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(PC Only)GTA Vice City: How to mark vehicles except RC Vehicles

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Well, I was so impressed with the new strategy of marking vehicles (except RC Vehicles?) found by Lamotrigen621


Procedures:(Credits to Lamotrigen621)

Start x = 21 instances of  mission 'Autocide' and pick up the weapons with mass duping, then you activate one instance of Juju Scramble, proceed the mission as normal, drive your desired vehicle  A into the final pink marker to complete Juju Scramble. After the mission passed, A is marked. If you regret marking the vehicle, you could unmark it by Trojan Voodoo.

x could be a smaller value but has to be larger than 16. (x could be 20 as well.... I NEED SLEEP! NO!!!!MY UH2.0 MARKED ANGEL!!!!NO!!!!!)



You get extra percentage and extra money. Anyhow, it's without death and blips!!!


Principles as I comprehend

Mission_cleanup Command could only unmark finite objects/characters/vehicles. 

'Enough'/Too much marked objects/characters/vehicles are the foundations of marking a vehicle.

Similarly if you start >=13 instances of Trial by Dust/Test Track, you could save >=2 barrels on your map forever. 


Alternative Route(Memes):

Activate a mission with [0], then use specific value as the return address to avoid mission_cleanup command, then save and reload.



YesDuping, Yes my UH 2.0 Angel!!!(Not worked, even if you mark a UH2.0 Angel...)

Edited by PORTBERG

Yet another strategy(Credits to Lamotrigen621 and me):

Start 6 instances of Spilling the Beans, proceed the mission till you're asked to return to the Print Works;

Then start another instance with rampage, drive vehicle B into malibu marker. Proceed this instance till you're asked to return to the Print Works;

Activate RC Raider Pickup to kill all these instances. B should be marked after that.



Anything is good except permanent pink blips. No death and extra percentage.


1 minute ago, PORTBERG said:

Yet another strategy(Credits to Lamotrigen621 and me):

Start 6 instances of Spilling the Beans, proceed the mission till you're asked to return to the Print Works;

Then start another instance with rampage, drive vehicle B into malibu marker. Proceed this instance till you're asked to return to the Print Works;

Activate RC Raider Pickup to kill all these instances. B should be marked after that.



Anything is good except permanent pink blips.


You could attempt some value<6 ???

Edited by PORTBERG

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