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  1. Rockstar Games Presents... ...In Association with CrumMunchers... Before you read any further, this is to explain the background of this concept. This was originally created way way way way back in 2020 during the initial Project Americas leak, and was also originally inspired by international films from Bollywood from the late 1970s to 1980s/90s (one primarily being Don), much like GTA IV was inspired by the Russian movies Brat and Brat 2, and other works. Over time, it’s become a combination of various versions, going back some time relating to the different leaks we got, to overhauled or new aspects entirely. It also includes different elements from the September 2022 leaks, as well as what we already know per the VI trailer and the real game itself. This is not to be accurate to the real game whatsoever, and is a significant creative deviation. With that, sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy reading Grand Theft Auto VI: The CrumMunchers Cut! Introduction Setting Protagonists Supporting Cast & Side Characters Gameplay, Mechanics, and New Systems Open World Activities Building an Empire Vehicle Gangs Score & Soundtrack Story America, 2025. Whether it's the addiction to social media, or the capitalistic growth in modern society, America has changed for better and worse. Yet, the criminal underworld hasn’t; instead, it’s only grown more precarious from pressures of authority and conflict. But, all of that is about to change when the foundations are shaken by the most unlikely and daring of candidates. A small-time hustler is paroled to the state of Leonida, and hopes to uncover the truth behind his brother's murder. Meanwhile, a narco-princess is fighting the fight her family is in, where a war on the streets has their full attention. Falling back into a life of crime, the hustler is forced to pair up with her, after a botched deal brings them to Vice City. As the two engage with their escapades, they must venture into the underworld to untangle a conspiracy that goes beyond their depth, asking how far they're willing to go, who to trust, and if they can survive in a city where glitz and glamor masks vanity and a growing sense of melancholy, all while juggling a partnership that could push the pair apart, or pull them together as the life tests them like never before. VI brings players to the state of Leonida, a satirical reimagining of modern Florida, covering oceans, beaches, swamps, forests, among other areas placed throughout. The game world is as big as ever, and is roughly twice the size of GTA V’s map. Liberty City is grim, dark, and was reflected well when playing IV, vaguely showing off higher esteem in some moments, or throughout TBoGT. Los Santos is warm and vapid, yet inviting to all, showcasing how vain and shallow most West Coasters happen to be. Vice City, though it still retains elements of what previous games have shown, it is unlike what many expect. Though the warmth and neon seep through, there is more to the city, something that far less people recognize, in lieu of the various vices surrounding them. The canvas of the city splashes a mix of warmer and colder colors, reminiscent of watercolor paintings, representing “dreams, emotions, and illusions,” (thanks Google) themes that are prevalent throughout VI. The colors are vivid and striking than the sunshine aura brought by V, separating the two locations. The neon that came with the 1980s has greatly changed. Though it was a landmark of its time and era, it has been changed to fit its contemporary time, yet surrounded by something more ominous. While Vice City was inspired more by Scarface and its colder atmosphere compared to Vice City Stories being inspired by Miami Vice and its warmer atmosphere, VI takes more in the direction of the original VC, hinting in on a colder reflection of what the city truly is. Beneath the neon lies an unsettling truth - everything, and everyone, is fake. It’s a city built on illusion, where the pursuit of vices has consumed authenticity. To outsiders, Leonida is the basis for insanity for all the things that go on there, while the vibrant hues of Vice City exude warmth and excitement. Beyond the city’s vibrance, there’s a sense of loneliness. Surrounded by flashing lights, deafening music, and endless crowds, the city has a unique way of making someone feel like they belong. But for some, they feel completely alone. There’s no genuine human connection, just fleeting transactions and superficial interactions. One dances in a crowded nightclub, bodies pressing against them, but it might feel like they’re miles away from anyone real. The acknowledgment of this is something seen in previous games, but this is the first time it plays an important role between Jason and Lucia. While both of them come from two separate walks of life, they can’t help but notice this, especially Lucia, who is usually in the center of this aspect. This plays a role in not only bringing the two closer, but separates them from others around them. Surrounding Vice City includes geographical interpretations of Southern Florida landmarks such as towns like Hamlet (based off Homestead), the Grassrivers (based on the Everglades), as well as the Keys (based on the real life Florida Keys), and plenty of other areas. The in-game world is constantly on the move, and the game reflects this. Each area feels different from the last, ensuring players are never feeling bored or weary at whatever location they may find themselves in. Here are some of the many areas players can traverse: Leonard County (Broward County): Marlin Beach (Pompano Beach) Waning Sands (Fort Lauderdale) Vinewood (Hollywood) Vice Beach (Miami Beach): Washington Beach (Daytona Beach) Sunlit Islets Beach (Sunny Isles Beach) Bay Harbour (Bal Harbour) Bay Harbour Islands (Bal Harbour Islands) Wavefront (Surfside) Native Ridge Village (Indian Creek Village) North Beaches (North Beach) La Gorda (La Gorce) Argonaut (Nautilus) Waterside (Bayshore) Side Beach (Mid Beach) Westshore (West Avenue) Verona Islands (Venetian Islands) Vice Beach (Miami Beach) Ocean Beach (South Beach) Trawler Island (Fisher Island) Vice-Dale County (Miami-Dade County): Escapada (Aventura) Vice Gardens (Miami Gardens) Vice Lakes (Miami Lakes) Vice Springs (Miami Springs) Ekanfinaka (Hialeah) Palmaris (Doral) Vice City International Airport (Miami Int’l Airport) North Vice (North Miami) Upper Sunrise District (Upper East Side) Little Haiti (Little Haiti) Belville (Allapattah and Brownsville) Alderwood (Wynwood) Springwater (Edgewater) Crosstown (Overtown) Downtown Vice City (Downtown Miami) Port of Vice City (Port of Miami) Jane Island (Watson Island) Prawn Island (Star Island) Mahagua Island (Ferry Island) Little Havana (Little Havana) Burnwell (Brickell) Banana Grove (Coconut Grove) Marina Gables (Coral Gables) Basque Park (Biscayne Park) Key Basque (Key Biscayne) Citrus Bluffs (West Perrine) Hamlet (Homestead) Sunstone Grove (Richmond West and South Miami Heights) Leonida City (Florida City) VI being a departure from V, which featured 3 protagonists, has now been scaled back to 2: (Images created from AI, purely for artistic references) Jason Park Born in Alderney, Jason Park spent most of his time with his brother Tej. With a dysfunctional family that forced the two to spend their time away from home, they always found ways to get into trouble, yet smart enough to avoid getting caught. But, as time went on, both brothers were put on two different roads. While Tej found opportunities to make something of himself, Jason began getting deeper into the petty life of crime. The two’s relationship would deteriorate, but the bond remained, as they would try to patch things up. Tej graduated and left Jason, the gap between them and his family growing. After a particular incident occurring soon after he had his diploma in his hands, Jason spent his first time in an LCPD dunk tank, and left home the next morning, living in a world that only grew difficult to navigate. A couple years passed, and after spending some time working in restaurants in Little Italy while getting into petty crime to pay the bills, Jason’s bad luck finally caught up with him, as he was arrested for having stolen a car. It was meant to be delivered for quick cash, but it never happened. With help from a public defender, he was sentenced from 6 years to 3 with a possibility of parole, sending him to the Alderney State Correctional Facility. While there, he would be visited by Tej, who would try to rebuild his relationship with his brother, only to be met with resistance from Jason, still upset over him having “left” him behind. It grew worse as time went on, but everything came to a head when an argument between the brothers broke what little chance they had at mending things. Jason claimed he never wanted to see Tej again, leaving him disheartened. Guilt would quickly absorb Jason, but he would soon find it to be too late to apologize, learning that Tej passed away some time after. He was told that it might’ve been tied to the ongoing narco war between Colombian and Mexican gangs in Vice City, but for whatever reason, the case wasn’t being investigated as it should be. Call it a gut feeling, but he knew there was more to the story that he, or his family, were not being told, and as such, he wanted to get to the bottom of it. Luckily, as his parole was coming up, he applied for relocation to Leonida, under the guise of a fresh start. As the story begins, Jason arrives in Leonida, and is ready to start making progress in any way he can, but begins to get caught up in the life he can seemingly never get away from. Lucia Esperanza Lucia spent most of her life as a Leonida native, despite being born in Mexico and raised there for the first few years of her life. Her mother passed when she was young, leaving her father to raise her. He was part of the “family business”, remaining emotionally distant as a result. He expected her to be the same, instilling two ideas into her: one, if she is to get involved, she must do whatever it takes to survive, and two, to never trust anyone, no matter who. The life finally caught up to him, resulting in her uncle, Carlos, taking her in, and bringing her to the US. Growing up, she rejected traditional aspects that she might have had to follow, becoming involved in the narco trade. Her sharp competence allowed her to rise through the ranks of the Alajueri Family, becoming Lieutenant, and one of Carlos’ most trusted associates. She clashed with her uncle and several of his underbosses over her way of business, as the rejection of norms caused internal conflict. Her increasingly chaotic nature, while benefiting Carlos and putting money in his pocket, also caused tension for her erratic behavior that sometimes got her into trouble. Whether it was laundering, smuggling, or collecting funds from businesses, her effectiveness prompted Carlos to begin placing more responsibility on her, tying to her rising through the ranks. Still, she always remembered what her father had instilled in her, never trusting anyone, even those whom she called friends, and being willing to survive, whatever it takes. In the off-time she has, she spends her time enjoying the high life, living off the luxuries. Nights are spent partying at clubs or rooftop parties in downtown Vice City, with the thrills being something Lucia lived for. She became good at never letting her guard down, and as a result, never got close to anyone, especially romantically. Hook-ups or one-night stands were common, but never any real connections. All that would be put on hold, with a war her and her family would find herself in against a rival group of Colombians. Territory, money, power, whatever it was, she was ready to stand by Carlos. As the early events of the story unfold, Lucia grapples with unexpected changes that push her away from this side of life, putting her back at zero. Determined to find answers, as well as to rebuild what she lost, and what more she has ever wanted, she begins to overcome the hurdles they face over the course of the story, all while figuring things out between her and Jason. But as all seems well, it looks like she may be hiding some things, things that could make or break the relationship. VI is filled with various kinds of characters. As the concept expands, more characters will be revealed and expanded upon. For now though, here are a few characters players can expect to see within the game. Jamal: A close friend of Jason’s, now a street hustler in Leonida. He and Jason both grew up in Alderney and got along well, as the two would run various hustles to make money. However, Jamal and his grandmother would move to Leonida. Now, he makes money in various ways, but always seems to be short on cash, almost all of the time. Recently, he’s been getting into all types of things, but needs more direction, and sees Jason as a possible way of help. Alex: Big and brawny, but maybe not too sharp. Don’t get him wrong, he’s quick on his feet, but he’s very clumsy at times. Jason meets Alex through a third party, but he sees his efficiency in strength, and takes him seriously, even when others might not. Iris: Iris is a close friend of Lucia's. By day, she works full-time at a laundromat, and part-time at a restaurant. By night however, she's a DJ for some of Vice City's most hottest and popular clubs, such as the Malibu Club, NINE1NINE, Maisonette 9, etc. She's great, but there's just one problem - she's got a bit of a coke problem. A bad one, really. Wyman: Does he need any more of an introduction? He's a right-wing conspiracy theorist who runs a mechanic shop out in Port Gellhorn. Whenever he's not busy ranting and raving about how the government is watching us, or how there's "-frickin' laser beams set up in space", he's busy working on muscle cars, especially home-grown American ones. Randy: The guy on the poolside chair, and a friend of Shanese's on Lifeinvader. He's also a friend of Wyman’s, and also works at the mechanic shop. He's the more rational one, keeping Wyman in check. He makes sure that they get customers, and usually aren't scared away. Boobie: Boobie is an up and coming rapper in the music scene in Vice City. He makes good money on the side through various activities, his latest being house flipping. His manager, and best friend Dre, is doing his best to help him gain clout, but it's going to take a lot of work. Recently, Boobie's been coming into conflict with the street gang San4San, and the leader refuses to let him do anything unless his ego is satisfied. Through Jamal, one of Boobie's properties is being used by Jason when he first arrives in Vice City, and it looks like he may be helpful to the duo. [This list will be expanded or changed as the concept is updated.]
  2. What happens when you combine the morality system in the newer Rockstar titles with the experimental, sandbox nature of the earlier GTAs? This was an idea I would wish to explore more in this concept. It also expands on, yet discards the use of satire as a plot device featured in the newer GTAs (most notably V), instead opting for dystopian styles from films such as Death Wish, Akira, Escape From New York/L.A. and The Warriors combined with the gritty gang violence, choreography and black comedy of shows such as Fargo, Banshee, The Raid, Yojimbo, and the Crank films. PART 1: PREMISE, SETTING, SYNOPSIS, GANGS AND CHARACTERS PREMISE: "In a crime-laden megacity in the near future where there is an uneasy truce between gangs, corporations and law enforcement, where the streets are hell on Earth and all manner of death and vice exist in every nook, among all echelons of this dysfunctional society. A mysterious drifter from somewhere enters the picture, motivated by a cause. Digging deeper into the criminal underground of the city, the drifter soon discovers that there is more to this mess, and there might be an entity pulling the strings." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETTING: The game will be set "20 minutes into the future" in an unnamed city (dubbed 'Anywhere City' by certain characters, referred to simply as 'The Megacity' by most characters and in the in-game map). The city itself, while situated in the United States of America, takes on a global identity reminiscent of 1980s-1990s cyberpunk settings, inspired by cosmopolitan cities such as Tokyo, Nagasaki and the suburbs of New York, and therefore does not represent any city in particular. A high-income gap, crime-ridden dystopia filled with shopping malls, nightclubs, bars and corporate settlements, Anywhere City is sandwiched between the northern, snowy city of Golgotha (based on cities such as Sapporo, Hoboken and the Twin Cities), and the southern, tropical island resort-casino city of Devaloka (based on cities such as Kingston, Havana and Hawaii), with several smaller cities and towns in located in between and on the sides. Gang presence runs rampant throughout the map, and is felt most strongly in The Megacity. There are altogether four special wards within The Megacity (Commercial, Industrial, Residential & Corpo), each having gangs exclusive to that area, with the exception of the Corpo district, where the Zaibatsu Corporation's headquarters are located and is policed by private armies and mercenary groups. The whole map is open to the player from the start of the game, allowing them freedom to proceed with the story as they please, and giving them the opportunity to experiment with the gameplay options that they choose in the beginning of the game. A complete map with landmarks and accessible areas will be posted under the "Map and Weapons" section in the near future. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYNOPSIS: In the near future, a drifter, last name Speed, sits on a bullet train en route to the Megacity. A brief moment of silence ensues before a stranger sits on the opposite side facing Speed. The man introduces himself as Solomon Wakes, and starts to make conversation with the drifter, eventually asking them their purpose for coming into the city. Here the player is given the opportunity to answer this with three different options that would determine the play style as well as the story of the game. 1. "Life's boring, and I'm looking for some action." (ANARCHY) 2. "I'm a strong believer of unity against the man, can you dig it?" (DIPLOMAT) 3. "Guess I want to make a name for myself out here." (AMBITION) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANARCHY Speed will be a full-blown anarchist, working for and eventually betraying and destroying the gangs that hire them while sabotaging their businesses and operations. You will also be required to infiltrate, blackmail, threaten and sometimes kill important members of law enforcement and the politicians that run the city, or have the option to play vigilante and destroy the corrupt elements of society. Whether or not this is motivated by a desire to rid the streets of crime, or just pure evil with no clear motive, is entirely up to you, and will determine the ending of the game. This is probably the closest to the original gameplay of the older games, as far as playstyles are concerned. Speed will display more violent tendencies in this playstyle, especially in cutscenes. DIPLOMAT Speed will play the role of a peacemaker, and will attempt to establish diplomatic ties with the gangs, acting as a mediator between them when a problem arises. You will also have to either threaten or bribe any law enforcement or politician that gets in the way of this peace. Unfortunately, the gangs can disagree with the way you run things, and if pushed too far, you have no choice but to eliminate them from the picture. The number of gangs that you successfully made peace with will determine the ending of your game. It's like the territorial allocation feature in Mafia 3, but more flexible. Speed will display more rational and level-headed tendencies in this playstyle. AMBITION A mix between the first two styles, Speed will be an aspiring career criminal with an intention to run an organisation that will rule the city. You will do whatever it takes to get your gang on top, whether or not it's making truces or betraying and destroying other gangs as well as paying off law enforcement. How much influence you have over the city and what gangs you have made truces with will determine the ending of the game. Gameplay-wise it is a cross between the property-purchasing of GTA: Vice City, Empire-building in GTA: VCS and the gang wars element of San Andreas/Saints Row 2. Speed will display a Tommy Vercetti-like attitude towards things, showing rationality in certain times and arrogance and brute force in other more undesirable situations. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After an answer is given, Solomon will give his side of the story, and reveals himself as a member of The Denomination, an anti-corporate, vigilante-like organisation that has safehouses throughout the city. He tells Speed should they have any qualms about anything within Anywhere City that they should not hesitate to speak to him or the other members of the organisation. As soon as they exit the train, however, they soon realize that the entire train station is overrun by members of the Rollin' Ryders Tokko-tai. Here Solomon hands Speed a pistol and the pair gun their way out of the train station before heading out to the safehouse in the Commercial ward. From there the story can unfold in any way the player chooses, as you slowly unravel the politics and dirt within the seedy underbelly of The Megacity, eventually finding out the Zaibatsu Corporation's, and The Denomination's, connection to the madness. There are also side storylines that the player can engage in over in Golgotha and Devaloka, and serve no other purpose than to provide them with a different scenery or atmosphere, as well as monetary or proprietary reward. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GANGS: The respect system returns from the 2D Universe and is now more refined, gaining importance in this game, along with the gangs. Each district contains a total of four gangs, three of which are exclusive to that area of the game, with a small division of the Zaibatsu present in every district. Golgotha and Devaloka also have their own gangs, but they do not carry as much influence or power as compared to the ones in the city. Gang dialogue is mixed and varied. It takes influence from the Manhunt series and gives every member of the gangs their own personality. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NO AFFILIATION/ LOOSE GANGS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Denomination Ethnicity: Mixed Leader: Unknown Color: Olive Green Gender: Mixed Vehicles: Benefactor Admiral Description: The first group that Speed meets up with in the game, and becomes a de facto member of. They are comprised of cells of mostly anti-crime, anti-corporate pro-American values vigilantes wishing to stop the madness within the city. However, as Speed continues their war within the city, they soon come to learn the true reason behind their existence. Streetwannabes Ethnicity: Mixed Color: Varies Gender: Mixed Vehicles: Declasse Gang Burrito Description: Loose groups of rebellious youths and amateur criminals that wander around the city, wrecking havoc and committing acts of random violence, vandalism, drug dealing and robbery. Besides that, they carry no influence whatsoever. Dialogue implies that they are bitter and eager for a slice of the big time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANYWHERE CITY --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMERCIAL WARD Tsuneyoshi Crime Family Ethnicity: Asian, predominantly Japanese-American Leader: Jyunichi "Johnny Zoo" Tsuneyoshi Color: Navy Blue Gender: Mixed Vehicles: Karin Millennia, Karin 190z, Ocelot V8 Ghost, Grotti G69 Codename for Speed: Kohai Description: A traditional Yakuza gang that has a major influence over the nightlife and drugs in the city. They are led by Johnny Zoo and occupy turf consisting mostly of night markets and clubs. History of bad blood with The Highlanders of Tara, stemming from a brawl in a nightclub formerly owned by Elmo O' Hara. They listen to city pop and jazz fusion. Most members in the group appear to follow traditional Japanese hierarchical honor customs, claiming that they will "die for Johnny Zoo", and some of them only speak Japanese. They use derogatory terms against the Highlanders, referring to them as "micks" and "pub-sitting assholes". The Highlanders of Tara Ethnicity: Caucasian, predominantly Irish-American Leader: Elmo O' Hara & Beatrice O' Shaughnessy Color: Dark Green Gender: Mixed Vehicles: Bravado Banshee, Dinka Hakumai, Karin Sonica, Declasse Phobos Codename for Speed: Lad Description: Old-school Irish gang in the city notorious for their psychopathy and demolitions. They specialize in assassinations, chop shops and moonshine. They are led by leader-and-enforcer duo Elmo O' Hara and Beatrice O' Shaughnessy and control karaoke bars, repair shops and pubs in the Commercial area. Formerly allies with The Tsuneyoshi Family, they now kill each other on sight. They listen to hard rock and metal. Judging from dialogue, members are either Irish-American or born in Ireland, and there is somewhat of a cultural gap between them. Some of them are in it for money and good times, others are in it for "the cause". Like their adversaries, they use derogatory remarks against the Yakuza, calling them "orientals" and "nip bastards". Los Arcangeles Ethnicity: Latin American Leader: El Burro Color: Maroon Gender: Mixed Vehicles: Imponte Insurrection, Grotti Cheetah Classic, Declasse 88, Imponte Phoenix Trance-AM Codename for Speed: Guerro Description: A Latin American syndicate operating out of the city square and shopping malls. They have a working, albeit uneasy relationship with the Zaibatsu in igniting a gang war between Japanese and Irish mobsters. They are led by a man named El Burro, a sharp-dressed man with connections to cartels outside the States. They listen to freestyle and synthpop. Members are depicted as Pablo Escobar or Griselda Blanco wannabes and drug pushers, claiming to want to lead the high life that was glamorized in the 80s. Zaibatsu Corporation (Pharmaceutical Division) Ethnicity: Mixed, predominantly Eurasian Leader: Trey Walsh Color: Black Gender: Predominantly male Vehicles: Truffade Z-Type, Declasse Pharma Rumpo, Ubermacht Sentinel Classic, Burgerfahzeug Hollinwon Codename for Speed: Gecko Description: The pharmaceutical division of the Zaibatsu specializing in the production of narcotics, both legal and illegal. Wants in on the drugs trade in the commercial ward controlled by the Yakuza. Led by Zaibatsu COO Trey Walsh, a hopped-up pervert. They listen to jazz, alternative R&B and funk. Members of the division are divided between regular drug pushers and tidy corporate researchers. This division can be seen by the type of vehicle each member drives. RESIDENTIAL WARD Sex and Reproductive Systems (SRS) Ethnicity: Mixed, predominantly Scandinavian and British Leader: Dr. Ingmar LaBrat Color: Amber Gender: Scientists are all-female (except Dr. LaBrat), clones are all-male Vehicles: Benefactor Schlagen GT, Vulcar Argento, Tropos Rallye, Overflod Clandestine Codename for Speed: THC-303 Description: An organisation of highly secretive and seductive scientists that run wellness clinics and spas across the Residential ward. They are led by one Ingmar LaBrat, a scientist-cum-playboy. They are at odds with the Zaibatsu and the Buccaneers Motorcycle Club. They listen to UK Garage and speed garage. Members are divided between the all-female researchers, and the all-male clones, not necessarily based on LaBrat himself. Some of the researchers speak English peppered with Swedish. Buccaneers Motorcycle Club Ethnicity: Mixed, predominantly Anglo-Saxon Leader: Billy Bob Jackson Color: Light Brown Gender: Predominantly male Vehicles: Liberty Cycles Innovation, Western Motorcycle Company Wintergreen, Ubermacht Hollenfeuer, Declasse Gang Burrito, Declasse ThunderRod, Declasse Yosemite Codename for Speed: Rooster Description: A 1% motorcycle gang that runs loan sharking and larceny rackets in the district, hanging around old houses, bars and apartments. They dislike the SRS for being too intelligent and running in on their rackets, as well as the Ryders for their bad taste in motorcycles. They are led by Chapter President Billy Bob, a veteran of several wars. They listen to 80s R&B and heavy metal. Members are typically white, Hispanic and black men in their 20s to 50s, and share stereotypes commonly associated with the 70s biker lifestyle. They are also depicted as womanizers and misogynists, which is ironic as the few female members of the gang, more often than not, are usually more capable than their male counterparts. Rollin' Ryders Tokko-tai Ethnicity: Afro-American, Blasian and Japanese-American Leader: Jay-X Watanabe and Kelsey Amiri Color: Magenta Gender: Mixed Vehicles: Sh*tzu Hakuchou Drag, Dinka Streetfighter, Dinka F-Zero, Enus Cognoscenti Cabrio, Gallivanter Baller Supercharge Codename for Speed: Neo-Jack Description: They are an African-American bosozoku gang based in the residential area and run the protection and fraud rackets in the ward. They are commonly spotted hanging around convenience stores and restaurants, dressed in hypebeast/Harajuku-style clothing. They are led by Jay-X Watanabe and Kelsey Amiri, both avid motorcycle tuners. They do not like the Buccaneers for their ruggedness and the Zaibatsu for being a beacon for corporate corruption. They listen to hip-hop and contemporary R&B. Most of them are local African-American gangsters and import motorcycle lovers that reside in the Residential ward, and share a common dislike for the Zaibatsu Corporation because of their supposed oppression against their community. Zaibatsu Corporation (Finances Division) Ethnicity: Mixed, predominantly Eurasian Leader: Red Valdez Color: Black Gender: Mixed Vehicles: Truffade Z-Type, Vapid Peyote XS, Pegassi Monroe, Vapid Ellie Codename For Speed: Skink Description: The finances division of the gigantic Zaibatsu megacorp. They are in charge of banking and the collection of loans, as well as less legal operations such as repossession and money laundering. They are led by Red Valdez, a former confidence man-turned billionaire investment banker and CFO of the Zaibatsu Corporation. They listen to jazz, alternative R&B and funk. Members of the division are shown to be corrupt corporate hedonists and mercenaries, gloating about their achievements and rooftop parties. They are also depicted as 60s enthusiasts, driving vehicles of that era. INDUSTRIAL WARD Jerkov's Gang/ Megacity Bratva Ethnicity: Caucasian, predominantly Russian Leader: Vinsky Jerkov Color: Red Gender: Predominantly male Vehicles: RUNE Chuburek, RUNE Zakone, Declasse Hallenbach Grand Tourer, Benefactor Streetwalker Codename For Speed: Comrade Description: A group of Russian gangsters in the industrial ward of The Megacity that specializes in body disposal, contract killing and smuggling operations, running abattoirs, chemical factories and jetties across the ward. Heavily implied to be cannibals, they are big fans of American culture, especially hot dogs. They are engaged in a gang war with The Forty-Four Clan over ownership of the ports in the industrial area. Their leader, Vinsky Jerkov, speaks highly of America and makes many reference to Western films. They listen to post-punk and new wave. Like their leader, members are also equally enthusiastic about American culture, and make many references to movie cliches and violence. They share a common love of hot dogs. The Epsilonists Ethnicity: Afro-American and Caucasian Leader: Venus Ordelia Color: Baby Blue Gender: Mixed Vehicles: Vapid Conversion Bus, Pegassi Mod Faggio, Fathom Anala, Annis Ophelia, Dinka Kami Codename For Speed: Brother-brother/Sister-sister Description: First making their physical debut in GTA V, The Epsilonists now return in The Megacity as a maniacal doomsday cult not unlike the Aum Shinrikyo, after years of public skepticism and embezzled funds reduced them to shells of their former selves. Believing the end times to be near, they conduct random terrorist attacks around the city while needlessly attempting to recruit everyone around them into their cult. This is exploited by The Forty-Four gang who direct their attacks against the Zaibatsu and The Bratva. They are led by Venus Ordelia, a criminally insane young woman who hides behind a bubbly persona. They listen to trance. The cult is divided into two groups, the civilian recruiters and the gang-like gunmen. Recruiters are seen giving out brochures, engaging in a drum circle or circumambulating around the city in a procession (which Speed can run over entirely with a vehicle for a 'Kifflom!' bonus), and gunmen are often the ones who take part in the cult's more nefarious activities such as bombings and sabotages. The Forty-Four Clan Ethnicity: Asian and Eurasian, predominantly Chinese-American Leader: Jee Poon Dong Color: Bright Orange Gender: Mixed Vehicles: Karin Toreno, Karin Kuruma, Dinka XLR8000, Karin Rascal Codename For Speed: Grasshopper Description: A triad-like organisation that specializes in illegal manufacturing of vehicles and smuggling. Enthusiasts of Japanese tuner culture, they are engaged in a gang war against the Russian Mafia and to an extent, the Zaibatsu. They are led by a man named Jee Poon Dong, a centenarian criminal kingpin that is said to possess 'the wisdom of a dolphin in the Yangtze River'. They listen to electronica and techno. They are composed of mostly Asian and Eurasian gangsters in their 20s to 40s who enjoy old 90s Japanese sports cars and listening to bands like Underworld and Fluke, and act like entitled rich kids not unlike Huang from Chinatown Wars. Zaibatsu Corporation (Logistics Division) Ethnicity: Mixed, predominantly Eurasian Leader: Uno Carbine Color: Black Gender: Predominantly male Vehicles: Truffade Z-Type, Coil Raiden, Coil Cyclone, Archer Mortar, Declasse Bedford Codename For Speed: Chameleon Description: The logistical division of the Zaibatsu Corporation, specializing both in shipping and production, and trying to push their way in to the smuggling business of the Megacity. They dislike the Forty-Four Clan and the Bratva for being competition, and despise the Epsilonists for being fanatical. They are led by CLO Uno Carbine, a man who is never seen without a body bag. They listen to jazz, alternative R&B and funk. Members are either dock workers or corporate representatives and bodyguards, and like the pharmaceutical division, this division is shown by the type of vehicle a certain type of member drives. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLGOTHA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Golgotha City Mafia Ethnicity: Caucasian, predominantly Italian-American Leader: Enzo Cavelli Color: Blue Gender: Predominantly male Vehicles: Vapid Tempest Codename for Speed: Kid Description: Loosely based on the Kansas City Mafia, this group operates out in the city of Golgotha north of the Megacity, and play a larger role in the Golgotha storyline. They are led by a man named Enzo, who believes that the Camorra might come to the city to kill him and his gang. They listen to classic rock. Members of the gang are stereotypical Italian-American mobsters who wear trench coats and leather jackets, and spout cheesy Sopranos-esque dialogue among each other. Camorra Ethnicity: Italian Leader: Alberto DeGrazia Color: Silver Gender: All-male Vehicles: Albany Calvacade Evo Description: A foreign gang featured in the Golgotha storyline. Enzo's paranoid thoughts are soon proven to be true, as the Camorra come from Italy to destroy his gang. They are led by Alberto DeGrazia, a Camorra lieutenant who has a history of bad blood with Enzo. They listen to new-age and classical. Members of the gang only speak Italian, much like the Leones in GTA 3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEVALOKA --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Devaloka Yardies Ethnicity: Caribbean and Afro-American Leader: Sabrina Color: Gold, Black and Green Gender: Mixed Vehicles: Albany Virgo Continental Codename for Speed: My Youth Description: A yardie group based in the city of Devaloka. They play a larger role in the Devaloka side storyline and are engaged in a feud against the Rococo Crime Syndicate. They are led by a woman named Sabrina, a self-proclaimed anarchist and dub musician. They listen to dancehall and reggae. Members of the gang despise social injustice and declare that Devaloka has "no room for Babylon". Rococo Crime Syndicate Ethnicity: Caucasian Leader: Colonel McDouglas Color: White and Red Gender: All-male Vehicles: Albany Chumash Codename for Speed: Carpetbagger Description: A property conglomerate slash criminal enterprise from the South, who are actively trying to wipe out Yardie presence in Devaloka in order to bring in investors to their resort-casino. Featured prominently in the Devaloka casino side storyline that Speed can choose to take part in. They are led by Colonel McDouglas, a stereotypical Southern gentleman. They listen to classic rock and oldies. Members are shown to be equally as opportunistic as McDouglas himself, though not necessarily from the South themselves. