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right, seeing as my other topic was locked (again) i'll carry on making the forum messy by opening topics.


i am stuck on the first garage, i need an esperonto, but cant find one, where abouts will i find one


i thought a good idea for this/another website would be a map or list of cars/planes/bikes and where abouts you can usually find them in vc, am i clever or what!


i'll start it shall i?


Flea's Vehichle Finder


angel, freeway, pcj 600 can be found around the greasy chopper in downtown or near the ammunation


faggio is normally around ocean beach area

same with the sanchez, it is usually in the downtown area or on the dirttrack on the west island


Flying Machines

maverick is on top of the vercetti mansion, although is sometimes not there, (any reason?)

vcn maverick is on top of the vcn building in downtown, just go through the doors and up the stairs

the police maverick is ontop of the police hq on the west island

the hunter"attack" plane is in the airbase once you have 100 packages


beasty motors

you'll pretty much always find an infernus at the vercetti mansion, whether you want it or not

the comet can be anywhere, although i find it mainly near the malibu

as for the cheetah and the stinger, they are normally near sunshine autos, and the blista compact too


i cant be arsed doing anymore, i hope this helps


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Although I don't seem to believe there is a 'certain' fixed area the Esperanto is found, many would say you can find it by the arena.


Looking at Demarests pic obviousley there pretty much anywhere.










Again like the Idaho this is another rare car, but I found it fairly close

to Sunshine autos.


Fixed Location: North of North Point View Mall, its beside a building.



That is taken from a FAQ from IGN. It seems there anywhere to me though.


If you really can't find one drive around in a Idaho. I often find other bikes appear when I am riding my PCJ after looking for about 10 mins!!!!! Anyway GL, hope i helped!

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Most of the time, I have to go to the parking garage where Cone Crazy takes place and enter/exit a few times (preferably while driving a Washington, Virgo, or Idaho). For whatever reason, I read this topic, went and bought Sunshine, and like 9 Esperantos showed up in a row.

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i thought a good idea for this/another website would be a map or list of cars/planes/bikes and where abouts you can usually find them in vc, am i clever or what!



I've seen these type of questions asked on numerous occasions, and from what I remember, the vehicles are loaded at random areas of the city. Yeah... it is pretty annoying, but it can't be helped. Have a bash at it anyway, and we can maybe study the results for patterns of some sort. smile.gif

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I've seen these type of questions asked on numerous occasions, and from what I remember, the vehicles are loaded at random areas of the city. Yeah... it is pretty annoying, but it can't be helped. Have a bash at it anyway, and we can maybe study the results for patterns of some sort. smile.gif

Or just click on the Save N Play Vice City link in my sig and make me do it for you smile.gif

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Not entirely on subject, but I made the following tables for this thread. Seems relevant and helpful enough here, so here they are. They're tables showing where you can get the cars on the lists that are actually parked somewhere in the city:


Landstalker Stallion
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Sentinel Stretch
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Cheetah Infernus
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Banshee Phoenix
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Comet Stinger
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Voodoo Caddy
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Baggage Pizza Boy
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It should also be noted that a Mr. Whoopee can be parked just a block away at Cherry Poppers. I didn't include it because it only shows up once you purchase Cherry Poppers.

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Nice post Dem, when driving cars around vice, dunno if its happened to you. But when I've driven a poor type of car, then I see loads of them. But when driving a rich type of car I see more rich cars. Same for working cars. I suppose they appear more if you are driving that type.

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