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help,me cause i am desperate

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i have a big problem with vc,the game works at maximum framerate but is lagging specialy when i shoot or when i hit things with a car or a bike. mad.gif it is very annoying,i tryed anything,searched all the threads at all gta forums,took the latest drivers ,defrag the hard, anything!frame limiter is on,i don't have any mods,i got a amd athlon xp 2200+ a ge force 4 mx 440 vide card and 256 memory ram!other strange thing is that i reinstalled windows and it worked good for the first 3,4 days but then i begun to experiance the same lags again

pls help me rampage_ani.gif

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Make sure you aren't running any applications when you play Vice. Try playing at a lower resolution, go into options and turn down draw distance. RAM is cheap, and you *could* get a better video card...also, try looking on a site for a list of processes in Task Manager that you don't really need while playing games.

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Lol I haven't used that in ages, try upgrading to xp or another os. I'm not realy sure Vc is ment to be run on 98.

LOL biggrin.gif


That IS why I asked though. 98 is more likely to get "gummed up" in time. You may have to reboot to play. Even then, it may get worse as you go. When I was using 98, I could play fine until I started alt+tabbing in and out of the game. That's actually WHY I switched to 2000. Or if you've had 98 installed for a long time, you may need to reinstall it. I love 98, but it has its weaknesses.

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Okay, first of all, you've barely had enough time since your last post to install XP and then 98 again, so...


By 3 or 4 days, do you mean real time or game time? If it's real time, that's good because on the best-administrated 98 machines go 3 or 4 days without a reboot. If it's game time, then you may have to tweak you 98. Setting your swap file to the correct size and statically may help.

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