths didn't display ...



Thanks in advance.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Can someone make a tutorial on how to convert cars from SA to VC/III please? I have some cars to convert. smile.gif Thanks if anyone can! icon14.giffacedesk.gif Im a n00b facedesk.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...



I know there's probably loads of these mods, but none of them suits me. I would like an Orange-Black Ford Mustang GT-R as seen on this or this image for my GTA: San Andreas. I would do it myself but since I know nothing about modding, then... If a mod like this already exists, please link me to it. As I told earlier, I have searched, but I haven't found anything like this.


Cheers, if anybody does it!


EDIT: If this is in the wrong place, please move it to where it belongs. Thanks again!

Edited by haxelnut
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Okay .. I hope somebody views this post or anything..

First of all.. I'm new to 3DS Max and I'm concentrated on cars for GTA:SA..

Second .. I learn really fast about things .. so I will be very pleased if some guy makes a tutorial on how to rig a car from Forza Motorsport 3.

I really would love to rig the FC3S as it is my favorite car. cool.gif


Thanks in advance ..

Sincerely yours .. Takk smile.gif

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Can someone make a video tutorial about how to make a road for GTA SAN ANDREAS? I want to create a road, but also I want to create some textures (.bmp files I think) in Photoshop and then importing them in the game. Can someone make a video tutorial or a tutorial only with text and images here on gta forums that explains from A to Z how to make a road from scratch to the final step in MEd? PLEASE!!! I really need to know how to do a road from scratch!!! Thanks in advance!

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I would like to read, or get some hints about map object deleting, without game crashing. I opened a topic for it, but I didn't really get any answers. :\ Thanks

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leik oh em jeez!

I'd like to see a tutorial for SA to IV car conversions, or just for setting up scratch cars for IV. Along with some sort of info on what material settings in ZMod control what materials in IV.

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please somebody, dontgetit.gifdontgetit.gif

add a tutorial of making car for vice city with 3dsmax 9 confused.gifconfused.gif

i am good in modifying cars & make them looking better by adding colgate.gifcolgate.gif

spoilers, roofcoops, hoods, side skrits, etc. happy.gifhappy.gif

but i realy need a tutorial that guide us to make our own car nervous.gifnervous.gif

for vice city with 3ds max 9 nervous.gifnervous.gif

specially uv maping & hiearchy system tounge2.giftounge2.gif

thanks,, lol.giflol.gif

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please somebody, dontgetit.gifdontgetit.gif

add a tutorial of making car for vice city with 3dsmax 9 confused.gifconfused.gif

i am good in modifying cars & make them looking better by adding colgate.gifcolgate.gif

spoilers, roofcoops, hoods, side skrits, etc. happy.gifhappy.gif

but i realy need a tutorial that guide us to make our own car nervous.gifnervous.gif

for vice city with 3ds max 9 nervous.gifnervous.gif

specially uv maping & hiearchy system tounge2.giftounge2.gif

thanks,, lol.giflol.gif

There is one for SA, that should work with vc.

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hi guys ,

Good topic this, it's probably been done before ....I've had a good search and cant find anything - I'm looking for help in the 2dfx department ( VICE CITY ) ive just managed to position some light's on object's ingame +flashing blinking etc ..but would really like to add long NEONS luminecents flourecent type on NEW buildings BRIDGES etc in a T.C. can anyone help ??


i think i would use this line

2953, ((((wshbuildneon9))), swshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5 would use

and changing the ide number 2953 +((((wshbuildneon9))) to new model details but i think i am missing a crusial part maybe ...Any help or tutorial would be welcome

Edited by junox
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There is one for SA, that should work with vc.

i don't found. any links please

Edited by Ashwin the new boy
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  • 3 weeks later...

Could someone convert an R30 Skyline I "tuned" in Sketchup? Couldn't be bothered doing it myself. Still working on my WK2 and PT boat mods.

PM me for 3ds file.

user posted image

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Hey dude!!!! I wondering if i can edit or change gang weapons or vehicles.........i have just installed the program called "BW's SA mission builder v 0.33". Can anybody please send me a message how to change it??? I really want edit all of gangs in San Andreas sad.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am new in modding & I want a complete tutorial that show how to make an complete model & then import it to vice city, must be 100% working

Somebody please make it for me smile.gif


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I am new in modding & I want a complete tutorial that show how to make an complete model & then import it to vice city, must be 100% working

Somebody please make it for me smile.gif

i am going to work on it, wait a little

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Hi thanks Ashwin, every time i try to import a new dff it hang the game, so lets see what is the mistake wow.gif ,

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I am using Zmodiler 20.0.8 and its very differint from the other vierson an example Flat Surface is now Gride can someone help me in creating a mod in that vierson also I like to know how to import mods from VIce City to San Andreas as well? Thanks (for my own personal use just to use it in the game nothing else not taking credit for anyone hard work)

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hi, colgate.gif

please somebody add a tutorial on 'memory hacking' or 'memory address' with some examples for gta vice city, smile.gifsmile.gif

i am good in scripting accept Memory part of it, blush.gifblush.gifblush.gif

so, just explain memory part only, happy.gif

also tell how to use some related opcodes with example









please do this for us

Edited by Ashwin the new boy
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  • 1 month later...

I want to request 3Ds Max car modelling tutorial for dummies. I can't view the videos so can someone please make in texts and pictures?



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while mapping with 3ds max 9, when i use tiling to make that texture fit on the model, it works fine,

but when i export it & import it, it looks exactly the same as it was looking without tiling,

if you understand what i am saying please tell me a perfect solution of it,


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I have also same question.How to make true GTAVC and GTA3 style HUD Weapon icons.

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