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Vice City on SiS630 ?

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Oh man that texture blinking under windows 2000 and xp is killing me as I was on 70% but I left the game co'z It was doing blinking + bad graphics when rain. And under windows Me and 98 it runs fine but you can't horn or siren devil.gif What the hell ? Can anyone tell if there's a way to bring the windows Me function to windows 2000 (No text blinking) I'll kiss you.

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Delete the gta-vc.set file, then reinstall the game, and make sure you have DirectX 9.0b installed in your computer. I'd like to know if you can give us specific details with your system such as your video cards specs, memory RAM, and processor specs. Can you tell us which specs do you have in your PC?

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Vary Vary thanks 4 your reply, deleting gta-vc.set is not the answer as game runs fine under windows 9x and Me but I'll try this. I have following hardware:

Asus Motherboard with builtin sound and VGA

Sis630 VGA 32 M.B To 64 M.B

512 M.B Of Ram

733 MHZ processor Intel Original.

So what's wrong ? I think Sis630 doesn't support texture compression as My one friend has Sis650 and game doesn't creat Txt.img file in his directory and game runs smooth also.

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Have you tried updating the game to 1.1? Because that's supposed to fix texture problems although mainly for the GeForce FX cards. Oh and SIS GFX cards aren't really meant for gaming so don't expect much gfx wise.

Edited by gta3freak_2001
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