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTERS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main Characters Characters that play a major role in the storyline, and will appear regardless of the playstyle chosen. Speed Modelled after: Mark Dacascos (Male), Mylene Jampanoi (Female) [MALE] [FEMALE] "..." The game's protagonist. A (mostly) silent drifter from out of town, possibly of Eurasian descent. His/her motives are a mystery to many, and has nobody but The Denomination to back them up. One thing's for sure is that they aren't afraid to spill some blood when things go south, or, depending on how you control them, even when things don't. Heavily implied to have some dirt with the Zaibatsu Corporation in the past over the course of the game. The player has the option to play either as a male or a female Speed. Solomon Wakes Portrayed by: Phil LaMarr (Acting Reel) "I ain't gonna insult your intelligence by telling you what you know are obvious facts, but it's a warzone out there, and someone's gotta clean it up." A high-ranking member of The Denomination, and the first person Speed meets in the game. The deuteragonist of the main storyline, he is an old school vigilante who wants to clean the streets of filth. He makes it clear that he will not hesitate to kill Speed if he/she decides to go down the path of corruption. He is somewhat unaware of the true intentions of The Denomination, however, as he later finds out. Adam Enderwood Portrayed by: Frederick Weller (In Plain Sight scene) "Yeah, hand some broad/asshole a piece and expect her/him not to shoot you in the back once it's all said and done. Great thinkin', Solomon." Another high-ranking member of The Denomination and tritagonist of the main storyline. He is a snarky individual with a dark sense of humor who specializes in firearms and explosives, and gradually warms up to Speed. Unlike Solomon, however, he is in on the inner workings of The Denomination, and actively takes part in their... other wet work. The Leader Portrayed by: Kadeem Hardison (Acting Reel) "You know damn well the real reason you came to this city, don't you?" The unseen leader of The Denomination who only communicates through intercom. He is a shadowy figure who rarely appears in the open, and even other members of the organisation do not know what he actually looks like. Lygas Petraitis Portrayed by: Ulrich Thomsen (Banshee - Kai Proctor) "This one... this one's the perfect candidate." One of the major antagonists in the game. The CEO of The Zaibatsu Corporation and a pusher for eugenics. He uses his corporation as a front for his illegal activities. Always scheming, he constantly monitors Speed and their actions, and anticipates the breakdown of his corporate divisions. Elenor Veliu Portrayed by: Dana Christina (Acting Reel) "You impressed the Don, congratulations. Any last words?" One of Lygas's personal bodyguards and a major antagonist in the main storyline. A tall, dark-haired assassin who works security for the Zaibatsu Corporation, and specializes in silencing dissenters and critics of the corporation. Her silence is contrasted with Rey's talkativeness. Depending on the gender chosen, she either appears in Speed's apartment as part of a hit directed by Lygas or towards the end of the game when Speed storms the Zaibatsu HQ. Rey El Dorado Portrayed by: Adan Canto (Interview) "Forget Queensbury, I ain't givin' you a quick death, on account of Petraitis." Another one of Lygas's personal security detail and another major antagonist. He is a brawny mercenary and an experienced boxer, and extremely chatty at that. Despite their differences, him and Elenor work well together. Depending on the gender chosen, he either appears in Speed's apartment as part of a hit directed by Lygas or towards the end of the game when Speed storms the Zaibatsu HQ. Gang Leaders Gang leaders in The Megacity, Golgotha and Devaloka, each with their own distinct personality. Jyunichi "Johnny Zoo" Tsuneyoshi Portrayed by: Brian Tee (Acting Reel) "I know Elmo's pulling something screwy this time... Kohai! Go and send these mick bastards their last tab, on the house!" The oyabun of the Tsuneyoshi Crime Family. Formerly friends and allies with the leader of the Highlanders, Elmo O' Hara, they are now engaged in a bitter rivalry and gang war against each other. Now owns many clubs and lounges, including a nightclub called Tír na nÓg, originally owned by Elmo and his gang. Is shown to be somewhat of a coward, preferring instead to leave the shooting and murdering to his men while he goes to the nightclubs. Elmo O' Hara Portrayed by: Kieran Bew (Acting Reel) "Gobsh*tes, all of 'em! I'm not gonna leave this table until all those feckless Yakuza bastards are dead!" The leader of The Highlanders of Tara, originally from Belfast as a contract killer who rose through the ranks of his organisation. Has an enforcer and right-hand by the name of Beatrice O' Shaughnessy, who he shares a platonic yet strong relationship with. Formerly friends with Johnny Zoo until a bar brawl between the two gangs in his nightclub resulted in it being annexed by the Yakuza. Has a bad temper and speaks in a thick Irish accent in contrast to Beatrice's regular American accent. Beatrice O' Shaughnessy Portrayed by: Hannah Britland (Acting Reel) "Give it a rest, boss. Don't let that sh*t with Johnny go to your head." The enforcer of The Highlanders of Tara. She is an expert in demolitions. The more level-headed of the two, she provides a voice of reason to Elmo's anger. Born and raised as an Irish-American in The Megacity, she also has a hard time understanding Elmo's anecdotes of his time in Belfast. El Burro Portrayed by: Maurice Compte (Interview) "People have called me by other names, but El Burro would do for most. Now, where were we?" The baron of Los Arcangeles. Real name unknown, he is a businessman who is never seen without his cowboy hat, who also has connections to important drug cartels South of the United States. His name is derived from the way he disposes his enemies back in his home country; grinding their bodies into feed for the donkeys. He initially strikes a deal with Trey Walsh and the Zaibatsu to inflame the gang war between The Yakuza and The Highlanders, but soon comes to realize that they might be secretly working against his organisation. Dr. Ingmar LaBrat Portrayed by: Richard Dillane (Acting Reel) "Women troubles? Sexual dysfunctions? Overpopulation? I might just have a solution for that." The leader of the SRS. A former reasearcher at the Zaibatsu Corporation hailing from Stockholm, he leads a team of female scientists who perform experiments on fertility and cloning. He also has a line of sexual dysfunction medication that he sells across The Megacity. He dislikes the motorcycle gangs in his district, especially The Buccaneers, for being "awful, boorish specimens of the homo sapiens", and holds a grudge against the Zaibatsu for kicking him out of the company. Billy Bob Jackson Portrayed by: Jeff Kober (Acting Reel) "Chapters don't mean sh*t in this town when you're sharing room with a posse of Ivy League rejects on one end and a bunch of puffy-coat tooting ricers on the other." The chapter president of the Buccaneers MC. Has seen a lot of military action in Asia, South America and the Middle East. Currently involved with skirmishes against both the SRS and the Ryders. A biker longing for the days where everything was diesel, he dislikes change to the status quo. Owns a Western Company Revenant that he cherishes a lot. Jay-X Watanabe Portrayed by: Jaime M. Callica (Acting Reel) "The Ryders run this district, run and tell that!" The president of The Rollin' Ryders Tokko-kai. He is a former Zaibatsu engineer who runs an organised group of local black gangsters that share a common love for import motorcycles, tuning, big clothes and bass music. His girlfriend, Kelsey Amiri, is the vice-president of the gang. They are engaged in a feud with the Buccaneers, for their differences, and the Zaibatsu, who like Dr. LaBrat, he has a grudge against. Kelsey Amiri Portrayed by: Danielle Deadwyler (Acting Reel) "Easy, boo. That motherf*cker is toast once I'm done with him!" Vice president of The Rollin' Ryders Tokko-kai and the girlfriend of president Jay-X Watanabe. Like Jay-X, she enjoys tuning motorcycles and causing havoc around the district. Claims to be unable to live alone without Jay-X. Vinsky Jerkov Portrayed by: Lev Gorn (Acting Reel) "You know how they do it in these American westerns, comrade? When we want to solve problems, we duel, yes?" Leader of The Megacity Bratva. Enjoys watching cowboy films and American culture. Feeds his men and community hot dogs made of humans, played for laughs in the storyline. He runs smuggling and body disposal operations along the ports of the industrial district, shipping American cars back to the Motherland and turning cadavers into sausages. He is at war with the Forty-Four Clan over ownership of strategic warehouses and jetties along the district, and the Zaibatsu for trying to run in on his organisation. Venus Ordelia Portrayed by: Joanna Vanderham (Acting Reel) "Your life is meaningless without the dogma of the Epsilon Program. Consider converting today!" Cult leader of The Epsilonists. Taking the appearance of a perky young evangelist zealot, this seemingly innocent exterior is a facade for a much more sinister deeds. Believing the rapture to be near, she masterminds most of the city's terrorist attacks, and goes out of her way to destroy businesses belonging to the Zaibatsu and the Bratva, under false direction by Poon Dong, while trying to spread the influence of her cult around the city. Jee Poon Dong Portrayed by: Perry Yung (Acting Reel) "In the great and proud honor of our ancestors, Grasshopper, do kindly put a bullet through that f*ckin' Russian's skull!" Chairman of The Forty-Four Clan. Said to be over 250 years old, with lineages trailing back to the old dynasties. He has a sick sense of humor and, like his adversary Jerkov, never backs down from a fight, despite his old age. He runs smuggling and illegal vehicle production operations along the industrial district, and is currently at war with Jerkov over certain properties. Enzo Cavelli Portrayed by: Peter Appel (Manhunt Hood #3 Voice) (Acting Reel) "Come over to the safehouse tonight, kid. I'm goin' crazy over this Camorra Cosa Nostra bullsh*t!" The Leader of the Mafia Crew based in Golgotha city. He wakes up one day with many of his operations internally sabotaged and begins to develop paranoid thoughts. He eventually seeks out the help of Speed to find the perpetrator of the attacks, leading back to the Camorra. Alberto DeGrazia Portrayed by: Anthony Bonaventura (S.W.A.T. scene) "You've always been a stronzo, Enzo. You are nothing but a pawn even now." A Camorra lieutenant from Italy who is revealed to be the one behind most of the attacks against the Golgotha City Mafia. Enzo soon reveals that, in the past, he pissed off a few Camorra lieutenants, including Alberto, which led to this retaliation. Sabrina Portrayed by: Simone Moore (Acting Reel) "Ya na work fe dat Babylonian ras clot Colonel McDouglas, ya got dat, mi yout?" Leader of the Devaloka Yardies, and a popular dub musician in the area. An anti-establishment anarchist, her gang destroys everything that relates to the idea of an oppressive force. This poses a problem for the Rococo Crime Syndicate, who have a casino and resort in the area. Speed would eventually have to come to a decision whether or not to side with her and her gang in the climax of the Devaloka storyline. Colonel McDouglas Portrayed by: Alpha Trivette (Acting Reel) "Business is business, and if I don't get what I want, I make a deal. And if I still don't get what I want, then we might have to reconsider our moral impulses on the matter." Leader of the Rococo Crime Syndicate, and owner of the resort and casino in Devaloka, currently being attacked by the Yardies. A property tycoon from Louisiana, he is a Southern Gentlemen who, despite referring to Speed as a "carpetbagger", shows great respect to him/her and pays accordingly for his/her services. Speed would eventually have to come to a decision whether or not to side with him and his gang in the climax of the Devaloka storyline. Zaibatsu Corporation Execs As their name implies, they are on the top of the corporate ladder at the Zaibatsu Corporation. They take their orders directly from Lygas Petraitis himself. Trey Walsh Portrayed by: Joseph Lyle Taylor (Acting Reel) "Hookers, blow and more blow. That's three of the perks of being a powerful corporate exec." The director of the Pharmaceutical division and COO of the Zaibatsu Corporation. He is a drug and sex addict who makes decisions out of impulse and paranoia rather that rationality. Lygas has considered terminating him, but kept him around simply because he has powerful friends. He strikes a deal with El Burro of Los Arcangeles to continue the gang war between the Irish and Japanese, in order to claim the drug markets in the commercial district for the Zaibatsu. Red Valdez Portrayed by: David Lee McInnis (Acting Reel) "I could convince you to buy a bucket of manure for a million dollars in the most ingenuous way you could ever think of, and you'd probably fall for it. But f*ck that, I'm too old for that sh*t now." The director of the Finances division and CFO of the Zaibatsu Corporation. A former confidence man, he is given a job at the Zaibatsu and eventually progressed to the position he is at now. Using his prior knowledge in fraud and financial espionage, he attempts to take control of the protection, fraud and larceny rackets in the residential district from the motorcycle gangs and the SRS. Uno Carbine Portrayed by: Jim Abele (L.A. Noire - Curtis Benson) (Acting Reel) "We both know the story of the scorpion and frog. I'm the frog that drowned it." The director of the Logistics division and CLO of the Zaibatsu Corporation. He is rarely seen in the open unless he has to take care of business, and has a team of bodyguards with body bags ready at his disposal. He intends to take over the smuggling operations in the industrial district. Has a personal call girl named Ulrika Afrique. Ulrika Afrique Portrayed by: Mariana Paola Vincente (Interview) "So you're gonna waste Uno huh? That's pretty sexy!" Girlfriend of Zaibatsu CLO Uno Carbine and high-class escort. Depicted as a beautiful, yet unfaithful gold digger who sleeps around and shows no affection towards Carbine. Can potentially become a contact for Speed, or another murder number, depending on how he/she decides to destroy the division. Playstyle-Exclusive Characters Depending on the playstyle, there are certain characters that Speed can only encounter in the game if they decide to go down a certain path. Alderman Thomas Saint II Portrayed by: Russell Wong (Interview) "You and me. We're the same. Only difference is you wave a gun, I wave the public opinion." A hardliner politician who is hard on crime and corporate corruption and intends to clean the streets, permanently. First meeting Speed at gunpoint, Saint gives them the intel they need to go after the gangs in the city, as well as to further his own political career. Whether or not this succeeds depends on how the player controls Speed. Only appears in the Anarchist run. Aero "The Orator" Stamper Portrayed by: Clarke Peters (The Wire - Lester Freamon) "You want a truce with all the gangs in the city? Read a damn epic 'cause the path where we at? We ain't never gonna see a light in the day where we can walk the streets feelin' safe." A former gang leader who united all the gangs in the city roughly 40 years before the game's current year. Old, wounded and somewhat of a cynic, he soon comes to see the potential that Speed has to do the same thing he did in directing all the gangs in the city to a common cause, in this case a war against the Zaibatsu. Stamper gives Speed the insight they need to achieve this. Only appears in the Diplomat run. Ursula Jenko Portrayed by: Kate Norby (L.A. Noire - Lorna Pattinson) (Acting Reel) "Looks like business is runnin' pretty well, boss. You can sleep easy for the next 48 hours, if my calculations are correct." A down-in-the-dumps yet gifted lawyer and former defender of some of the big names in the criminal underworld. Wanted dead by some and shunned by the others, Jenko eventually finds solace working for Speed's criminal enterprise as his/her secretary. Only appears in the Ambition run. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEXT: PART 2 - ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK & RADIO STATIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. A special thanks to @The Coconut Kid for the magnificent headers. A special thanks to @Francesco Bonomo for the inspiration and for helping with the project. Theme Song: The Great Escape by John Cameron When you think about the Bay Area in 1975, what comes to mind? The beautiful weather? The wild and free women? Or perhaps the incredible music scene that will forever be immortalized. Regardless of what your answer may be, there is only one true statement; a mess. A rogue cop story in San Fierro, Detective Ray Vallard; an honest cop of the SFPD, is in hot pursuit of a notorious drug trafficker and murderer, Gerard DuBray. But when he had DuBray cornered and surrounded by fellow SFPD, he is betrayed by his own men and is shot and left for dead. At the hospital he is pronounced dead but really, he is put under a coma for an entire year. It is now 1975, Vallard has awoken and wants revenge. Raymond Paul Vallard [Born November 3rd, 1940] is a San Fierro native from the Murfree-Brougham district. In 1959, he enlisted himself in the Army and was stationed overseas during the beginning stages of the Vietnam War. He returned to his State of San Andreas with an honorable discharge in 1962 and based himself in Los Santos. Started working as a Unionized Longshoreman at the Port of Los Santos but decided to pursue law enforcement years later. He graduated the Police Academy and became a sworn-in Police Officer for his beloved San Fierro in 1969. He was involved in the pursuit for The Gemini Killer that same year. By 1974, he had become a very prestigious officer and Detective for the SFPD. That is, until his unfortunate betrayal. Left on the cold asphalt with multiple gunshot wounds on a rainy night, he would be put into a coma for the next year. When he awakens and gathers his strength, he embarks on a revenge mission against those that betrayed him and Drug Kingpin, DuBray. Ray drives a 1972 Schyster Deviant and carry's a loaded Combat Revolver. The Character List will be updated as the story progresses. STRANGLEHOLD consists of 3 large regions, which are divided into 6 counties. There are a total of 16 Cities and Towns. Including the city of Santiago, the States capital. The City and County of San Fierro "Oro en Paz, Fierro en Guerra." "How can I describe San Fierro in '75? One word... Mixed. The whole city is a melting pot of every seasoning in existence, it seems. Whatever you fancy, you can find it in San Fierro. Just gotta know where to look. It may sound like a wonderland to hippies and the gays, and in a way, it is. However, for a cop, it's a f*cking nightmare." Districts Castle Point Amber Strait Bridge/Route 212 Fierro-Andreas Bridge/I-69 Basin Hollow The Cabrera Angler Pier North Ward Tiroteo Downtown Doubtfire Heights Chinatown Japantown Kreischer Hill Coltrane Cabrera Heights Eureka City Hall Eltoncury Keyser Park Rey Valley Beacon Point Dutch Flats Township Depot Valenciano Murfree-Brougham West Central Coast House Parnassus Hill South Fierro San Fierro International Airport Bellavista Andreas Bay "Love to live and live life" "Andreas Bay is moreso like San Fierro's Cousin. Everyone's had that one cousin that always tries to one-up you. Well, that's Andreas Bay. It is a beautiful city. Visually pleasing. But, it suffers from identity crisis. It tries to look like San Fierro but doesn't want to be compared to San Fierro. No one will ever truly understand Andreas Bay... just like San Fierro." Districts and Neighborhoods North Andreas Ramathorne Park Amber Strait Newton Domingo Avenue Roxbury Angeline Cross Tulsa Eastside Bay Oscar Grant Escuella Duncanhurst West Andreas Riley Park Freeway Village Catkskill Fantasma Underpass Gibson Point Andreas Port Central Andreas City Center Chinatown Jack Swift Square/Waterfront Amber Coast Apartments Little Seoul Old Andreas Bay Anderson College Uptown Lake Autumn Triangle Point Majestic Lake Lake Autumn Bay Hills Ayers-Allen Broad Hills Olmstead Cemetery Greensboro Heights Nice Valley Port City "The City of Beauty and Ambition" "Port City... More like Pretentious City. Everybody from there is an uppity asshole with a trust fund. My wife... I mean, my ex-wife, was once looking for a house to live at in Hutchinson Village. Needless to say, we kept our broke asses in San Fierro. Sometimes I ask myself, what would it have been if we moved there when we wanted? Well, that sh*t's over." Districts Hutchinson Village Frisco Hills North & East Downtown El Imprudente Hills Middle Port City Seneca Village Perales Point East Point Paxton Port Annex Maya Sol Bayside "Our beautiful small paradise by the Bay." "Small town U.S.A. at it's best. A nice escape from the city bullsh*t. Not my kind of place, though. But if I make it to old age and retire, you can find me in a nice home in the Sun View neighborhood... But please don't visit me, I will shoot." Neighborhoods "Real-life counterpart of the neighborhoods" Fort Marion (Fort Baker) Sun View (Old Town) Sheepshead Ridge (Wolfback Ridge) Bayside Esplanade (Bridgeway Promenade) Prominence (The Hill) Ferry Pier (Downtown Sausalito) New Bayside (Caledonia Street) Latrucha Island "It's a prison... Enough said." "Again, it's a prison. The f*ck else you want to know about it? That it's Hell on an earthly island between San Fierro and Andreas Bay. Just pray you don't end up in there." Trujillo "The City where the Moon shines brighter than the Sun." "Our Vinewood, away from Vinewood. There isn't a single complaint I have about Trujillo; other than I hate the drive there. I gotta either drive north through Bayside and get pulled over for no reason, or drive through Andreas Bay and Port City where I will definitely get pulled over. f*ck it. It's almost worth it." Neighborhoods "Real life counterparts of the neighborhoods" Port Trujillo Bridge San Javier (Santa Margarita) Pueblito (Sun Valley) Barksdale (Greenfield) Hawkings (Forbes) MacMahon Park (Grestle Park) Downtown Colin Perth (Bret Harte) Relampago (Dominican) Riviera (Canal) Tierra Seca (Terra Linda) Firenze (Santa Venetia) Northwood (Marinwood) Sky Valley (Lucas Valley) Entremedio (Los Ranchitos) Pelican Gap (Glenwood/Peacock Gap) Great Trujillo Country Club (Country Club/Loch Lomond) STRANGLEHOLD features four cities and small towns. Each with their own Police force. Apart from their jurisdiction, you can tell them apart from their patrol car. But they all react differently to criminal activity. San Fierro Police Department Patrol Car For the most part, they're fair. But since it has been corrupted recently, there's been a change in protocol when it comes to drugs. For instance, any low-life dealer trying to sell anything on DuBray's turf, best believe that SFPD will come and give you a rough lesson in repercussions. But DuBray's dealers have full protection from the police. Andreas Bay Police Department Patrol Car We call them "The Dirty Dozen." Mainly because it seems like its always the same 12 officers on the streets. Don't get it twisted, they are a rough bunch. Their main focus is gang activity and The Black Panthers. Drugs do flow through the Andreas Bay streets. But to them, the real poison are the African-American gangs and the Black Panthers, who aren't even a gang. Port City Police Department Patrol Car Being a police officer for PCPD gotta be a walk in the park. No crime ever happens in Port City. But it's because of that, they respond with haste to any disturbance. They are very hostile to outsiders. So be careful. Sometimes I think Port City is a Sundown Town. I hope not. Trujillo Police Department Patrol Car Pretty much, Marines with Police Badges. They take protecting Trujillo very seriously. If you get pulled over and they ask you what your business is in Trujillo, you better have your story straight. Or else, You get to enjoy a weekend in a Trujillo jail, which is home to Captain Micah Umberland. With him, either you're gonna get f*cked up, or you're gonna get f*cked... He holds quite a reputation. Cano County Sheriffs Department Patrol Car The small towns of Cano County are all under one department. They're pretty friendly and understanding. But if it's one thing they look forward to, is a hot pursuit on the dirt roads. They love giving high-speed chases. Real Southern Style. "Nevermind what the post cards show in those fruity pictures of the Bay Area, gangs and organized crime syndicates have all made themselves at home here. Just know what neighborhoods to avoid, and be very careful who you piss off. You never know who knows who." Caffaro Crime Family - San Fierro's own Mafia Family. They run most of Northern San Fierro. From Angler Pier to Cabrera Heights, it is under Cosa Nostra control. Normally, they're not hostile outside of their turf. But they will, in fact, protect their neighborhoods by any means necessary. Their boss is Santino Caffaro, the son of Gaetano Caffaro who formed this mafia family in the 1930's. Santino does a good job running the family. They generate a lot of money and they fly below the radar. The Yakuza - A small Japanese syndicate out of Japantown. You don't hear a lot from them but they do run a round-the-clock betting station on Mercury Street. That's their biggest money maker and their most secured. Tough sons-of-bitches, they are. No one knows who runs them; but whoever does, lurks in the shadows. Very secretive. The Triads - The Chinese are a rough bunch of gun-toting Cowboys. Chinatown, their homebase, is split between two Triad factions. There's the Shadow Boy's from Gary Street in the Northern part of Chinatown, and there's the Wei Sing Tongs from Oak Street in the Southern part of Chinatown. After requisitioning half of the businesses, the Wei Sing Tong also have a crew operating in lower Kreischer Hill. La Rifa - A gang of Northern Mexicans from the Valenciano district. A gang that started in the Soledad State Prison in the 60's, quickly turned Valenciano into a gang stronghold. They identify themselves by their verbal codes and a small tattoo on their right hand. This gang is highly organized and they sell marijuana in large quantities throughout the city and beyond. They haven't had any violent events happen lately, so they haven't attracted a lot of police attention. For now. Angels of Death MC - There are two chapters in the Bay Area. AoDMC San Fierro in Murfree-Brougham and AoDMC Andreas Bay in Eastside Bay. One of the biggest Motorcycle Clubs in America, and one of the most violent. They run almost the entire market for Uppers and Downers in the Bay Area. Not friendly to outsiders. The Black Vanguard - What was supposed to be an empowering movement for Black People, turned into a criminal group of killers. In San Fierro, they call the Coltrane District home. In Andreas Bay, they call the Oscar Grant District home. The two factions seem to have a slight beef towards each other. But for the most part, their enemies are the San Fierro Rifa. Beacon Point Gangs - Beacon Point is split up by two gangs that fight each other constantly. Brick House Gang - Located on the Easternmost region of Beacon Point at the Highland Projects on Hayward Street. You notice them walking around with red sashes somewhere on their person. That indicates they are Brick House Gang members. North Beacon Butchers - Located a few blocks north of Highland Projects. This gang has been around since the 1940's at the Great Andreas Projects on New Street. Their insignia is a patch of two meat cleavers crossing each other at an X form behind the letters NBB. No colors. "Whoever says that guns weren't used a lot because we were men and men fight with their fists, is a f*cking bullsh*t liar. You can find guns literally anywhere in the city. The government outlawed the legal ownership of guns in 1968, but changed the law a little bit in 1975. If you're licensed, you can buy and own a pistol or revolver. Nothing else. Thanks for nothing, President Dorcester. Now, if you wanna buy a real weapon, find the right guy in the streets [i.e. whether he drives a van or has a backroom shop] and get yourself some real firepower." Handguns Revolver - Smith & Wesson 19 Snub Combat Revolver - Smith & Wesson Model 29 Classic Heavy Revolver - Colt Python Pistol - Smith & Wesson Model 39 Combat Pistol - Colt M1911 Heavy Pistol - MAB PA-15 Shotguns Shotgun - Winchester Model 1887 Combat Shotgun - Ithaca 37 Heavy Shotgun - Remington 1100 Automatic Sub-Machine Gun - Smith & Wesson M76 Combat Sub-Machine Gun - Uzi Heavy Sub-Machine Gun - H&K MP5 Machine Gun - RPD Combat Machine Gun - M60 Assault Rifle - M14 Rifle Combat Assault Rifle - AK47 Heavy Assault Rifle - Colt AR15 Rifle Rifle - M1 Carbine Combat Rifle - M1 Garand Sniper Rifle - Remington 700 Combat Sniper Rifle - M1903 Springfield Heavy Sniper Rifle - SVT-40 Special Grenade Launcher - M79 Rocket Launcher - M72 LAW Mini Gun Equipment Molotov Cocktail Frag Grenade Smoke Grenade C4 Charge Proximity Mine Throwing Knife Jerry Can "The Bay Area is an open bar of vehicles. Any type of vehicle you're looking for, you'll definitely find it. If, and only if, you know where to find it. If you wanna steal a car, go ahead. I only recommend you be smart about it. Change the plates and the vin number. There are plenty of chop shops in the Bay Area that will do that for you. For a price, that is." STRANGLEHOLD features 141 different vehicles. ALBANY Buccaneer - 1972 Chevy Monte Carlo Emperor - 1975 Cadillac DeVille Esperanto - 1975 Cadillac Seville Hermes - 1951 Mercury Eight Lurcher - 1967 Cadillac Funeral Coach Manana - 1967 Cadillac El Dorado Washington - 1972 Lincoln Town Car Benefactor Feltzer - 1971 Mercedes-Benz R107 Glendale - 1975 Mercedes-Benz W123 Schafter - 1967 Mercedes-Benz W114 Schlagen GT - 1972 Mercedes AMG GT Schwartzer - 1973 Mercedes-Benz W108 Stirling GT - 1963 Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Stretch - 1975 Mercedes-Benz W100 Bürgerfahrzeug Bifta - 1966 Volkwagon Meyers Manx Club - 1974 Volkswagon Golf Dune Buggy - 1970 Volkswagon Sand Rail Injection - 1969 Volkswagon Baja Bug Surfer - 1967 Volkswagon Type 2 Weevil - 1964 Volkswagon Beetle BRAVADO Duneloader - 1946 Dodge Power Wagon Gauntlet - 1970 Dodge Challenger Talladega - 1969 Dodge Charger Daytona Rat-Loader - 1940 International Harvester Rumpo - 1972 Ford Club Wagon Youga - 1974 Ford E-Series C A N I S Bodhi - 1969 Kaiser Jeep M715 Kalahari - 1968 Citroen Mehari Mesa - 1975 Jeep Wrangler Seminole - 1974 Jeep Cherokee DECLASSE Stallion - 1968 Oldsmobile Cutlass Burrito - 1967 Chevrolet Van Tampa - 1972 Dodge Dart Granger - 1975 Chevrolet Suburban Impaler - 1967 Chevrolet Impala Mamba - 1967 AC Cobra Rancher - 1970 Chevrolet KS Blazer Rhapsody - 1975 AMC Pacer Sabre - 1973 Chevrolet Mote Carlo Sabre GT - 1070 Chevrolet Chevelle Tornado - 1957 Chevrolet Bel-Air Tulip - 1972 Chevrolet Malibu Vamos - 1974 Chevrolet Nova Voodoo - 1960 Chevrolet Impala Vigero - 1967 Chevrolet Camaro Yosemite - 1967 Chevrolet C10 Dewbauchee JB 700 - 1965 Aston Martin DB5 Rapid GT - 1973 Aston Martin V8 DINKA Akuma - 1972 Honda XL250 Blista - 1973 Honda Civic Chavos - 1976 Honda Accord Enduro - 1972 Honda CR250M Elsinore Veto - 1965 Rupp Dart A-Bone Kart DUNDREARY Admiral - 1975 Mercury Grand Marquis Regina - 1973 Plymouth Fury Sport Suburban Virgo - 1974 Mercury Cougar E N U S Cognoscenti - 1971 Rolls-Royce Silver Shadow Stafford - 1966 Rolls Royce Silver Cloud Super Diamond - 1968 Rolls-Royce Phantom V Windsor - 1974 Bentley Corniche GALLIVANTER Baller - 1969 Range Rover Fiona - 1975 Austin 1800 Coventry - 1973 Triumph GT6 Mk III GROTTI Bestia - 1958 250 GT Coupé Brioso 300 - 1973 Fiat 500F Carbonizzare - 1959 250 GT California Spyder GT500 - 1962 Ferrari 250 GT/E Stinger - 1964 Ferrari 250 GTO Imponte Deluxo - 1975 Lancia Montecarlo DF8-90 - 1974 Pontiac Grand Am Dukes - 1969 Dodge Charger Nightshade - 1971 Chevrolet Camaro Phoenix - 1974 Firebird Trans Am Ruiner - 1973 Chevrolet Camaro Z28 lNVETERO Coquette - 1962 Chevrolet Corvette C1 Coquette M2 - 1964 Chevrolet Corvette C2 Jobuilt Hauler - 1973 Peterbilt 282 Mammatus - 1971 Cessna 172L Phantom - 1967 Peterbilt 359 Rubble - 1967 Peterbilt 359 Dump Truck Trashmaster - 1972 Garbage Truck K A R I N 190z - 1969 Toyota 2000GT Calico GT - 1973 Toyota Celica Liftback 2000 GT Rebel - 1972 Toyota Hilux Lampadati Casco - 1964 Maserati 3500 GT Cinquemila - 1969 Maserati Quattroporte 4200 Felon - 1974 Maserati Quattroporte II Michelli GT - 1965 Giulia Sprint GT Veloce Pigalle - 1975 Citroën SM Toro - 1972 Riva Aquarama Tropos - 1973 Lancia Stratos Viseris - 1975 De Tomaso Pantera Nagasaki BF400 - 1971 Kawasaki A1 Samurai Buzzard - 1965 Hughes OH-6 Cayuse Carbon RS - 1971 Ducati 750 GT O B E Y Tailgater - 1975 Audi 80 C240 - 1975 Audi 100 C240 Coupe S - 1975 Audi 100 Derby - 1974 Audi 50 PEGASSI Bati 800 - 1975 Ducati 860 GT Faggio - 1969 Vespa Rally 180 Infernus - 1972 Lamborghini Countach Monoe - 1967 Lamborghini Miura P400 Vacca - 1970 Lamborghini Espada Zentorno - 1973 Lamborghini Urraco PFISTER Comet - 1975 Porsche 911 SCHYSTER Deviant - 1972 Javelin AMX Euro - 1975 Chrysler 180 Dorcester - 1971 Chrysler 300 Hemsworth - 1975 Chrysler Charger Adobe - 1975 Chrysler Cordoba Holland - 1966 Chrysler Windsor ÜBERMACHT Sentinel - 1975 BMW 3 Series Oracle - 1972 BMW 5 Series Zion - 1968 BMW E3 Revolter - 1975 BMW E9 Vapid Blade - 1970 Ford Falcon Bobcat - 1973 Chevrolet C/K Bullet - 1969 Ford GT40 Chino - 1964 - Lincoln Continental Clique - 1951 Shoebox Ford Dominator GTT - 1970 Ford Mustang Boss 302 Ellie - 1967 Shelby Mustang GT500 Fortune - 1966 Ford Thunderbird Hotknife - 1920's Ford Model A Hustler - 1933 Ford Coupe Marbelle - 1975 Ford Granada Peyote - 1957 Ford Thunderbird Retinue - 1972 Ford Escort MK1 Riata - 1973 Ford Bronco Slamvan - 1953 Ford F-Series Telano - 1976 Ford Gran Torino V U L C A R Fagaloa - 1966 Volvo Amazon Station Wagon Nebula - 1974 Volvo 242 Coupe Warrener - 1971 Nissan Skyline WESTERN MOTORCYCLE COMPANY Vaquero - 1975 Harley-Davidson XL-1000 Equalizer - 1971 Harley-Davidson XLH Sportster Freeway - 1973 Harley-Davidson FL Electra-Glide Arabia - 1975 Harley-Davidson XR-750 Razor - 1971 Harley-Davidson FX Super Glide Quicksilver - 1975 Harley-Davidson SS-250 WILLARD Forsyth - 1969 Buick Skylark Elegant - 1958 Buick Roadmaster Faction - 1973 Buick Regal Willard - 1971 Buick LaSabre "The fashion back in '75 was unforgettable. Bell-Bottoms and loose shirts was mainly what the younger kids were wearing. And the hair? All over the place. Long hair and afros. You imagine it and it was a style in the Bay Area in '75. Of course, there were the older gentlemen that wore suits and ties along with their respected fedora's. Then there's guys like me, right in the middle. I wore a lot of turtlenecks and button-up's back in those days. Even rocked a beard. The Bee Gee's were very popular and everyone grew a beard. I remember platform shoes. What a mistake that was. How anyone wore those to the disco's is beyond me. The only people that wore black was the Mafia. No one else wore black apparently. At least that's what I heard anyway." STRANGLEHOLD features numerous clothing stores throughout the Bay Area. There are different classes, however. They all depend on where the clothing store is located. For instance, if you visit Mathers in Murfree-Brougham, you will see affordable clothes but their Face Levels will be low. Face Levels determine your bonus after completing missions and stunts. Another example, if you visit Ponsonby's in Middle Port City, they are way more expensive than Mather's. But, you will receive bonuses after completing missions and stunts. Keep in mind, there will be some missions that can only be accessed if you are wearing the required clothing. It can range from Casual to Executive. Be sure to start a collection of outfits in your wardrobe. You can access your wardrobe from your safehouses and other clothing stores you have shopped from. The only difference from the Safehouse and Clothing Store wardrobe is: You have access to all your clothing in your safehouse. Whereas in the clothing stores, aside from purchasing new clothes, you can only gain access to your saved Outfits at no additional price. You can change your hair style and facial hair. STRANGLEHOLD adopts the same barbershop system from Red Dead Redemption 2 but with more customizable options. In your safehouse, you can alter your appearance, if you'd like. You will have limited options, though. You can comb your hair, trim your beard, shave entirely, cut your hair entirely, etc. But the real options can only be accessed from the barbershops. Jewelry can also be purchased. Watches, Chains, Rings, Etc. MUSIC "The 70's was a great time for music. I experienced my 20's in the 60's and I thought music was great back then. But 1975 was a golden year for music, that's for sure." Amber Strait Radio Soft Rock/Ballads Doobie Brothers - Black Water Janis Ian - At Seventeen Pilot - Magic America - Sister Golden Hair Harry Chapin - Cat's In The Cradle Michael Martin Murphey - Wildfire Sir Paul McCartney & Wings - Listen to What the Man Said 10cc - I'm Not In Love Sammy Johns - Chevy Van Linda Ronstadt - When Will I Be Loved Phoebe Snow - Poetry Man Ace - How Long Grand Funk Railroad - Bad Time Alice Cooper - Only Women Bleed Bad Company - Feel Like Making Love Queen - Killer Queen Electric Light Orchestra - Can't Get it out of my Head Fleetwood Mac - Rhiannon Wasteland FM Rock Sweet - Ballroom Blitz Sugarloaf - Don't Call Us, We'll Call You Styx - Lady Foghat - Slow Ride Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody Jethro Tull - Bungle in the Jungle Dwight Twilley Band - I'm on Fire Bachman Turner Overdrive - You Ain't See Nothing Yet Led Zeppelin - Kashmir Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here ZZ Top - Tush Rush - Fly by Night Aerosmith - Walk This Way KISS - Rock and Roll All Night Nazareth - Hair of the Dog Lynyrd Skynyrd - Saturday Night Special AC/DC - T.N.T. Ted Nugent - Stranglehold WKRDR Red Radio Country Glen Campbell - Rhinestone Cowboy John Denver - Thank God I'm a Country Boy B.J. Thomas - Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Freddy Fender - Wasted Days and Wasted Nights Jessi Colter - I'm Not Lisa Ray Stevens - Misty Heart Attack FM Pop Elton John - Philadelphia Freedom Neil Sedaka - Laughter in the Rain Tony Orlando & Dawn - He Don't Love You The Carpenters - Please, Mr. Postman Elton John - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Olivia Newton-John - Have you Never Been Mellow Ringo Starr - The No No Song The Ozark Mountain Daredevils - Jackie Blue K.98 The Movement Soul/Funk/R&B Earth, Wind, & Fire - Shining Star David Bowie - Fame Average White Band - Pick Up The Pieces Patti LaBelle - Lady Marmalade Stevie Wonder - Boogie on Reggae Woman The Isley Brothers - Fight The Power Part 1&2 The Ohio Players - Fire Barry White - You're My First, My Last, My Everything The Blackbyrds - Walking in Rhythm BT Express - Express KC & The Sunshine Band - Get Down On It Joe Simon - Get Down, Get Down Eddie Kendricks - Shoeshine Boy Al Green - Sha-La-La Chaka Khan and Rufus - You've Got the Love 21st Century - Remember the Rain Freak-When-See FM Disco Bee Gees - Jive Talkin' Van McCoy & The Soul City Symphony - The Hustle Carol Douglas - Doctors Orders Tavares - It Only Takes a Minute Frankie Valli - Swearin' to God Disco Tex and the Sex-o-Lette's - Get Dancing Bee Gee's - Night Fever Donna Summer - Love to Love You Baby Gloria Gaynor - Never Can Say Goodbye Sister Sledge - Love Don't You Go Through No Changes on Me Fatback Band - Do The Bus Stop Love in the Air Radio Romantic Minnie Riperton - Loving You Major Harris - Love Won't Let Me Wait Barry Manilow - Mandy Hamilton, Joe Frank, & Reynolds - Fallin' in Love Joe Cocker - You Are So Beautiful James Taylor - How Sweet It Is Paul Anka - I Don't Like to Sleep Alone Captain & Tennile - Love Will Keep Us Together Calle Luna y Sol FM Salsa/Merengue Fania All-Stars - La Murga Wilson Manyoma - El Preso El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico - Un Verano en Nueva Yol Tommy Olivencia - Trucutu Johnny Pacheco - Las Muchachas Angel Canales - Lejos de Ti Ismael Rivera - El Nazareno Wilfrido Vargas - Eso Ya Viene Por Ahi Johnny Ventura - Y No Me Caigo Cuco Valoy - Ella Me Olvido Tatico Henriquez - La Mecadora RadioZeta Ranchera Hermanos Zaizar - Dolor de Soldedad Juan Gabriel - 17 Anos Vicente Fernandez - Sabras Que Te Quiero Los Hermanos Bustos - El Parrandero Yolanda Del Rio - Se Me Olvido Otra Vez Ramon Ayala con Los Bravos del Norte - No Nos Quieren Corazon Lucia Mendez - Siempre Estoy Pensando en Ti Luis Perez Meza - Sufro Porque Te Quiero Jose Alfredo Jimenez - Siempre Primavera FM Spanish Ballads Camilo Sesto - Jamas Jose Jose - Divina Ilusion Raphael - Amor Mio King Clave - Los Hombres No Deben Lllorar Sandro - Penas Sophy de Puerto Rico - Cancion Para Una Esposa Triste Anthony Rios - Cancion del Adios Nicola DiBari - Guitarra Suena Mas Bajo Emilio Jose - Mi Barca Lolita Flores - Amor, Amor Danny Daniel - Se Que Enganaste Un Dia Julio Iglesias - Abrazame Bay Roots FM Reggae Lloyd Parks - Mafia Burning Spear - Slavery Days Gregory Isaacs - Sweeter than Victory Bob Marley - Kinky Reggae The Heptones - Country Boy Claudette Miller - Tonight is the Night Louisa Mark - Caught you in a Lie Johnny Nash - Tears on my Pillow Susan Cadogan - Hurts so Good Big Youth - Marcus Garvey MOVIES "Vinewood is a well-greased machine of entertainment. And in 1975, it continued creating masterpieces. Ever since Our Family came out in 1972, more and more mob and crime movies have been coming out. It's all very entertaining, but now we have a lot of Mob wannabe's on the streets embarrassing themselves. Depending on the theater, the ticket prices will vary. To put it simply, the cheapest theater is The Avenue Theater located in the Eltoncury district. Cheap tickets but sh*t quality. The most expensive, is The Zorro Theater in Uptown Andreas Bay. You pay damn-near $20 for a ticket but you can't deny that the experience is well worth it." Malachi The Twisted Chatterbox Show QUB3D Bank of Liberty Meg Honey Hussy T.V. SHOWS "When you have a moment to yourself in the comfort of your home, turn on your television and enjoy some great American programs. It's free and you can watch it anytime you want instead of waiting in line for a ticket. I personally love watching Stiller and Wilson. Now that's an American classic in the making." Stiller and Wilson The Moores Magnifica The Chapel Family K.R.A.P. (Korean Regional Army Paramedics) Malone Rata/Gata The Weekend Show
