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Hey I noticed this a while back but never posted it. What it is, there is a lyric from a song off GTA3 on the VC radio.


What you gotta do is, click to a radio station but before it connects switch to another station so you can always hear the fuzzy sound, but in the fuzzy sound you can hear the words "To My Vid.." Which is taken from the GTA3 song.. "To the right stuff, to the music, to my video" on FlashBack FM, but you can only hear part of video "Vid" and it stops after that. Its pretty cool I suppose, give it a few goes and listen. Go to a quite area away from traffic and people to hear it better.


Reply back with what you think.



Edited by Hell No..
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in the CD store (Vinyl Countdown) on the second floor of the NP mall, theres a sign that says "Love Fist, The number of the breast". Which is obviously referring to a song by Iron Maiden: "Iron Maiden, 666 the number of the beast"

Damn, that is what is so great about these games, there is always stuff like this to be found. Good finds guys.

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