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Trial By Dirt error

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No, I know that I've passed it on the savegame that I'm using...

And I've also tryed to start a new game, fly to the dirtbike track and make the mission...

When I do that it says that I've set a new record, but it still won't put the record into my stats...


I'm using the cheat that make cars fly, to get to the dirtbike track after starting a new game... wink.gif

Edited by ZackDk
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  • 3 weeks later...
Cartoon Corpse

so your using the sanchez and landstalker provided? have you tried bringing your own vehicle and switching off? try getting in and out of vehicle? you know just try some different approaches to see if you can get around it. mine registered. did you beat it, then beat your time? maybe a few times?


maybe do it and fail? then success. i failed (crashes, blown up, too fast) at least once on each of the test track trials i think

Edited by Cartoon Corpse
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Old news. If you beat the Landstalker mission first, the Trial by Dirt time will be equal to that mission. If you do Trial by Dirt first, there will be no time. For proof, just make a screenshot when the time is being displayed in the screen, just after you finish the mission.







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