  4. IT'S ALL BUSINESS, NOTHING PERSONAL... IDEAL THEME SONG: The story puts you in control of Samuel Spoleto, the son of renowned and recently assassinated mobster, Anthony "Black" Spoleto. Returning home after graduating college and being discharged from the military, he wants to settle down and rekindle some of his relationships. However, returning to a Liberty City that has experienced the carnage previously shown in Grand Theft Auto: IV, isn't easy. Especially with Kenny Petrovic's prominence and the near fatal division of the five families. But, with the Ancelotti family facing total devastation along with his immediate family's debt, Sam has no choice but to enter the life he once promised himself and his father not to be in. And he will eventually have to step up and become the new Don of the family, despite being reluctant at first, with the old man, Giovanni Ancelotti, suffering and limited in his capacity by health conditions. Upon returning home, Sam is eventually found and tormented by a former brother-in-arms turned sworn rival named Daniel Gibson -- who is running the newly reorganized Goldberg, Ligner, & Shyster law firm and using it to carry out his dirty deeds and devious schemes. This leads to a war between former comrades and a game of morality, superiority, and power, wherein only one can rule them all... While some part of the original Liberty City from Grand Theft Auto: IV still remains, expect technological advances overtime, as we jump to 2014. Liberty City will resemble New York closer than it previously did, with wider, more expansive, open spaces explorable, and the gameplay and graphics being closer to Red Dead Redemption II. The game has a maximum of 85 missions, with the first 10-15 missions set in 2008, and the remainder in 2014, as Sam returns to America from Naples and rises up to caporegime and beyond. 2008/2009 - THIS IS WEAZEL NEWS... 6 months after the death of mob bosses Jon Gravelli and James Pegorino, the criminal underworld has been in turmoil and the so-called organized crime has become more disorganized over time. With the five families of Liberty City going haywire with finding out who will lead their exploits in this new generation (with Roy Zito being a contender, but his rumored homosexuality is a big risk to him in that position), along with presumed mafiya bratva kingpin Kenny Petrovic being accused and allegedly being responsible for the chaos ensuing in the city beneath the shadows. Meanwhile, The Lost Motorcycle Club has since then been in the dumps after the death of numerous members, including its leader and informant, William "Billy" Grey. And Afghanistan war veteran Daniel Gibson, who was awarded the Medal of Valor, is seeking to return home and take over the renewed Goldberg, Ligner, & Shyster law firm after the tragic incident wherein renowned lawyer and humble activist -- Mr. Tom Goldberg himself -- was assassinated by a Balkan hitman under circumstances that tie to police corruption. He says that he will continue and attempt to finish where Mr. Goldberg has stopped and will take out corruption by "any means necessary". In other news, Star Junction has been bombed. The motive for the bomber's actions and identity are yet to be investigated. As of now, the FIB and LCPD are still working their way around the case and finding out more details. WEAZEL NEWS... 2014 - THIS IS WEAZEL NEWS... A building in East Holland has blown up, shaking Liberty City to its core worrying its locals of another disaster after the tragic events that happened 13 years ago. And renowned lawyer Mr. Daniel Gibson has been accused of having ties to organized crime bosses such as Kenny Petrovic after a letter from his assistant states "If I die, Daniel Gibson that son of a gun was responsible." In other news, America's "sweetheart", if she ever still is, Poppy Mitchell is now under fire for the leaks of an alleged sex tape that was released a year ago by paparazzi named Beverly who's camera companion and alias is unknown. In financial news, crypto-currency is becoming a trend. With MILF (Monetary International Leasing Fund) predicting a transition in the market and the country's economy growing back at an uprate after the crash back in '07-'08, things are truly starting to change. Things are truly becoming a lot more digital than practical nowadays, good luck with those fishes in the sea. They could be a catfish after all, get what I mean? The involuntary celibates out there do. WEAZEL NEWS... Sammy Spoleto (The Protagonist) - The up-and-comer. Born and fed with a silver spoon with such manners. But isn't afraid to get tough and have his hands dirty. He has his mother's heart and patience, but his father's demeanor and mindset. He was perceived as too naive and quite predictable, but that was only the surface. Turns out, there is this dangerous aura he has to him that makes him a contender for the position of Don. Daniel Gibson (The Antagonist) - Former brother-in-arms of Sammy turned sworn enemy. Ever since he set up Sammy to be betrayed and be discharged dishonorably for an uncommitted crime done by him, he has been acting like the scummy, corrupt, two-faced, treacherous asshole he has been ever since. He uses the Goldberg, Ligner, & Shyster law firm he now runs to try and use it against Sam to expose his illegal rackets, ironically doing it in an illegal manner too. Travis Costello - Sammy's friend who has been with him since childhood. Although they were rivals at first, they grew to respect one another, and eventually, their bond grew into an extensive brother-like friendship. Whenever no one else stood by Sammy, he kept him grounded and acted as his right-hand man. He helps Sam contact other street guys who can potentially get him allies, etc. Belle D'Angelo - Sammy's former "friend-girl" from Vespucci. She now operates as a fraud accountant, secretly a money launderer. She gets him connections to the people of "higher society" (e.g. corporate men and women, politicians, and dirty aristocrats). This at the same time, worries Sammy as it also could get her to encounter some loan sharks and money launderers who are willing to "protect" their profession and status to clear the trail. He still cares for her even after leaving her, and by that he loves her. Ralphie Angelo - One of the last few original members from the Ancelotti's who is managing to keep the family alive, barely at least. He is one of the few veteran members who respected Sammy from the get-go and vice versa. He's keeping Don Gio at bay to rest and calm himself down. Don Harvey Noto - The Messina crime family's Don. While everyone else sees Sammy as this "nepo baby" who was climbing up the chain because of his father's reputation, Don Harvey fortunately however saw the same potential in him that Don Gio also did despite their rivaling status. He serves as Sam's contact from prison as he gives him some advice on how to deal and approach things. Basically serving as the 2nd mentor in the story but the 3rd in Sam's life. Roy Zito - The succeeded Don of the Gambetti Crime Family after Don Jon Gravelli passed on. He took on the role officially as soon as Sammy "Bulldog" Bottino, the former right-hand man of the Gravelli, had gone on the run after his actions in Vice City circa 2007.. While seemingly coming off as a competent don, almost like his previous don, he is hiding one thing that could prove fatal to his reputation: his homosexuality. With Sammy learning about this through Travis, he finds a disadvantage in Roy to take his advantage and attempt on taking things into his own hands. Mary Valvona - The mafia "doña" of the Pavano Crime Family. The notorious black widow has been known for getting and hanging around guys who are younger for her age. She likes 'em real young. Wishing to be the new "Godmother" of Liberty City, her ego feels threatened by Sammy's presence knowing that he is the new player in town and hates his guts and considers him nothing more than a "naive nepo baby". Unfortunately, her ego and short-sightedness of Sammy's evolvement is going to be her undoing. Kenny Petrovic - Daniel's contact and ally. On the surface, he's a client. But he's also Daniel's supplier with the rackets they run their interest in. He rules the Liberty City underworld now with the Italian mafia's days being almost numbered and the cartels he deals his exploits with are taking over. Gracie Ancelotti - Sammy's entitled and loud-mouthed fiance who is also the Ancelotti Family's associate. She is the one who gets Sam to meet other potential allies in the higher-ups of the criminal underworld. Daddy's spoiled little girl who has a two-faced nature around her father acting like a "princess" around Don Gio but a bitchy broad all around. No one can't nor do they ever take her seriously. Most people would love to enjoy slapping the hell out of her to shut up for once and keep her mouth closed. Rocco Pelosi - Former goon of Ancelotti that has aspirations of getting involved in the film industry. Really entitled a-hole that doubts Sammy quite a lot as he feels insecure about the fact that Sammy is a whole lot more worthy of becoming the family's future than he ever could. And instead, chose to pussy out and leave when the family was and is now at it's lowest. Despite being Don Gio and Gracie's distant relative, he was selfish enough to consider leaving them... "Sulky" Sonny Matteo - The son of former Ancelotti underboss "Chubby" Charlie Matteo. Called sulky because of his moodiness and his bad temper. Has the attitude and demeanor of a wild cowboy that thinks he's entitled to get everything he wants like a spoiled brat. Despite his aforementioned sulkiness, he's supportive of Sammy having the qualities of becoming the new leader of the family. The risk here, he's too noisy for Sammy to control and could be a liability. Anthony "Tony Black" Spoleto (Flashback/Cameo) - Sammy's father and a longtime capo of the Ancelotti family. Was killed by a certain Slavic hitman that made moves a few months back during a planned meeting with the Albanians. He was a fair and honorable man balanced with the ruthless demeanor and determined grit he had to help Don Gio and the family. He loved Sam genuinely and vice versa… Don Giovanni Ancelotti (Cameo) - The former Don of the Ancelotti's on his deathbed. He admires Sammy for his educational and military background. While initially reluctant to see how he could succeed him as the Don, because he saw that he wasn't like any of the other "young guns" who were acting like a bunch of wild animals on the loose and was a lot more composed and reserved, like Ralphie and in a way, his own father.. Mama/Angelica Spoleto - Sammy's mother and Tony Black's wife. She loves Sammy despite the trouble and company he keeps, as she is used to it now knowing where Sammy came from and who his father was... Albeit, she thinks Travis is quite an eccentric character of a friend for Sammy, but loves him like he is her own son too nonetheless. Mrs. Spoleto met Daniel at one point and saw who he truly was. Relationship-wise, she wishes Sammy had settled with Belle instead of thinking about Gracie and Dani Lupisella. Shirley Spoleto - Sammy's younger sister and Tony & Angelica's daughter. Despite having full awareness of her father's business, Shirley has had a fully civilized life like Sammy to this point. Never has nor had any ties to her father's business. However, it doesn't mean the mafia threatens to get near her if it means indirectly threatening Sammy or the Ancelotti and Spoleto family. But she knows how to stick up for herself. Of course, when your father is a high-ranking individual in an organization such as the Ancelotti's, you can expect her to get tough when the circumstances call for it. Stanley Spoleto - Sammy's incompetent nitwit of a brother who's a junkie. He is seen as the family's black sheep and is nothing more than some wannabe and a has-been. He's been desperate to prove himself to everyone beyond being Tony Black's junkie son. Of course, because of this everyone, especially the heads of the other Mafia families, think he's nothing but a chicken. Down under the food chain and is a puppet. Frankie Garone (Flashback/Cameo) - Met Sammy when he was still an associate of the family and a right-hand man to his father. Akin to Michael and Sonny's relationship in The Godfather, he acted as the older brother who would tease him for being the Ancelotti's future anchor and boss but still protected him from trouble, even kind of being worried about his friendship with Gibson during the earlier years Danny met Sammy. He also was as protective of Shirley and Stanley for the sake of both business and personal reasons. Don Tomaso Calo - One of Ancelotti's contacts and the one who keeps Sammy at bay when he flees Liberty for Naples, Italy to lay low. He almost serves a similar role to Don Tommasino from The Godfather Trilogy. He also helps Sam gain some potential allies and contacts while under the radar. Despite everything he could do to protect Sammy from local law enforcement, someone in his gang ratted Sammy out and that got him imprisoned. Gerald McReary - A former member of the once infamous McReary mob, he was arrested and caught for some yet-to-be-known reasons. If you worry about being a loner in prison and having to watch your back, he's got you. Although he dislikes anyone associated with the Ancelotti Family, he values you knowing he sees your potential. But, there are deeper secrets between the both of Gerry and Sammy that you may (or may not) know... Phil Belmont - One of Belle's contacts that you meet through one of her missions. He's a broker from The Exchange, quite a colorful character to say the least. You know all those rich LC broker types you see out of a movie or maybe even a TV show? He's a living embodiment of those stereotypes. What sets him apart is his con artistry that has an element of sophistication. Especially since one of his schemes involves the scamming of Gibson's firm. That's one way to add insult to injury, and it's a good one. Mitch Dickens - One of the few aristocrats out of the UK you meet up with through Belle's missions. An atypical and entitled a-hole at times that brags about his royalty background, but comes in quite handy covering you in learning more about high society and the class. Despite being the a-hole he is known for, his blood boils at the sight and mention of Gibson having met him once through a court case involving his drug problems and sex addiction. I know, crazy huh? Yeah well. He's that type. Don Vincent Lupisella - The head of the Lupisella Family. Pretty devious and two-faced. Even Don Harvey would tell you to be careful of his bad side. Describing him to be mental is an understatement to say the least. He still runs the family despite his health deteriorating and the incompetent nitwit nephew Mark Lupisella. He's not quite impressed by Sammy thinking he's just as bad as the Ancelotti's but later on, he learns he is the standout of the family and is afraid of the Ancelotti's getting back in their tracks because of him. Mark "Loopy" Lupisella - The nephew of Don Vincent. Is called Loopy for how low his IQ is, an embarrassment on Don Lupisella himself. And because of this, he is seen as a joke and is nothing special. Back then, he had a reality TV show based on him, but was canned because he attacked the executive producer. Sheesh, as if the low IQ wasn't already bad enough, yikes. Another "pezzonovante" jealous of the potential Sammy has to grow as a leader. Dani Lupisella - Don Vincent's great-niece and Mark Lupisella's daughter. Once was romantically involved with a certain right-hand man of Gay Tony Prince and had her own ties to the Ancelotti's because of it. They broke off due to Mark Lupisella's disapproval, but she is just doing fine on her own as of now. That is until she considers to rise the ranks of the criminal underworld and become a Doña to the Lupisella family, not unlike Mary Valvona and Sammy as she seeks to challenge how worthy he is compared to her. ULP/IAA Contact (Bernard) - The one who pulls all of the strings in the city. If you thought it was only politicians, big-time criminals, or maybe both, you're somewhat right. Because, both could not have done it without any involvement from the IAA Agency. And here, the ULP Contact is the head. This ain't the first time he's dealt with someone similar to Sammy in terms of being deadly and evasively competent in their jobs. GAMBETTI CRIME FAMILY - Hitting quite a downturn after the death of their renowned boss, Don Jon Gravelli, they have been looking for a new leader for quite a while now. With Roy Zito being the only option they had, they decided to accept him. But with the rumors of Zito's homosexuality surfacing not only in the media but the streets, a dangerous play and a conspiracy will ensue that could cause the family's downfall. Their main faction resides in Broker and Algonquin. (Based on the Gambino Crime Family). PAVANO CRIME FAMILY - Led by Mary Valvona, the notorious mafia black widow, the Pavano's have been viewed quite differently due to this. But the difference, unlike the Ancelotti's, they still have the amount of fear and respect needed to keep them where they are. Due to residing in Algonquin and being close allies with the Ancelotti's, they too got huge beef going on with the Gambetti's. With the death of Gravelli, she feels she has a chance to take the throne for herself and become the "Queen of Liberty City". (Based on the Genovese Crime Family). MESSINA CRIME FAMILY - Led by Don Harvey Noto. The guy still runs the family, even behind bars. Is another consideration to succeed Gravelli knowing he learned a lot from him, especially on rebuilding the family after the messy state it found itself after eliminating Carlo "Chainsmoker" Galiante (based on Carmine Galante). Now, Sam seeks Don Harvey and the Messina's alliance despite the history they have had with the Ancelotti's. (Based on the Bonnano Crime Family). LUPISELLA CRIME FAMILY - Ran by old man Vincent Lupisella himself. He's been in a bad state, not unlike the old men (and women) of the game themselves -- Noto, Ancelotti, and Valvona. Despite being officially retired, he still runs things due to the stupidity and incompetence of his nephew Mark "Loopy" Lupisella. It was believed that some issues were caused with the Ancelotti's due to an associate (Luis Lopez himself) having dated Mark's daughter, Dani Lupisella. (Based on the Lucchese Crime Family) ANCELOTTI CRIME FAMILY - Our main family ties. Going as far back as Sam's childhood, they were his secret guardians behind the shadows. Why he was able to get into Vespucci University? Ask his father, wanna see why no one else wants to trifle with him after getting into one fight involving Travis? Ask his father. His father's reputation along with the family's made them feared, at least while they could. Now, with old man Giovanni Ancelotti dying, he is groomed to be the new "man in town". But with a few wild cowboys along the way, the game must be played carefully by Sam and vice versa. (Based on the Colombo Crime Family). PETROVIC MAFIYA BRATVA - The most powerful gang in the city, even the five families fear them. Having since taken over the rackets once controlled by Ray Bulgarin, Dimitri Rascalov, and James "Jimmy" Pegorino... They saw an opportunity to take over the city when Kenny Petrovic returned to the east coast after being in his motherland, Russia, for a while. Petrovic has also sought the opportunity to make his move into politics by partnering up with Sam's former friend-turned-foe, Daniel Gibson, by secretly running the law firm with Gibson being the front-man and face of the firm. Now, Sam adds the bratva to his "hit list". (Based on the Russian Mafia). COLOMBIAN CARTEL - A powerful cartel in the city that made their establishments around the late 1970s. They once had an infamous rivalry with notorious drug baron Armando De La Vega (based on Pablo Escobar) and argued about who would take the Liberty territory. Although they eventually settled the deal of what territories they would take, their relationship got out of hand once again mainly due to the violent nature of De La Vega. Fast forward to the present, they have conspired with Gibson and Petrovic about taking hold of the city and becoming two of the most powerful guys in the city. Unbeknownst to both parties, they both have their greedy vendetta. (Based on the Cali Cartel). THE YOUNG GUNS - The young wannabe wise guys who wish to take the throne like Sammy. They were established from the mid-1980s to the late 1990s and became potential successors to the old guard, such as Don Gravelli and Don Gio. As ambitious as they are, they act like wild cowboys who are always on the loose and out of control. So much so, they could and would bring a ton of unwanted attention. They mainly run their territory in Dukes. (Based on the Ozone Park Boys). ANGELS OF DEATH MC - Whereas The Lost MC is more reserved and composed, these guys are the opposite. The Angels Of Death are known to be among the wildest gangs you could ever encounter in the city. Ever since The Lost MC had hit a downturn, they started to gain more power and had since overtaken their rackets. These guys are seen as neo-nazis and white supremacists that believe they are superior to other gangs in the city (even the families, hilariously). (Based on the Hell's Angels MC). Broker - Broker has a very large diversity in the characters of various districts, in real-life Brooklyn. The western districts (East Hook and BOABO) are gritty, run-down, and industrial; however, in some cases, gentrification is common. In other districts, like Outlook, Rotterdam Hill, and South Slopes, a diverse upper and lower-middle-class population of yuppies, immigrants, businesspeople, working-class, and hipsters resides. Dukes - Dukes varies considerably across its neighborhoods. It has the most green space out of all the boroughs in Liberty City which is particularly concentrated around the districts in the north of the borough such as Meadows Park, and western parts of Francis International Airport. The income of Dukes itself overall could be described as middle class, as it also could be considered the most suburban out of all four boroughs. Bohan - Bohan is economically poor and is the most deprived of the four boroughs in Liberty City, mainly consisting of run-down housing projects, pockets of small-time businesses and shops that have presumably failed shortly after their establishment. Abandoned buildings and decrepit warehouses are a common sight in Bohan, with notable examples in South Bohan and Fortside. Whilst there is often evidence of gentrification in other deprived districts across Liberty City, there is very little evidence of it in these neighborhoods with the exception of Northern Gardens. Algonquin - Algonquin is the largest borough in Liberty City, containing 29 of the city's 65 neighborhoods. It serves as the heart of the Liberty City metropolitan area with many high-rise apartments, office buildings, and skyscrapers, surrounded by smaller, lower-end stores and restaurants. Algonquin Island is bounded by the Humboldt River to the east and the West River to the west. The borough is a major commercial, financial, and cultural center of the country. Alderney City - Alderney is considered a suburban and somewhat middle-class city overall. The place is named after Philip D. Alderney due to the fact that he was said to be the "only person that could tolerate an oily mosquito-filled swamp full of industrial waste and soccer moms". Don't bother to judge a book by it's cover, you still have just as much opportunity there as you can take over some of the unused but beneficial rackets that ol' Jimmy Pegorino had left behind after being killed. NEW LOCATIONS - The Carraways (Based on Long Island) - The Carraways are home to posh and wealthy suburbs, beaches, and luxury resorts. Here, you have an opportunity to have a fresh start from the slum side of Liberty. Own a high-end safehouse, purchase a classic American muscle, etc. Seek new opportunities here today. Stanton Island (Based on Staten Island) - Unlike The Carraways, it is more suburban and a middle-class city. Although like Bohan, it has some hints of gentrification in the area. Of all the boroughs of LC, it's the most well-off. Though, it is known for its green park spaces, museums and historical buildings. It is often considered the “borough of parks” because of its numerous natural spaces. Winchester Country (Based on Westchester County) - Winchester County is another middle-class and working-class suburbs and college towns. It's a peaceful area if you couldn't stand the noisiness of the city that never sleeps. Rockford Country (Based on Rockland County) - Rockford County is rural and home to farms, woodlands, mines, and small redneck towns. Wanna head South and become some wannabe cowboy like Arthur Morgan? Here you go, cowpoke. Naples, Italy (Based on both Naples and Rome, Italy) - When Sammy has become a target for a nationwide manhunt, he flees to old man Gio's hometown of Naples, Italy. Here, he meets Don Tomaso Calo in the story. This part of the map would be like Guarma in RDR2, except you get to have more options and content in Free Roam. It'll all come to a close when Sammy attempts to return to America but is caught off guard by the local law having arrested him and sent him to prison. Melee Weaponry Straight Razor Tire Iron Ice Pick Baseball Bat Combat Knife Police Baton Switchblade Brass Knuckles Clawhammer Machete Fire Axe Katana Chainsaw Pistols Hi-Point C9 Glock 19 Colt M1911A1 Smith & Wesson M629 Desert Eagle .50 AE COP .357 Derringer Shotguns Mossberg 500 Cruiser Benelli M4 Super 90 Daewoo USAS-12 SMG's TEC-22 MAC-10 IMI Uzi UMP .45 Thompson M1928 Combat & Assault Rifles Ruger Mini-14 AK-47 M4A1 Carbine Steyr AUG Long-Range Rifles Ruger 10/22 Remington M40 Heckler & Koch PSG-1 Thrown Weaponry & Explosives Darts Throwing Knives Molotovs M67 Frag Grenade Tear Gas Grenade C4 Sticky Bombs/Satchel Charges Heavy Weaponry M249 SAW M79 Grenade Launcher RPG-7 Vice City FM Format: 1980's Hits DJ: Molly Ringwald as Herself Phil Collins - One More Night (1985) Strawberry Switchblade - Since Yesterday (1984) Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf (1983) Men At Work - Down Under (1982) Fine Young Cannibals - She Drives Me Crazy (1989) John Parr - St. Elmo's Fire (1984) Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun (1981) Devo - Whip it (1980) Michael Jackson - Rock With You (1981) Huey Lewis & The News - The Power of Love (1985) The Bangles - Manic Monday (1982) Bon Jovi - Livin' On A Prayer (1986) Eddie Money - Take Me Home Tonight (1986) Falco - Rock Me Amadeus (1984) Murray Head - One Night In Bangkok (1984) Europe - The Final Countdown (1985) Liberty Rock Radio 97.8 Format: Classic Rock DJ: Iggy Pop as Himself AC/DC - Moneytalks (1990) Amy Winehouse - Back To Black (2006) Creedence Clearwater Revival - Up Around The Bend (1970) Slaughter - Up All Night (1990) The Allman Brothers Band - Ramblin' Man (1973) Judas Priest - Living After Midnight (1980) Megadeth - Hangar 18 (1990) Led Zeppelin - Black Dog (1971) Blue Oyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper (1976) Black Sabbath - N.I.B (1969) Alice Cooper - Welcome To My Nightmare (1975) Ozzy Osbourne - Bark At The Moon (1982) Queen - Hammer To Fall (1984) Iron Maiden - Wasted Years (1987) Steve Earle - Copperhead Road (1987) The Eagles - Take It Easy (1972) Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama (1974) The Stray Cats - Rock This Town (1981) Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take It! (1985) Blue Cheer - Summertime Blues (1968) Christie - Iron Horse (1970) KISS - Rock & Roll All Nite (1975) K109 The Studio Format: Disco and R&B/Soul DJ: Glenn Gilbertti as Disco Inferno Bee Gees - Night Fever (1977) Ringo Starr - Drowning In The Sea Of Love (1977) The Village People - Macho Man (1978) ABBA - Dancing Queen (1976) Chic - Good Times (1979) Sylvester - Do Ya Wanna Funk? (1981) Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive (1979) Meco - Star Wars (1977) Donna Summer - Hot Stuff (1979) Rick Dees - Disco Duck (1976) The Crystals - Then He Kissed Me (1963) The Hues Corporation - Rock The Boat (1974) The Rolling Stones - Miss You (1978) Boney M - Rasputin (1978) Dschinghis Khan - Moskau (1979) Frankie Valli - Oh What A Night! (1975) Amber & The Deep South Dance Band - Disco Dixie (1978) Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers - Islands In The Stream (1980) Rod Stewart - Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? (1978) Van McCoy - Do The Hustle (1975) L.C.H.C. FM Format: Black Metal/Hard Rock DJ: Fenriz as Himself Venom - Black Metal (1982) Bathory - Hades (1984) Celtic Frost - Circle of the Tyrants (1985) Kiss - I Was Made For Loving You (1979) Mercyful Fate - Evil (1983) The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter (1969) Death SS - Terror (1977) Cromagnon - Caledonia (1969) Sarcofargo - Satanic Lust (1987) Bulldozer - Whisky Time (1987) Thorns - Home (1991) Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger (1992) Satyricon - Mother North (1996) Enslaved - Havenless (2003) Burzum - Dunkelheit (1996) Emperor - I Am The Black Wizards (1993) Sigh - Curse of Izanagi (1997) Mayhem - Freezing Moon (1994) Radio Broker Format: Gothic Rock DJ: Helena Bonham Carter as Herself Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead (1979) Siouxsie and The Banshees - Spellbound (1982) Ministry - Everyday Is Halloween (1984) The Sisters of Mercy - Temple of Love (1983) The Cure - A Forest (1980) The Cult - She Sells Sanctuary (1985) FEX - Subways of Your Mind (1984) Fields of the Nephilim - Moonchild (1988) Alien Sex Fiend - Do You Sleep? (1985) Joy Division - Dead Souls (1981) Gerard McMahon - Cry Little Sister (1987) Siouxsie and The Banshees - Kiss Them For Me (1991) The Sisters of Mercy - Lucretia, My Reflection (1987) Annie Lennox - Love Song For A Vampire (1993) The Classics 104.1 DJ: Mike D as Himself Format: Classic Hip-Hop Kurtis Blow - Deuce (1982) Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five - The Message (1982) The Beastie Boys- Hey Ladies (1989) Sugarhill Gang - Rapper's Delight (1979) Technotronic - Move This (1992) N.W.A - Straight Outta Compton (1989) Digital Underground - The Humpty Dance (1990) Public Enemy - Night of the Living Baseheads (1988) TLC - Waterfalls (1995) 2Pac - California Love (1995) Pras feat. Mya - Ghetto Superstar (1998) Lordz of Brooklyn - Saturday Nite Fever (1994) Rakim - Take The Train (1998) Geto Boyz - Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta (1992) Goodfella Mike G - Wiseguyz (1996) Jazz Nation Radio 108.5 Format: Classic Jazz, Big Band, Swing DJ: Don Johnson as Himself Glenn Miller & His Orchestra - In The Mood (1940) Billie Holiday - Fine and Mellow (1939) Benny Goodman - Swing, Swing, Swing (1939) Bing Crosby - Irish Lullaby (1945) The Andrews Sisters - Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy (1941) Dean Martin - Ain't That A Kick In The Head (1961) Tony Bennett - Rags To Riches (1953) Joe Lang & Eddie Venuti - Beating The Dog (1927) Rosemary Clooney - Mambo Italiano (1954) Bob Crosby - Dear Hearts and Gentle People (1951) Allan Gray - Swing Doors (1950) Billy Munn - Jazzy Interlude (1950) Lincoln Grounds - Morning Good Morning (2017) Django Reinhardt - Belleville (1942) Duke Ellington - In A Sentimental Mood (1935) Lou Monte - Che La Luna (1953) Frank Sinatra - My Way (1967) Frank Sinatra - Fly Me To The Moon (1964) The Maverick 95.9 Format: Classic Country DJ: Johnny Knoxville as Himself Johnny Cash - Hey Porter (1955) Loretta Lynn - Coal Miner's Daughter (1970) George Jones - White Lightning (1959) Alabama - Mountain Music (1982) Dolly Parton - Jolene (1974) Glen Campbell - Gentle On My Mind (1968) Willie Nelson - On The Road Again (1980) Waylon Jennings - Lonesome, On'ry, and Mean (1973) Conway Twitty - I'd Just Love To Lay You Down (1982) John Denver - Take Me Home, Country Roads (1971) Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash - Jackson (1966) Marty Robbins - Big Iron (1959) Hank Williams Jr. - Whiskey Bent and Hellbound (1979) Johnny Horton - The Battle of New Orleans (1959) Merle Haggard - Old Man From The Mountain (1974) Rose Maddox - Uncle Pen (1962) The Dillards - Copperfields (1970) Columbus Avenue Radio Format: Easy Listening, Elevator Music, Stock Music DJ: Harry Shearer as Mr. Spokesman De Wolfe Music Library - Mr. Satisfied Kevin MacLeod - Local Forecast DeWolfe Music Library - Sunny Jim Bit Orchestra - Chilled Supermarket De Wolfe Music Library - Snips Fox Studios Library - The Busybody Housewife Kevin MacLeod - Airport Lounge Herbert Chappell - The Gonk Fox Studios Library - There's Something About Monty Kevin MacLeod - Dispersion Relation Herb Alpert - Spanish Flea Stuart Crombie & Dennis Berry - Bargains Galore Jack Beaver - Workaday World David Lindup - In The Limelight Laurie Johnson - Happy Go Lively De Wolfe Music Library - Mr. Lucky Kensington Penthouse Suites Location: Little Italy, Algonquin Garage Type: Outdoor Parking Lot for two cars In-House Radio: Columbus Avenue Radio A swanky art-deco penthouse suite atop a high-rise apartment overlooking Little Italy. It has a large bed, a sizeable walk-in closet and a wardrobe that can be used as an impromptu armory as well. The walls are adorned with stock artwork of landscapes and there is an outdoor balcony with ornate railing. Tokugawa Manor Location: Rockford County Garage Type: Indoor Garage for four cars In-House Radio: L.C.H.C. FM A mansion built in the rural woodlands of Rockford County near the Liberty Way Station, Tokugawa Manor is done in a sort of "Edo Period Revival", designed to look like an old Japanese castle from the era of the samurai. The exterior architecture looks like a traditional Japanese palace or temple with sloped roofs and ceremonial arches, while the interior has a more futuristic design, with a mix of traditional Japanese motifs and features (low beds and tables, room dividers) and more retro-futuristic cyberpunk motifs (neon lights, shiny metallic furniture, and appliances) Other features include a vast garden with hot springs, a large storage room in the cellar for weaponry and clothing, and a game room for various minigames. Corleone Palace Location: The Carraways Garage Type: Large Parking Garage for five vehicles In-House Radio: JNR 104.1 The most expensive property in the entire game. Located in The Carraways, this Victorian Gothic Revival-style mansion was designed by a gifted architect in the 1910s in service of a very wealthy robber baron, who hired many Sicilian laborers and craftsmen to aid in its construction. To honor them, it was named after the town of Corleone in Sicily, where most workers came from. With pools both indoor and outdoor, a free Stretch Limo in addition to the parking garage, an entire building to serve as an armory, a ballroom, a game room, and a luxurious bedroom with a plush canopy bed, Corleone Palace is a safehouse worthy of a Don. WANTED LEVELS ☆ (One Star) - Minor crimes such as carrying a gun and a speeding ticket and etc. If you wanna just stay under the radar and be normal, don't do anything stupid, that's all. It ain't nothing too serious though. ☆☆ (Two Stars) - Now this is where a one star level usually is, but now it's been upgraded in terms of the level of crimes committed and witnessed. Here, the cops are gonna start searching you're whereabout and have you either arrested or (optionally) let go by a bribe. ☆☆☆ (Three Stars) - Now here... Things just got quite worse, the police force are now gonna look for you and take you down. You can expect the fact that they have called in every police force from every district to search you and hunt you. ☆☆☆☆ (Four Stars) - Well, it got slightly more serious, you're gonna need a lawyer as good as Ken Rosenberg and Tom Goldberg to even get you out of this once you escape. They've called in the NOOSE team to come and get you with every weapon they have in their pocket. ☆☆☆☆☆ (Five Stars) - Well, let's say you and whomever (or just you) have done a totality of such deadly rampages, expect the fact that roads are blocked, security road checkpoints are instilled. Yeah, you've done too much now... ☆☆☆☆☆☆ (Six Stars) - Whooweee, NOW you have gone and done it... Every law enforcement officer and team now want you put to the ground and dead. It goes beyond just road blocks, security checkpoints, and even building snipers. To the point that even LC's mayor could announce a lockdown as you are targeted for statewide manhunt... 1. Fight Club (one-on-one brawling tournaments) - One of the best ways to enhance your health, stamina, and durability. Learn to become a skilled fighter and be a deadly opponent as you rank up. But remember to NOT say nor talk about the club at all times. 2. Gym Workouts - If you wanna upgrade your body and appearance without having to resort violently, don't worry this place has got you covered. This place can also serve as a good mental release to your violent outbursts. Don't expect to get soft though. 3. Street Races - Go fast, go hard. Hit the streets and drive like it's the last day of your life. Select your car of choice and rank up among the streets. Remember, it doesn't matter what is under the hood. It's who's behind the wheel. 4. Hitman Missions - No one is untouchable. Keep yourself below the radar. Go in, go out. This helps enhance your stealth abilities and your skills as a soldier and capo for the Ancelotti's. Outside of doing hits for the family, a contractor who you are introduced to through Travis will help you with other targets and give a high amount of cut for you if other rackets and challenges aren't enough. 5. Gambling: Blackjack, Poker, Roulette, Slots - Go all in. Gain money, lose it, what have you. A retaining feature from RDR2, expect a more upgraded version of the feature. Be careful with the hands you're dealt with though, otherwise some loan sharks may wanna kill you for it. 6. Pimping - Become a 'playa'. Being a ladies' man helps increase your reputation, respect, and and appeal to others. Although, remember to keep it in your pants. This is for business' sake, nothing personal at all. 7. Turf Wars - Fight off rival gangs, families, and etc. Protect yourself, your crew, and property. Eliminate them at all costs. Assert dominance to the top. 8. Racketeering/Empire Building - Profit off of your schemes. Earn money through the business rackets you run (gambling, alcohol, and clothing). But be sure to stay off of the radar of your enemies and the pigs, otherwise you can expect one of your rackets to have been stolen from you or busted. 9. Import/Export Garage - Buy and sell cars. Sell the best vehicles you can around the state of Liberty to earn more. Wanna own and sell cars of your choice? You got the opportunity. And yes, this can also help you in doing street races, if you choose to use your own vehicle. 10. Vehicle Missions: Taxi, Vigilante, Firefighter, Paramedic, Delivery - Sammy ain't a complete monster like Gibson. That's why you have the opportunity/opportunities to tackle these missions and be Mr. Goody Two Shoes for a day or two, depending on your approach. Special Thanks To: @The Nefarious, @One of Wisemen, and @Osric (and other unnamed users) for the suggestions, ideas, and especially the graphic design.
