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Tutorial Requests


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If you'd like a tutorial on a particular subject, post it here smile.gif


Thanks to Dup for this idea and all his help in making the subforum a reality.

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Thanks Dup, Demarest, everyone biggrin.gif


First request! I'd love to get ahold of a GTA3/GTA:VC specific uniting + detaching/'surfaces' tute, to help with smoothing and reflections etc.


I'm sure I'll think of many more smile.gif


Cheers, and looking forwards to helping get this all underway.


EDIT (already) : Would it be possible to create a sort of equivalent to the Showroom picture post and commentary thread? So we can fully check that tutorials are clear, concise and easy to follow before submitting them properly for the forum's use. It might help things run smoothly smile.gif

Edited by Augh
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The Warlock

The only request I have is a tutorial on how to make true GTAVC and GTA3 style HUD Weapon icons.

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i highly suggest a tutorial on "normals" and on "alpha" textures...

particularly in zmodeler, since most beginners like me start out in zmod and have little clue on matters such as normals and alphas... wink.gif

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Thanks for the suggestions. When i have a free afternoon (probs wed) i will knock some up.


I also have a revision for the collision tutorial to be written too. I forgot collision faces, which enable shooting though the windscreen etc.


So stay tuned!

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i highly suggest a tutorial on "normals" and on "alpha" textures...

particularly in zmodeler, since most beginners like me start out in zmod and have little clue on matters such as normals and alphas... wink.gif

Hmm, normals and alphas. I think i should write a short tutorial about alphas.

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How to convert a NFS4 Car to Vice City and if that is not possible, then how to make windows and how to texture cars in Zmod.

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I will be writing a tutorial on "Basic Car Rendering in Lightwave" sometime soon

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I may be writing a small tutorial about how to change where parked cars are ingame. Yet, i am still pretty new at modelling and I would like to know if anyone here woud be interested in making a texturing tutorial for regular objects like buildings... Like how do you make textures in Paintshop for 3ds max.


I would also like to see a tutorial on modelling cars if anyone is interested.


-Cheers...long live GTAF 2.0

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ghost of delete key

Well, this gives me a reason to filter through all my stuff and organize it into tuts. Now instead of posting one gargantuan Opus Magnus on modding philosophy, this would be the perfect place for depositing bite-sized chunks of tedium. tounge2.gif


I guess a tut forum is a Good Thing, but I would have figured the whole rest of the forums are alredy saturated with what will go here.


I only wonder how long it will be before someone posts "how do I move the dummies?" right next to the six other posts answering that same Q. This baby's butt has only just been smacked, and already I see O/T cry.gif


Quite possibly the Mods may want to consider somewhat modified posting rules here, like limiting thread replies to specific corrections, omissions, and errata

concerning the thread topic; and not requests, O/T questions/comments, or other banter. Unless of course this has been considered and rejected, in which case, show me the door nervous.gif


Anyway, let's do our best to keep this new subforum fresh and orderly, and make a sweet tech library.


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Guys how about a tutorial to how to make objects with damaged models working ingame "like the VC lampposts" i think this could be something important.

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a tutorial on how to convert vice city cars to GTA:III cars this would be very helpful.




There are alot of vc cars that peeps have made that i want in gta3.



Thank you ahead of time

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Cool ideas guys, if I've got the time I'll write one or two... I would like to add that if there is a tut on converting nsf4 cars to vice. Then it won't be posted here.




Think about it, post the tut here... n00bs come in, find it and convert loads or user models and rip the cars claiming to be theirs. We don't want that...


Keep the good ideas coming guys...

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While I decide what to write, I'm sorta noting down when I notice that there's a method or process I'm not familiar with, and to find out about it/note others may also not know what's what.


Meantime I thought of something else, simple but more specific than it sounds maybe. We need a tute for people who are competant in basic Zmod controls, but not great at modelling, to cleanly model correct, perfectly centered wheels from scratch. Possibly this is more of a checklist of things to remember while doing it (snapping, axis etc). I know once again it sounds very very obvious and basic, but just take a look at some of the mishmashed wheels out there o_O


I think there's a few elements like that which newcomers could really use tutorials on. But Killa makes a good point... Example; I was thinking that I could easily collate tips that helped me modelling my spoilers from square objects, but Lego encouragement = not so hot.


