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:AMPT: Stunt Crew's Spanking New Themed Stunt Vid

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well i havent really posted here in quite a while eh? well, i just wanna release Act2 to u guys, and i hope ya enjoy it. Find all of the information here at my forums, and btw, i disabled the permissions masks on this certain part of the forums so u dont have to be a member of the forums to view this. i have ALL of he information about it there


oh yeah, and one thing i forgot to mention....... its 21 minutes long! tounge.gif




l8er - - - - - Andyroososoft happy.gifdevil.gif

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You COULD provide the links here instead of providing a link to another forum that has the links. Would help dodge any nasty advertising bullets that might come your way.


Otherwise, DLing now. Will comment back once it's done. (228KB/sec!)


[edit] Wow! Not a stunt vid as much as a movie. Cool idea. I liked hearing Cradle of Filth and Daft Punk together. And of course was VERY happy to see Liberty City in there. I loved the grind at the mansion. Also, you could've stayed on that costruction yard wall forever by the looks of it. LOVED the use of that star statue. I could make a living if I was paid by the hour I've spent practicing there! Also glad to see you included my favorite LC stunting spot: the bottom of the stairs at the casino. I've gotten so much air there! The converted grind at Marco's Bistro was fun. I think you're the first to execute a kick off of a heli! I would love to see how many degrees of rotation you got kicking onto the Callahan bridge. The grind at the hospital was very well executed.


I have but two critiques: The story started off kind of slow. Those looking for just stunts will probably close out of it before the best of the stunts come out. Also, in the credits you say that the only mod used was GTAWO. GTAWO has no material of their own. They released the GTA:LC files that PineCreek-Skidz converted. That perpetuates one of the largest lies in the modding community while pushing up one of the laziest teams in the modding community. I'll leave the decision to pursue that to Skidz as it is his work being miscredited.

Edited by Demarest
Okay, working now, maybe it was down yesterday for a bit. Anyways, it's never gonna finish... 44.3KB/Sec... sad.gif I ususally DL these things at 200+KB/Sec. Meh. Over an hour left, maybe it'll speed up. tounge.gif Edited by PetsOvernight

Well, I had no probs DLing it, and I just finished watching it.


My impressions are mixed...


I saw several mind blowing grinds in that vid, including the mansion railing grind and the multiple transfer extended grind outside the hospital, and those alone made the whole vid worth watching.


I appreciate the film concept and I think the idea was reasonably well executed, but it seemed like there was a lot of unnecessary set up and "dialogue" that was overdone, and took an incredible amount of time in the video, which in turn made it drag in many spots in my opinion, thus lessening the overall effect.


yin-yang.gif act3 is gonna be a step up from act2. thanks for the reviews and keep em comin. I'm currently workin on aq "How To Stunt" Video, which will be available at My Forums which r growing each day with new tutorials, conversations on stunting, and even stunt videos from the very best!


l8er - - - Andyroososoft cool.gifcool.gifrah.gifShifty41s_beerhatsmilie.gif

Edited by andyroososoft
...and even stunt videos from the very best!

Actually, I think Recluse posts most of his stuff here devil.gif He's even kind enough to credit properly, unlike SOME people. Speaking of which, I think his post more succinctly sums up my opinion of it. I was just geeked to see LC used. Hopefull watching the vid will be enough to tempt Recluse to get into LC stunting wink.gif

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