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New Community Stunt Video

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I have decided to make a new community stunt video. "Vice City Tribute" is still highly successful, but it wasn't really a stunt video. "Decan's Auto Stunt Reel" was successful, but I didn't like some of the choices I made with the editing.


1. Only the absolute best stunts will be allowed to go on the video. I will not accept any simple jumps from ramps unless you do something amazing with it. Grinding is great, car-to-boat stunts are great, and so are motorcycle stunts.


2. I will not use any stunts that are the same as the ones in "Decan's Auto Stunt Reel" or "Vice City Tribute." Be creative. Find one stunt that seems impossible, but keep trying until you get it. If you need to, type "aspirine" to heal your vehicle if its close to blowing up.


3. I don't want any mods to be used for your stunts. NO MODS.


4. To save a replay, hit F2 after stunting and then hit F3 and if it is showing your stunt, push alt+tab and go to your "GTA Vice City User Files" folder and rename replay.rep to the name you want me to credit you as (for example, jordan.rep). Then, e-mail me at [email protected] and do not forget to attach the file and also you must include the description of your stunt in the e-mail (not attached). Give me a few days and I will e-mail you back telling you if I will use it or not.


5. Lastly, all other GTA websites should post news about this since it is a community video.


Thanks and begin stunting!

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From :  [email protected] <[email protected]>

Sent :  19 January 2004 21:13:09

To :  [email protected]

Subject :  Auto-Response: GTA: Real Life Mods

- - - - - - - - -

This is confirming that I have received your e-mail, but I have not read it yet.  I will get

back with you as soon as I can.


Thank you,

Jordan Liles

I've e-mailed my submissions. I compressed them into RAR archives and uploaded them, then supplied the URL's underneath the descriptions for each stunt in the E-mail. I take it you have an account which can take large attachments for people who can't send in this conveiniant manner? smile.gif


I've added an entry onto the news section of my site about this event, including links to this thread and your site so people can find out how to enter.



(EDIT) Links to replays removed - you'll have to see if they appear in the final movie! tounge.gif

Edited by Cerbera
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Hey Cerbera I know they are your stunts and you can do anything you want with them, but do you think you can take down the links to them so others can't see your stunts till the video comes out? colgate.gif pretty please

Fair enough. It was making this page take forever to load having all those links in - there was nearly 10kb of text in that one post alone! tounge2.gif

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hmm - if the quality of your first vid is anything to go by, this one should be amazing.


Your first vid was pretty revolutionary in some ways (especially to those on the MTA forums)


I hope to see another great vid from you guys soon


btw - im posting a link to this on the mta forums, just to let people know =)

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I've been experimenting with more advanced car stunts and I'm happy to report I've created some absolute corkers! There's a couple of new stunts I'm close to landing (such as the double-barrel roll) and it's all looking very, very promising. I hope to have a second batch of decent .REP files to submit before the close date! tounge.gif


If anyone wants to see them before I submit them (maybe you'd like to see, decan? We could go into MTA and I could teach you to do them, maybe? smile.gif) then grab me over messanger.

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Decan disappeared off the face of the earth...haven't seen him in a long time.


I still have more than 30 stunts he sent me for the 2nd video that I never used. Anyway, I am not near completing the video...but believe me when I say that I won't give up.


BUT! If I don't find the perfect song for it, and the stunts don't work or whatever....then I won't do it...


It HAS to be better than Vice City Tribute.

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Decan disappeared off the face of the earth...haven't seen him in a long time.


I still have more than 30 stunts he sent me for the 2nd video that I never used. Anyway, I am not near completing the video...but believe me when I say that I won't give up.


BUT! If I don't find the perfect song for it, and the stunts don't work or whatever....then I won't do it...


It HAS to be better than Vice City Tribute.

There's a clan on the MTA:VC forums called "Stunt Masters" and they have a whole horde of members. Perhaps we could devise some stunts in formations, like motorcycle display teams have? Problem is that the playback would seem a bit jumpy due to the time delay of the packets being transmitted and received. dontgetit.gif


I'm really finding that cars have far, far more capabilities for stunts than I imagined. In some ways they are better than bikes because there are no limits on the axis of rotation you use (bikes slip away from pointing straight up) and you can travel backwards. I've developed a new stunt where I jump with a swerve to the right as I leave the jump. This makes me rotate and the decrease in speed makes the tail rise up. I've found places where this allows you to ride an "endo" using a car and thanks to being able to travel backwards you can actually enter the endo slightly forwards and exit it in reverse! Such a buzz to pull that off! tounge.gif


I'm hoping to move onto doing stuff in boats, currently the only thing of note I've managed was hurling that powerboat up the quay and into the boathouse. rolleyes.gif

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've not heard from d8cam for quite a while about this, he said entries were starting to dry up but from the sneaky preview he gave me of the introduction to the movie, we will be in for something quite special - as you'd expect from the only man to make any sucess out of a community stunt video. smile.gif


I've snatched the odd few minutes to experiment and am normally finding that the cars have abilities surpassing what I was hoping for. I spent several minutes yesterday trying out some possibilities I'd worked out on paper the night before and managed to achieve them. Using the surf sign outside the airport terminus I suceeded in my dream of doing a vertical barrel roll, with the car remaining perfectly vertical through the whole spin. Looks pretty unreal. smile.gif

I also managed a 180 backflip into the terminal roof, which I didn't think would be possible but found the Infernus' four wheel drive and wide, low profile enabled a fast enough spin to make it.