  5. Donnits presents A collaboration with @Datalvarezguy, @Jeansowaty, and @slimeball supreme Part 3/3 of Liberty City Nobodies Theme Music by Jeansowaty Additional models by BrynnaDaRosa, Dima_Next, Dirprof, DUFFY1, G.C.T., Imtaj, Jeansowaty, MrFinger, Ross_R, and Thundersmacker Special thanks to BrynnaDaRosa, C1aude_III, Jeansowaty, and Zolika1351 GAME FILES (W.I.P.) ****** To most, Wilbert Wetterer is just another Liberty City thug. On the books: a cab driver living in crime-addled South Bohan. Off the books: a car thief and career criminal. Steering him straight and watching his back is the ever-dependable German ex-pat Helmut Swartzkopf; a chop shop runner with contacts overseas. Originally from Dukes, Will is a former associate of the infamous McReary family, but after a spat left the relationship strained, he has personally exiled himself from the old neighborhood. His only tie left is enforcer Gordon Sargent; a loyal friend and degenerate gambler indebted to the worst bookies in town. Of mixed German and Irish heritage, Wilbert is always being guided by Helmut and Gordon; in both his work and his values. Although Will puts on a tough carefree facade, he's ultimately trying to find a place to belong and what to be loyal to in a city where nobody can be trusted and everyone is out to get you. Wilbert's journey will interweave with those of Niko, Johnny and Luis, as well as Russian mobster Gennadi Zhukov and Spanish Lords enforcer Salvador Morales, who have their own stories to tell. Most pressing to Will is the return of his and Helmut's accomplice, Rod Hardman, who has just been released from prison. Partly for old time's sake, but mainly to repay a favor, Will agrees to help Rod again. Wilbert "Willy" Wetterer The Shooter. Wilbert grew up in Dukes but moved to Bohan after a falling out with the McReary family 3 years ago. Never met his father, and his mother was a stripper and alcoholic. As a preteen, Packie McReary took him under his wing, and so he looked up to Packie as an older brother. Soon he began breaking heads for the Irish mob. Built like a truck and fiercely loyal, but often to his detriment. Helmut “H” Swartzkopf Will’s friend and immigrant from a post-communist bordertown in Brandenburg, Germany with a plummeting population. He’s involved in the criminal import/export business, shipping cars in and out of Europe with help from contacts in his native country. A level-headed man with a strong conscience, he tends to be Will’s voice of reason. Gordon “Gordo” Sargent Will’s friend and member of the McReary crew - a topic of some debate. In debt to the Messina family for his gambling addiction, something Will helps him deal with. A fellow cokehead and someone who just loves blowing sh*t up, he generally feeds into Will’s bad side. Despite that, he’s as loyal to Will as Helmut. Jermaine Andrews Runs the repair garage in Outlook and the chop shop in Hove Beach, the latter of which he does business with Helmut. Eventually, he becomes Wilbert’s friend. Though loosely affiliated with Firefly Projects Hustlers, he’s a nervous person who prefers to stay out of immediate trouble. Rod Hardman A former accomplice of Will and Helmut, recently released from prison. Affiliated with skinhead drug dealers in Northwood. Helmut knows he’s untrustworthy, but Wilbert feels obligated to help him after their botched carjacking which led to Rod’s incarceration. Born Roderick Ratner, he changed his name out of his own self-hating Jewishness. Patrick “Packie” McReary Hard-living Irish-American. Barely kept in touch with Will after his move to Bohan - either out of spite or guilt. A boastful man clinging on to what little pride is left in his infamous family name. It’s hard to gauge his thoughts, unlike Will who wears his heart on his sleeve. Bucky Sligo Heads an Irish stickup crew in Alderney. A former revolutionary with ties to the Irish Republican Army, though his true-believer status has been stomped out over the years, leaving behind only cynicism and paranoia. He and his followers squat in an abandoned house in Westdyke, which he finds symbolic. Forms a father-son relationship with Wilbert. Byron Burns Bucky’s second-in-command. A retired ex-cop and the oldest in their crew. Stern and takes no bullsh*t. Kenny Petrovic Leader of the Petrovic Mafiya. Machiavellian. Grief-stricken following his son's death. He later claims to see Wilbert as his new son. Mark Volpe Messina caporegime in-hiding and debtor to Gordon, who with Will does favors to repay debts. Desperate to get back in the Messinas good graces after his brother, Fredo, turned police informant. He’s a loudmouth with a single lackey, Lillo Burns, with who he regularly argues like a buffoon. Calogero “Lillo Burns” Di Lapi Lone enforcer under Mark Volpe. Dimwitted imp with a high-pitched voice. A loyal oaf, he’s constantly ridiculed by his capo. Park Young-Guk Boss of the Korean Mob. Running a counterfeit currency operation with his son, Kim. Gerald McReary Head of the McReary family. A short-tempered and pessimistic misanthrope. Disregards Wilbert; finds him pathetic. He recognizes the reality of his family’s place in the underworld and his own coming downfall. Sarah Kinley Random encounter. Wilbert’s ex-girlfriend - broke up account of his anger issues. Gilbert Random encounter. Sorta looks like Wilbert, but opposite in personality. "The F*cked F*cker" Random encounter. Alcoholic. (Reference to The F*cking Story) Gennadi “Gena” Zhukov The Driver. Hove Beach-based Russian mobster. Meets Wilbert through Kenny Petrovic. Salvador “Sal” Morales The Muscle. Bohan-born Spanish Lords enforcer. Wilbert will cross his path. Blista 1998 Dinka tuner hatchback. Wilbert’s personal car. (convert by Thundersmacker) Brickade HVY armored security van. Buffalo Stock Bravado sedan. Can be converted to a custom body kit model at mod shops. (based on advertisements from the base game) Cabbie Classic checkered taxicab. (model by dirprof) Dominator Modern Vapid muscle car. (convert by Thundersmacker) Elegy Annis sports car import. (convert by Thundersmacker) Gauntlet Modern Bravado muscle car. (convert by G.C.T.) Jester 1992 sports car. (convert by G.C.T.) Majestic Beater Classique sedan. (model by G.C.T.) Penumbra 1998 Maibatsu sports car. (convert by Thundersmacker) Phoenix Classic Imponte muscle car. (convert by Thundersmacker) Police Buffalo Bravado police interceptor. Presidente Sport High-performance Albany sports sedan. Can be converted from a stock Presidente at mod shops. (model by Dima_Next) Previon 1992 Karin tuner coupe. (convert by MrFinger) Schafter Latest Benefactor luxury sedan. Can be converted to a custom body kit model at mod shops. Sentinel 1986 Übermacht coupe. (convert by Thundersmacker) Serrano Benefactor luxury crossover SUV. Can be converted to a custom body kit model at mod shops. Tow Truck Comes in new liveries for Muscle Mary's, Auto Limbo, and Axels Pay N' Spray, as well as the original Native Engines. Used for Towing side jobs. ZR-350 1992 Annis sports car. (convert by DUFFY1) Bati 800 Pegassi sports bike. Can be converted to a custom race bike with liveries at mod shops. Double T Custom Custom Dinka drag bike. Can be converted from a stock Double T at mod shops. (new model) Hakuchou Custom Custom Sh*tzu drag bike. Can be converted from a stock Hakuchou at mod shops. (new model) Lycan Custom Yusuf Amir’s customized Lycan with a long fork and flame decal. Can be converted from a stock Lycan at mod shops. (model by Ross_R) Nemesis Streetfighter sports bike. (convert by Jeansowaty) Sanchez Custom Maibatsu dirtbike with custom liveries. Can be converted from a stock Sanchez at mod shops. (convert by imtaj) Shinigami Sh*tzu power cruiser bike. (model by Jeansowaty) Belly Boy Faggio-based delivery scooter for Iron Belly Deli. Noodle Boy Faggio-based delivery scooter for New Centry Fast Food Restaurant. Pizza Boy Faggio-based delivery scooter for Pizza This. Crowbar Basic melee weapon. Can be used for clean carjacks where you jimmy the lock instead of breaking the window. $5. Golf Club Good for driving golf balls or driving skulls in. Obtained after playing golf or entering a Caddy. Revolver Saturday night special. Six shooter that deals high damage but has a slow fire rate. $150. (based on beta content, model by Jeansowaty) Full Auto Pistol Military surplus fully automatic pistol. Poor accuracy, but it won't matter when you can empty its 33 round mag in about two seconds. $1000. Magnum Shotgun Willy’s trusted backup weapon. 9 round magazine, fires single slugs instead of buckshot spread, dealing devasting power with a long effective range if your aim is up to par. $600. Special Shotgun Special ops-grade combat shotgun. Rains buckshot in automatic fire with an 8 round magazine and balanced power and range. $5000. Extended SMG Micro SMG on growth hormone. 50 round mag - it makes up for its low accuracy with a high fire rate. $1250. Combat SMG High caliber SMG. Dependable stats all around; increased damage output with high accuracy and range in 20 round mags. $2450. (inspired by beta content) Light Rifle Affordable and reliable rifle. Pinpoint accuracy and high range, but with 20 round mags and a slow fire rate. $1750. Heavy Sniper .50 caliber anti-materiel rifle. Unparalleled power and range, takes out anyone and anything with ease. $10000. Rotary Grenade Launcher Shock and awe. Fires multiple grenades in quick succession before needing to reload. $21000. Pipe Bombs Homemade explosive. Gordo can cook these up for you at $500 each. Molotov Cocktail Blarneys Stout-branded fire bomb. $350 each. More modern and classic R&B to get your temperature rising on The Vibe 98.8: “Don’t Matter” by Akon (2006) “No One” by Alicia Keys (2007) “What You Won’t Do for Love” by Bobby Caldwell (1978) “Long Way 2 Go” by Cassie (2006) “Ain’t Nobody” by Chaka Khan (1983) "American Boy" by Estelle, Kanye West (2008) “Crazy” by Gnarls Barkley (2006) “Always and Forever” by Heatwave (1976) “No Air” by Jordin Sparks, Chris Brown (2008) “Dilemma” by Nelly, Kelly Rowland (2002) “They-Say Vision” by Res (2002) “Unfaithful” by Rihanna (2006) “Beautiful Girls” by Sean Kingston (2007) “Turn Off the Lights” by Teddy Pendergrass (1979) “U Remind Me” by Usher (2001) Lord Finesse brings his own mix of classic old school hip hop joints - the raw way on The Classics 104.1: “Electric Relaxation” by A Tribe Called Quest (1993) “Glamour Life” by Big Pun, Fat Joe, Triple Seis, Armageddon, Cuban Link (1998) “Da Game” by Lost Boyz (1996) “The Heist (Pt. 1)” by The LOX (1997) "Downtown Swinga" by M.O.P. (1994) "How About Some Hardcore" by M.O.P. (1993) “Survival of the Fittest” by Mobb Deep (1995) “Mathematics” by Mos Def (1999) “I Gave You Power” by Nas (1996) “Kick In The Door” by The Notorious B.I.G. (1997) “Don’t Believe The Hype” by Public Enemy (1988) “Visionz” by Wu-Tang Clan (1997) DJ Delmundo is in the mix to inject some trance hits into Liberty City on Shine FM: “Better Off Alone” by Alice Deejay (1997) “Russia Privjet” by Basshunter (2006) “On The Move” by Barthezz (2001) “Everytime We Touch” by Cascada (2005) “Daddy DJ (Chico & Tonio Club Mix)” by Daddy DJ (1999) “Heaven” by DJ Sammy (2002) “L’Amour Toujours (I'll Fly with You)” by Gigi D’Agostino (2000) “Free (DJ Hirohito Hitmix)” by Nakatomi (1995) “Forgiven” by Sylver (2001) “Versus” by Tomcraft, Sunbeam (2001) "A Neverending Dream" by X-Perience (1996) “Kernkraft 400 (DJ Gius Mix)” by Zombie Nation (1999) Friends Gordon Sargent and Helmut Swartzkopf are your friends and either/or can be called up to Hangout. Gordon can sell Guns at a nearby location in his red Benefactor Schafter and Helmut can deliver Vehicles directly to you at discounted prices. Helmut can also be called after certain missions for thoughts and advice. After completing the main story, Jermaine Andrews becomes a friend. Safehouse Wilbert lives in a dilapidated apartment building on Hollowback Street in South Bohan. Clothes can be changed at the wardrobe and a Magnum Shotgun can be picked up inside. Complete Import/Export missions to stockpile more guns. Wilbert's blue Dinka Blista is parked in front, and after completing certain missions and side jobs, more vehicles will be added outside. The Used Auto Parts & Salvage garage is down the street, a place Wilbert frequented to get work done on his Blista before it was destroyed in a supposed terror-related bombing. Haircuts Cycle between new hairstyles at Leroy’s Barber Shop on Franklin Street in Leftwood. Barber Shop is marked by a scissors icon on the map. Available options: Clothes Buy new clothes at Sub Urban on Bridger Street in Leftwood. Available apparel: Mod Shops Choose and purchase each paint color, which extras are applied, and whether to enable Nitrous (replacing Cinematic Camera) at the Gaz N’ Baz Total Spanners mod shop on Beaumont Avenue in Bohan Industrial. Each car mod and color option is $200. Specific vehicles may also have the option to convert into a new custom model or install a Car Bomb, which can be detonated at any time using Phonebook > Gaz N' Baz > Detonate. Mod Shop is marked by a wrench icon on the map. Poker Texas Hold’em can be played in illegal gambling dens around Liberty City. Low-stakes wagers are played at the Albanian Mob-owned Discount Hardware den in Schottler for a $100 ante, mid-stakes wagers are played at the Pavano-owned Leprechaun's Winklepicker basement in Berchem for a $500 ante, and high-stakes wagers are played at the Russian club in Chase Point for a $1000 ante. Gambling is marked by a playing card icon on the map. The Albanian Club is unlocked after “Ante Up” in Broker, the Irish Club is unlocked after “Old Fashioned” in Alderney, and the Russian Club is unlocked after “All The King’s Men” in Bohan. Blackjack Twenty-one blackjack can be played in the Leprechaun's Winklepicker basement, the Russian club in Chase Point, and Bucky Sligo’s House in Westdyke for a $50 ante. Gambling is marked by a playing card icon on the map. Baseball During Hangout sessions, you can play home run derby at Welham Park's Little Swingers baseball field in Boulevard, Bohan. Home runs are granted if the ball is hit over the fence. Avoid non-home runs, foul balls, and strikes. Each batter gets 10 swings before their turn is up, with 2 turns at bat. The player with the most home runs wins. When at bat, pull the analog stick backward and quickly thrust it forward in one well-timed motion to hit the ball. The angle of the forward thrust will direct the hit - keep it straight or else you will get a foul ball. If the backward pull isn’t quick enough, the hit will lose power and not be a home run. Mistiming the forward thrust will result in a strike. When pitching, you can skip your opponent's turn to randomly generate their score. Characters have dialogue when batting and pitching. Baseball is marked by a baseball bat icon on the map. Nightclub Between 21:00 and 6:00, you can visit Bahama Mamas to dance and buy drinks at the bar. Friends will sit at the bar during Hangout sessions. Midnight Races New race meetups are available only at night 22:00 to 5:00 against faster AI with rubberbanding capabilities and nitrous. Pedestrian traffic is automatically set lower during the race. Races vary between Sports, Luxury, Classic, Vans, and Motorcycles, depending on which vehicle you bring to the meetup marker. Some vehicles cannot be used. The Albanian Mob and Triads have a large presence in these races. Win 20 Midnight Races to unlock the ZR-350 behind Helmut’s Apartment. Midnight Race is marked by a checkered flag icon on the map. Once all races are completed, you can use the newly added Races option on your cell phone to set up a new race at the track of your choice. Taxi Driver Call up L.C.C. Taxis in your Phonebook to start the job and collect a cab at the depot on Harrison Street in East Island City. If already inside a Taxi or Cabby, the dispatcher will automatically instruct you to the customer. New customers spawn nearby after completing a fare. You are paid depending on the distance traveled, plus additional tips if the customer doesn’t get angry during the ride. Customers may get angry if you crash, commit a crime, take too long, or drive too fast. Call L.C.C. Taxis before picking up a new customer to finish the shift, or leave the vehicle for 15 seconds. Every few jobs, the dispatcher will have an “off the books” client in need of a getaway driver. Complete 10 fares to unlock the classic Cabbie outside the Bohan safehouse. Taxi Depot is marked by a taxi icon on the map. Towing Get inside the Tow Truck parked outside Native Engines in Outlook, Auto Limbo in Purgatory, or Axels Pay N’ Spray in Leftwood to automatically begin a Towing job. A car in need of tow will spawn somewhere on the part of the map your Tow Truck is servicing. Native Engines services Bohan, Broker and Dukes, Auto Limbo services Algonquin, and Axels services Alderney. An objective marker will be placed next to the car which needs towing. Drive the Tow Truck inside it, which will trigger a fade to black and, upon fading back in, the car will become attached to your truck. You must then deliver it to either an impound lot or salvage yard. You are paid $250 per car towed. Take the Tow Truck back to its assigned spray shop to finish the shift, or leave the vehicle for 15 seconds. Complete 10 tows to unlock the Brickade armored van. Delivery Boy Get on one of the parked delivery scooters to automatically begin a Delivery Boy job. The Belly Boy is parked outside Iron Belly Deli on Guantanamo Ave in Bohan Industrial, the Noodle Boy is parked outside New Centry Fast Food on Bismarck Ave in Chinatown, and the Pizza Boy is parked outside Pizza This on Farnsworth Rd in Berchem. A customer will spawn somewhere on the map nearby to your last delivery. Drive the scooter inside the objective marker to deliver the order to the customer. You are paid $25 per delivery, plus an additional tip depending on how fast you deliver. The scooter's rear box only stores 5 orders; you must return to the restaurant to restock once empty. Take the delivery scooter back to its assigned restaurant to finish the shift, or leave the vehicle for 15 seconds. Jermaine Andrews has a list of 25 unique and/or souped-up vehicles that he needs you to deliver to his Import/Export Garage on Masterson Street in Hove Beach. Visit Jermaine’s Native Engines garage opposite the Pay ‘n’ Spray in Outlook to begin an “Import” job. Missions vary between Convoy; a moving target vehicle with either gang or police escort, Meet; a stationary vehicle defended by gangs, and Steal; a stationary or pedestrian-driven vehicle unguarded until police dispatch. You are paid up to half the value of the vehicle if it’s delivered in perfect condition, plus an additional $200 times the number of jobs completed ($10000 is the limit on bonus pay - paid on 50 completed jobs and any after). If the vehicle is destroyed, you will fail and the job will end. Less money is paid depending on the amount of damage accumulated. Once a vehicle is delivered, you can start an “Export” at the Import/Export Garage. You are tasked to transport the vehicle(s) to either the Broker Navy Yard or Port Tudor. If the vehicle is damaged during the run, you must repair it before you can export it. If the vehicle is destroyed, it will have to be acquired again during an Import job. Jermaine will text message you which cars are currently in the garage. You are paid half the value of each vehicle exported to the Broker Navy Yard or the full value of each vehicle exported to Port Tudor. Once a vehicle is exported, a stock version can be delivered to you via phone call (costing you 10% of the value price). Upon exporting the original 25 vehicles, additional jobs will randomize mission variation and vehicle needed. Enemies get tougher as you progress, and new weapons are stored inside the Bohan safehouse every 10 vehicles exported. Import is marked by a car icon on the map, Export is marked by a garage icon; they will appear greyed out if unavailable. Coming soon. H Blow the Gaff GS Ante Up H Toys PM Shamrock Shenanigans RH Addicts Anonymous GS Favor for a Friend H Exhaust Fumes H Backwash GS Settling the Debt GS Make a Killing BS A House on Cariboo BS Old Fashioned RH No Money, No Problem BS Every Dog Has His Day BS Bad Luck Buck KP Hit Hard KP All The King's Men H DNF GS Dead On Arrival PM Break It Down KP The Big Leagues PM Third Wheel KP Dropping Out H Out of the Frying Pan H Into the Fire RH Special Delivery RH No Thanks H Chopped Shop GS Hangman GS Once and For All
  6. DATALVAREZGUY/AL ALVAREZ PROUDLY PRESENTS A COLLABORATION BETWEEN SLIMEBALL, JEANSOWATY, DONNITS AND BRYNADEROSA. TIPOGRAPHY BY GRAVEN VEHICLES BY THUNDERSMACKER, JEANSOWATY, AG07 AND CGT PART 2/3 OF LIBERTY CITY NOBODIES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter the world of the Spanish Lords. Salvador Morales isn't your average Libertine. Working under the Spanish Lords street gang since a street urchin, and inspired by members of his own family and childhood friends, Sal's lifestyle and "street" philosophy soon landed him several prison sentences, alongside massive respect within his gang and a spot in it's upper ranks. By 2008, now a full year from his last release from penitentiary, Sal is thrown by his leader Nico García into a mindless war with the Liberty City Triads that will shake their brotherhood to its foundation and change Sal's life forever. Accompany Salvador in a story of war, conquest and hate, as he and his best friends, conspiranoid gun dealer Miguel De La Rosa, loyal goon/almost brother-in-law Alfonso Santamaría and loyal best friend Ernesto Ruiz are catapulted into some of the worst situations, and meet some of the worst characters Liberty City has to offer, all while wrestling for control in a city of chaos. Welcome back to Liberty City. Welcome back to late 2008. We've been waiting for you. "Las calles no son nada sin su gente." -Rafael "Rafa" Perez Salvador "Sal" Morales Ernesto Ruiz Miguel De La Rosa, AKA: "El Micky" Alfonso Santamaría Martinez Rafael "Rafa" Perez Nicolás "Jefe" García "Lord Devil" Lyle Rivas Konstantin "Kenny" Petrovic Wilbert Wetterer Gennadi Zhukov Sergei Utryanov Phil Bell Ray Boccino Johnny Batiatto Wu "Kenny" Lee Park Young-Guk Kim Young-Guk RAMPAGES An expansion of the classic 3D-era activity. Across Liberty City, Sal can find a rival gang (Marked by a skull in the map, similar to V's random encounters), and will be given backup and a weapon to clear out the spot and steal what they've got. It can come in three varieties: 1. Meet: Two friendly gangs will be doing a deal. There will be more enemies, from both gangs, and a possibility for backup to arrive. Stealing the drugs or money nets extra rewards. 2. Convoy: A convoy of cars will arrive at the spot, making it easier to cause mayhem. Several members will try to use the cars to escape when it goes down. Taking a priced car to a SL lockup will net an extra reward. 3. Holdout: A gang is under attack, be it police or other criminal elements. Leave no survivors. Gangs:The Lost MC, Triads, The Mafia, Russian Bratva, Irish-American Killers, Albanian Mob. GUN RUNNER Miguel, being a gun runner by trade, needs help with deliveries to special customers. Similar to Jacob's drug deliveries, but with Lowriders. You will be given a beaten up variant of one of the new DLC cars and be tasked to deliver the car to a group, or individual. Variants: 1. Ambush: A rival gang tries to ambush you and the buyer/s. Defend the buyer, kill the ambushers and take him away, where he will take the car and leave. 2. Police: Turns out the cops followed you or the buyer/s to the meet. Get them all out of there, lose the cops and dump them in the nearest alley. 3. Timed: Get there fast. They're getting paranoid. Deal goes off smoothly every time. Gangs: Hillside Posse (The Yardies), AoD, Spanish Lords, North Dominican Drug Dealers, North Holland Hustlers/MoB. LOWRIDER MEETS Sal can participate in lowrider competitions on certain spots in the map, for money and entertaiment. Middle point between the SA activity and Guitar Hero. (Based on the script made by Zolika) SNATCH After a certain mission, Sal will be briefly introduced to Doctor Simmons, a local doctor, and organ reseller. Simmons will later shoot Salvador a "business proposition" that could be lucrative: Snatching dead bodies from the streets of Liberty to him, so he can harvest and sell their organs on the black market for a split profit. Any time you want, call up the "Doctor" contact on your phone, and prepare to be sent on a wild goose chases, stealing bodies from mob hits, digging fresh corpse sites, and beating the cops to the punch on gangland shootouts. These missions will give access to the shovel, a powerful melee weapon, and the Gauntlet Classic spawning in your safehouses. POKER Sal can play 5-card draw poker and blackjack in select "clubs" in Liberty City and Alderney. Pot is up to 5.000 bucks. DRUG DEALING The CTW activity returns. Across town are several drug dealers, belonging to the many gangs of LC. Buy and sell drugs, and make your own money, your way. Drug dealing also works as a way to obtain your vice. Drugs: Weed, Heroin, Cocaine, Downers, Acid, Ecstasy, Steroids. Oh yeah, before we forget: Unlike any other protagonists, Salvador has access to a tool in his arsenal: Steroids. Steroids double your HP and health input for a precious, albeit randomized amount of time ranging between 25 seconds to a full minute. Here's the catch. The payload is poisoning your body. Every time the high wears off, it's effects turn on you. You move slower and take more damage, albeit your damage stays as normal. They're also absurdly expensive, courtesy of your friend, Mayor Ochoa. Good luck. "Half the cars in this city are stolen anyways." -Common Liberty City Saying -Imponte Phoenix -Vapid Voodoo Beater Custom -Albany Buccaneer (first gen) -Cheval Picador -Willard Idaho -Vapid Chino -Dundreary Admiral Classic (shared with TRR) -Dundreary Admiral (with extras) -LCS Lycan (civilian IV version) -Vapid Dominator -Bravado Gauntlet -Bravado Buffalo S -Declasse Impaler -Bravado Tampa (shared with all DLCs except for IV and TRR) -Vapid Razor -Emperor Motors Loxus XT "Take your pick, hermano." -Miguel De La Rosa Crowbar - a basic melee weapon, deals a fair bit of damage. Can be found scattered in certain areas around town, bought from Miguel for 5 bucks or even at your safehouses. Can be used for "clean" carjacks where you break off the car's lock instead of breaking the window. Shovel - A powerful two-handed melee weapon. Unlocked by doing the Snatch sidequest, after which it will spawn in Sal's apartment. -Assault Pistol - AMT Automag III - This pistol is chambered in .30 carbine rounds, making it an exceptionally powerful pistol, even more than the Pistol .44, with a sniper rifle-like range, at the cost of rather high recoil and a very slow rate of fire. Can be bought from Miguel for 1100$ and is found rarely in the hands of gang members after the first half of the story. -Heavy Pistol -Star Modelo B: A lower caliber 1911 clone. Can be found in the hands of gangsters alongside the default pistol and can be brought from Miguel for 350$. -Stubby Shotgun - Serbu Super Shorty - Reappears from The Russian Roulette DLC, this shotgun has everything maxed out - highest damage but also highest recoil and highest spread. Holds 4 bullets in a magazine and is a common sight in the hands of street gangs and mafiosos alike. Can be bought from Miguel for 1250$. -Battle SMG - Beretta M12 - 20 bullets in the magazine, pretty much a combo between the Micro Uzi and MP5 from GTA IV. Mickey sells these for 850$. -Heavy SMG - SAF .40 - holds 30 bullets in the magazine, has a better range and deals more damage than the MP5. Can be bought from Miguel for 2500$ . -Combat MG- CETME Ameli - comparable to the Combat MG from GTA V, but more accurate and with better range. Can be bought from Miguel for 7850$. -Makeshift Flamethrower - Fires a long stream of fire that sets anything ablaze very quickly. Can be bought from Mickey for 6000$. The Spanish hour. So what if it's not San Juan? So what if it's not Reggetón? Due to what can only be described as a desperate attempt from management to compete with the rest of the radio stations, Every night, go to sleep with the soothing sounds of ACTUAL Latin music. -Playllist: 1. -Morodo- Babilonia (2001) 2. -Extremoduro- A Fuego (2002) 3.-Fito y Fitipaldis- La casa por el Tejado (2003) 4. -Mala Rodriguez- Por La Noche (2002) 5. -Maná- Clavado en un Bar (1997) 6. -Los Gypsy Kings- Djobi, Djoba (1994) 7. - Amaral - Revolución (2005) 8. -Las Ketchup- Aserejé (2002) 9. -Tabletom- El Vampiro (1996) 10. Trolebús - La Banda En Desbandada (2000) PLAYLIST: 1.White Noise - The Vacation (2006) 2.Yeah Yeah Yeahs- Sealings (2006) 3.The Departure- All Mapped Out (2006) 4.Reggie and the Full Effect -Congratulations Smack And Katie (2003) 5. Secret Machines - Nowhere again (2006) 6. TV on the Radio - Wolf Like Me (2006) 7. Addicted to Speed- Paul Oakenfold (2006) 8.Does it Offend You Yeah?- We are Rockstars (2008) 9.At the Drive In- One Armed Scissor (2000) 10.Warren Suicide- Adjusting Ourselves (2006) EN VIVO CON DJ DON JUAN: Live from The Fang Dang Club in beautiful Alderney City, South Andaluzian DJ Juan "Don Juan" Dominguez hits the airwaves just for YOU. Exclusively on Shine FM. Wear your earplugs. PLAYLIST: 1.Netherworld - Atlantis 2.Newton - Streamline 3. Final Analyzis - El Punto Final (Power Mix) 4. Abyss - Big Change 5. J&J DJ's -- La Festa Vol. 2 6. Dani Fiesta- Definitiva 7. Musicalidad - The Lord Of The Rings 8. Plus System- Do It Like We Do 9. Lethal System - New Legend 10.CHIMO BAYO- Asi me gusta a mi ACT 1 VIEJOS AMIGOS 1. NOCHES DE BOHAN 2. ESOS MOMENTOS DE CLARIDAD PURA 3. VIEJOS AMIGOS, NUEVO DINERO 4. A FUEGO 5. AMIGOS COMO LOS MIOS 6. PIROMANO 7. MALA DEFENSA 8. SANGRE ROJA 9. LA CABEZA DE LA SERPIENTE
  7. A Grand Theft Auto concept, partial wishlist and the first 'DLC' to Grand Theft Auto: Borders. Other concepts by me (and others): Grand Theft Auto: Carcer City Grand Theft Auto: Borders (Read this for a more serious story in this setting.) Grand Theft Auto: The Inner Circle (Original Version, to be remade soon...) Grand Theft Auto: London Underground (with @The Notorious MOB) Part 1: Introduction Overview Part 2: The West Coast Maps, Descriptions, Amenities Part 3: Entertainment Soundtrack, TV Shows Part 4: Vehicles Land, Air and Sea Part 5: Weapons Melee and Guns Part 6: The People & Gangs of SoSA Gang info, allies, characters, strangers Part 7: Plot The six acts, missions Part 8: Gameplay I Mechanics, Wanted Level, Features Part 9: Gameplay II Side Activities, Real Estate, Construction Part 10: Gameplay III Personal Properties, Leisure Activities Information found in the Steam/PS Store/Xbox Marketplace/Rockstar Launcher game description. The title does not require GTA: Borders to play, and can be purchased digitally as a standalone game. $20 million at stake, two tons of heroin all sitting in different places. A Triad group from up north is ready to cut a deal with anyone with enough influence and resources to make up for their time. It’s the mid-90s in the midst of an American real estate boom, and every career criminal in Southern San Andreas wants a piece of the action. Two powerful West Coast crime families, the Zapatas and the Axelrods, are first in line to cut said deal. Two men, newcomers to the West Coast criminal underworld, however, intend to cut that line. Outcasts of a different world, the men are filled with ambition and prospect at the thought of getting the deal through, to finally put their pasts behind them and lead their new lives as respected figures of this world, a goal long denied to them. This is their one chance at the big time, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It’s now or never. Featuring a tale of two men on the prowl, engage in an six-act action comedy and crime drama story that takes the best of over-the-top action films from the 80s and 90s into one continuous, explosive gaming experience. Featuring a considerably larger familiar urban playground with an emphasis on city life, explore a revised reimagining of 1990s Southern California that encompasses pastiches of Los Angeles, San Diego and even Tijuana across the border, as you slowly build up your criminal empire with time. A staple of the South San Andrean criminal life. Engage in an endless turf war against other prospective street gangs across the region, taking over gang strongholds while cutting yourself a fat slice of the criminal deals in the process! In true Grand Theft Auto spirit, engage in a ballet of anarchy and ultraviolence with a wide variety of exciting side missions to earn yourself some extra cash! Lead the life of a criminal real estate developer during the heyday of a pre-9/11 American economic miracle, making money off property on acquired turf! Invest, buy and sell properties, negotiate contracts, engage in price manipulation and lower or improve real estate prices in the area! Suffer the pain of a bankruptcy and asset liquidation when things go south! Turn your ventures into reality with your very own construction company! Turn empty plots of land into profitable businesses that help spread your reputation across the West Coast. Featuring over 350 licensed music tracks from over five decades, split across 12 different radio stations, experience some of the finest music to grace American and world radio during the mid-90s, while you go out and explore the vast expense of the splendor that is Southern San Andreas. Like Borders, the game takes place in an expanded version of Southern San Andreas, as well as Northern Mexico via a border zone, ‘about two-to-three years after the riots’ during the 1990s United States boom. The map is updated from Borders, featuring a number of new locales for the players to visit, including Isla Castillo (Catalina Island). Three principal cities exist in the map, which are Los Santos, Santo Domingo and Ciudad Vizcaino, and the four present counties are Los Santos County, Red County, Santo Domingo County and the Sierra Municipality. The game also briefly takes place in Vice City during the prologue and fourth act of the storyline, taking place in the southern Ocean Beach area of the city during the first third of the act, complete with its own map and businesses, though this arc of the chapter would strictly be on-foot. Part of a new canon and a separate story from Borders, Chasing The Dragon takes place entirely in its own retconned continuity, making no references to the former concept, and instead forging its own set of characters and storylines to better fit in with the darkly-humorous, albeit mostly-optimistic tone found originally in GTA: San Andreas. A more in-depth view of the map is covered in Part 2, along with potential things to do in the region. Perhaps the most exciting part of this concept as a whole. The expansion pack updates 10 existing stations from GTA: Borders, as well as include two new stations, which are Santo Domingo Roots Radio, a country station, and Mint Jams Radio, a Japanese jazz fusion and city pop station. A new original score by both Thundercat and Kamasi Washington is featured in this expansion, featuring dynamic music done in a style similar to 80s-to-90s jazz fusion. The game also features a number of licensed smooth jazz tracks, used in a variety of scenarios, such as being played as background music in malls and elevators or as incidental music during activities. More on this will be covered in Part 3 and Part 9. The player assumes control of two protagonists, Tarnell “T” Bridges and Javier Madrazo. Both have been underdogged by their former employers and families, and long for that sweet taste of success promised to prospective thugs in the underworld, assuming they don’t get booked in or killed. Like in GTA V, the player is able to switch between the two characters at will, save for certain storyline missions. Tarnell “T” Bridges: An ex-detective from Vice City, formerly of the infamously corrupt Vice Squad. A dirty cop down to a T, everything from planting evidence on suspects to fill quotas to working directly with drug lords, you name it, he’s done it. His mentor, his partner Saul Alvarez, was key in helping T get a leg up in the squad, influencing his philosophy as a criminal. Unfortunately for T, the 80s ran out of gas as soon as he made it big, and one night in 1988, he responds to a call from Alvarez to visit a certain location to arrange a drug deal, only to discover his absence on-location, instead being the site of an IA sting. Busted by a clean NOOSE team, it was said that T ‘paid through the ass’ for his freedom, and was promptly fired from the squad, with the good word of the FIB, not long after the incident. Travelling to the West Coast with little to no pocket, T works odd jobs for various members of the San Andreas underworld before scraping enough to buy a cheap house near Anselmo Beach in Red County, in a neighborhood dominated by illegals and local Mexican-Americans. As of the mid-90s, he works as a bounty hunter for a bail bonds firm in Emerald Lake, Los Santos, rounding up fugitives and troublemakers across the city. The good life had been ripped from him suddenly, and he wants to return to that, badly, and also getting his vengeance on Alvarez. A long wait ensues, and he finally gets another shot at the life when, on a chance meeting on the same job he runs into... Javier Madrazo: Illegitimate son of Angel Madrazo, the now-deceased brother of cartel leader Alejandro Madrazo, and a barmaid, exiled from the Tex-Mex Madrazo Cartel in the late-80s for trying to one-up his cousin, Martin, in becoming leader of the crew, forcing him into the city of Los Santos not long after that, where he, and a group of other disgruntled Madrazo goons loyal to him, work small jobs and protection across the city. His illegitimacy as the heir of the cartel brings him a great deal of shame and insecurity, which he makes up for with a larger-than-life and faux-psychotic personality, making him seem more capable and unhinged than he really is. His plan? If he can’t one-up Marty, he might as well start a crew of his own that blows them out of the water. Get the props he really deserves for his efforts rather than work his fingers to the bone for nothing. The smack deal with the SF Triads, which he quickly hears word about, is the ultimate goal for Javier, which he sees as being the defining moment to finally receive Martin’s respect, and fear. More on the other characters and gangs in Part 7. Contrary to the store description, the story is split into 8 different acts (including the prologue and epilogue), functioning somewhat similar to the chapters seen in games like Bully and Yakuza. Acts 1-3 introduces players to the basic elements of gameplay in Chasing The Dragon, giving them a headstart in side missions and activities such as Real Estate Management, Construction, Strongholds and Gang Wars, while exploring the growth of the partnership between Javier and T. Tonally, this part of the storyline is considerably more comedic, and predominantly takes place in Los Santos, Red County and Santo Domingo. The border, at this point of the storyline, is still closed to Americans due to an ‘ongoing investigation’ involving an unnamed cartel, meaning the Sierra Municipality is inaccessible during this time. Acts 4-6, on the other hand, is much more story-driven, with both protagonists more-or-less becoming established criminal figures in the region, with enough money and influence to make their bones in the underworld. Mexico is unlocked, and more territories and business opportunities are open to the player to expand the Madrazo empire. This second half of the storyline is noticeably darker than the first, involving much more dramatic and less over-the-top elements than before, though the signature Rockstar sort of dark humor can still be found here, along with more light-hearted moments of situational/satirical comedy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The story begins during an ill-fated meeting between T and Javier at a bookies in Monroe, Los Santos. T's out on a job for Ollie, and Javier's just popping by with his crew to take whatever's available. Guns are pointed, but this later proves to be a spark of opportunity for both parties. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The word about the missing heroin gets out on the streets, but in order to show the San Fierro Triads who really runs the state, T and Javier begin building up their empire and influence across Los Santos, beginning with wiping out the weaker gangs in town such as The Pack, as well as breaking existing gang alliances, such as the ones between the Ballas and the Families. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hearing word of a feud between the Zapatas and Axelrods, both T and Javier go all in and work with the Zapatas, collaborating against their shared adversaries, the Axelrods. The duo also begin their gradual takeover of the city of Santo Domingo, where they run into members of both the Vagos and Aztecas, also harboring intentions to consolidate the heroin for the triads. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Madrazo Construction and Dynasty 8 Real Estate are established by T and Javier, owing to their newfound wealth and growing sphere of influence, coming in to take advantage of the real estate boom during the 1990s. The war is also out on the Axelrods, as both the Madrazos and Zapatas take the fight directly to the Axelrod residence in Park Heights. T also finally finds out what his former Vice Squad partner, Saul, is up to after all these years. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a favor for the Zapatas, T and Javier embark on a journey back to Vice City to escort a high-ranking member of the Triads, Fat Chin, back to San Andreas, visiting the neighborhood of Ocean Beach, where they run into several street gangs, currently engaged in a turf war over the iconic thoroughfare district. The Madrazos also begin their hostile takeover of Ciudad Vizcaino, Northern Mexico, but soon comes to realize that the Zapatas aren't exactly trustworthy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In true GTA fashion, the Zapatas betray the Madrazos, wiping out most of Madrazo's crew, leaving Chico alive long enough to notify Javier and T of the betrayal. Agatha is also kidnapped by the Zapatas, and is currently held up at the Zapata villa in Isla Castilla. As they gain leads of Agatha's whereabouts, the duo, along with Ollie, Donnie, the rest of the company managers and Madrazo goons, fight tooth and nail to defend their businesses from Zapata enforcers. The rest of the heroin is also gathered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Zapatas are greatly weakened by the Madrazos during the gang war, and now take the fight directly to Ricky on Isla Castilla. They also cut a deal under the table with the Triads after they themselves are attacked by the Zapatas, in an attempt to steal the deal money, liaising with both Fat Chin as well as one of their enforcers, Miranda Lin. The climax begins. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- T and Javier enjoy the fruits of their labor, throwing a party at Javier's property, La Fuente Blanca in Vinewood Hills. There a surprise visit from Martin happens, and the rest is history... More on the plot and missions in Part 6 of this concept. Other than the aforementioned key activities, Chasing The Dragon introduces other new side missions, minigames and activities to do, which are not limited to; Yacht Club, Tank Rampage, Smuggler’s Run, Celebrity Escort, Bounty Hunting and a Lucky & Wild-inspired side mission known as Cassie & Bridges. Many leisure and cosmetic activities are also introduced or improved upon from both Borders and GTA V, which help to bring life into the fresh, expansive in-game world. Atmospheric and life simulation mechanics from RDR 2, as seen in Borders, are also brought over to this expansion, such as sitting, smoking, mugging and eating, though the animations used are noticeably more slick to fit in more with the aesthetic of the GTA world. Rentable properties such as motels still exist here, though they are not as prevalent as in Borders, as players now have a greater opportunity to purchase properties. Combat-wise, Chasing The Dragon plays like somewhat of a mix between GTA V, RDR 2, Max Payne 3 and True Crime: Streets of New York. True to the older GTAs, gunplay is frantic and erratic, and the player is able to duel-wield, for example, and though sliding and rolling are not as intricate as seen in MP3, it exists somewhat as a way to make combat more engaging. Exiting a moving vehicle while at low or decreasing speeds will also result in a special rolling animation that causes minimal to no damage to the player. And much more. More on this in Parts 8 to 10 of this concept.
