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GTA: Double Pack on PS2

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I was walking into Electronics Boutique (aka EBGames or Games or whatever the hell it's called in your local region), trying to fight my way through the crowds of avid gaming freaks piling over clearance bins for any half-priced game that they could get their greasy fingers on. Finding nothing but a few sparse RPG's and previously-played Madden titles, I turned tail and headed back towards the door, when something caught my eye.


A large display case of up-and-coming titles for the PS2, "next years" arrivals that were pre-purchasable, was up behind the counter. Gran Turismo 4 was amongst the titles I immediately spotted, but what came next was a bit more shocking, albeit not too surprising.


GTA: Double Pack for the PS2.


Now that's pretty funky in itself, to find two great titles packed together - but what came next was just downright scary.


It was listed as a greatest hit.


That's right. For all you folks (like myself) who went out and spent approx. 180 dollars for both games, they have been neatly repackaged together under the $39.99 price tag.


Holy f*ck.


Two games, both of which I paid $75.00 for seperately, now thrown together for a neat little 39.99. Hot diggity damn. blink.gif



Now, this may be old news to some of you - but it might be new news to some others. So rejoice, GTA fans. Another double pack has arrived. ph34r.gif



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hell, I saw this about the ame time it came out for Xbox in Target. yeah, it was a little shocking that both were greatest hits. GTA3 took about 18 months to be tagged with it (in fact, come retail stores still sell GTA3 with the black non-greatest hits label). on the other hand, VC took less than a year to be tagged a greatest hit, but only in the double pack, because ppl still sell it black-labled. I try not to get my games with the burendy label, because they look like sh*t next to my black labels. so far so good... AMF 4ever. -digital wink.gif

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