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Film studio plane mission

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Friends, I have bought all the properties and now they are generating money. I have stucked in two missions exactly the same. One of them is on film studio missions.


I brought the actress. OK. Then it gave me a advertising mission. I foung the plane backside of the studio and get in. But I couln't make it fly. How do fly it, i tried all the buttons..(the mission that is beginning of the sceen that two workers are carrying a shark, i do not remember the name)


I have the same problem with one of the gangs missions. I have to kill all the gangs in boats with little red planes. I have 3 planes they fly somehow but they do not stay long in the air. I have nothing if the boats notices me and runs away. (this mission starts with a fat black lady home) ::: I think it was the mission "bombs away", right? :::


I do not remember the mission names because it has been months that i left the game because I hate the plane missions, then i discovered here. Help me!!!

Edited by ozgur23
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I know this is going to sound very unhelpful, but TRUST ME. Search the web for Dodo flying tutorials. Yes this will be about GTA3, but it still applies to VC. Once you read a couple of those, try the Skimmer first. The good news is that the Skimmer is far more forgiving than the Dodo ever was. Once you get the Skimmer down, THEN try the RC Baron. It's much more difficulte.


The Big Fun van on top of the carpark and North Point Mall is also a flying mission.

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The Skimmer is really easy to fly. Just press forward as soon as you get in, then, if you go fast enough, pull up your nose.


For the RC Baron, you have to throw the bombs a bit in front of the boats, since there's some delay between the time you drop the bomb and the time the bomb goes off.

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The TopFun Van is a good place to go to practice with the RC Baron. What's difficult about those little things is they're so super-sensitive. confused.gif Rarely let go of the gas and tap left or right for turning. As for the Skimmer, I agree with what's been said already. My own input: Never release the gas and once you reach a certain speed, the plane will actually "bounce" on the water if your not already holding the nose-up key. At this point, pull up and you'll take off. Thank you for flying Porn-Air!! cool.gif

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the only problem with the skimmer is when you try go foward the bridge is blocking, if it was turned the other was it woul be easyer

The plane is pointing south at the dock, the closes bridge is to the north.


For some reason your plane is starting off pointing north??

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm sorry for bumping a semi-old topic but I have the same question so I figured this would be a beeter thing than to start a whole new topic.


Anyways.. I get a "kangaroo car" affect where when I accelerate the cars will have the rear end start to bounce up and down slowing thee acceleration. The same thing happens with the skimmer and as a result not enough speed in accumulated to make it fly. Same with all boats.. I can't so the Cuban missions because the boat isn't fast enough! Any ideas on how this glitch can be solved? And yes, it is a legal version.

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Nope, the waves aren't the problem. The skimmer jsut dips into the water at anytime causing great deals of friction and it won't move. Same with all of the boats and cars.


I read about this problem before... Rockstar needs to get a patch out or something..


EDIT: And I doubt it's my PC.


Radeon 9800Pro

2.8CGHz P4 w/ HT

Abit Ic7-G

1 gig RAM

WinXP w/ SP1

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Anyways.. I get a "kangaroo car" affect where when I accelerate the cars will have the rear end start to bounce up and down slowing thee acceleration.

I had this problem when I got my new motherboard with onboard AC-97 sound.


The solution I found was to set the sound to 'dsound3d software emulation'. If it was set to EAX or similar it would drag the back of the car down.

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The sound settings effected car performance? biggrin.gif


@gtame: Have you modded your game at all? I've only heard of this when modding is involved... On a side note, it is superfluous to call your CPU C and w/HT as all P4C's have HT and all P4HTs are C except the 3.06.

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Hmm...strange. I never had any problems with flying the Skimmer. Just let the plane pick up speed while still on the ocean, and eventually it will take off on it's own accord, unless you push down on your L3 stick, in which case it will take off there and then.


Once you're in the air, remember that flying a plane is nothing like driving a car...too much steering and you'll soon be nosediving or doing something else not good.


Landing is fairly hard too, you have to go down gradually, away from cars (this is especially true if your plane is badly damaged). You can just jump out in mid air but this obviously reduces your health (by a surprisingly low proportion, I might add)

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Johnny Vercetti

After several attempts I've finally got used to flying the skimmer, it can only be a matter of time before I complete this mission, I was so close last night.


What is the best route to take to make the fuel last?

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Cartoon Corpse
After several attempts I've finally got used to flying the skimmer, it can only be a matter of time before I complete this mission, I was so close last night.


What is the best route to take to make the fuel last?

yeah the dildo dodo was kinda tough for me. fly it like 5 times in a row, you'll probably get it that way (focus). it's annoying when you get close...


as for the r/c plane bombing...here's a tip i discovered that will make it easier (if your not into it that much)...fly the mission once so you know what house the boats are docked at.


get a large car (i used a cab i think)..load it with a bomb at the bomb store (down at docks in big open area with entrance across from pay n spray...


drive the car to the house where the mission starts. then ram the car into the house till it's pouring black smoke (don't destroy it)...

park the car on the stairs of the dock where everybody is (boats, crooks) when the mission starts.

get out of car, steal the blazer from next door and go back to where mission starts.

take of in the rc plane. (hopefully you know how to drop bombs, if not you should practice this in pre mission tests)

all you gotta do is drop a bomb reasonably close to your planted car.

when i did this, it took out all people except 1 and all boats except 1. i could then bomb this boat at my leasure with NO ONE shooting at me. woohoo!


i have to admit i was being a little clever with this one! that's the beauty of this game...weasally options.


and remember...remain clam. right demarest?


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After several attempts I've finally got used to flying the skimmer, it can only be a matter of time before I complete this mission, I was so close last night.


What is the best route to take to make the fuel last?

As stated before, fuel is far from critical. Last time I tried the mission, I had to circle back a good 4 or 5 times to get this one that I wasn't getting the right approach on. I passed with plenty of fuel. Damage to the plane should be your #1 concern.

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Cartoon Corpse

that last target (between to 'tight' buildings) for me, made me glad i lucked into it being my last target.


my first target was the one pretty close to where your lined up when you take off, then i bank right for the next, then left for the next. then im lined up heading south for about 4 or 5 target practically in a straight line (ends at roof of airport terminal)...then i bank left for the last 2 or 3, the last one being that b***h between those bldgs. where i crashed...though i got the target, bailed out and watched my plane blow up from the street. i had about 1/4 to 1/2 tank left of fuel.

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Dem: I know it doesn't matter, but I do it to please the anal people like Atomic (heh, don't tell him I said that!). I told him it had HT and he always asked me "It's C right? Make sure it's C. It's a C?" even though it had HT.. confused.gif


Oh, and it was the sound setting, I've modded the game too, but the problem occured before that.. it denfinitly was the sound settings.


EDIT: Cars work now.. but still no dice with the plane. Can somebody give me the regular handling line and maybe an altered one that makes it accelerate and fly better?

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Dem: I know it doesn't matter, but I do it to please the anal people like Atomic (heh, don't tell him I said that!). I told him it had HT and he always asked me "It's C right? Make sure it's C. It's a C?" even though it had HT.. confused.gif

That would be a shortcoming of his then. No need to let his ignorance make you appear ignorant wink.gif I see you know already though, so... whatsthat.gifsmile.gif

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