  8. A Collaborative Effort by sabitsuki & The Notorious MOB Welcome to London in the long hot summer of 1974, formerly a tourist city filled with famous landmarks such as Big Ben, The Tower of London, Tower Bridge and Buckingham Palace, our capital has now been perverted into a flaming hell-on-earth with murder rates comparable to cities like Carcer or Beirut. If you’re all shocked to bits, don’t be. It was only a matter of time before the swinging sixties got worn out. The impetus for the current sad state of London today can be easily traced back to the inter-gang conflict and strifes from the 1940s Post-War period all the way up to the Firm-related conflicts in the 1960s, along with more recent factors such as the rapid immigration from South-Central Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, Africa and much of the former Commonwealth as well as the deindustrialization and its resulting mass unemployment and crime spike of various British cities across the islands. Combine this perfect storm of events that befall the UK with the inherent cultural or structural differences between the organisations as well as a far more competitive criminal underworld, and you get one clusterf*ck of a gang war in The Old Smoke. It was also a time of widespread dodgy dealings and corruption which stretched to all facets of life from the “democratically” elected people in power to the broken backed proletariat on the street. So sit back, pour yourself a cup of Rosie and enjoy as we take you through the absolute balls up that was Landon Town in the mid-1970s. This isn’t just the underworld... This is The Underground. Tape’s rolling, mic check, everything crystal? Alright. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the London branch of the SID. If you are seated here in this room today, consider yourselves lucky, because the tasks which appear before you that you will all undertake soon after this meeting will be extremely vital to the inherent national security and peace of Great Britain. My name is Roland MacLellan, Executive Chief of this branch and I shall be your handler for this assignment. I have worked in various police forces for almost two decades, and I can tell you right now, with absolute confidence, that with presently occurring rapid immigration from the Commonwealth, Asia, West Indies and Africa and with the unfortunate economic downturn of our times, you boys are going to have a lot of work to do. Not that it should come as a surprise to all of you, but crime and corruption is currently a huge problem in our country, not to mention the political strife presently afflicting us in Northern Ireland. New groups of people and cultures coming in mean newer, more impenetrable forms of gang activity which you all, as sworn agents of the Queen, will strive to search, break and eventually destroy. We have corroborated our findings with evidence and data that have been collected by other field agents over the course of this joint assignment. These findings are all located on your desks, compiled and sealed in the brown folders before you. These folders, complete with documents, photographs, dossiers and reports, which shall remain classified for as long as you are within the bounds of this agency until further notice, as well as newspaper clippings, posters and excerpts that shall aid in your investigation and give you a better understanding of, and appreciation for the culture and socio-political situation in and around the city. This will no doubt pose a rather massive challenge, but I have complete faith in all 36 of you in this room that, by the end of all this, you shall be the bringers of positive change to this great nation, and that you will do whatever it takes to bring about that change. Many of you aren’t from around here… for good reason too. So I’ve taken the liberty of including a map of the area and giving you a rundown of each of the major districts. I’ve also included some of the local colloquialisms to get you all familiar with your surroundings a little more. Any questions, just ask. Good luck and Godspeed. Report #000293 - PRIME SUSPECTS Det. Constable Curtis Boyd, SID. [Dated 03/06/1974, declassified 09/06/2018] For years this was a mantra pasted on every post box and public house in the city. But times they are a-changin’ so who more fitting to represent the fight between the rozzers and the criminal underworld than one of each. This isn’t just a simple case study though… oh no, All are Connected. And all have a story to tell. In the midst of all the bloody chaos back in ‘74, through the testimonies and dying last words of the many witnesses, victims and suspects and by the absolute grace of God, Palmer and myself were able to boil the search down to three suspected individuals that we believe to have played a major role during the sh*t show in London that year. One of them, we believe, soon went on to be king, or queen, of the London criminal underworld, a role which they have maintained up to this day, even as I am writing this report. These three criminals are to be considered very, very dangerous, so watch your backs out there. We can only speculate who these criminals really are, given the sheer amount of obscurity and red tape which afflicted our investigations in the Greater London area. Thanks to those who shall not be named, the investigation got royally f*cked and the findings became the subject of a D-Notice. So you know what that means… our leads regarding their current whereabouts and illicit activities have amounted to sweet f*ck-all, pardon my French, not to mention that their genders aren’t all that known to us either. You’ve heard that right, lads, we aren’t even certain if these clowns are sporting a pair of jacobs or not. Thankfully, an anonymous source sometime in early ‘74 was able to provide us with vital details regarding the past lives of these reprobates, which are outlined in the next few pages of this report, corroborated with alleged photographs of these individuals, birth details and newspaper clippings of their crimes and misdeeds, though their genders and true first names remain a mystery. Connections to black militia groups, the old style gangster firms and even the Provisional IRA have been made regarding these three individuals, though the details presented remain sketchy, at best, and there’s no way of proving whether or not the anonymous source was even reliable to begin with. Not that that’s stopping us from finding them. Soon enough, we’ll nail these bastards on a wooden cross, like we always do. First name off our list is an individual of mixed Trinidadian-Jamaican descent. Classic example of how things can go in ways you don’t normally expect them to. They’re known simply as Bowen and are believed to have been born in Brixton in 1948, before moving to Bristol as a student at a local university sometime in 1968. They’re also known to have been involved with a Bristol-based Yardie gang led by Desmond Dukes, before joining up with a far-left extremist black civil rights group and later-criminal organisation, The Black Kudus - a group with ties to the Aniston Posse, a London-based Yardie group consisting of mostly Carribean members, as well as the local Nigerian gangsters in Brixton. The Kudus are believed to have ties with other civil rights groups and black gangs across the Atlantic, in American cities such as Los Santos, Liberty City and Carcer City, on top of their British connections. We believe that earlier incarnations of the group have also played a role in the curbing of the violent Carcer City Riots of 1968 together with a local African-American but similarly far-left group known as The Pharaohs at the time, led by the now-deceased civil rights activist and maverick Kevin Jackson III, though this is a story for another day. That said, the Kudus are also known for their less-than-ideal arrangements involving the cannabis trade and illicit gambling operations as a way to continue financing the group’s socio-political activities, which is where the Bristol Yardies come into play. Bowen is believed to have been sent back east by Desmond Dukes, the aforementioned leader of the Bristol Yardies in early 1974 as punishment for the loss of a large shipment of drugs and soon became close to the London-based Posse leaders, father-and-son duo Joshua and Ezekiel “Zeke” Aniston. The Anistons had been sent there by Dukes as well, several years earlier to generate profits for the organisation, as well as to provide a secure base of operations to allow the group to make a smooth transition over from Bristol. But they evidently weren’t pulling their weight. The Anistons are a lairy bunch, often seen poncing about the streets in matching sheepskin coats and ordering around their ostentatious underlings. Aside from Joshua and Zeke, we’ve got Josh’s brother Ishmael (also known as Ish) and their sister Jessica. A third brother, Jeremiah, is currently a guest of her majesty at Pentonville, with an unknown release date. We believe the Kudus and the Aniston posse eventually wound up working together with the Hyut San Triads out of Chinatown in the drug trade, which remains as such to this day, with Bowen believed to be in contact with known translator of the triad, Gregory “Oriental Greg” Lam, possibly as a liaison of some sort. This key arrangement plays a large part in what we believe has kept Bowen and the Aniston Posse’s heads above water in the eyes of Dukes, though as to how long it lasts before going belly up like it usually does, we aren’t sure. Keep your eyes peeled for a blue Jouster Buck driving around the motorways, it very likely belongs to them. The second one on our list reads like the combination of a Shakespearean family tragedy and a twisted coming-of-age story. While many of us here at the force express some form of pity for this individual’s situation, this by no means exonerates them from any of their violent crimes. Rhodes was born in 1950 to former glamour girl Emma Rhodes and her sixth form sweetheart Teddy Rhodes, a former errand boy who made his bones by working for esteemed London gangster Benedict "Bexley Bernie" Kester. Teddy Rhodes, or “Brown Bread Ted” as he was known, was believed to have been exiled from London around 1966 by Bernie himself due to a job gone bad. Taking his family with him to Northern England, he sought to expand the Kester’s criminal enterprises as a way to make up for the failures back home. Things went smooth for a period between 1967 and 1973, and a young Rhodes found themselves getting used to the family’s newfound wealth. That said, despite the cushy upbringing we can conclude that “Ronnie” was by no means unable to fend for themselves. Due to the proficiency of the murders at crime scenes associated with this individual in ‘74, we believe that Rhodes may have received extended firearms and combat training either from Teddy and his gang or from an unknown third party hired on their behalf. In the closing months of 1973 however, the situation in Manchester and Liverpool began to spiral out of control, coinciding with increased homicide and arson rates in the region at the time, thus forcing the Rhodes family back to their original hometown early the following year. Not much is known about the relationship between the elder Rhodes and Kester, but from what we can gather, the feelings expressed aren’t exactly cordial by a long shot. At some point in ‘74, we believe that the younger Rhodes began operating largely independently of the Bexley Firm, by then a small gang which paled in comparison to other firms of its kind and known locally as “The Bexley hunts” (you can work that one out for yourselves). By working freelance in the city and building a name for themselves, we believe they began encountering some internal problems with the gang, possibly relating to financial issues and the soured relationship between Kester and Rhodes. Despite this, we firmly believe that Kester had some role to play in Ronnie’s rise to power in London, though we cannot truly confirm this statement for sure. We believe they're now heading up their own collective known as The Rhodes Syndicate composed of the remnants of other gangs. Either way, you should look out for a red Maxwell Aurelio on this one. The final suspect on our list. Jesus Christ, just how do I begin with this? This rogue is your typical Adam & Eve story, but not exactly a word-for-word retelling of it, if you catch my drift. A former idealist turned sinner who discards all semblance of moral concepts such as honor and loyalty for the high life. Born 1946 in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Kelly was brought up in a mixed religious household, the spawn of a Catholic mother and a Protestant father. Something must have eaten the family up during that time, because based on all accounts, we believe Kelly eventually wound up with the IRA in their late teens, during the peak of the conflicts in Northern Ireland in the early-to-mid-60s. Insider information suggests that their father had been a major in the British Army and they grew up in various military barracks around the world. He apparently became a supporter and eventually an associate of the Protestant Unionist Party and even ran for election under their banner, organising armed stewards for counter-demonstrations against civil rights marches. It is believed this may be what prompted Kelly to become a militant republican and eventually become associated with Garland “Garry” Riley, a terrorist figure who remains one of Globalpol’s most wanted men. Given Kelly’s mixed religious and racial background, this isn’t all too shocking, and we can only speculate about the discrimination and prejudice they went through in Belfast prior to joining Colm O’Shea’s band of social rejects, a PIRA faction known as the SSU. An infamous crime which the SSU has undertaken was the brutal triple slaying of the family of RUC Chief Enoch Donnelly in 1967, where the man himself, the wife and their 29-year old daughter were executed, St. Valentine’s Day style, at the Ringo Coffee House in Magheradrool, Belfast during Sunday brunch in broad daylight by a group of gunmen wielding military-grade Lexington Freehands stolen from British troops. Increased security in the affected region came as a result of this incident. This came along with numerous small-medium bombings of public venues and assassinations of political figures and dissidents across Ireland, Scotland and Northern England in 1972-3, including Phillips Dorman, a politician of the House of Commons notorious for his pro-violence stance on the Northern Irish troubles, not to mention the infamous bombing of a bus carrying active SAS and RUC personnel along with their families in Castlereagh, Belfast happening that same week, resulting in the deaths of 28 persons including women and children. We believe our suspect to have emigrated to our shores some time prior to this, during the fallout from the forced curfew on the Falls road. This is why, without solid proof, we suspect them to have been responsible. The source implies that Kelly relocated to London along with the rest of their PIRA faction, possibly to conduct business with existing contacts in the city outside of their usual PIRA higher-ups, ranging from Rhodesian arms dealers, politicians and possibly other London-based firms, under assumed names and bogus identities to evade detection from Metro Police. That said, we believe that fringe elements of the faction who don’t see eye-to-eye with Garry might possibly derail this arrangement, so we may still have a chance at having a crack at these bastards. Anyway, be on the lookout for a green Vapid Sangria running 150 across the streets of London with this wally behind the wheel. Often ranked as one of the world's most iconic and prosperous cities and simultaneously one of the worst. London was a city first established by the Romans in the first century and although civilisation has been gradually chipped away with every passing decade, the fight for conquest has become increasingly more intense. A city where the pursuit of the almighty dollar pales in comparison to the quest for the even mightier British pound. Phone boxes are red and often so are the streams which run down the piss washed alleys and into the shores. Contrary to the stereotypes, the people here ain't polite and thanks to the Tories persistence, we’ve just joined the European Communities, but remember, we drive on the left side of the road here… so none of that continental/septic tank funny business, or you'll end up floating in the Thames. To further help on your journey, here's a little run down of some of our boroughs and ends. INNER LONDON Central London Angel, Barbican, City of London, Clerkenwell, Farringdon, Finsbury, St. Luke’s Other than its sleazier older brother, Westminster, its underdog twin Camden and its posher cousin, Hyde Park, Central London is, or was, one of the four tourist-centric boroughs north of the Thames, being the city’s centre of Commerce and Finance, and an upscale residential borough not unlike Hyde Park. It isn’t all steel and glass though, as it is also home to administrative old towns like Clerkenwell and St. Lukes as well as brutalist eyesores in the Barbican area. Either way, expect tons of dirty barristers, CEOs, yank expats and traders from The Exchange in LC and members of the Caine Firm here, either busting heads, looking at running numbers, jumping off the Mies van der Rohe-inspired St. Michael’s Tower or having their morning and afternoon tea at one of the many corporate cafes in the area. Old Bailey, the main courthouse of London, is located in the city. Other than toxic corporate culture, if staring at historical artifacts stolen during the reign of the British Empire is your thing, do visit the Museum of London up in the Barbican. It’s only 10 quid per ticket, and a great place to learn some world history from a Briton’s perspective and enjoy some nice air-conditioning especially during this summer, if you’re not just there to whack it to erotic ukiyo-e paintings in a dark corner, of course. City of Westminster Chinatown, Covent Garden, Marylebone, Mayfair, Paddington, Pimlico, Regent’s Park, Soho, St. James’s, Trafalgar Square, Westminster The Algonquin of London and home of the Buckingham Palace and the Big Ben, the City of Westminster’s a melting pot of culture, nightlife, drinking and crime, and easily the largest borough in the inner city. Soho and Westminster proper are your go-tos for all-things drinking and clubbing, as well as home to factory fashion outlets ranging from the luxury Dingleberry and Didier Sachs, mid-tier brands such as Ben Dover, ProLaps and Forty Love, to more niche, subculture-oriented brands such as SHAG by Annabelle Eastwood and mod and 60s revival haberdashery Brunelli’s in King’s Road or hippie favourite Trip Inside This Shack in Cecil Court and skinhead favourite Doctor Fuchs on Old Compton Street. From the quiet seclusion of the royal Regent’s Park and the tourist-centric Trafalgar Square to noted shopping districts such as Paddington and Covent Garden, the latter which is home to the open air Covent Garden Market as well as the world-renowned Derringham’s multi-storey department store, the city of Westminster has you covered on all shopping and leisurely needs, and if you want some affordable clothes and food on the go. For less-legitimate and cheaper alternatives, go to London’s very own Chinatown, where a knockoff Sherpa overcoat costs just about as much as a hearty serving of dim sum or a blowjob. Westminster is also home to some of the best nightlife from this side of Western Europe. Ranging from northern soul favourites such as Eddie’s, reggae and ska hangout The Kingston Beat and the recently-opened discotheque Studio 109, which plays brand new funk and disco hits from across the Atlantic. For those seeking pleasure, the Gold-owned gentlemen’s club and brothel, Bondgirl, is the go-to in town if you want some tail. Hyde Park Chelsea, Earl’s Court, Kensington, Knightsbridge, Shepherd’s Bush Contrary to its name, Hyde Park isn’t merely just a placeholder name for a fancy part of town, but a way of life in itself. The West End of London where posh people live in, and like many other gated and segregated communities around the world similar to it, the borough is shut away from the rest of the plebeians and peasants south, east and southeast of it. Filthy rich and massively inbred, filled with pompous old money types who speak in RP like it's still 1899, you’d be hard-pressed not to find at least a couple of luxury tourers and imports east of the English Channel cruising along the pristine streets of Hyde Park at any given time of the day. Many of the city’s politicians, socialites, royalty, brain surgeons, millionaires, drug barons and arms dealers reside or own property in the countless townhouses and condominiums in the district, congregating mostly in the districts of Chelsea, Kensington and Knightsbridge, and you can bet your arse that a chauffeur of some sort is always going to be there somewhere to ferry them around wherever they see fit. It’s every man for himself in Hyde Park, and don’t expect any of that government-mandated communal tenement nonsense here. If you can’t hack the hustle and bustle of Jehads on Brompton road, the district of Shepherd’s Bush is also known for its expensive department stores, most notably Touissant’s, notorious throughout London not only for its exorbitant rental fees and alleged discriminatory practices for staff and against commuters along racial grounds, but also for allowing only top-quality and artisan brands to open up shop in the building. A neoclassical nightmare invoking some rather unfortunate stylistic cues popularized by a certain country in the 40s, it is truly a sight to behold in Hyde Park. Being the city’s most highly prestigious borough to live in, Hyde Park features among London’s most well-maintained and luxurious gardens and venues of entertainment in the city. Ranging from the labyrinth maze and the exotic flora in the majestic Kensington Gardens to the coffeehouses and state-of-the-art lounges and clubs in Earl’s Court, such as noted Carcer City import and jazz fusion club The Blue Room London which invites guest jazz players from America and South London, there is no shortage of places in Hyde Park to remind yourself of how bottom-of-the-barrel your place in the greater British social hierarchy is. In short, a nice place to visit, if you’re white and carrying loads of money of course. This is also where the Hyde Park Barracks are located. Serving an administrative role to house palace guards, military police and soldiers assigned to CADRe (thanks to the Labour party), many of the military vehicles used in the curbing of civil unrest are parked here. South London Battersea, Bermondsey, Brixton, Camberwell, Deptford, Lambeth, Peckham, Rotherhithe, Southwark, Waterloo The land of wharves and dwarves filled with pimps, pushers and pickaninnies and everything in between. It’s traditionally been a considerably working-class area of London and was once home to the nefarious Parkinson Gang. It’s now also home to a large African/West Indian diaspora consisting of multi-generational locals or fresh-off-the-boat immigrants. How can you be so close to Westminster, yet feel so far away? Its lush but rather unimpressive parklands are often referred to as the commons. And it’s quite fitting really, as a bigger collection of commoners you’ll be hard pressed to find. A stark contrast from the outer boroughs which lie just a few miles away at all angles. The grotesque pimple on an otherwise perfectly formed arse cheek one might say. Said commoners were at one time safely confined to sprawling tenements, but thanks to a series of V-2 bombings 30 years ago, they began to spill out onto the streets. One might think that some of Battersea Dog home’s mutts had escaped, or there had been some sort of accident at the nearby power station, but no, that’s the look of steely faced working-class determination, dead set on taking over the town. Tower Hamlets Bethnal Green, Isle of Dogs, Mile End, Stepney, Whitechapel, Victoria Park The traditional East End of London, and birthplace to the now-dying native Cockney diaspora. Falling victim to the Industrial Revolution, Zeppelin bombings, the Blitz and most recently, gang crime, Tower Hamlets is everything that yanks think of when they hear about modern England, with its sleazy pubs, mom-and-pop stores, rabid football hooligans, underground boxing rings and 100-year old restaurants that serve warm beer, meat pies and pickled eels with mint sauce. A historically poverty-stricken and crime-ridden part of London, Tower Hamlets is better known today as the hometown of the modern-day, harsh Cockney-accented Gangster Firm, with notorious gangs and gangsters such as the Golds, the Crisp Twins, the Colleoni Brothers and the Bexleys all getting their big break in this borough in passing. It is said that even Cockney rhyming slang, itself indigenous to the Hamlets, has roots in crime, with many of its phrases and expressions used as code to disguise nefarious marketplace tactics from the cozzers on patrol. Despite having a diverse history of immigration ranging from Irish weavers, French Protestants, Ashkenazi Jews and most-recently the Bangladeshis, Indians and Pakistanis, Tower Hamlets is ironically one of the most intolerant and racist areas in London, with anti-immigration and nationalist movements typically springing up in this borough. This began in the rougher parts of the Isles of Dogs, where gangs of violent youth and juvenile delinquents would often target South Asian immigrants and businesses, usually just for the hell of it. A little bit later, The National Front, that one political party supported by those bald blokes with the Norse rune and swastika tattoos you see in those white pride rallies on the telly? They have some degree of power in these parts. Being non-white or homosexual in the streets of the Hamlets at night is just asking to be curb-stomped by a posse of psychotic skinheads. My advice? Grab yourself a leng and conceal that bastard until it's time to go guns blazing, they’re real cheap and easy to come by now and it might just save your life from the next goon on one unfortunate night. History and boneheads aside, many of the city’s pawn shops, thrift shops, jewellers and other crooks are located here, along with a boxing club called Paul Weston’s, said to be the birthplace of modern British boxing. Several underground fight clubs are located in the Dogs as well as Bethnal Green, where a fight is, more often than not, a matter of life and death, not to mention collusion, fixings and bets made by some of London’s nastiest criminals and kingpins. Better ante up the health insurance if you’re up for the challenge, lads. Tower Hamlets is also home to noted landmark, the Tower of London, though the castle in actuality is located closer to central London than the East End. Originally used as a locale of torture and execution during Medieval, Victorian and Edwardian times, it is now transformed into a tourist trap that sells tacky snowglobes and fridge magnets and displays models of jesters and replicas of alleged torture devices running the gamut from the Catherine Wheel to the Iron Maiden for tourists to gawk at. There is also a rumour going around that the former crown of King Edward VII is located somewhere in the castle, though I can’t vouch for it. Hackney Estates, Haggerston Park, Hoxton, Shoreditch The birthplace of the humble black London taxi cab. It’s been a hotbed for Jewish immigrants since the 1930s, although it’s unclear if this had anything to do with the fact that it was absolutely devastated during the Blitz. It similarly became a focal point of Algernon Wolseley’s hate marches and racist attacks following the war, despite ironically being an area filled with factory based industries which allowed the country to get back on its feet. The industries have begun declining and white folks have begun leaving en masse but there are plenty of darkies ready and waiting to occupy the greatly discounted housing stock, which means that it could soon be a focal point of more inter-ethnic violence soon enough. As the factories lay abandoned they’ve also begun serving as grotty little hidey holes for dodgy dealings and illegal industries. It was once a stronghold for unsavoury characters such as Harry Gold and ‘Patch’ Adamczak and is currently the site of The Caine Jewels on the Whitechapel Road. So, although the debauchery may have become more shielded in recent times, it’s still an area for the boys in blue to be keeping a close eye on as much as ever before. Camden Bloomsbury, Camden Town, Fitzrovia, Holborn, Kings Cross, St. Pancras, Kentish Town Just north of the Thames, sandwiched between Hyde Park and Westminster lies Camden Town, usually shortened to just Camden by locals, and often lumped together with Westminster. Home to much of London’s alternative scene, Camden is unofficially referred to as the most Northern place in London, and its clubs are said to have popularized the Northern Soul scene down here, introduced by the boys up in Liverpool and Manchester. It is also where the beatnik and hippie subcultures were first brought to England in the 1950s and 60s by college professors and cult leaders from across the Pacific in San Andreas, as well as bourgeois youth back from their ‘enlightening’, psychedelics-fuelled pilgrimage in India. A large terminus, King’s Cross Station, located right here in Camden, has train lines connecting London to the rest of the UK, which might explain the influx of Northerners in this part of town. Camden is also home to several contemporary art galleries, post-industrial and abandoned landmarks and its regionally-renowned markets in Regent’s Canal, serving all manner of unhealthy foods ranging from deep-fried EgoChaser bars, fruity ice pops, bangers and mash, toad-in-the-hole to the classic fish and chips, as well as a wide variety of kitsch craft furniture and carnival games. You might just win the limited edition Mustard Gas or the Delightful Dresden variant of the Brodie Bear teddy if you try hard enough in the shooting gallery! Just don’t take your anger out on any of the booth operators, the rounds are live. Abbey Road is also a popular destination if you want to pay tribute to one of music’s most iconic album covers, or if you like accidentally falling into open manholes to your untimely deaths like some cartoon character while attempting to replicate said album cover, as many tourists did before then. Heathrow Airport Terminal 1, Terminal 2, Hayes For when you’ve had enough of Landon Town, or if you are somehow unfortunate enough to end up on the hit list in some rich tosser’s black book. Heathrow Airport is where you tell the cab driver to drive to if you want to, as the yanks call it, ‘get the f*ck out of Dodge’. Rated as one of the dustiest airports in Europe and the official home of Britain’s very own newly established airline, Bedlam Airways, hundreds of thousands of people transit through the airport every day, typically switching flights between Asia to America, and vice versa, as well as the rest of Europe. Recent renovations beginning in 1962 have taken place around the borough, transforming Heathrow Airport into a modernist glass-and-steel centre complete with functioning moving walkways, coffee stands, souvenir shops, interactive modern art and duty-free liquor stores, with its newest terminal, Terminal 2, completed in 1972. You can buy a hangar in the airport if you want, just talk to the nice lady working the front desk of the VIP Section in the Terminal 2 Lounge. That’s assuming you have the dosh, of course. So what happens when you miss a flight, you say? Fret not, the nearby town of Hayes is there to offer you a place to crash in if you’re unwilling to spend the night sleeping on a bench in Terminal 1. Home to several boutique hotels, it’s an open secret that Hayes plays an important role in establishing modern British music and literature. The hometown of early popular musicians such as William Byrd and whiny dystopian author and anarchist Gerald Askins, Hayes is also the town where the vinyl records of Britain’s most beloved musicians are pressed and delivered to music stores all around the world. It’s a nice little town, if you’re a tourist and looking to get some original overpriced records for your collection back home. OUTER LONDON North Barnet, Enfield, Redbridge, Waltham Forest North end of town, if you’re looking to head over to Essex (which I don’t advise heading to), visit the Lexington factories or if you want to bury a body. Not much to be noted here, other than the fact that Barnet is among the densest outer boroughs of London, with the market town of Chipping Barnet being its most visited area, though it’s certainly no Camden Town. It is also home to some of the city’s most well-preserved green spaces, the Waltham Forest being among the country’s most secluded natural areas, complete with reservoirs, marshes and a town hall that practically does nothing with its only major achievement being that it merely exists. Whether or not this is a good thing is wholly dependent on whether or not you’re an introvert or extrovert, a retiree or a serial killer. Enfield has a reputation for being the home of the legendary Lexington Arms Factory, which crafts arms for Britain’s finest since 1896. The first few batches of the classic MK1 bolt-action rifles were made right here in this factory, delivered straight to wings across the British military right after the death of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, landing in the hands of conscripted young men and teenagers who would march off directly to their deaths in the trenches of France, not before succumbing to the Spanish Flu if they were lucky enough to make it back home alive. Currently, Lexington is working on a prototype battle rifle called the FLA (short for Fusile Lexington Alpha), configured in a bullpup style. It is slated to replace the Belgian-designed Freehand in active service soon, likely in a decade from now. Most active soldiers, however, aren’t too pleased with the news, and I’m not too much of a gun nut to ask why. South Croydon, Merton, Sutton, Richmond Upon Thames Endless suburbia, just like in those crummy soap operas and sketch comedy TV shows about British life. Home to rustic cottages, vacation homes, a few shopping malls, pubs and nightclubs in the middle of nowhere, with train lines connecting the inner city, the southern outer boroughs of London are just like Inner London, but not as rowdy. What’s there to talk about? You have the smaller, family-oriented malls such as Three Pines Mall in Croydon, an area with the best primary and secondary schools in all of London, Flinders St. in Merton which is sort of a funk club that pales in comparison to the ones found in the inner city and Sutton, a quiet village town area which is widely considered to be among Britain’s best places to raise a family. Sounds boring, I know, there isn’t much to be talked about South of Outer London. It’s the sort of place where cozzer dramas are filmed and where the Witness Protection Program blokes come to die, really. Richmond’s the only one worth talking about I suppose. Home to the Kew Gardens, a large greenhouse that displays exotic plant species from around the world, Twickenham Stadium, a pill-shaped stadium where rugby matches take place in and finally the London Wetlands Reserve, which is, you guessed it, a wetlands reserve, located in London! Just stay inside the city, for Christ’s sake. West Brent, Ealing, Hillingdon, Kingston Upon Thames A slightly more interesting version of South Outer London with a better cultural identity and marketplaces, along with some rather stunning views of the Thames from this side of town, most notably in Kingston Upon Thames, where the large marketplace spans between both sides of the river, with plenty of food stands, carnival games, ginger ale and beer-on-demand for you to spend the day in. The market town claims to be the oldest of its kind running in England today, with its history dating back to the Saxons in the 10th Century. There’s also plenty of rustic, old-school Victorian inns and hotels in the area to spend the night in if you’re too tired to take the tram back to the city, as well as rock n’ roll clubs towards the northeast into Camden if you want to watch some live acts. Plenty of strange Art Deco-style stations, boutique clothing stores (such as Citizen K) and buildings in the area as well if you want some of that 30s-to-50s nostalgia. Brent and Ealing are also boroughs with a pretty strong arts culture, if you’re into that sort of thing, with places like the Kiln Theatre, which showcases stage plays and perverse reimaginings of Shakespeare’s works, Ealing Village, a spa area and holiday getaway for many Inner Londoners, St. Mary’s Church, built by the Benedictine monks in the 17th century and the two-storey brick and mortar residential houses, which are a proud symbol of both communities. It is also a relatively diverse area with a growing affluent immigrant population, with a newly-built Hindu Swaminarayan Temple located in Brent. This side of London is also home to the city’s only military airbase, the RAF Northolt in Hillingdon, which is indisputably the oldest air base in the UK, founded in the early years of the First World War, as a test site for early fighter planes and bombers. Today, it’s a heavily-guarded outpost for the RAF, and many of the country’s newest fighter planes are stored here in the large hangars, which is occasionally taken out during special events and training drills. A small company of the Royal Tank Regiment is also present in the base, occupying a small set of barracks in the northwestern end. Sneaking into the base is tantamount to suicide, so I wouldn’t count on it. East Barking & Dagenham, Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich, Newham Home of the British branch of the Vapid Motor Company and birthplace of the infamous Bexley Firm in London’s East End, Eastern Outer London is the country’s unofficial home of the now-endangered Yob diaspora, don’t ask me what it is. It’s also where people move to if they want to experience the vibe of another county, but don’t want to move out of London for good. Barking and Dagenham are like a poor man’s Essex and Bromley is full of Kents. This is made blatantly obvious by the presence of the famed Kent House Tavern in Penge but the borough is also home to the Crystal Palace racing circuit and a mediocre third division football club who often play second fiddle to the mighty reds. Greenwich is an area steeped in Royal history and accolades of our brutal xenophobic conquest of many a people over the years, which successive governments have tried to replace with reminders of our slightly more noble maritime past. It’s where the Vikings organised the takeover of Canterbury before being spanked by the Saxons… not that the kids of today would know anything about that. In order to get to and from these other places however, you’re more than likely going to have to pass through Newham, which couldn’t be further removed from the other boroughs here if it tried. Even once you get past the stench coming out of the Beckton sewage works, you still have to contend with pockets of scum and villainy such as West Ham, Royal Docks, Stratford and Canning Town. The rest of it basically consists of pockets of council estates and lawless Irish Traveller camps. If only they put in an airport or something so we wouldn’t have to drive all the way to Heathrow in order to get the f*ck out! No Date Given Now hold your horses, lads. Detective Monty Orbinson here. Now before Boyd and Palmer get into the good stuff, you’d have to remember that just because we’re dealing with some of the deadliest bastards this nation has ever seen, doesn’t mean we can’t kick it back a notch and have fun when the time’s right. Us peelers are still human, and we’d love a good game or show or two, either in the theatre or on the telly, and wash it all down with a nice cold pint down at Benzie’s when night encroaches. Thankfully, since all jam buttys in London are equipped with both a regular radio channel and a police dispatch radio channel, we have plenty of access to good music during mundane drives on the way to the informant meetings. Hate rock music? Tune to the reggae station. Hate reggae? Tune to the northern soul station. Can’t stand any music in general? Turn that f*cker off and listen to dispatch run their mouths about some old fart in Bexley caught with a sea mine in their shed. I know I would. Outlined below are the 12 stations currently broadcasting in London, along with what’s currently playing on the radio. I’ve stuck them on cassette for the lads as a gift, I’m gonna swap it for a rasher sarnie. Aside from the tunes, each station is run by a host with a distinct personality, and on top of describing the weather or giving their takes on current affairs and events, the hosts may sometimes mention ongoing sales and special offers on goods and services on behalf of the many businesses in the city, so keep your ears open if you want to know when the next pair of Doc Harton’s are having a discount. There’s also excerpts of this culture magazine that Marty surprisingly subscribes to, Peng magazine, that lists most of the shows and films currently playing in London further down the doc. Can you believe that sh*t? Update (Dated: 06/05/1974) Just did you lot a favor and found the tapes with all the station recordings in them! It's bloody brilliant tunes, I tell ya. If anyone wants a listen at them, just hit up the ol' evidence lockup. Make sure no one sees you, though. Genre: 70s Pop, Folk Rock, Hard Rock, Soft Rock, Jazz Fusion Host: Richie Henricks Radio 1’s the official "hits" station in Old Smokey, playing what's popular right now in the UK, and abroad, featuring pop music by the yanks, Europeans and Brits alike. Great station to pass the time waiting in traffic, if you're a masochist for folksy, radio-friendly soft rock and pop, of course. Featuring more modern bands and artists such as Stealers Wheel, Todd Rundgren and ABBA, along with other more notable local acts and solo musicians with origins in the British Invasion, the station feels very much like a post-counterculture bad hangover, a sobering, eternal bad trip in the face of hard times, rapid immigration and decolonisation. There are some bangers in there, though, so it can't be all bad. Richie Henricks, a radio jockey employed at the Metropolitan Broadcasting Company for more than 20 odd years, is a veteran in the industry, and it shows. Putting on that annoyingly-cheerful jockey act, a