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Help! No sound at all in game.

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arghh this annoying, juts bought gta today, really wanna play it but i cant. i cant get any sound at all. i get sound at the very start (before the title screen) but nothing after. in options it says under audio configuration no audio hardware!!

i have a realtek alc650 sound card and it didnt work with that (even with updated drivers)

i disabled that and put a creative soundblsater in but still no joy. removed that and installed a c-media cmi8738 sound card and still no joy (evven with updated drivers)

my comp specs are:


amd athlon xp 2200

1gb dual ddr

geforce mx440

msi k7n2 delta motherboard

direct x 9.0

windows xp pro


got no probs with graphics, just sound, can anyone help? cryani.gif really wanna play!!


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This happedn to me to. Install the full game with the second cd. With no cracks or anyting play the gam ewith the play disk. I kno it sounds to simple but thats what made it work for me. Only th ereason i got the error is cuz i pute in a faulty cd crack that f*cked with the audio. I cant say much more then that except that im positive its nto a hardware problem.

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