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Vice City crashes back to desktop on launch

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I have been going back and forth with take2 tech support but haven't had any luck so far.


I purchased vice city and the cd had no scratches, installed with no problems, and then when I try and launch the game I get the initial startup sequence showing rockstar games. After this, the screen goes black for a few seconds and then exits to my desktop with the following error messages:


gta-vc.exe generated errors and will exit.


Here are my system specs:

OS: Windows 2000 sp4

CPU: AMD Athlon XP 1800 (~1.5GHz)

Memory: 1 GB RAM

Video Card: ATI Radeon 9800 XT 256MB

Sound Card: Hercules Game Theater XP

DirectX 9b


To the best of my knowledge, I have the most recent drivers for everything. I tried uninstalling, deleting all Vice City related folders, and reinstalling many times but I keep getting the same error (even tried unplugging my network cable during the uninstall/reinstall once) . I tried deleting my \Documents and Setting\...\Temp but still no luck.


One thing that is weird is that Take2 Support always asks me to delete some files that are in My Documents\GTA Vice City User Files but that folder has always been empty, and I have hidden files visible. I installed on my D:\ drive, could that be the problem?


I have one more week to figure this out before I can't return it for a refund so any help that anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.

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Installing on a drive other than C isn't the problem. Mine runs from E and D. The file they keep trying to get you to delete won't be created until you actually get to run the game so no surprise there. I would definitely take the game back for a REPLACEMENT. Also, I would try a different CD-ROM if that's an option. It could be something with the actual I/O.

Cartoon Corpse

based on your specs, you should be overjoyed with the games look and perf (similar...better than mine...i have all latest drivers)...i wonder if he is able to force win 98 compatibility mode before starting the game.


i suppose you've sent msconfig, dxdiag output to support folks. (what i ahd to do)...sorry this happened to you. took me 2 weeks to get mine going (kinda discouraged. but once i did, it was WORTH it! chin up.



second dude with a 9800 with probs though. anyone else out there running 9800 and it's okey dokey? im running 9700pro (so is demarest).

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