constant stream of passive-aggressiveness and unwilling to take any requests, the man is easily corporate radio manifest, and honestly? It can't get any more quintessentially British than that. DOWNLOAD Tracklist: Pilot - Magic (1974) ABBA - Honey, Honey (1973) Sutherland Brothers & Quiver - You Got Me Anyway (1972) David Bowie - Changes (1973) Paul McCartney - Every Night (1970) Fanny - Ain’t That Peculiar (1972) Humble Pie - Hot N’ Nasty (1972) Faces - Cindy Incidentally (1973) Python Lee Jackson (feat. Rod Stewart) - In A Broken Dream (1972) Stealers Wheel - Stuck In The Middle With You (1972) The Kinks - Lola (1970) Robin Trower - Little Bit of Sympathy (1974) James Gang - The Devil Is Singing Our Song (1973) Traffic - Dear Mr. Fantasy (1967) Free - Fire & Water (1970) The Sensational Alex Harvey Band - Midnight Moses (1972) *NEW* The Velvet Underground - Sweet Jane (1969) *NEW* The Free Design - Light My Fire (1972) Seals & Crofts - Diamond Girl (1973) Steely Dan - Kings (1972) Todd Rundgren - I Saw The Light (1972) The Who - Baba O’ Riley (1971) Golden Earring - Radar Love (1973) Badfinger - No Matter What (1970) Coven - One Tin Soldier (1971) Shocking Blue - Venus (1969) Looking Glass - Brandy (You’re A Fine Girl) (1972) Harry Chapin - W*O*L*D* (1974) Maria Muldaur - Midnight At The Oasis (1973) Al Stewart - Terminal Eyes (1974) Elton John - Rocket Man (I Think It’s Going To Be A Long, Long Time) (1972) Mott The Hoople - All The Young Dudes (1972) *NEW* Black Sabbath - Changes (1972) *NEW* Genre: 60s Pop, Garage Rock, British Invasion, Beat, Baroque Pop, Psychedelic Rock Host: Roddy Guinness Feeling nostalgic for the swingin' sixties already? The boys over at RB have you covered. The station prides itself in presenting British music from the era, featuring acts such as The Beatles, The Stones and Small Faces, despite half the playlist containing songs by American bands. Talk about hypocrisy and hubris, easily among our country's most coveted virtues. Anyway, if you're longing for simpler times and the good old days of the Crisp Twins terrorizing the city and extorting protection dosh from just about every mom-and-pop store across London, then this is the station for you. Roddy's an old mate of mine, used to have a pint or two with the man at our favourite nuclear sub back in my beat days. Pretty solid fella, just a little more jaded now ever since the MBC were in talks about buying out the station and changing the format to some geezer ballroom station. Can't say I blame the man, there’s literally billions of stations like that out there nowadays. MBC, if you’re reading this, save that bloody playlist for Christmas Day at Derringham’s, for all our sakes. That kind of music’s even older than I am. DOWNLOAD Tracklist: Tommy Roe - Dizzy (1969) Small Faces - Tin Soldier (1967) The Who - The Good’s Gone (1966) The Yardbirds - Train Kept A Rollin' (1965) The Beatles - Taxman (1967) The Spencer Davis Group - Keep On Running (1965) The Searchers - Love Potion No. 9 (1963) The Kinks - A House In The Country (1966) The Zombies - Sticks and Stones (1965) Spirit - I Got A Line On You (1969) Dusty Springfield - Spooky (1968) The Animals - Inside Looking Out (1966) The Association - Along Comes Mary (1966) Tommy James & The Shondells - Mony Mony (1967) The Monkees - (I’m Not Your) Stepping Stone (1967) Paul Revere & The Raiders - Good Thing (1966) The Seeds - Evil Hoodoo (1966) The Rolling Stones - It’s Not Easy (1966) The Blue Magoos - Pipe Dream (1967) The Guess Who - Shakin’ All Over (1965) The Litter - Action Woman (1967) The Standells - Dirty Water (1966) Margo Guryan - Sunday Morning (1968) The Nazz - Open My Eyes (1968) The Electric Prunes - Holy Are You (1968) The 5th Dimension - Aquarius/Let The Sunshine In (The Flesh Failures) (1969) *NEW* Genre: Funk, Disco, Soul Host: Cherri Pie With the Black Power movement gaining worldwide momentum right now, it would be odd to not have some funky music to accompany the fight for equal rights during our troubled times. Coining its name from the succinct, high-fidelity production style of many of the tracks, the station plays everything from funk, soul to the new style the yanks like to fashion as "disco"... I hope they don't milk that to death. This is the station I'd recommend you play when you're on the motorway chasing some perp under the influence at 150km/h. About the host, well, she's a yank expat who goes by the pseudonym Cherri Pie, which is definitely not her real name (I hear it's actually a woman from Vice City named Tina Jane). A self-proclaimed fan of Marvin Gaye, Roy Ayers and Curtis Mayfield, she claims to have over a thousand records shelved up in her Camden home, "for future use". She also does the sultry blaxploitation heroine, Pam Grier-esque act that everyone seems to dig these days. I'm personally not a fan of it, but it's safe to say that this is probably why the station's really popular with the young'uns. Just steal your old man’s Pussycat magazines when he’s out drinking with the lads, Jesus. DOWNLOAD Tracklist: Curtis Mayfield - Get Down (1971) James Brown - My Thang (1974) The Meters - People Say (1974) The Isley Brothers - That Lady Pts. 1 & 2 (1973) The Pointer Sisters - Yes We Can Can (1973) The Undisputed Truth - Law of The Land (1973) Carl Douglas - Kung Fu Fighting (1974) KC & The Sunshine Band - Sound Your Funky Horn (1974) Rufus & Chaka Khan - You Got The Love (1974) Jean Knight - Mr. Big Stuff (1971) Aretha Franklin - Rocksteady (1969) Marlena Shaw - Women of the Ghetto (1969) Maceo & The Macks - Parrty Pt. 1 (1973) Roy Ayers - Coffy Is The Color (1973) Cymande - The Message (1970) The Jimmy Castor Bunch - It’s Just Begun (1972) The Charmels - As Long As I’ve Got You (1967) Gladys Knight & The Pips - Who Is She (And What Is She To You)? (1973) Eric Burdon & War - Gun (1970) The Soul Searchers - Blow Your Whistle (1974) Congress Alley - Congress Alley (1972) Marvin Gaye - Trouble Man (1972) Margie Joseph - I Been Down (1973) Isaac Hayes - Walk On By (1969) Edwin Starr - Easin’ In (1974) The Honey Drippers - Impeach The President (1973) The Four Tops - Are You Man Enough? (1973) The Winstons - Amen Brother (1969) Genre: Northern Soul, Rare Groove, Beat Host: Tyler “Big Ty” Samuels Back in my patrol days, about six years ago, our first dispatch call of the day would typically come from one of the many northern soul clubs in town; mostly a bunch of young mod kids, hopped up on amphetamines and quaaludes, slugging at each other with poorly-connected kicks and punches, trapped in a world where the party never seems to end. I fondly remember Tainted Love playing loudly in the background on one occasion in ‘68, when we had to pull some bloke, completely butt naked, off a tree outside a club. He thought the tree was his cheating ex. Anyway, yeah, Purple Heart is just fast music, for fast folks, playing rare B-sides from lesser known yank soul artists from the 1960s. And even with disco looming overhead, I doubt northern soul will ever lose its steam. Big Ty, contrary to his name, is a mod revival kid from Manchester whose old man is only a mere 15 years older than him, kind of strange, but not surprising really. Based on all instances of us tuning in to the station, Ty, constantly hyperactive and more energetic than most Olympic-level sprinters, never seems to tire out, even during the wee hours of the morning. His near-schizophrenic ramblings and unintelligible yet overly-excited non-sequiturs make for some quality entertainment, very fitting for a high-tempo station like this. There’s been talks about a SID narcotics raid on The Purple Heart studios in Westminster for suspected illegal storage of amps but it never came through. Better that way, I suppose. Can’t imagine how he would survive without jumping about in our custody. DOWNLOAD Tracklist: Gloria Jones - Tainted Love (1965) The Salvadors - Stick By Me Baby (1967) Dean Parrish - I’m On My Way (1967) Frankie Valli - You’re Ready Now (1967) The Vel-Vets - I Got To Find Me Somebody (1967) Rose Batiste - Hit And Run (1966) Tony Clarke - Landslide (1965) Archie Bell & The Drells - Here I Go Again (1968) The Coasters - Crazy Baby (1962) The Contours - Baby Hit And Run (1966) Lynne Randell - Stranger In My Arms (1967) Patti & The Emblems - I’m Gonna Love You A Long Time (1968) Mel Britt - She’ll Come Running Back (1969) Just Brothers - Sliced Tomatoes (1972) The Ovations - They Say (1966) Tammi Terrell - I Gotta Find A Way To Get You Back (1967) The MVPs - Turnin’ My Heartbeat Up (1971) The Marvelettes - Too Many Fish In The Sea (1964) Dusty Springfield - Ain’t No Sun Since You’ve Been Gone (1968) Tobi Legend - Time Will Pass You By (1968) *NEW* Jimmy Radcliffe - Long After Tonight is Over (1965) *NEW* The Javells (feat. Nosmo King) - Goodbye Nothing to Say (1974) *NEW* Genre: Glam Rock, Protopunk Host: Janis McQueen Too androgynous for Rockers United and too avant-garde for MBC Radio 1, Sweet FA hits the sweet spot between all that, combining outrageous fashions with equally flamboyant rock music, all in an attempt to “make rock n’ roll dangerous again”, complete with the drugs, booze and groupies. Featuring mostly artists specializing in the glam rock genre, such as T.Rex, Sweet and Thin Lizzy, this is the sort of music that you’d play if you just want something more anarchic to listen to. Some of the songs in this feel a little too fast and violent for my liking, for a lack of any better words, though I can imagine that some of the more prospective bands currently playing live across London might dig it a lot more than I do. Guess it’s just the age playing up, I suppose. Janis McQueen, from what I know, is also the lead singer of a local glam rock band called The Ace Of Spades, on top of being a full-time radio jockey for the station. Contrary to her boisterous and tomboyish personality on-air, I hear that she is actually a sweetheart in real life, currently doing a major in audio engineering at The University Of London. Still though, if her anecdotes are to be believed, she strikes me as a very open-minded and promiscuous lass, not that this is anything new in the realm of rock n’ roll. DOWNLOAD Tracklist: The Rolling Stones - It’s Only Rock N’ Roll (But I Like It) (1974) Suzi Quatro - The Wild One (1972) David Bowie - Suffragette City (1972) T.Rex - 20th Century Boy (1973) The Stooges - Search And Destroy (Iggy Pop Mix) (1973) Slade - Take Me Bak‘Ome (1973) Lou Reed - I’m So Free (1972) Monks - I Hate You (1966) Alvin Stardust - Red Dress (1974) Sweet - Hell Raiser (1973) Brett Smiley - Va Va Va Voom (1974) Love - Seven and Seven Is (1967) Alice Cooper - Public Animal #9 (1972) *NEW* Roxy Music - Editions Of You (1973) *NEW* Geordie - All Because of You (1972) Status Quo - Down Down (1974) Thin Lizzy - The Rocker (1973) Crushed Butler - Factory Grime (1970) Pink Fairies - Teenage Rebel (1971) Genre: Proto-metal, Blues Rock, Hard Rock, Doom Metal Host: Sidney “Serious Sid” Haynes Nothing more authentically British than a nice pint of lager or whiskey on a rotted and sticky timber top, with the only thing missing being the sound of bluesy, Hendrix-esque rock playing from a busted speaker in the background. Rockers United is your avenue for all-things pub rock, featuring all manner of live acts from more well-known groups like Fleetwood Mac, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin to more underground bands like Wicked Lady, The Groundhogs and Sir Lord Baltimore. Needless to say, if you’ve ever stepped in a bathtub anywhere in this town, chances are, you might have unknowingly listened to at least one of these bands listed below live. And what do I make of all this? Nothing, really. I’ll just stick to my Desmond Dekker records, thank you very much. Like Janis before, Serious Sid is a musician himself, fronting pub rock band Rockin’ Jacobs. A little more down-to-earth and conservative than the lass, but a rocker nonetheless. That said, I hear Sid had a fling with Janis once before, and the woman wasn’t too pleased about the size of his walnuts, so to speak. Must be why Serious Sid is awfully calm on live radio. DOWNLOAD Tracklist: Black Sabbath - War Pigs (1970) Fleetwood Mac - Oh Well (Pt. 1) (1969) UFO - Galactic Love (1970) Derek & The Dominoes - Evil (1969) Deep Purple - Stormbringer (1974) Necromandus - Nightjar (1972) Rush - Working Man (1974) Lucifer’s Friend - Ride The Sky (1970) Montrose - Space Station #5 (1973) Budgie - Guts (1972) Pentagram - Forever My Queen (1973) The Groundhogs - Cherry Red (1971) Sir Lord Baltimore - Hell Hound (1970) Cactus - Long Tall Sally (1972) Bang - The Queen (1972) Chicken Shack - Poor Boy (1972) Stone Axe - Slave of Fear (1971) Wicked Lady - Run The Night (1969) Speed, Glue & Shinki - Stoned Out of My Mind (1971) Frijid Pink - End Of The Line (1970) Stack Waddy - Willie The Pimp (1972) The Gun - Race With The Devil (1968) Blue Oyster Cult - Cities On Flame With Rock and Roll (1972) Led Zeppelin - How Many More Times (1969) Genre: Progressive Rock, Canterbury Prog, Space Rock, Jazz Fusion Host: Marco Rodigan This station is what happens when you let a bunch of classically-trained music theory majors play rock music. Don’t let the logo fool you too much, there’s nothing too psychedelic about all this. Odd time signatures, experimental tunings and an average track length of seven minutes, the 1970s have ushered in what can be called the golden age of Progressive Rock. Featuring acts like Gentle Giant, Focus and Jethro Tull, it’s safe to assume that if Mozart was alive today, this would be the sort of music he would be into if he came to England. Still, strange that they slipped in a Pink Floyd track from ‘67 in there, but it fits in there like a charm. It's one bloody long continuous mix, so do yourselves a favour and grab yourselves a sarnie and a cup of tea while you're at it. Marco Rodigan, hailing from Canterbury, is no stranger to a movement like this. He claims to have been to over a few hundred live shows in his hometown alone, and has also developed a form of narcolepsy thanks to him spending sleepless nights listening to Soft Machine, ELP and King Crimson records. Quite the bloody achievement really. DOWNLOAD Tracklist: UFO - Flying (1970) Pink Floyd - Interstellar Overdrive (1967) Yes - Ritual (Nous Sommes Du Soleil) (1973) Jethro Tull - Aqualung (1971) Gentle Giant - The Advent of Panurge (1972) Camel - Freefall (1974) Caravan - In The Land of Grey & Pink (1971) Focus - Hocus Pocus (1973) Uriah Heep - Gypsy (1970) Gong - Flying Teapot (1973) The Soft Machine - Drop (1972) *NEW* Mahavishnu Orchestra - One Word (1973) *NEW* Frank Zappa - Echidna's Arf (Of You) (1973) *NEW* Hatfield & The North - Shaving Is Boring (1973) *NEW* Supersister - She Was Naked (1970) *NEW* Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Knife-Edge (1970) *NEW* Hawkwind - Seven By Seven (1973) *NEW* King Crimson - 21st Century Schizoid Man (1969) Genre: Roots Reggae, Ska, Rocksteady Host: Danny Hutchinson Ah, my childhood and teenagehood, rolled into one radio station. Can’t fault any of the tracks in the slightest. You’ve got Toots, Desmond Dekker, The Upsetters, Max Romeo and even John Holt in the playlist, what’s there to hate? You know there’s something magical about the sound of Jamaica when there’s an entire subculture kick-started by white people surrounding it and the UK adopts it as part of its heritage. Known Danny since we were lickle kids. Was meant to become a music producer myself, but the old man pressured me into joining the bloody police force, and look at how that turned out. Still, always glad to see a mate living the dream, even if it isn’t me. Speaking of which, I should probably introduce Marty to him once we get the time to meet up, if he isn’t in Brixton doing God knows what. DOWNLOAD Tracklist: Toots & The Maytals - Funky Kingston (1972) Toots & The Maytals - 54-46 Was My Number (1969) Desmond Dekker - 007 (Shanty Town) (1967) John Holt - Ali Baba (1973) Derrick Morgan - Moon Hop (1970) I-Roy - Sidewalk Killer (1972) Dandy Livingstone - Rudy, A Message To You (1967) Dave & Ansell Collins - Double Barrel (1971) The Upsetters - Return of Django (1969) The Ethiopians - Reggae Hit The Town (1968) Symarip - Skinhead Moonstomp (1969) Harry J Allstars - Liquidator (1969) Prince Buster - Al Capone (1965) Joya Landis - Angel of the Morning (1968) Freddie Notes & The Rudies - Montego Bay (1970) The Hotshots - Snoopy vs. The Red Baron (1973) Keith & Tex - Stop That Train (1967) Rudy Mills - John Jones (1969) The Untouchables - Tighten Up (1968) Max Romeo - Wet Dream (1968) Tony Tribe - Red Red Wine (1969) Sound Dimension - Real Rock (1968) U-Roy - Way Down South (1972) *NEW* Genre: Ye-ye, Chanson Host: Gene Lapelle Broadcasting live from a freighter on the English channel, 24 hours a day, Lundi through Sunday, this station encapsulates the sound of romantic love, fashion and endless student protests against De Gaulle. The French Connection is London’s teeny-tiny slice of Paris, playing mostly 60s pop made at the time. They call this style “ye-ye”, which, contrary to popular belief, does not refer to the nasty yank slang term for a bad haircut, but rather the expression, “Yeah! Yeah!” (which is even pronounced that way over there). It’s a bit like the beat music we have here in the UK, but sung in French. Artists include famed acts such as Francoise Hardy, Brigitte Bardot and Frances Gall, the last of whom actually won the Eurovision contest back in 1965, when she was just 17. Still can’t believe we lost to a collective of frogs that would’ve been speaking German today if it weren’t for us, the Reds and the Americans, but then again, after looking at the staggering number of blacked-out men and women lying outside the pubs in Soho at midnight, can’t say I’m too surprised. Gene Lapelle was once a fashion designer working out of Westminster, designing outfits and clothes for London’s elite. According to him, the station is here to spread more ‘civilized’ French culture to the ‘uncultured’ English people as a way to get them to stop rioting everytime England loses a football match against them. Yeah right, mate. Tell that to the headless corpse of Louis XVI. DOWNLOAD Tracklist: Brigitte Bardot - Harley Davidson (1967) Francoise Hardy - Voilà (1967) Nino Ferrer - Mirza (1966) Gillian Hills - Zou Bisou Bisou (1960) France Gall - Poupee De Cire, Poupée De Son (1965) Christine Pilzer - Cafe Creme (1967) Liz Brady - Partie De Dames (1966) Johnny Hallyday - Noir C’est Noir (1966) Cleo - Madame La Terre (1967) Jacqueline Taieb - Le Coeur Au Bout Des Doigts (1967) Jacques Dutronc - Les Cactus (1967) Clothilde - Fallait Pas Ecraser La Queue Du Chat (1967) Brigitte Bardot & Serge Gainsbourg - Bonnie & Clyde (1967) Ria Bartok - Ecoute Mon Coeur (1965) Genre: Lounge, Library, Film Score, Easy Listening, Instrumentals Host: Emiliana Lucio Music from films and libraries. Why does a station like this exist, you ask? Because Vinewood is rich with creative freedom and money and paid us to put in a station like that on the London airwaves, and a daily trip to Derringham’s to get yourselves new suits can’t happen without some background easy-listening music. It’s mostly showtunes from the KPM Library catalogue, really, the kind of tracks you’d normally hear in spy films, crime films and the like, on top of Italian composers, a throwback to the sort of stuff on the radio back in ‘69. Expect tracks from this station to pop up in the elevators, lounges and department stores regularly, so I hope you have a firm tolerance for that sort of thing. Emiliana Lucio’s a former Spaghetti Western star hailing from Naples, recently divorced from her yank hubby, Vinewood actor Walton Winwood. Some crazy sh*t’s happened back in ‘69 in LS involving the two lovebirds, along with Winwood’s stunt double. Apparently, a group of five drug-addled, psychotic hippies from The Desert Family cult trespassed their property in Rockford Hills and tried to kill them, confusing them for some other actor. Things went south for the hippies, and they all ended up dead, violently, with one of the kids burnt to a crisp by Winwood with a prop flamethrower, corpse floating in the swimming pool like a floater in a bowl (Emi claims the pool smelled like a St. Louis barbeque for months after the incident). Truly barbaric stuff, and they got acquitted under claim of self-defence, with the leader of the Desert Family, counterculture figure Samson “Brother Sammy” Welkes, sentenced to life in prison not long after that. Needless to say, marriage fell apart a few years later, like all Vinewood marriages, though based on her tone, it all seems amicable. Emi’s a mirror into the world that was mid-to-late-60s Vinewood, and we should all enjoy it while it lasts. DOWNLOAD Tracklist: Les Baxter - Tropicando (1970) James Clarke - Girl Of My Dreams (1969) Stelvio Cipriani - Mary’s Theme (1969) Ennio Morricone - Metti Una Sera A Cena (1969) The Roger Webb Sound - Moonbird (1971) John Cameron - Half-Forgotten Daydreams (1974) Piero Umiliani - Nostalgia (Rhythm Version) (1973) David Lindup - Acquital (1974) Piero Piccioni - Playgirl ‘70 (Party Music 5) (1969) Nora Orlandi - Lady Luna (1969) Stefano Torossi - Flying High (1974) Keith Mansfield - Funky Fanfare (1968) Stu Phillips, William Loose & Marvin Elling - Kelly (1968) Alan Hawkshaw - Traffic (1973) Lalo Schifrin - Danube Incident (1969) David McCallum - House of Mirrors (1967) Franco Bixio - A Pugni Nudi (1974) Neil Richardson - The Riviera Affair (1974) Carlo Savina - Down Left (1969) Sven Libaek - Music For Eels (1973) The BBC Radiophonic Workshop - Vespucci (1973) *NEW* Genre: Classical Music, Opera Host: Perry Kensworth For all you pompous bastards who can’t stand any of the aforementioned genres, I suppose this section would be a sigh of relief for you. It’s not London without it’s slice of classical fun, so Classically London has you covered. One of the oldest stations in the Old Smoke, you can transform a TV Dinner into a fine dining experience with this station playing in the background. Trust me, I’ve done it numerous times before and the mere experience of shoving a forkful of Chinese into your mouth and downing a bottle of scotch after that with Nocturne No. 2 playing from the stereo was just exquisite and elegant. Notable artists include Strauss, Chopin, Wagner and Verdi, with a hefty number of tracks here also featured in that movie with the talking spaceship and the other movie about those crazy lads that go around beating people up, seems the UK really likes its bombastic scores. Perry Kensworth, out of Knightsbridge, is old money, and it shows. Partaking in the most luxurious of pastimes, such as inbreeding, evicting poor people from their homes and a game of golf or polo at the nearby country club, Perry is living the dream that most working blokes wished they had. He also owns a two-storey parking garage, filled with rare European and Japanese exotic cars, and based on police records, a crashed Torero along the M1 Motorway was believed to be his, though the cozzers were unable to sufficiently prove that he was driving under the influence. Oh well, it’s probably no big deal for him, he could always buy another one, that wanker. DOWNLOAD Tracklist: Sir Edward Elgar - Pomp & Circumstance March No.1 (1901) Arne - Rule Britannia (1740) Rossini - The Thieving Magpie (1817) Strauss - The Blue Danube Waltz (1866) Strauss - Voices Of Spring Waltz (1882) Bach - Air (1871) Khachaturian - Sabre Dance (1942) Tchaikovsky - Enchanted Lake (1875) Tchaikovsky - Waltz of the Flowers (1892) Offenbach - Gaite Parisienne: Barcarolle (1881) Chopin - Nocturne No. 2 in E-Flat Major (1832) Chopin - Waltz No. 6 in D-Flat (1842) Beethoven - Fur Elise (1810) Beethoven - Ode To Joy (1824) *NEW* Mozart - Lacrimosa (1791) Mozart - Turkish March (1783) Verdi - Dies Irae (1874) Liszt - Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (1851) Delibes - The Flower Duet (1883) Debussy - Claire De Lune (1905) Wagner - Ride of the Valkyries (1876) Vivaldi - Violin Concerto in E-Minor (1720) Genre: Conservative Talk Radio What better way to inflame, offend and anger the populace than our very own syndicated, government-sanctioned talk radio broadcasting all over London? Radio 4’s been around longer than when men began to walk on 2s, and jumping to conclusions and stirring the ire of the native population of Britain has always been its bread and butter. Whether it's listening to Stoneheart ramble about the illegals or if it’s hearing Nigel Oakley run his mouth like a sailor on live radio, there is no shortage of talk shows here to get pissed off for no reason about. Breakfast with Brogan Wake up with the sing-song tones of ubiquitous leprechaun Bernard Brogan as he goes off on rambling, esoteric tangents while playing jazz. The only real entertainment comes from Brogan unwittingly reading out letters and fielding calls from pranksters who often assume punning pseudonyms and pose innuendo-laced questions to the aloof Irishman in an attempt to finally have him thrown off air. Whether it be good old Mike Hunt's views on water charges or Suk Mai Kok’s take on immigration policy, you’re sure to get a chuckle outside of Brogan’s boring drones. London’s Burning Contrary to popular belief, this has nothing to do with the gunpowder plot. It’s a politics program which recounts the previous day’s happenings in Westminster as members of both houses shout incessantly at one another about who’s to blame for the state of the country, rather than what can be done about it. This episode features some notable Labour MP and a shrill-voiced Peggy “Stoneheart” Slater whom he brands “hater slater.” From what I gather, she hates children, she hates immigrants. Mandem say she want to take school children’s milk away and turn all the Asians back at the border because ‘there isn’t enough work’ since her party closed down all of the native industries and forced a three day week. Most people won’t hear this though since they’re also rationing electricity and only the rich can even afford a radio, nevermind a car. PMS with Steve Sandcastle The post-midday service is a news and current affairs programme presented by malapropism prone dinosaur Stephen Sandcastle OBE in which he reads directly from The Rag and discusses his outdated views on just about everything, so long as it's not related to what's actually happening on the street. Whether it be talking about who's shagging who in the world of celebrity, what the beloved Queen named her new corgi or who’s killing who in the world of civil wars, you’re sure to go away just as clueless as you were before. Oh, and by the way, there’s only one G in Nigeria Steve... you latently bigoted, incontinent sack of sh*te. The Time Ranger Daytime’s favourite time traveller-cum-tosser, too risque to appear on kiddy radio, and too bonkers to appear on the adult slot of Radio 4. This time, The Time Ranger travels back to 60s London, where he places a bet on a boxing game using illicit gold pieces from his time in medieval France, loses, and unwittingly gets in hock with the Albert Twins, the two most dangerous gangsters in all of England. Meeting up with Rapunzel (yes, THAT Rapunzel), who is now your average doped-up hippy, washed up the moment fairy tales fade into obscurity in the real world, though hair as long as ever. The two attempt to escape the long arm of the Alberts, as our hero wanks his way out of any predicament, rain or shine. Judge’s Jury with Julius Judge The Radio Times describes this one as “A questions and answers session with a panel of notable figures drawn from politics, media and the arts who are asked for their views on current affairs by members of an invited audience assembled in a public venue.” What a load of old tosh. In this episode judgmental Jules goes to a prison in Norfolk to ask convicted murders whether they think the government is doing a good job, before grilling a Member of Parliament for Wolverhampton South West about what he perceives as “Rivers of Blood” in mass immigration, resulting in him being stoned almost to death by an angry mob in Trafalgar Square. Letters From Liberty with William Lancaster Everybody loves Liberty City… unless you come from Florida or somewhere like that. So what better way to spend your tea break than catching up on what’s happening across the pond. From the Hyperbowl victory of the Wrath’s rivals the Mambas to the resignation of Biff Cochrane and the ongoing energy crisis, you can marvel at it all from the comfort of your own ice cold bedsit in Bermondsey while dreaming of your little summer getaway in the cotswolds come June. It’s all lifted directly from CBN verbatim and Lancaster often forgets to change the name of the original broadcaster, but who gives a monkeys, the Zirconium Building could be five thousand feet tall and be made of sherbet for all you know when you’re on the dole. So sit back and relax and have a naturalised yankee traitor talk down to you for a half an hour. Why Not? Nigel Oakley’s Nightly Chart Experience Now then, now then, how’s about that? This one’s a bit of a mouthful but it’s quite entertaining, especially for a cool young cat like myself who likes to keep on top of the comings and goings of the people in the top 40 and that. And here was me thinking that creepy bastard Nigel Oakley was nothing more than a kids entertainer. I was wrong. He’s an absolute stalwart. And the best part is after the watershed he’s allowed to say f*ck and bugger, drink whiskey and smoke cigars. And it’s only a matter of time before this one gets a cool acronym like his sunday programme Top of The Charts. There’s a lot of talking bollocks from some Australian geezer with a wobble board and that bloke in the shiny jumpsuit who’s name I forgot, but this is also the one where he asks the youngest one out of the Pointer Sisters about the first time she saw a willy and whether she’s ever tried coke. Not sure whether I’d let my daughter keep watching his fixy programme after hearing this, but it’s a bubble nonetheless. The World of Tomorrow, Tonight presented by Geoffrey Daimler An international news roundup focussing on the ongoing cold war and the looming threat of left wing politics with Wolseleyite anti-semitic conspiracy nut Geoffrey Daimler. If you’re working the night shift, love science fiction movies and are overly suspicious of the labour party then he’s your man. Still not quite sure why this isn’t branded as comedy because I think it’s bloody hilarious. Stupid white people talking about stupid white people is just the type of levity I need. Way more funny than those other berks that they have over on Radio 2. Londoners are constantly kept in a perpetual state of anger and anxiety by Fleet Street’s big four. Whether it be dismal dailies like The Rag, the lefty hating Lune, the Marxist Meteor or everyone’s favourite whimsical weekly The Sunday Globe. But if you’ve had enough of reading the headlines and couldn’t give a sh*te about the sport, then you can always flick to the middle pages and have a gawk at what’s going down in the make believe worlds of film and TV. We live in a decade where MBC journalists capture live atrocities on film in Vietnam and syndicated talk shows, trivia games and soap operas from the 1950s still run to this very day. There are altogether three channels currently broadcasting in London, playing programmes and shows 24/7, 365 days a year. Some of the tosh that’s on offer includes the following: Fantastic Flying Squad (FFS) No, this isn’t a documentary series about a traveling trapeze act, it’s a hard hitting police drama about Detective Pete C. Plodd and his team of rambunctious robbery cops as they do just about everything aside from collaring their man. Whether it be knocking seven bells out of a minority or shooting up a China shop from across the bonnet of a Bravado. You’re not likely to get any lessons on best practice from the coppers here, but tickle me pink, it sure is bloody entertaining! GRITS We go from policemen to prisoners in MBC’s latest attempt at comedy starring Stanley Parker as Hairy Harry from Haringey who’s sent to a severely outdated Cat C lock up in Crawley for a crime he claims he didn’t commit. You’ll probably get at least one laugh during the 30 minute run time but you’ll never actually find out whether or not he’s guilty, so save yourself the half an hour if you’ve got something more pressing to do. A Face Only a Muva Could Love Hank is a former chimney sweep stricken down with a congenital defect that has turned his face into something resembling that of the Elephant man and has been forced to inexplicably make ends meet by cleaning “windas” instead. One might think there are only so many times a busty blonde can come out of the shower to see Hank’s gurning disfigured face looking through her bedroom bays before dropping her towel and running away in horror before it loses all humour, but the blokes behind this side splitting situation comedy just keep on inventing more and more hilarious ways for the poor spastic to fall from his ladder and hit various objects on his way down. Despite women’s groups consistently criticising the gratuitous nudity, my only issue is that the title is a bit of misnomer. After all, it’s a well known fact that nothing gets a pair of knickers wetter than a clumsy bastard with a Cockney accent, grotesque looking boat race or not. And predictably, despite their initial revulsion, they take pity and offer to nurse him back to health. Not to mention that cheeky wink from his drooping eye to the camera at the end of each and every episode… it just gets me everytime. Mouldy Old Walls Two birds from up north are renting a flat in Charing Cross and constantly struggle to pay their rent due to low paying jobs at a street corner legal firm, rising rents and mounting student loans. One day their sink stops working so they pick a name out of the paper and call up Marvelous Mickey “no job too big or small” only problem is he ain’t a blooming plumber at all!! I hate to ruin the paper thin plot but it turns out he’s looking for a missus, so when he sees the two of them, he cannot believe his luck. They repeatedly have to fight off his advances but agree to let him stay and help to pay the rent. He keeps them warm in the winter. He fixes their creaky floorboards... but he just can’t seem to sort out their mouldy walls. Have You Got a Bigger Size In This? Blimey, where do you start? Martin and Montague work in a plus sized female clothier and have a fetish for women’s shoes. I don’t like bloody ponses so I never watched past the opening theme, but my guess is the heifers that frequent the place are constantly asking them for a bigger size that they can actually get their fat feet into or something along those lines. If it’s some kind of double entendre about shirt lifters, I don’t want to know. Also kind of gets on my wick that these woofters have the same names as me and my young protege. As if the other coppers haven't got enough reasons to pick on us as it is. The Gentrification Game Each week a group of property developers are tasked with digging into their portfolios to find the most rat infested piss smelling dump in East London and are given a few weeks to turn it into somewhere that their fellow Eton alumni can live. They jack up the prices and force the locals out on the street, replacing generations old businesses with artisan coffee shops so that they never even need to look a single tramp in the eye. Sandpaper & Sons This series chronicles the everyday experiences centred around a hardware shop owned by an abrasive old git named Cyril "Sandpaper" Stevens and his four sons. Danny, the eldest, desperately tries to keep the place in order while the youngest, Zebedee goes out running errands and looking for various items including a long stand, a glass hammer and a bucket of steam. All the while stuttering Cyril stands in the corner and makes sarcastic comments while he counts his coppers and laughs. The Americans tried in vain to copy this, but it wasn't quite the same. Even if the humour was catered more t'wards my kind of people and that. Old Farts, New Starts This one follows a group of aging white fellas who stand around talking sh*te. The Tories cut their old age pension and now they have to go out into their west yorkshire community and start looking for jobs. From getting in over their wellies in horse crap or realising that their wrinkled willies still work unexpectedly while milking a cow and chasing the farmer’s daughter until she clatters them with a rake. And that's only episode one! If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this wank fest, it’s that old people can also be the subject of mockery too. So in a way it's about diversity innit, which I'm all for. Although I’d probably think twice about pushing me old nan down the stairs. Not in My Front Garden! Cornelius and Concepta live in Kingston Upon Thames. They sit in their parlour and pass judgement on minorities, until one day they get a letter in the post to say that their probate fell through. They pack up their silk bed sheets and expensive delf and toddle off to a bedsit in Brixton (which is all they can afford). Hilarity ensues as they’re faced with their own bonce spinning bigotry and have to learn how to adjust to their new digs. Gone are the days of caviar and prawn cocktail. Now they must develop a whole new appetite... for Jerk Chicken and Curried Goat. Right to Refuse Continuing the theme of racially centric programming is this whimsical tale inspired by a Jolty Pylon sketch about a racist former Royal Marine who moves from East London to the coast and attempts to run a B&B. Assisted (and often hindered) by his long suffering wife, their daughter and her long haired lover from Liverpool. A Word With The Platoon: An Earnest Look Into The Situation Of The U.S. Marines In Vietnam “What’s there to talk about? All we do in this here camp is beat off, drink, get high and play Hendrix and CCR on the radio all day while waiting for the f*ckin’ gooks to come whenever they’re ready until it’s time for us to go home.” Powerful words from one of those American GIs, struck me so much that I wrote them down on the back of a fag packet. I didn't understand the war before and I don't very much understand it now, but this documentary really gives some much needed context to all of those Dutch London movies, if nothing else. Our government is a right dog's dinner but those Americans are absolutely snookered by comparison. Some of these boys actually reminded me of blokes on the force, although they probably hate the orientals even more, if that's possible. Gentry Does It In this period piece a family of toffee nosed twats called the Turnbuckles live in a stately manor in Victorian England and their servants live below them. Both figuratively and literally. It's Dickensian fare that only MBC can do without being condescending, but I can't help noticing that a lot of the accents are quite clearly put on. None of the servants are black, which I must say is a relief, but it's probably just because they wouldn't give a bruva a job. Terry’s Technicolour Tat Shack When I was a lad, Saturday mornings were dominated by the likes of The Adventures Of Scorpio Boy & Heaterman, Yank comic book animated series’, where more budget is spent on the music than the animation itself. Then about a year ago the slightly menacing Terry Tizz burst onto the scene operating from an MBC back room made up to look like a tattoo parlour (or vice versa) with his crazy competitions and daft little games. It’s mostly just kid’s sh*te but I do get a kick out of the little ones ringing in trying to flog their parents' old antiques for a packet of football cards and Terry’s dirty little sock puppet telling them how much of a little idiot they are. Professor Cognito A science fiction programme dating back to before the days of cosmic conquests and galactic gladiators on expeditions to far reaches of the planet mong. The premise is simple but effective - A facially obscured mad scientist named Justin Cognito builds a time machine in his garage and uses it to travel to all manner of uncharted and unsettling lands whilst pretending to be someone he’s not. The effects are a little bit dated by today’s standards and most of the baddies are clearly walking around with dustbins on their bodies and pots and pans on their heads, but I still really enjoy it for the pure nostalgia of it all and how it reminds me of being a teenager and getting the missus to dress up as a sexually sentient unicorn lady or a gelatinous green blob. Trivia Or Die! This is the sort of game show where everyone who wishes to take part in it has to sign a waiver first. Hosted by Darrell Butcher, the questions asked by the man himself to any of the participants can range from elements of pop culture, political and wartime events and even down to the type of knickers the Queen likes wearing. Failure to answer any of the questions results in the accumulation of demerit points, and the audience gets to decide the fate of the losing contestants. Last I heard, they were subject to a minefield in Burma. It’s like a modern-day version of a gladiator colosseum, complete with the thumbs-up and down thing. All in all, it’s wholesome packaged fun for the whole family. Three words, Cheap Grindhouse Flicks. In no part thanks to 60s counterculture, hard drugs and the dissolution of the Hays Code which clamped down on creative minds from the 30s through the 50s, we are fortunate enough to experience this newfound explosion of edgy and risque films with their titles presently covering the headlines of just about every sleazeball theatre in London. This new wave of ‘exploitation films’ (aptly dubbed New Vinewood Wave by the egghead film journalists in Los Santos and San Fierro) are a sign that the new young minds of this generation have chosen to reject the static, Transatlantic-accented and black-and-white film noirs and westerns of the past for grainy, schlock-filled and overly violent and sexual pictures made on a shoestring budget. Covering topics such as sexuality, psychedelia, cars, gangs and black power, amplified and exaggerated to be made more inflammatory and entertaining for the average viewer. The influx of these sorts of films are living proof that you might never lay hands on a camera in your life and can still have a chance to make it big in Vinewood; just ask the Italians who directed all those revisionist Spaghetti Westerns and giallo flicks. Best of all, these viewings are dirt cheap, with a ticket for a single viewing costing only 3 quid, and a double feature (consisting of two back-to-back films) costing 5. Plenty of grindhouse theatres around London if you know where to look. I personally prefer to visit Ray’s near Camden Town, mostly for their 4-for-1 deal on tickets, and