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Radio controlled planes


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How am I supposed to target where I drop my *$#% bombs on Cubans with the toy plane?  I seems stupid that I have to take my hands off the elevation button to drop my bombs with the mouse.  Any hints? :bored:

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Johnny The Homicidal Maniac

You see that button that's called CTRL...that's right, you can't pronounce that word, but if you press that button then you'll see your bombs dropping.

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Psychotic Bison

Also... fly your plane over to where the Cubans hang out and land on the pier, then run them all over with the little plane. They won't shoot back at you, they'll just stand there and die. After they are all dead, you can bomb the boats without having to chase them all over the place.

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Thanks for the help.....  I do get a kick out of this forum.  Such hostility and anger from some on a site meant for people sharing information and asking for help.  Move out of your parents house Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, kiss a girl (or fella) and realize life can be good to you.

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