Using the Sentinel XS I managed to do a range of fast spins but I didn't have time to work out the system behind this. By careful, precise steering whilst mounting the ramp I was managing to hook the front tyres but letting the rears run forward, making the car turn over and around. By running further up the ramp the car can get fully inverted whilst spinning - which is something bikes cannot. cool.gif



Is anyone else still trying to put together some all-new stunts for this video?

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Is anyone else still trying to put together some all-new stunts for this video?

I have a sh*tload of excellent saved stunt replays that I haven't used in my stunt vids yet, and have offered Jordan as many as he wants, but he never seems to email me back. confused.gif



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I've now got just over a dozen good vehicle stunts now, with plenty more that I've worked in theory but havn't had time to try out. Here's just a little sample of four:-


RAR-compressed replay.rep

Using the BF Injection I found there was a neat variant of the barrel roll - the flared barrel roll. By really getting the floor pan of the cara hooked up on the ramp, the super-bouncy suspension of this buggy kicked the tail out, making the car do one of those flared rolls that combat aircraft do. cool.gif

At the start is a messy tumble stunt due to not hooking the car up on the ramp. Leads onto the next replay though...


RAR-compressed replay.rep

At the start of this one is a barrel roll with a slight kick from the fence leading to a two-wheel landing. The second stunt is the one this replay is really for though. By running across the face of the ramp, the front hooks up and makes the car start a barrel roll, but as the rear doesn't really hit the ramp it drags beneath the car, catching the wall and putting the car into a spin on such a weird axis which I can't even work out a name for! biggrin.gif


RAR-compressed replay.rep

Using the Hotring's massive 36 units of acceleration (that's a few units higher than the other sporty cars) I managed to use the big staircase to this savepoint apartment in Ocean Beach to clear the road and get onto the rooves of the apartments opposite.

It was quite lucky that I happened to pick the right direction to steer whilst on the roof, as it gives a neat reverse spin off the edge. smile.gif


RAR-compressed replay.rep

One of the techniques I'm exploring is using the Packer to use new places in Vice, or use old places in a new way. This replay shows the Pheonix using a Packer in the sunken roads around the airport terminal to richocet off the lip of the embankment, lip the fence and do a backflip over the fence.



The landing on some of these is a bit messy (such as the second BF Injection replay) so they aren't the final versions. I hope the links work because, as was the case yesterday, I've had to cut what I wanted to post short and get off the PC. dontgetit.gif



(EDIT) Yay, I just managed to complete a stunt which I thought was going to be impossible! I've been figuring out what types of spin exist and categorising them. So far I've got the basic front/backflip, flatspins, barrel rolls. I've called that weird spin from the BFInjection the "wagonwheel" because it rotates on its side in the direction of travel. The hit against the wall or other objects which puts the vehicle into these weird spins I call a "kick" which seems reasonable enough. smile.gif


This new spin though, this is very unnatural indeed. It's a barrel roll but the car points vertically and travels sideways because of the kick from the palm tree I hit. It's just insane, take a look:

RAR-compressed replay.REP


What do we think it should be called? I'm thinking something like "pihouette" or however you spell that ballet term, but it isn't in contact with the ground so that doesn't quite suit it.


(EDIT2) Here's a frontflip I managed whilst being chased by a fleet of FBI Ranchers...using the Mesa Grande as my getaway vehicle! tounge2.gif

RAR-compressed replay.rep

Edited by Cerbera
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Thanks Cerbera. The stunt video will be done soon.

Yeah, I think it will be too soon for me because my forced absence doesn't seem like it will end soon. This means that you shouldn't expect any more entries from me, just the two batches I've already submitted which you know about.


I certainly look forward to the finished product. I was thinking that perhaps it would be a good feature to have the name of the person who submitted the stunt to be displayed in one corner of the video as that stunt was playing? It would allow people to get in touch with each other to ask how they did the stunts that were featured, you see. smile.gif

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hey, to get a good stunt, go to north point mall, south entrance. you know that alley right by the bridge to the movie studio island, well, its right in between the the mall and the bridge before it becomes a bridge. There is a stair case there, and if you go off it, you get enough air to do a 240 degree spin. Its really cool. I just discovered it today rahkstar.gifrahkstar.gifrahkstar.gif

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