I would usually grab a E.Cola and a bag of fish and chips from Terry’s or the world famous Fanny Batter’s before hopping on a seat to catch the show. Do give these theatres a shot if you're bored out of your minds or are sick of the constant nagging from her indoors. No Honor, No Humanity Just because the war’s over, doesn’t mean that men don’t bring war back home with them… No Honor, No Humanity… A British tale of betrayal, friendship, loyalty and greed... It’s better to see it than never... Loosely based on true events, a platoon of British soldiers from Berlin return to Newcastle only to realize that most of them are out of a job. Meeting up with an old man and gang leader named Reuben Marks, they soon become established gangsters of the Marks Firm in the city, at a cost, of course. A loyal member of the platoon, Laylan Griggs, gets nicked and is locked up for 5 years for the murder of a rival firm leader during the post-war period (which gets reduced to manslaughter due to corruption). The camaraderie that once bonded the men together is now disintegrating to the point of no return and it ends badly for everyone, as a disgruntled member of the Marks Firm and a friend of Griggs, Jerry Scofield, cuts all ties with the gang and starts his own, kickstarting a gang war in Newcastle in the 50s. Laylan is soon released from prison, and soon finds himself pointing the smart end of a gun at his old friends and comrades, as he watches them succumb to power or die in the process, one by one. Honor and personal relationships sure don't exist in this line of work. Claims to be the most brutal Brit crime film of all-time, but I digress. The knife-stabbing scene with the fat lad outside the pub was more funny than shocking. You’ll know it when you see it. That’s all I’m going to say. The Black Hailstorm The Big Boss took everything from him, leaving him for dead, and now he’s back, stronger and smarter than ever before... Hardened by years in ‘Nam, now he’s ready to rain down some good old-fashioned street justice across the streets of Holland, while getting it on with the ladies.... Starring NFA Quarterback Jamie Armstrong as The Black Hailstorm & featuring an all-original score by vibraphonist and singer Fleet Hartwood… Blood will spill across the streets of Liberty City... More militant than the Black Panthers and blacker than the Ace of Spades, suit up for The Black Hailstorm… Cuz you’ll never see this cat coming… A hallmark in the ever-popular blaxploitation film movement in the U.S., with just about everything you could ever imagine about the genre; the large afros, the hypermasculine, promiscuous and unstoppable protagonist, the funky soundtrack, actors directly reading stage directions in-character, mass murder, drug-based backstory, the cheesy Curtis Yang-inspired fight scenes, even down to the pro-Black Power subject matter. Lots of white people getting shot by black people in this film, and also really cool car chases featuring 60s-70s muscles like the Vapid Ellie or the Albany Bayonette. I can imagine that this picture is a favourite among those black power activists in Brixton. Killer Hippies In Los Santos These aren’t your ordinary peace-loving, war-protesting tree-huggers… They will surround you and your friends, and they won’t hesitate to burn you alive… In the hustle and bustle of 1969 Los Santos… They are unassuming, harmless, carefree… Until they need someone to kill, and they will never stop chasing fresh meat… Loosely based on true events, and starring Leonora Johnson as The Starlet… Tonight’s the night when a routine stopover at the Rowan Ranch... It becomes a bloodbath… Killer Hippies In Los Santos… One of the scariest pictures you will ever see... This summer… Leonora Johnson’s face is all over the big screens now, with her most recent starring role being Prohibition-era nostalgia bait, Rum Runner. That said, I hear that B-Movie washout and dying-for-the-art creep Peter Dreyfuss has the hots for Leo. How'd I know about this? Easy, just watch his interview on The Schitt Bagg Show. Bloke's a complete nutter. But before all of that newfound stardom, she was the humble leading lady of controversial 1971 indie slasher film, Killer Hippies In Los Santos, which was loosely based on The Desert Family Slayings in ‘68, as well as the aforementioned Winwood Residence Fiasco in ‘69. Plenty of gore, hallway chases, screaming and folk guitar twanging in this, not to mention the trademark nighttime Los Santos smog and congestion. As for Leo’s character, let’s just say that she almost gets dismembered in this, and it’s a damn shame that she isn’t cast in any more horror flicks to this day. I think she has more potential for her actual acting chops than just being the pretty face of Vinewood and getting relegated to the typical damsel-in-distress roles you’d normally see in summer blockbusters. Sora Mea: An Erotic Horror Picture A modern take and a terrifying and sexy retelling of an old classic… Pussycat Playthings Marlene Starr and Darla Cassavetes star as a pair of buxom vampire ladies, one on the side of good, the other evil, awakened from a long slumber in Romania since the 18th century…But the one thing that puts them both on the same page, is the common taste for human blood, man and woman… They will deceive you, they will enthrall you, they will seduce you and they will kill you... Hide your daughters, hide your wives, and don’t go unzipping your flies, ‘cause the Sapphic Vampires are going to have them for dinner… Sora Mea… An intimate erotic horror picture... I saw a man spanking the monkey to this film at Ray’s, I’m not even joking. It’s a Mallet Monster production, so quality isn’t exactly a mantra you’d want to hear in this. This entire picture is essentially a softcore lesbian sexploitation film disguised as a vampire horror movie. Don’t expect much from this picture as far as the plot goes, just a couple of bad actresses doing painfully bad Central European accents engaging in various girl-on-girl and occasionally girl-on-guy nonsense with other very sexy and scantily-clad extras. The score is pretty good, though. Beat one out to this if you want, you disgusting pervert. The Man From C.U.N.T.S. Britain’s deadliest agent from one of London’s most secretive MI6 units… This time, The man is sent to Paris on a super-secret mission to uncover a traitor in the organisation, killing and shagging everything in his way to get to the bottom of… Actually no… that’s the other secret agent story doing the rounds at the minute. This one’s a syndicated double feature from Richards Majestic Productions in America where they rip off another distinctly British concept and market it as their own. This one follows the exploits of an agent for the Centralized Unit of National and Terrestrial Security (C.U.N.T.S.) and serves as an allegory for the yanks as a constantly interfering band of wannabe world police. Probably why it’s so successful over here ten years after initial broadcast in the states. It stars former B-Movie actor Graham Jones as Agent Forbes. And you can expect loads of fast cars, fast women, cool-looking suits and weird gadgets that somehow serve the role of deus ex machina whenever the plot deems it necessary and stuff. Being a double feature, the first picture is about the Soviets (surprise, surprise) and the sabotage of their nuclear sub program in Sochi (the one in Russia that is). The second covers a potential Cuban mole in C.U.N.T.S. planted by the commie dictatorship, who Forbes takes out in a long-winded fight in a cable car. Either way, Agent Forbes kicks plenty of arse, and sleeps with a lot of women, somehow avoiding the clap along the way. If you’re a fan of rampant yank jingoism and pretty women reciting and broadcasting arbitrary numbers to sleeper cells and double agents, this is essential viewing for you. Three Babes & A Swimming Prodigy Thrills, kills and tits… Three go-go dancers kidnap a rich man’s daughter for ransom, and then all hell breaks loose… Starring Cheyenne Kubrick, Miki Peckinpah, Olivia Fukasaku and Jacinta Jodorowsky… A titillating tale of violence and destruction, of murder and torture... Straight to your nearest cinema… Three Babes & A Swimming Prodigy… These aren’t your friendly neighborhood dames... The exploitation film that popularized future exploitation films. Made in ‘64 by former smut movie director Rudolph Haroldson, it caused quite a polarizing storm at the Oriental Theater back then, with some people dismissing the film as straight-up p*rnographic, and others praising it as an essential feminist film. Needless to say, the entire theater broke out into a fight, and 48 people died in the ensuing chaos. Regardless, it’s a pretty ballsy movie for 1964. Tough girl archetypes and partial nudity weren’t exactly commonplace at the time, let alone running their mouths like sailors on downtime. Sam The Rat A satirical tale by animator Douglas Cohen featuring an all-star voice cast, this rendition of San Fierro is like nothing you’re ever gonna see… Cartoons aren’t just for kids anymore… Sam The Rat… A glimpse into the psyches of a generation… Incredibly trippy adult cartoon that utilizes excessive rotoscoping. It’s like a late-60s throwback all wrapped into an hour-long animation, complete with the knockers, hippies, bikers, sex, drugs and rock n’ roll. The protagonist, Sam, an anthropomorphic rat from Liberty City, is an all-round womanizer, drug user and self-proclaimed revolutionary in 60s San Fierro, who causes more harm than good. A future classic that will be studied extensively in animation schools, that’s for sure. I like how all the black people are depicted as cows in this movie, really says a lot about the situation in the U.S.A. back then and right now. Hate to say it, but as much as I dislike living in London as a black man, thank God I wasn’t born there. Outlaws From The Armpit Of Texas Little Rock, Texas… A Thieves’ Paradise of murder and debauchery … It’s up to someone to clean things up… An all new revisionist retelling of the old and tired Western… Director Ennio Trigali presents an exciting picture for the big screens… Starring Clark West as The Stranger, watch as the man goes around, gunning people down with complete impunity, while dodging bullets from posses of brown people… Outlaws From The Armpit Of Texas, a future Spaghetti Western classic… Ennio Trigali’s getting invited as a VIP to the Red Carpet at the Oriental Theater in LS. If that’s not an indication that you’ve truly captured the minds and souls of all the nonces in Vinewood, then nothing will. A Western remake of the 1961 Japanese jidaigeki film, The Great Samurai Onazura, Outlaws is an Italian retelling of the story set in the Old West, featuring three bandito factions and one, very pissed-off yank cowboy. Lots of standoffs, bad lip-syncing and dubbing and The Stranger saying ‘boah’ in this, that’s for sure. While receiving much acclaim for revolutionizing the Western genre in the West, the Japanese were… less than pleased. In fact, I heard the director of the original film, Kinji Kimura and the film’s production company, Tokyo-based entertainment conglomerate Ginza Holdings, are planning to take this to American court for alleged plagiarism. So much for faithfulness to the source material. The Race To Hell Never leave your foot from the gas ‘cause the race to hell is just about to begin… The year is 1973, and the Earth gets invaded by demons from the Seventh Circle… Humble mechanic Frank is the only one left untouched by these perversions of nature… With his trusty ‘68 Bravado parked out front, he boldly challenges Satan to a race to protect humanity… Will the man emerge victorious to save the ones he loves? Find out in The Race To Hell… Not for the religiously zealous… Starring Harold Singer as Frank and Peter Wiener as Satan... What do you know… A road movie with elements of comedy and horror, filmed entirely in the endless desert sprawls of Tierra Robada and Las Venturas, and what it does, it does exceptionally well. Like many other films listed here, watch this just for the epic car races and chases, and try to ignore the awful make-up that Peter Wiener wears to portray the Lord of the Underworld. You’d never see a Vigero or Polaris move this fast in real life, and I heard that, the stunts and all, it’s all the real deal! In fact, there’s talk that three stuntmen actually died in the shooting of the film! That’s some dedication right there! Il Brutto Lavoro 2 men, and 2 women, eyes dead set on a bank owned by the Mafia… Will they make it out alive? Pushed into a tough situation, four local students from the University of Palermo decide to get back at the system which doomed them… Scoping out the Bank of Laverno… Watch as they attempt to pull off the most daring heist of all-time... Meticulous, dangerous, and unassuming… Watch as the Mafia is robbed blind by a quartet of young adults, who could look like your next-door neighbour, or the patron at your nearby cafe, or even someone next to you during Sunday mass… Il Brutto Lavoro… A picture you’d hate to miss… Starring Marcu Bonnaro, Luca Silverstri, Gina Trapani and Claudia Ricci… Il Brutto Lavoro… A giallo picture that’s gaining storm across the pond. There’s word out there that the director, actors, and just about anyone involved in the production of the film are prime targets for the actual Sicilian Mafia in Palermo, for the less-than-ideal portrayal of the organisation in the movie. If that’s true, I suggest they do a f*ckin’ bunk, pronto. These mobsters don’t mess around, from what I’ve heard. Anyway, as for the movie itself, if you’re a fan of schlocky dialogue, those brown Helvetica English subtitles in foreign movies, interesting car chases involving Pegassi or Grotti vehicles, pretty girls with guns, a bunch of uni students killing people and thinly-veiled socio-political preaching, do put Il Brutto Lavoro on your watchlist. Christ, I sound just like the trailer. Jewels, Plane Tickets & Kung Fu A pretty-faced kung fu master and a basketball player take it on in a battle to the death… Off the coast of Hong Kong, a remote island known as Shaolin Island hosts one of the deadliest fighting tournaments in the history of mankind… Hosted by its mysterious chairman, Poon Dong… No one meets the man and makes it off the island to tell the tale... Brought together by fate, they punch, kick and decapitate anyone in their way to get to the top, while enjoying complimentary massage therapy sessions and continental breakfast during down time… Jewels, Plane Tickets & Kung Fu… A kung fu masterpiece... Starring new Vinewood face and martial artist Curtis Yang and USBA player Jameer Jamal… Heads will roll across the island, literally... Title says it all. It’s a film filled with some of the best fight scenes recorded on film in recent memory, starring Vinewood’s newest diva and first mainstream Asian-American face, Curtis Yang. Don’t watch much basketball myself, but Jameer did a decent job of playing the role of a basketball player recently fired from the association and looking to self-improve by beating people up, kinda like in real life. But f*ck it, who really watches this movie for the plot? We just want to see some arse getting kicked, and this film does a damn fine job at giving the audience just that! I hear the next Yang film is going to co-star Leonora Johnson in a kick-arse non-typecast role, a proposed spiritual sequel entitled The Golden Mountain, which will be set in 1870s San Fierro, during the Gold Rush and the advent of the Chinese Exclusion Act, with a scheduled release for the Summer of ‘77. Let’s hope the both of them make it through Vinewood alive.
  9. So, after several re-writes and editing I've finally finished this short concept I made for GTA 6. I got inspired to do this after receiving some kind words and good reactions to a post I made on the GTA VI Story Speculation thread, which you can see here: To reiterate, this is just a fun concept I made in my spare time. I'm not saying that GTA VI's first chapter will go exactly this way. I wrote this based on some speculation that was made by me and a few others in the story speculation thread. I made another post in the thread breaking down how I think GTA VI's first chapter will go, which can be seen here: This isn't going to be your typical concept posted in this section of the forums. I won't be going over all the characters, radio stations, vehicles, and etc. So, without further ado, here is the first part to my GTA VI Chapter One concept. Let me know what y'all think! GRAND THEFT AUTO 6 CHAPTER ONE PART I GRAND THEFT AUTO VI CHAPTER ONE PART II GRAND THEFT AUTO VI CHAPTER ONE PART III
  10. One of Wisemen

    LIGHT & SHADOW [2022]

    See also: Bloodsales A CONCEPT BY ONE OF WISEMEN MAIN THEME | ALT THEME MONEY WOMEN POWER The three promises of American Dream. We’ve previously witnessed its expectation and its reality. This time we’ll witness how it is advertised. No longer we seek those promises, we now weaponize them. LIGHT & SHADOW is a stylish, caper story parodying the modern-day American Dream’s promotional team. Unique to the game is the primary focus on confidence tricks. The concept has been repeatedly appearing in many Rockstar's video games, most notably in Red Dead Redemption II. It is reintroduced as the third fundamental gameplay element next to driving and shooting. This is where words are mightier than bullets. Follow three manipulative protagonists. Each represents one of the promises above and a distinct art of psychological manipulation: a deceitful hustler, a distracting assassin, and a dirty ex-cop. They begin as another impossible trinity, until an incident united them as a talented, but unstable team of grifters. Opposing them are their past employers, pissed-off victims, and a task force under the consultation of a redeemed criminal. The adventure plays out in an alternative rendition of Vice City’s urban metropolis. The open world offers optional vulnerable marks. Story moves from one con to another. Every con is constructed by branching pathways, how quick you accomplish or screw up depends on your cleverness. Light & Shadow is a love letter to the romanticization of confidence tricks. The most apparent inspirations are Catch Me If You Can, Confidence, Hustle, and Leverage. Many other aesthetically-designed flicks, such as White Collar, Burn Notice, Runner Runner, Inception, and James Bond films; influence the artistic direction. TABLE OF CONTENTS Make yourself comfortable. Be sure to tune in the soundtrack first. Introduction All you need to know The Negotiator Making the world go around The Seductress Practicing the oldest trick in the book The Intimidator Becoming the big bad wolf Confidence Tricks The core Soundtrack Original score and radio stations The Playground More than just one Vice City The Players An underworld that really runs the show Gameplay The mechanics Vehicles & Weapons It's Grand Theft Auto after all When it comes to everyday scam, dollar is arguably the easiest, most popular lure ever used. He’s gifted with a libertarian economic degree and a short entrepreneurial career. He dresses like a legitimate American industrialist from self-help book covers: handsome suit, clean face, and ringing smartphone. Thomas Kingston knows how to profit himself from exploiting seemingly-bright, visionary problem solving or money-making opportunities. He’s been one sly grifter since in Phyllis, Shawnee. Unlike most people living in this city with a high crime rate, Thomas avoided violent confrontation and embraced creativity. He started by selling cheap watches, then he used a complicated pickpocketing style, then he experimented with rigged backdoor card games. He was arrested, investigated repeatedly for low-level frauds. But he got away clean after disposing or misdirecting his evidence. He crossed paths with a fellow conman named Cyrus Forsell in 2011 during his first attempt at a long game of stealing money from Nassau hotel’s bank account. It was a bust for both, but he found a better friend and teacher. The two specialized themselves in more daring cons. But their different ideals catch up. To this day, Thomas is brilliant and calm, but egotistical, ignorant towards friends without benefits, and counting too much on spontaneous decisions. Cyrus never let him shine because of those mental weaknesses. “It could drag them into trouble,” he thought. Eight months ago, another botched game enraged the Phyllis Mob. Thomas fled and embarked through different metropolises of the East Coast. From posing as a stock broker in Liberty City’s stock exchange to a government insider in Smithsonia DC. Nine of ten times were humiliations. He lost his luck and motivation. Vice City might’ve been another failure so far, but he might’ve been blessed with a second chance in disguise. ∎ Cyrus Forsell A fellow conman, Thomas' mentor in Nassau. Ego made him overlooked the genius mind in Thomas. Perfectionist, planning his move before execution first in contrast to Thomas' impulse-reliant show. After surviving the incident, Cyrus isn't the same man that Thomas last knows. Losing the touch of con, Cyrus becomes a nomadic mercenary in rage; brain only thinks that his protege has betrayed. Now on the way to track down Thomas’ footprints to Vice City. ∎ Leandro Gomez Small-time drug dealer, a cautious genius who’s limited by uncontrollable addiction to own products. Free from the Mexican prison, three travel buddies persuaded Leandro to go there before stabbing him in the back. Now a solo, he gets a few lucks, even more lucks with Thomas who fails to scam him. Wasting this con artist’s talent can be more regretful, so Leandro spares Thomas life, only if he spells magic against the three treacherous inmate friends, and makes the ‘Leandro Gomez’ trademark big. ∎ Laura Mortes Who is this bartender from a random bar in Encantador? Unless you’re Mexicans like Leandro, you won’t know that Laura is the sole daughter of a high-ranked honcho of Ocean Cartel. She disdains all the crime lifestyle she’s born within, so she sets a distance by living far away from the Mortes’ estate. She expects peace, but Vice City is not a clever idea: many players, from DOA to El Rubio syndicate, target her for intelligence to combat her father’s cartel. ∎ Jan Daniels PARTNER Typical tourist scammer who knows how the city breathes. From a small office in ViMo District, he owns Sparrow, a private tourist agency that helps the city’s independent players to smuggle illegals. His staff: pickpockets and watch stealers. Mr. Daniels specifically targets wealthy tourists and claims his actions are justified, saying "All they do is partying and wasting productivity, what I do here is making natural selection". ViMo District is attractive, but not as tourist-infested as the Versace Boulevard, the one street he always dreams of at night. ∎ Neil Shackley PARTNER A week ago he’s still studying in Tequesta College, until he promoted gambling to lecturers. That’s who this kid is: gambling habitue. Now dropped out, unemployed, hated by own parents, Neil stays delightful as he can do whatever the f*ck he wants. From joining the Vice Beach Boys surfer gang raid parties to overspend money on Seminole Park’s horse betting and poker table. Jan sees potential and hires him. A student needs a mentor, and Thomas will be that mentor. ∎ Gloria Delaney Losing funds from unpopularity, Gloria, the art director of a gallery in Avant-Garde walks into the dark pathway. Anything to satisfy her classist lifestyle of jumping between five-stars hotels and restaurants. After meeting the positively-talkative financier from a German aristocratic family named Marius Fritz, Gloria rips off struggling artists, discredits their works, then brags how the paintings are priceless treasures, not worthless trash. In one of the biggest art frauds in American history, one and two buyers slowly doubt, including Rafal the Jewish Connection mobster. Instead of being honest, she doubles down the lies. ∎ Gunawan FIXER Gunawan’s journey goes like this: small dinners in Bali, auction in a cruise ship, and a private cellar in North Vice. Wines are served to the finest high society in Vice City, hence why Gunawan, the Indonesian-Malaysian so-called “beverage king” comes here. He reaches out to reputable connoisseurs, showing bottles that they’d been searching for years and selling them for millions. Sample tasting would say it’s off, maybe because of poor storing condition? or maybe because Gunawan just slaps fake labels into those bottles? Whatever the answer is, the GD Treasure Fleet knows and agrees to protect his life if the wines get sour. ∎ Rafal Grossman Rafal is a soldier and “merchant” of the Jewish Connection. His Israeli ancestry has allowed him to abandon the shopkeeper job in Downtown’s Bejeweled Quarter. Under Levy’s family banner, Rafal is the middleman in million-dollars worth gold deals between illegal Peruvian mine owners and the city’s cartels: Céntricio, Ocean, and Vasquez-Gallardo. Secretly a greedy bastard, Rafal seeks more from the gold trades, so he conspires against his bosses. How? The FIB has offered him a “Get Out of Jail Free” card if he assists the bureau’s sting operations against the Connection. He sees it as a perfect getaway. ∎ Diego Pascoal PARTNER Recruited by the Da Silva Enterprises from the tough favela-neighborhood in Brazil, Diego is the company’s security and bodyguard. With the company’s direction shifts to a more illegal direction, he is assigned to carry out plenty of dirty work: retrieving and delivering illegal merchandise with fast cars, and becoming the enterprises’ spokesperson for VC’s underworld players. Self-described expert of firearms, capoeira, and soon enough the art of lying. ∎ Francis & Felipe Da Silva Like father, like son. Francis is the owner of the Da Silva Enterprises, infatuated with appreciation from fellow Brazilians. His son, Felipe, is a pure socialite, decorating the city’s glamor scenes even though pretty much everyone dislikes him. The two expend too much of the freight company’s profits into self-branding that they fall into deep debts for another notorious Brazilian named Bernando Ferreira. To pay them, the Enterprises begin to transport illegal valuables for illegal clients under Francis’ management. Meanwhile, Felipe lacks business knowledge, but he insists on taking part, causing him to make risky decisions without his father's consent. ∎ 'Wildcard' Zheng General manager of the GD Treasure Fleet branch in Viceport. He doesn’t welcome an extra competitor for the Macau shady freighter company, provoking the tension with the Da Silva Enterprises. Coming from the Asian capital of gambling, Mr. Zheng gets his moniker from a love in mahjong games. It’s a disaster that neither Seminole Park nor the Atlantic Racino offer a space for the specific Chinese board game; and he is determined to get it by investing in the casino by force. ∎ Quincy 'Lilo' Young Born in Broadway, Lilo has experienced all the sh*ts in the ghetto: drive-by shooting in bus stops and police falsely profiling him as a coke dealer. Like many young black kids, his hope is to leave Broadway Juniors clique for better living through the hip-hop game; he’s got the freestyling skill as provision. Uncle Deshea urges him to bury that burning passion, however, especially after the 6th Millions label suddenly wants his signature. ∎∎ Deshea 'Dipso' Marshall Ambitious founder of the Broadway Mob, commonly seen playing pool with corrupt street patroller Harold Moore. The near catastrophe of almost losing his historic apartment to decorated broker Hernán Ruiz inspires him to look after the high-stake property business-one shortcut of attracting power in Vice City-starting by forming a group of violent volunteers to serve the city’s property magnates. Lilo says he has just returned from a booze rehab in Bowers Hospital, but Thomas still sees him drowning in the alcoholic temptation. ∎ Ruben Kocharyan Armenian real-estate mogul who heads the Byzantium construction company. Many reasons why he’s here: to evade Russian taxes, to construct Nikolai’s requested asset buildings; to please his energetic lawyer and trophy wife Zabelle Safaryan; and to add more antique cars into private collection. Ruben is one of the first to invest in the Bratva’s extensive developments of Riviera, even residing in a six-hundred square meter apartment space in the Cleethorpes Suite with dear Zabelle and his dubious-looking staff and bodyguards from Yerevan. ∎ Yusuf Amir Yusuf is an epitome of middle eastern excessiveness. Born wealthy in Dubai, he's been obsessed with the color gold since his childhood. He dreams of appeasing his father through the Amir renowned real-estate developments, but all his achievements were stained by childish antics: toys, drugs, guns, hookers, and no pants. Nine years have passed since a short trip of consecutively renting Viktor’s girls for two weeks. He returns to oversee a new, near finished project: Mistara of Paramount. While Yusuf is still a fun friend in spare time, Yusuf is no longer the same crazy individual. He’s more sharp, more mature, inheriting his father’s conservative legacy. Has a younger cousin named Jamal who’s into automotive parts. ∎ Irving Easton Belfort Money monster who knows money controls all human beings. Mr. Belfort is a bona fide stock predator. With disposable crooks and equally gullible brokers, he runs The New Wizards. It’s an exchange syndicate where he optimizes stratagems to hit maximum sell value, such as promising a 500% profit conversion rate from investment in encrypted emails and projecting suggestive light show to company towers. He curses intellectual inferiority. “It’s not one else’s fault that you are financially ruined,” is what he would like to write in autobiography, a book he’s working on amateurly. By 2017, his deposits are closing in on $1.5 billion. Even the government knows the power of seduction in manipulation. How likable personalities and sex appeals weaken you in love and lust. She elegantly struts towards you; you’re awestruck at the sight: a blue-eyed blonde, an almost supermodel-esque figure, and that warm smile or mysterious smirk painted on her face. You suddenly want to know everything about her, to be close with whoever this young lady is. You regret. That’s what you can expect from Maria Ilyinichna Vinogradova, a naturally alluring hitwoman hailing from Rostov. Had a dysfunctional family that she lost contact with later. Post-secondary school legal tavern and dinner jobs did not last long. She knew how shaky her survival was, so she took a common, but unethical life-changing choice like many hopeless young city girls. She was an independent call-girl at first, until new prostitution management exploited her: snatching three-per-four of her cut from servicing the elite class. She lost her liberty. A client bought Maria to distract an assassination target. It was inspiring, she had sold her looks, why not weaponize it? From attending erotic stervologiya classes to volunteering herself to spy for clients, she leveled her professionality as a manipulatrix, a honeytrap agent. Added with firearms training from local mafiya, she became an assassin for hire, offering a two-in-one package. She thought such a role, which was dominated by male species, would award her liberty back, but she only became pawns of many unpleasant individuals within the upper-echelon underworld politics. Maria’s ears always desperately listened to less-tightening opportunities. Only one offer promised a full-time work abroad and she quickly accepts: an oligarch named Artemiy Yelagin who needs infiltration operative in Vice City. Exactly what she’s built for, but she isn't ready for what ahead. ∎ Yelena Maximova Living outside of the Bratva's sphere, coincidentally next door to Maria's first safehouse. Andriy loves her, but he loves his job even more. He never cheats her, but he never satisfies her. While he puts the drug trafficking adrenaline rush first, Yelena suffers, disappointed at the lack of care and child. After the first meeting, Maria can visit her for much personal heart-to-heart conversation. ∎ Brandon McCallan PARTNER Brandon’s presence in the middle of Eastern European gangsters feel out-of-place. He’s Irish, born and grew up in Steinway, Dukes, where he affiliated with the McReary Family before working as hired gun for the powerful Russian mobsters of Liberty City from 2011. Brandon was imported to VC after impressing Artemiy. The move made him bitter of his own Ireland heritage, wanting to be acknowledged in the new circle as a full member of the Bratva. He can’t have the membership, but he can pull a fake Slavic accent to act like one, which epicly incomprehensible for native speakers. ∎∎∎ Manuel Ortega Ortega has had a liking in firearms trade since his youth in Brannigan. He makes up a ‘wise’ philosophy, explained in soft-spoken words politely, that tensions between customers will not be a boundary in his gunrunning operation, as long as they don’t impede him directly. He imports from militia groups in Africa and South America that ship gun crates weekly. They are then distributed to literally everyone in Vice City and the Bahamas: street hoodlums, organized crimes, and private gun stores with legal licenses. ∎ Solomon 'Solo' Bradley PARTNER Ambitious fresh hitman from Vice Gardens. Money from his Connor Town gangbanging crimes can’t sustain the increasingly expensive price-of-livin, thus he kickstarted the career as contract killer to fund himself, a brother, and a future wedding with a girlfriend Juelle. Leaving his comfort zone, he is a frequent in Ortega’s arms deals, where he can expand his network, meeting unique faces like Maria. Solo hopes she can train him how to behave and dress like a legit hit professional, while Maria needs someone who’s familiar with the city. Solomon assures Juelle there’s nothing romantic between the two assassins, only mutual respect. ∎ The Curator An enigmatic and secretive assassin contractor only known by his slick nickname, the keeper of a collection of Vice City’s finest hitmen. He has managed his notorious hit service since the 80’s drug war, when the widespread conflicts between the Medalla Cartel and other players profited him. For the safety of the aged man, his phone-line is untraceable for both clients and employees. The most trusted workers are able to meet him in person at his hideout in Maratha, Tequesta Keys, in a small house that’s cleaned frequently to keep trackers and wiretaps away. ∎ Nikolai Kirikov In the story, he never appeared in person nor voices; only photographs, footages, and statements that show you a glimpse of his immense influence. The megalomaniac pakhan of the Vice City-based Bratva with a powerful friendlist, mostly foreign industrialists and capitalists. They have helped his organization to be a global brand beyond America. To anticipate conflict between the hardened, original Bratva members and the rich investors, he occasionally hosts court to settle any issue between them. However, he is biased towards the latter side too much. ∎ Kirill Zverov American-born Russian with a made-up Russian name that he descends to his daughter. Unable to speak Russian. Never set foot in Russia. Was the first to roll the red carpet for Nikolai in Riviera, now a second-in-command hierarchy-wise. He’s concerned about the oligarchs’ puppetry and its impact on the organization’s internal solidarity. Pragmatic to the southern hemisphere, and very much into superstitions, his apartment skips the 4th and 13th floor numbers. ∎ Artemiy Yelagin An oligarch who sells expensive boats and yachts for tertiary needs and clandestine smuggling. At some point, he formed a triangle partnership with megabillionaire Eduard Borodin and Azerbaijani eco-businessman Tahir Javan to fund terrorism and criminal activities. After the assassinations of his two partners, Artemiy is unable to overcome the high demands from his clients and is becoming increasingly insecure, fearing the bullet will hit him next. Always escorted by presidential-level security. ∎ Maksim 'Maximus' Ivanovich Manager of Gostinaya, a fancy nightclub in Faena Beach where Bratva's members hang around at night. His problem: the competition from other franchise owners like “Gay Tony” Price and Nikolai’s new associates from Moscow with grander proposals. A pervert who surrounds himself with younger B-girls, hired to rob his customers; and a closest comrade of Andriy. ∎ Andriy Maximov Formerly a key figure of Kirikov’s drug network in the East Coast, now responsible for a much local level network. From late 90’s, he went back and forth between Vice and Liberty using a drug-loaded submarine and speedboat. Starting from 2008, he got arrested more frequently than usual, prompting Nikolai to entrust Artemiy and his cutting-edge transportations to run the East Coast network, something he cannot accept. ∎ Georgiy 'G-Man' Tokhtakhunov An old-school mobster who was once falsely identified to be a government agent during an extraction duty. Make no mistake, he looks like one from contemporary Vinewood’s political thriller when donning the black glasses and black tuxedo over his heavy build. Everyone in Bratva knows he’s not one to mess with. He’s martially talented, at one time slapping an enemy’s face to death. Kirikov himself took him from a pub in Dagestan to the sunshine state for a proper job. Working as a wet-worker by day, bouncer for Gostinaya by night. Surprisingly simplistic, never gaze lustfully into the glitz and glamor. ∎ Lazar 'Prince' Petrenko Bratva's golden boy. The son of high-ranking member Vasily Petrenko, who’s an advisor to the VC Bratva’s millionaire associates with international connections to Kiev and Rostov. Lazar’s a big-mouthed kid who’s too confident that he’ll take the higher position soon, yet everyone above recognizes how undisciplined he is. Vasily gives his son the trust to run Bratva’s chop shop, but he more often neglects the business to race super cars, snort cokes, and party with random chicks. ∎ Viktor Lubarsky In the more suburban section of Vinewood is a middle-class apartment. This is where Viktor and his small Ukrainian crew control their prostitution and human trafficking ring, and home-made p*rn industry. Kirikov must take half the cut and half the girls in exchange for the crew’s existence, but Viktor often manipulates the statistics. ∎ Rebecca Dumont PARTNER Among Viktor’s most complicated sugars. Youthful Canadian deceived by a modeling vacancy, coerced into signing a contract in unreadable cyrillic. She wishes to be free and headstrong like Maria, but too stubborn to pull the trigger as of now. Depressively faithless, been converting between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam but unable to locate God’s revelation. ∎ Saul Rodriguez FIXER Ex-Vice New Wave journalist turned all-round internet swindler. Tired of producing daily straight news about property frauds, Saul moved to write fake news and opinions during the presidential election. Now fired, he expresses his machiavellian ideal through elaborate social media and dating scams. From using cheap social apps like Love Meet and Lifeinvader, he manages to infiltrate the elitists via Golddiggers. By disguising as a close friend of Lazar Petrenko, whoever he befriends or dates via his fake accounts got their wallet drained. In the days of online honey trapping, his usefulness is exactly what Maria needs. Traditionally used in the criminal underworld, intimidation is a quick tool of persuasion. Vice City is no stranger to these fear-inducing practices. They used to call it the murder capital of America where body bags were stored in ice cream trucks. The cartels might be maniacs, but second to them are crooked law enforcers. They abuse their higher status, knowing they will get minimal consequences. Cesar Álvarez is one of many who understands this power. He doesn’t have the shiny silver badge anymore, but he remembers well how to convince his superiority. The Álvarez immigrated in the late 70s from a Venezuelan coastal town, living near Lake Mayacco. It was a childhood dream for Cesar as a Tequesta native to serve justice. He left his lakeside cabin to Vice City for high school, then formally joined the city’s department after graduation, assigned to the narcotics division. He was part of operations against the first generation of Fraternite’s drug boat raiders and what’s left from senior Cuban’s crime lord, Jorgito Guerra. Apart from that his track record wasn’t impressive on paper, and that affected his income. High living taxes. Gifts to respect his family. A future plan with a fiancée who died from a traffic accident. Cesar eventually couldn’t resist the temptation of squeezing the deep pockets of street-level mules. He was joined with Freddie Newman, a loyal companion with a longer history. He never touched any pill, powder, needle, or bong, but he increasingly acted more vicious, according to Freddie. Cesar ran out of patience. He himself was afraid that he’d be in danger if he didn’t punch the sack hard enough. Fred warned him once, twice, anytime possible, he didn’t listen. News arrived to his subordinate and they discharged him recently. The cover up story to avoid bad publicity: a “controversial political debate” in office about the ongoing Venezuelan crisis. Complications arise even more when the DOA investigates the division's corruption. Cesar realizes there’s only two ways out: surrendering himself or reaching out to major city players who can shield him. ∎ Freddie Newman PARTNER The other half of Cesar in the VCPD narcotics division. As two sleazy cop buddies, Cesar and Freddie ran a show in the drug market of Vice City’s lowest level. The agency hasn’t discovered Freddie’s record yet, possibly because he stays low-profile and cool-headed, unlike his colleague. He often criticizes Cesar’s intimidation strategies as a bad omen, but he’s aware that with the agency’s heat closing in, he won’t survive the sh*t alone without Cesar. ∎ Harold Moore PARTNER Dirty street cop, guru of street rhythms. A polyglot who knows Spanish, Creole, and African-American gangsta slangs and codes, granting a leeway in the city’s ground level underworld. A childhood friend of Broadway mobster ‘Dipso’ Marshall, a friend he’ll protect with his badge and life. A more ruthless variant of Cesar, no hesitation in slamming the mark’s hand with a baton during the first phase of intimidation games. ∎ Marlon Ramos A street racer with membership of the Spanish Lords in El Barrio. First arrested by Cesar and Freddie for smuggling drugs with a modded Dundreary Crescent, a crime he repeatedly commits until now. Marlon wants to get free from the two crooked cops’ payroll, but is too afraid to lose pride if he asks the Puerto Rican gang’s help. Even