Anyway, I shouldn't drone on in here, suggestion sumitted colgate.gif

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This is ashdexx's sensationally complete thread dealing with the rudiments of setting up GTA cars. It's the tutorial everyone needs after they've learnt how to make shapes and need to turn thier shape into the parts of a GTA car. Indispensable, so it should be here imho.



(EDIT) I might add some more links to threads into this post as I might have a rummage around for good tutorials at some point.

Edited by Cerbera
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i would really like to convert cars from vc to gta3 but i would keep the read me that came wit the car and not take any credit. i would ask for permission before using one of there cars.



Please could u try to make a vc to gta3 tut. Thanx

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So there you have it... Someone wants a conversion tutorial so he can release the cars... Sorry man but no. If its written I'll not let it be posted here. So that people can rip others cars... As much as ones intentions are to use it for good, people will use it the wrong way and then cars will start to be ripped man. Sorry I can't have that happening.

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So there you have it... Someone wants a conversion tutorial so he can release the cars... Sorry man but no. If its written I'll not let it be posted here. So that people can rip others cars... As much as ones intentions are to use it for good, people will use it the wrong way and then cars will start to be ripped man. Sorry I can't have that happening.
Grow up GK. He said he would ask permission from the authors and only take credit for what he actually did, not ripping the car as his own. The purpose of this area is to provide tutorials and tips on all aspects of computing applicable to this community. It is not here to push your personal greviances, valiant though they may be.



(EDIT) You aren't even listed as an area leader here, so you couldn't stop if from happening even if there was any reason to.


Cerbera kicks GK in the shins.
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As I've wrote my UV Mapping tutorial, I might as well take on CorKey723's request. Stand by. smile.gif
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lmao cerb you kicked him in the shin? Just punch because its works a heck of a lot easier. Oh and btw GK has a point yet as cerb pointed out: this is a tutorial area. Oh well, if you guys don't allow that tutorial in the end then you guys can put it on my forums and we can just link all the newbs who want to convert cars to the page with the tutorial. Oh and can you make the UV Mapping Tutorial for 3dsmax if it was for zmod.-Payce OuT- BrIaN}


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I know its a tutorial area, and I know I'm not a led-by for it. But I don't want to see converted cars being released without the authors permission. I mean we've got enough of that already, but whatever.

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i like to see a tutorial on creating a island using moo mapper, cause i'm trying to find out how to do this as i done basic stuff with it a the present time and i think i am ready to make my first island.

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i highly suggest a tutorial on "normals" and on "alpha" textures...

particularly in zmodeler, since most beginners like me start out in zmod and have little clue on matters such as normals and alphas...  wink.gif

Hmm, normals and alphas. I think i should write a short tutorial about alphas.

I also would really really really like a tutorial on alphas...

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Azzza, if you've already got the models I've made a tutorial on how to add it into the game..

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I know its a tutorial area, and I know I'm not a led-by for it. But I don't want to see converted cars being released without the authors permission. I mean we've got enough of that already, but whatever.

Then it's our duty to teach them in the tutorial to get the mdel arthur's permission. On the other hand, whoever releases a model without permission deal with it, not us.

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Would it be possible for a rendering tutorial. I read that Viper was goin to make one for lighwave (if i remember right), but i have Zmod.


Can Zmod even render objects?

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Azzza, if you've already got the models I've made a tutorial on how to add it into the game..

@gansta killa i need to know how to create a new island in moo mapper and i have read your tutorial and that dosen't help on island creation only how to add objects.


another tutorial is about the if statements for mission coding and what are teh if numbers there are when to best to use them <-- this is the area i'm having problems with.


personal note: i can make save points very easy as i use save7 as base of my own.

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Ok, would you be using your own custom objects? If not then I'll write a completly new tutorial, on using in game objects and creating an island. Should be done over this weekend. And maybe even tonight if I'm lucky. I'm away for the weekend from friday till saturday.


@92f, I'm not sure about zmodeler rendering... I've heard some ways to do it, but I don't know them.


@Whooman, true thats the respectable and trustworthy communitys duty to teach those who aren't. Maybe a huge red text at the top and bottom of the tutorial would grab their attention?


List Of New Tuts I'm Making/ Updates to Mine


  • Moo Mapper Tutorial getting a new layout and updated slightly
  • New Moo Mapper Tutorial on adding your own island.
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