his closest friend doesn’t know and mistaken Cesar as a friendly street cop. Speaking of which, he has zero idea that Cesar has left the department. ∎∎ Pelegrín ‘Vigo’ Jaén When Cesar and Freddie first met him, Vigo was a small-time, unaffiliated goofy drug dealer who quickly fell under their power. Marlon’s rebellious behavior, however, has ignited a fire in him to change. By grinding his way behind the scene, Vigo takes notes from rising cartel leader Horacio Vera and implements it when joining the small Colombian Gutierrez Cartel, then he rises to a greater fame that attracts El Rubio’s league. Freddie worries that an improved Vigo will oppose him and Cesar harder than Marlon. ∎ Walt O'Donnell Overweight, hawaiian-shirt dressed racketeer in Vice City since 2003. He used to collect the protection money by himself before opening recruitment for anyone interested, including bent cops like Cesar. The Italian Barattieri Family, as a quick, instant solution of balancing their bank account, entrust him to be a direct associate, as a ‘manager of extortion operation’ or whatever it’s called. Walt will pay the family’s trust, provided that they tolerate when he visits their dinner and card games with a bottle of beer in hand. ∎ Giancarlo 'The Clerk' Azzopardi Semi-retired capo of the Barattieri Family, running the small and forgotten branch in Vice City and reporting back to the barely-alive Tocobaga central. He lives in a secured mansion in Campanili, where he overworks his ass, welcoming visits of active members, associates, and finished mobsters of the five families, as Tequesta has marked to be the Italian’s open playground. ∎ Juan 'El Rubio' Strickler Independent Colombian narcotrafficker, main archenemy of the Céntricio Cartel and their incument drug baron Romero Valdez in the transcontinental cocaine trade route. Known for a lavish, socializing lifestyle where he rarely sets foot outside of his ‘mini paradise’, a fortified island near the Colombian’s coast, except for wild vacations and cartel gatherings. Also known for being extremely demanding in the market; won’t hesitate to blackmail bigger syndicates that turn down his requests. ∎∎ Alejandro Mendoza A golf patron in Leaf Links with a small share of the country club’s ownership. In reality, he’s El Rubio's right-hand man, handling practically every of his master’s affairs in Tequesta. Aside from acting as a diplomatic intermediary, he's piling in dossiers of freebasing associates for coercive purposes. Not many know he's also masterminding the cartel's gruesome interrogations and tortures. He has learnt from many cartel's "kitchens" in Mexico, which degrades his humanity. He's cynical and bloodlusted, and haunted in dreams at night. ∎ 'Don Valerio' Reyes The name says all, all hail the king of the city. Not an easy path for him to be above everyone. He was adrift on a fishing vessel during the Mariel boatlift. He felt the disheartening treatment in downtown’s tent city while selling cokes. He inspired prisoners of USP Argonaut to protest. He returned to Vice City with respect and honor from the Cubans. He became the founding and current ‘don’ of the Reyes Crime Family, a Cuban organized crime heavily influenced by his love of Cosa Nostra cultures and histories. Despite his age and inability to walk without a cane, Valerio’s still rotten to the core, never once wanting to lose his grasp over Vice City’s kingdom. He’s a sadistic, yet environmentalist gangster; he pets alligators in a top-secret Evergreen’s private wildlife preserve, used for corpses disposal, punishment, and torture. ∎ Oscar 'Little Rascal' Barrueco One of the Reyes Family lieutenants with an epic, long history in his lifetime. True outlaw: growing marijuana at home, kidnapping a kingpin in Mexico, stealing gold from an Ocean Cartell-Jewish Connection deal, and more unlisted records in VCPD database. Oscar is too independent, as what the Reyes’ high seats agree with, because his wrongdoings are mostly self-benefit, not for the family. His escapist skill, however, is downright awful; police busts him more often than loses him. Only with Don Valerio’s influence, his charges are dropped. ∎ Thiago Alarcón INTEL Infamously known as "El Solucionador" or "The Solver" for his excellence in defending the Reyes Family and their underworld allies at the court. Thiago is the go-to lawyer who’s never ashamed to mess with corrupt jurisdiction if the price is right: money suitcase. He’s serious only when it’s serious, when he speaks at the courthouse or when he plans backup cheats to win cases: silencing witnesses, tampering juries, or destroying evidence. When it’s not, however, he’s an irritating, over-the-top guy living an extravagant life in his Vizcaya Island’s apartment. ∎ Rodrigo 'Rodri' Sandoval FIXER Flamboyant forgery master working under the Reyes Family. Extremely skilled in producing fake patches, badges, ID cards, and documents in his workshop in Tarbell Heights for the family’s affairs. With his impressive talent, he has access to almost every exclusive event in the city, from feasts and weddings to exhibitions with nobody bats an eye. In an unfortunate twist, Rodri is appreciated only by customers outside the Reyes’ circle; Don Valerio and the high seats barely valued his hard work. ∎ Claude Geffrard Sergeant of VCPD narcotics division, serving as Cesar’s subordinate in the past. A Haitian-American who cares too much for his law career for a positive reason: he aims to change the consensus’ perception of his country. He has one-hundred-percent commitment to the righteous job of fighting the drug flows. As the honest beacon in the middle of the thickly depraved division under decorated chief Lawrence Ford, it’s hard for Claude to forgive Cesar after his discharge, but with a little persuasion, he requests a favor from the ex-cop: aid the search on Nelson Dulysse. ∎ Andrea Genovese Rumors said he's a former Italian Mob's soldato from Bison who sold himself to the law in the 90s. Whether it's authentic or a completely fabricated exaggeration, he's a full-time DOA field agent today. Intimidating with a 6ft tall body, a cold stare, and a loaded Assault SMG beneath his jacket that he'll fire when running out of patience. He is dispatched here to spy over the suspected crooks of VCPD narcotics division, active and former. ∎ Nelson Dulysse Ultimate fearmonger in the streets of Vice City. A menacing bully, Nelson is one of the leading gangsters of the Haitian F.R.E. who's the mastermind of his small heist crew, raiding hundred-thousand dollars drug boats that happen to pass the Vicio River. To whom it belongs doesn't matter, what matters is the sales' yield when exported to his home country. Simulating bank frauds or Ponzi schemes? More than you imagine. Gameplay has been reconstructed from ground-up. Your wits will be highlighted. Less encounters involve bloodstained fights and armies of enemies. In fact, the main story is structured around completions of con games instead of missions. A professional grifter is forced to adopt a low profile lifestyle. Meanwhile, you’re still able to be recklessly violent in free-roam if you wish. To counter extreme disparity between con games and wild actions, the latter nets greater repercussions. Police system has evolved. Combat is more destructive and less worthy to provoke. The worst consequence is permanent “awareness zone” in areas where you’re acting out-of-character. If it happens to be story-relevant spots, such as where your next story mark presents, he’d immediately recognize you. The story will be soft-locked. As elaborated earlier, each protagonist specializes in a particular artstyle of con. The styles are reflected in their interactions, chosen images, and ways the con unfold. Thomas Kingston is your average conman: will offer what the mark wants/needs, but never what they expected. He baits an antique car lover with the collection they longing for, except it's stolen from the other. He walks in to a business that needs better accountant, and walks out with their profits inconspicuously. Thomas' language is reliable, professional, suave, as if he belongs to that profession since his birth. Negotiating the right deal, right time, right price to the mark that won't come twice. Before dragging them to their demise, Maria Vinogradova will make the mark loves her: as friend, work partner, or lover. He likes poker? then she likes poker. He's just broken up and now drinks alone in specific bar, then she sits next to him as a cliché loner who captivates him. Her language ranges from innocently friendly to naughtily sultry, depends on what personality the mark enjoys the most. Any provocative tactics, like going as far as sleeping with the mark, is for last resort only. Is it really necessary to satisfy their fantasy at the end? Cesar Álvarez is the true opposite of Thomas and Maria, because he will make the mark fears him; no positive imagery, only negative from the get-go. He terrorizes a fugitive in hiding as bureau agent. He fools a slick store owner by masquerading as brutal cartel enforcer. His language scales from very hot-headed to very cold. The right scale exerts his dominance over the mark, and sends a clear message, “Obey me or you’re f*cked”. In this type of intimidation, violence isn't a wise move, well unless the circumstance forces him. INTERACTION The protagonists can interact with any selected pedestrian. Interaction in L&S doesn’t start with simplistic greet/antagonize, it starts with choosing the intention: why are you talking to him? Do you want to chat, scam, or command? Chat is throwing a random conversation about everyday topics. Scam is persuading him to give his belongings: a fistfull dollar or a car. Command is directing him to do an action, like moving away from your con setting. Dialogue choosing mechanic is L.A. Noire meets Alpha Protocol. It is always timed and quick-witted. You won’t be thrown with a multiple choice every second. A single interaction session features only three to five decision-making sequences (or more in some short/long con missions). There are four dialogue types: PUSH ON (Hard) – Straight up showing him your agenda, what’s too good/bad to be true, in the protagonist’s style at its fullest. Offering a big investment in Evergreen, biting your lips suggestively, or grabbing his neck and pushing him onto the ground. PUSH ON (Soft) – Similar persuasion with more subtlety. Saying that even a penny will help, praising his appearance, or showing off your fake police badge. BACK OFF (Soft) – Subtly taking a step backward from pushing your agenda. Pick this if you move in too fast or if he raises eyebrows. Changing the conversation topic, stopping being flirtatious, or apologizing from your aggressive acts. BACK OFF (Hard) – Hitting the brake or taking a U-turn. Pick this if he frustrates you, if you find new valuable intel for a better plan, or if you fear you’d fail too soon. The line you’d say in each option depends on your intel and disguise. Each option add+ or subtract- the mark’s trust meter. A rising trust means he slowly falls. A maxed out trust stamps your victory. A decreasing trust means he’s unsure. A rock bottom trust blows the con. The meter can be toggled off, challenging you guess the progress from his response, facial expression, body language, and manner of speech. Keeping the balance is key to a successful interaction. Know the right time to PUSH ON or BACK OFF. As Michael Westen said, “If it's too easy, they get suspicious. If it's too hard, they move on”. An example of strategy is to keep choosing PUSH ON (Soft) until the trust meter is high enough and then choosing PUSH ON (Hard). The possibility of interaction is limitless. You can get richer without robbing. You can enter an otherwise restricted area without looking weird. You can get away from a beat cop by reasoning. COLD READING The magic technique of studying the mark, inspired by Hustle and Psych. Activate this eagle-eye-like ability once close enough to an interactable NPCs. Cold reading lets you analyze various bits and pieces attatched to the mark, such as clothing accessories or hairstyle, within a short time limit. The more your eyes catch, the more knowledgable you are, unlocking more intentions and better dialogue options. PICKPOCKETING & PLANTING Mandatory confidence trick. Pickpocketing is self-explanatory. Do a cold reading, decide what to steal (wallet, cellphone, or ID card), and take action. Planting is the reverse: sticking item(s) into the prey’s pocket. The two come in many variations for different situations. Walking pedestrians and café patrons require different tactics, such as ‘the bump’ or sitting on an adjacent seat. All three are capable, but Thomas has perfected both. He’s able to steal or place up to three items at once with a quick hand trick. Maria can mislead the mark with a kiss, while Cesar can pretend he’s frisking them. They can even operate together: one as a diversion while the other reaches the rear pocket. It is an art of misdirection per se. DISGUISE False persona. You can simply fake a name and background. However, supporting outfits and items will boost your disguise’s credibility. It’s easier to fool a mark with a proper highway patrol uniform than posing as a badge-less plainclothes policeman. LANGUAGES A vital communication instrument. None of the trio are super linguists who master seven languages. Thomas only speaks American and British English. Maria speaks Russian and English, the latter with a thick to a slight Russian accent. Cesar is already fluent in both English and Spanish. As the story progresses, Thomas and Maria will eventually understand Spanish but cannot speak it as eloquently as Cesar. What language you master is reflected with varying-level of on-screen dialogues/text translations. For example, accurate translation of an early game Spanish dialogue is only available when playing Cesar. AWARENESS Running too many lies increases people’s awareness that a conman is running rampant. For each scam you did, a red-shaded area akin to lockdown zones expands. Everyone within this area will likely avoid before you speak. If it’s a gang territory, watch out for gangs attacking you on sight. Stop and wait till the heat goes down. Think before acting. SHORT & LONG CONS A short con is when you rope, steal, and leave the mark in one interaction. It often plays out spontaneously, no prior preparations needed. A long con lasts for multiple interactions. Think of "Out of the Closet", Niko messaged Tom Rivas before arranging a date to kill him. This time, however, you'd go through a far more intricate and sophisticated scenario. Stages of the long con may include seemingly unrelated short cons, stealing equipment as a convincer, converting an empty apartment room into a fake office room, or staging a fake auction with fake participants. Long con takes notes from complex heists in Grand Theft Auto V and Leverage's tabletop game. It is reserved for a mark with significances, such as main story's characters or the powerful rich like Ray Bulgarin and Devin Weston. The job is provided by particular clients or orchestrated by yourself. A long con consists of two phases and five stages: SETUP: IDENTIFYING > PLANNING After getting a name, your first task is to gather as much encyclopedic knowledge as possible. The scoping works range from stalking their internet profile to hacking their laptop to checking their garbage. Cold reading is possible but less effective for a longer game. Collected intel are categorized in three: Advantages – Why the mark cannot be underestimated. Maybe he has a law immunity or is infamously ruthless toward people who wronged him. Disadvantages – The mark’s psychological weaknesses. Maybe he easily trusts new people, doesn’t care that he breaks the norm, or is addicted to coke. Vulnerabilities – What you can exploit from the mark, such as an ambition to be a crime boss or a secret affair he tries to hide. Identifying advantages and disadvantages lets you predict the mark’s movement easier. They can be a guidebook for the right dialogue option. Meanwhile, unearthing vulnerabilities unlock approach options. For instance, by knowing that the mark plans to rob a bank, you can pretend to be an alarm expert for-hire. Decide the approach and you proceed to the planning stage. Get the right convincers, such as a fake social media account and a briefcase full of counterfeit money. For resources you’re unable to generate/collect yourself, go invest upfront money on fixers or forgery experts. Setups are done as free-roam tasks instead of separate missions. Each approach method also comes up with roles that each participant is assigned for. Roper leads the mark’s way into the trap. Inside man awaits in the trap. Outside man acts as a fake to distract the mark into another trap. In some cases, extra supporting players have to be installed. If the target is more trusting toward an older gentleman, Thomas can recruit Jan Daniels to fill that void at the cost of the final cut. EXECUTION The execution phase is often broken down in three stages: Approaching – The roper(s) initiate the first interaction with the mark. Your objective is to pump the trust meter high enough till the minimum threshold. New intel(s) can be revealed during this stage which allow you to polish the current approach or even switch to a new approach. Exploiting – The roper(s) arranges the mark’s meeting with the inside man. Now controlling the latter, your objective is to max out the trust meter. In some cases, however, specific complication(s) arose as an obstacle. As example, the mark gets into trouble with a gangster or demands a DNA proof. Whether you have anticipated these twists or not, the show must go on: you’re forced to pick an escaping method. Escaping (optional) – An extra stage that only exists when you encounter complication(s) or when you mess up the previous stage. The definite outcome of the long con depends on how you get away. When it goes ugly, try a cackle-bladder. NOTE: This is the early, discontinued version of the concept's story, released from 2022 to 2023. PRELUDE: Back To Basics - Thomas recharges his energy by dealing drugs with Leandro's old company. PRELUDE: Funtime After Dark - Maria plays bowling in her first night in Vice City. PRELUDE: A Warning Before Sunrise - Cesar visits the park at early morning with some friends and foes. Parasitic Relationship - Thomas tricks a climbing drug baron into trusting Leandro and a new warehouse. Angel In Disguise - Maria lures a henchman of Andriy to his death. Tricking "Goliath" - Cesar blackmails a Cuban cowboy into paying Walt and the Italians. Our Last Exchange - Maria and Solo visit the bazaar and get involved in a chase. Only In Vice City - Cesar takes a high-speed drive for Thiago. Soon™ Originally created on 30 December 2018 in GTAFanon Wikia Not to be confused with a similarly-named concept by universetwisters FULL CREDIT: Thanks for reading! Enthusiasm and feedbacks are appreciated!
  11. Nefarious Money Man

    Grand Theft Auto: Greed & Grit

    BY SLIMEBALL SUPREME & THE NOTORIOUS MOB You might think of Vice City when you think of the eighties; cocaine-riddled splendor and neon sports cars. That’s not what awaits. Up the coast, in the twin cities of Carcer and Lenapia, riding from the casinos of Empire City to Liberty City’s outer suburban counties, a very different tale of crime will be told. Cash and crime still rule: but in one of the quickest-crumbling urban areas in the United States of America. In Greed & Grit, you play as three different protagonists, each from varying backgrounds. The character-switching feature from V returns, with all three displaying vastly different experiences and perspectives. A cop, a cubano crook and a corner boy, all trying to make their way in a world falling apart. Each with a cast of shady associates to help them on their way. It's a gritty, violent, dangerous world. But it's the only one they know. A 32 year old Alderney native, currently working as a Narcotics detective in the city of Stranton. Suffering from a bad case of career fatigue and currently spending his days shacked up in an apartment with his current squeeze in nearby Peterborough. He's growing increasingly disillusioned by departmental bureaucracy and the ever changing nature of his chosen career. Could a move to Liberty City as part of an experimental new unit be just the change he's been looking for? Jerry Sandowski – A long serving Detective Sergeant in the Narcotics Division of Stranton's Police Department, Sandowski cut his teeth cracking large scale heroin schemes during the disco era. He's a consummate people pleaser with a soft spot for Dwyer, who is constantly pushing his blind eye for indiscretions to absolute breaking point. In a feeble attempt to keep Tommy on the straight and narrow he pairs our boy with long time rival Evan Jackowitz – A pompous do-gooder who'll do anything to get ahead.. even if it means throwing others under the bus. Jackie Palumbo – The undisputed ring leader of Liberty City's newly established Narcotics and Organized Belligerents Squad. Giacomo Palumbo (as he's known to his mother) has a long and checkered history in the Organized Crime Division which has furnished him with more connections than a Liberty City Subway line. Mickey Gonzalez – Miguel "Mickey" Gonzalez is a seasoned detective from the Homicide Division in Dukes who has caught more misconduct citations than actual killers. In an era where the murder rate has never been higher he was one of the first to be transferred to the equally work heavy Organized Belligerents Squad, despite having no intention of actually doing any real police work. Malcolm Jones – The only member of the NOBS aside from Tommy who actually has any experience in the field of Narcotics – whether it be trying to prevent their spread around the city or otherwise. Although his intentions may be passably good, he'll sink quickly to the levels of his coworkers, honor be damned. Frank McReary - Rookie cop with stars in his eyes, Frankie wants success, and he’ll do anything to get it. A former altar boy from the infamous McReary family, Frank already has an upward slope ahead of him; but his inclusion in the budding investigative operation could throw a spanner in the works, so to speak. Linda Galione – Tommy's landlord and one of his many old flames. She's the type of woman you hear about in country music and procedural dramas on TV. She's a feisty young AUSA by day and an overworked desk sleeper by night. She has an uncanny eye for criminality.. except for when it's going on right under her nose. Angelo Valerio - A flashy Dukes based drug dealer with connections, Angelo is a member of the old school Valerio clan; the brothers five spread out all over town with a hand on the pulse of the LC coke market. Cruising around Cerveza in flashy hoopties, Angie isn’t quite as notorious as his elders yet; but the tides of change are ever fickle. Dominic Sepe - Conniving South Broker pretty boy turned mob chieftain; Sepe, nicknamed ‘The Wrench’, has been operating as a close aide to up and coming capo Nino Abruzzo for years. With a good head for business and a reputation for turning situations bloody if he has to, The Wrench has been reaching out to new, highly profitable areas in an attempt to secure some more dough. His newest source? Defrauding the Federal Government out of gasoline taxes, leaving more than a few bodies in his wake. Emil Argov - South Broker's little don, an expatriate from the Leningrad underworld with a love of green, black and blue. The man known as 'Cattle Prod' for his signature weapon has dominated the growing neighborhood of Hove Beach; bolstered by his would-do consigliere Lazar Saravaisky, Lazar's protege Kuzma "Kenny" Petrovich, and infamous ex-athlete bodyguards, the Roitman Brothers (Gennady and German). If there's one value the man holds above all, it's not honor, but fear - which may come to be his very undoing. Moe Schwartz – Once the Lupisella Family’s cunning and quiet accountant, in recent years Schwartz has been exercising his connections to the anti-communist movement by reaching out to Russian exiles fleeing the USSR following the Jackson-Vanik amendment. But while moving emigrés into apartments and setting them up with work visas - Schwartz has noticed a pattern, and with a pattern like this comes many opportunities. Max Goldstein – The self styled Maximilian Goldstein is a wealthy entrepreneur and club owner expanding his vast fortunes by catering to the sleazy bridge and tunnel club goers too rough to cut it in Algonquin. His mobbed up partner Tony Spoleto is the yin to his yang – a career opportunist with his fingers just deep enough in Ancelotti operations to offer Goldstein protection. Together however their ever growing interests in gasoline bootlegging have made their already strained relationship with the Lupisella Family and their affiliates a lot more tenuous, which can only end in tears. Agent Delacruz - Past his prime and with permanent bags under his eyes, FIB special agent Felipe “Phil” Delacruz is a shadow of his once-productive self. On his ass at the bureau, old Phil has noticed some potential weak links within the recently founded Nob Squad… and he plans to take advantage. A 28 year old Cuban expatriate who moved to America at just five years old. After finishing up a nickle bid for armed robbery, he's keen to get back in the saddle and resume a life of crime that's all he's really ever known. Reconnecting with old associates, he embarks on a journey to try and finally make something of himself as he once again begins his ascent of the underworld whilst simultaneously battling with the ghosts of his past. Vito Accardi – Danny's former prison mate and a stagnating star in the Lupisella crime family. He has recently been sent down south and tasked with expanding the family's interests into hotly contested territory. Struggling with sobriety and the pressure of bringing in the dough, he has his cigarette stained fingers in so many pies, it's only a matter of time before he gets burned. Seymour Scarpetti – An abominable parole officer who works at the behest of the Lupisellas, pulling strings for their associates to make their reintroduction to society as cushy and unproductive as financially possible. He assigns Danny to work under Walter Gomez – A reformed convict attempting to rebuild a community crumbling under the weight of ongoing gang activity. He opens his community centre to Danny and gladly offers him bed and board, knowing all too well the struggles of rehabilitation. Buddy Earle – The current reigning President of Lenapia's own Goblin's MC. Oft mistaken for a quiet and reclusive old man, his aging exterior is the outer armour of an all American Outlaw. A veteran of countless wars with a body count as high as his blood pressure, he must fight hard to stave off the advances of other one percenters from neighbouring territories, if only to save face in the eyes of his underlings. Stan Vlochos – Vlochos is a Lenapia based emissary for Liberty City's Volikakis Crime family. He is trying to establish a foothold in the burgeoning Methamphetamine market but has thus far been unsuccessful due to an unhinged personality and some ongoing tensions with the resident Greek Mob. Johnny Morello – A young mafia soldier caught right in the middle of an ongoing power struggle in the Lenapia crime family. His loyalties are fickle and he is willing to take his orders, without question, from whoever sits on the throne. Constantly tasked with maintaining the family's equally fragile alliances with other local outfits, he heads up a posse of young tough guys who just as blindly follow his lead. Ritchie & Ralph – Ricardo “Ritchie Del” Delmonte & Ralphie “The Raven” Roccaforte are two seasoned hitmen for the Lenapia Mob. They're desperate to become legitimate, conducting most of their business from a humble rowhouse-cum-restaurant in South Lenny that always seems to have traces of spilled tomato sauce on the kitchen floor. Now both in their early 40s they're becoming increasingly anxious about getting their button, especially in the company of a new hired gun. Eduardo Reyes – The loyal second in command of the Alderney based Cuban Mafia, he passes on the orders of his rarely seen boss. Conducting most of his operations from a humble coffee shop in Leftwood, he uses his son Eduardo Jnr. (aka "Lalo") as a buffer between him and the streets. His decades old relationship with Danny means that he affords him a certain level of intimacy, but past indiscretions have left him distrustful – for the time being at least. Pawal Orlowski - A seemingly friendly face within Lenapia's striving Polish community, Paulie O’ serves fresh kielbasa out of his butcher shop – Kabanos Korner on Virginia Street. But few, including the city police department, know what happens behind the scenes; or inside the basement. While Orlowski runs a few rackets here and there, he runs a pretty tight operation… the real magic happens downstairs. Caine Devlin – A legendary Irish tough guy criminal who now acts as the string puller of the Lenapia based B&D Gang. His ever expanding influence is well known to be far reaching and more than a few prolific gangsters have fallen under his might. He now seeks to watch everyone crumble so he can build himself up. Jimmy Pegorino – The crown prince of the lowly regarded Pegorino crime family of Alderney. He too is struggling to make a name for himself in crowded territory under the ever judgmental eye of his pugnacious father Johnny Boy. With a long list of hair brained schemes and no shortage of idiots to do his bidding, he is eager to move upwards with as little effort as possible. Although he would surely say otherwise. David Forster & Lou Rollins – The smug face of the DOA's Lenapia field office and his long suffering subordinate. Forster is a constant hunter of glory who has tracked smugglers from Liberty City to Colombia and back again, throughout his rather short and often illustrious career. He isn't afraid to bend the rules or steal someone's thunder, especially if it leads to another promotion. Rollins, meanwhile, has been with the Agency since its establishment. In spite of many high profile arrests however he has been held back from promotion by what he deems to be institutional racism. Often dismissed as a blow hard and a crack pot conspiracy theorist.. perhaps he knows more than he should. Emilio Hernandez – The Liberty City based point man for the ever powerful Colombian Cartel. “Milo” frivolously spends his vast fortune and holds a similar disregard for his personal relationships. Away from the watchful eye of his superiors he looks to turn bubbling inter-factional hostilities into an all out war for domination. A 23 year old native of South Bohan, Marcus has always tried to stay away from a life of crime that has constantly surrounded him. Working a dead end job until being unwittingly pulled into a position of power following a violent altercation with a rival street gang, he must juggle his desire to stay on the straight and narrow with the overpowering allure of the drug game. He will soon find out however that the game in question comes with a variety of other players. Most of them conspiring to bring about his fall. Antoine Forge – A lifelong friend to Marcus who also moonlights as an aspiring kingpin, running with like minded individuals in Upper Algonquin where he crashes with his aunt and her two kids. With dreams as big as his balls, he hopes to one day buy his way out of the ghetto and wants to take Marcus along for the ride. Kelvin Mitcham – Kelvin is a scrappy teenager who hangs around Marcus and Antoine almost every minute of the day. He tries to be just like the latter, no matter how much virtually everybody tries to dissuade him from doing so. Equal parts little brother and protege, he's constantly torn between two opposing forces with differing ideas of where he and their three man enterprise should go. Lenny Williams – A brutish crack cocaine based entrepreneur from the hellish surroundings of East Island's West Wampum neighborhood. Leonard “Big Dogg” Williams joins the gang fresh off a bid for possession with intent to sell.. and has zero intent on giving up his day job anytime soon. Artie Caparole - Fortside born and bred; good old Mr. C has been serving the community since the 1960’s, a taste of Italy from his parlor on the colorful roadbend of Drop Street. But as the community changes, as new folk move in and old folk move out, Caparole is having a hard time coming to terms with the people now calling Fortside home. Raul Lopez – The Leader of a South Bohan hispanic gang known as “The Bohan Kings”, he and Marcus's ilk share more than a friendly rivalry. In a predominantly Puerto Rican neighborhood, he may have the numbers but Marcus and his peers will do everything in their power to make sure he doesn't play the advantage. Carolina Garcia – A ghetto fashionista and self professed “gangsta bitch” from around the way. She's been crushing on Marcus since high school.. or at least she would have been if she ever attended. Despite outward appearances this SoBo native is equal parts dangerous and cute. Don't underestimate her or you may just end up with a gun in your face. Felix Aguero – A flamboyant Cuban cocaine peddler based in East Holland. "Fe-Fe" Aguero's got connections to both the Downtown club scene and the big boys in Alderney, the perfect dichotomy for a young go-getter like Marcus who is trying to break into the competitive drug scene – whatever it takes. Ernie Elardo - The introverted, money minded young capo of the Pavano’s East Holland crew; Emidio Elardo has fingers deep within the upper echelons and has always been on the shortlist for acting boss. His responsibilities now lie in caretaking: whether that’s looking after the Pavano’s heroin interests or babysitting loopy Bohan button man Robert Ferraro. James Dillard - A bonafide legend among the hustlers of East Broker, Dillard is known as ‘Dr. J’ to his disciples and ‘public enemy number 1’ to the local precinct. A crack rock pioneer with his Hinterlands deep into the local drug scene, Doc J is more than just a baller; he’s a street idol. And boy, does he know it. Paulie Stein – A past-his-prime club impresario forced into reluctant reclusion by a misunderstanding with the IRS and an as-of yet not fully understood illness. His legacy on the line, he’s thrown a new sheen of paint on the prestigious Studio 69 with the help of long-suffering co-owner Steve Schneider, rebranding it as "Elephant". All in an attempt to get the upper hand in his ongoing rivalry with James St-Pierre, a playboy of mixed French-Canadian ancestry who now has his 'sight set' on becoming Liberty City's new king of nightlife with his flash new club "Platinum", operating just a few blocks from Elephant and the legendary Bahama Club. Isaiah Jenkins - What is the drug game, but an extension of the free market? To Isaiah Jenkins, former member of Howie Fisher’s drug crew, they’re one in the same… and he wants none of it. Reformed and proud, Isiah's now living out his life in North Holland as an Islamic preacher for the ever growing Brotherhood of Muslims. Never the less he still keeps his finger on the pulse of current happenings in the underworld. He partners Marcus up with Esmail Edwards - the devout former leader of the Lenapia-based Black Mafia currently locked up on a robbery-murder rap from the seventies. Esmail knows that in order to keep things moving, you need some new talent and given his current predicament, he’s always happy for them to come knocking. Cokey Robinson – Just as his nickname suggests Lester “Cokey” Robinson runs a downtown empire based on the finest marching powder Star Junction's money can buy. Despite his flashy exterior he's been unable to move out of the run down projects in President's City and recently his locally based competition have been looking to give him a push. Sylvester Ganzfried - A trained orthodox rabbi who's never taken the pulpit: Ganzfried has done just about every job you can think of. Presidential liaison, Liberty State Police Chaplain, bank director, and now professional mob fixer, dividing his time between Russians and Italians. The rabbi's connections stretch far, from Mossad, to The Exchange, to foreign governments, and now one of his more lucrative connections - the Cleethorpes real estate dynasty, through their eccentric heir Lyle IV and his equally eccentric lawyer Ray Rosenbaum. Eloise Brown – A Los Santos native who moved to Lenapia in the late 1970s to be with her now deceased husband. After his death she inevitably inherited his assets - a multi million dollar piece of the drug market previously held by the Black Mafia. Her ability to turn a ten kilo a month industry into a coast to coast empire shows that if ever there were an example of gender equality on the streets there's none more shining than “Auntie E”. Thanks in no small part of course to loyal foot soldiers like Elmont “E-Money” Washington or the two men she refers to as her “Capital City Connection”. The Tri-State Area takes the stage as the game space of Greed & Grit - the world’s biggest, worst city in Liberty. The ancient, aging rust-belt town of Lenapia. And widespread, mobbed up suburbs throughout Alderney and East Island. Liberty State is a state of contrasts. No, it’s not just the city. Though it might as well be. Look eastward and see the suburbs where mobsters and spooks alike set up picket fences and let the kids play little league. Look past Bohan and see the mansions and horse tracks where the affluent make their home. Look upstate and, well… we don’t talk about Upstate. LIBERTY CITY Liberty City is The Worst Place in America. Ask former President Sherwin Peck who first said the quote during a speech in 1975, a quote that’s haunted the city in the years since. The crown jewel of American capitalism, the face of an empire, and the quickly crumbling de-facto capital of the United States. Five boroughs: the studded skyscrapers of Algonquin belying filth on both northern and southern ends. The brownstones of Broker where crime syndicates alike have claimed their footing. The projects of Bohan red-lined from top to bottom, the streets lined with dealers and drug addicts. The forgotten borough of Richmond Island that might as well be ‘Derney, and the suburb and parkland of Dukes. What a f*cking town. It’s the place where smoke comes out the manhole covers and where everyone is batsh*t f*cking crazy. Way before the naked cowboys playing guitars in the city’s hot spot of sin in Star Junction and stage show glitz on Burlesque, it was ladies of the night playing on pervy heartstrings and amateur skin flicks being shot on crackling VHS tapes in abandoned theaters. The city houses just about every ethnicity in the world - from commies to compatrioti, Jews in flight and Colombians and Dominicans arriving en masse. Shrinking enclaves taken over - Fortside and Schottler turning darker by the day, South Broker slowly being dominated by Russians. Koreans and Albanians in Little Bay, Greeks and Moroccans in Steinway. The tides of change. Risk salmonella from street meat, get robbed in an alley by a bum in a diaper, see the beautiful Statue of Happiness decomposing in the river and giving every immigrant the finger. Enjoy the mud before the rain. EAST ISLAND If Richmond Island is Alderney, then East Island is… well, it’s something. Traditionally more New Hanover than New Rotterdam. There exists no better example on earth of the contrast between the haves and the have nots. A two hour drive along the Sunset Highway equates to an ascent of the property ladder, all the way to the top. It's no wonder the borough of Dukes legislated to offload some of its worst sections onto a county that has a median income ten times its own. Two story houses and tract mansions and some of the goofiest amateur architectural work only a way-too-rich wiseguy could commission. That’s some of it, anyway. Look on the Dukes border and you’ll see the ethnic enclaves - a second Chinatown in Keering, a Jamaican hotspot in Wampum, Italians in a Meso Park that’s just about middle class. Keep going, though. The Carraway Peninsula slopes down Broker where beachside whites make their home - Near and Far Carraway, Hadaway, Carraway Point. A beautiful view of Wampum Bay swampland where you can see low-flying aircraft doing runs in the night, picturesque views or cement-shoed corpses washing up on the beach. Head into central East Island and it’s suburb, suburb, suburb: baroque Bloomingdale, the Hempwoods of West and East, Hunter Bay hamlets and East Beach coastlines. But the richest of Liberty’s rich live in the very east. South and East Carraway, The Carraways, the megamansions and socialites and wine parties and typical aristocracy gossip. Tuxedo dos and secrets galore. The scenic summer home of Jon Gravelli. Coastal Moheague with Lovecraftian fog and the lone lighthouse shining out onto the ocean. The perfect honeymoon. Mobsters, blue blood dynasties, a supposedly inactive military base where white vans supposedly drive in and out on the regular. When people think Liberty, they don’t usually think East Island. And that’s probably for good reason too. WORCESTER COUNTY A long-time reputation as the city’s gilded lily can deceive: among the idyllic suburbs and elegant homes the most scummy of criminals can be found. Gangsters, gangbangers, bankers and fools. All can be found in the city of Decker. But plenty of degeneracy and squalor can also be found in many of the county's other neighborhoods and towns. If it's fun you're looking for, why not take a ride on the roller coaster at Joyland Park or grab a Blarneys at one of the 50 Irish bars straddling Kavanagh and McCluskey. Shop 'til you drop at the Oakwood mall just off the expressway and then top it all off with a spot of golf over in Welham bay. Be on your best behavior or you might just end up doing a stretch at Whittington Correctional. It's stood since the 19th century but still houses more animals than the Worcester zoo. While not technically a state, it's the only city in New Sylvania that actually matters. It’s no wonder why Lenapia is called the city of independence. It is after all the place where the United States was created in 1776. They massacred all the natives but the name still stuck. Aside from being of great historical importance it’s also a city that offers its visitors lots to see and do. Whether it’s visiting the world famous Pendencia Hall, or eating your weight in cheese steak before attempting to run up the steps at the LAME without puking, the place is full of sights that’ll keep you wanting more. And plenty of others that’ll make you wish you never came. The city is chock full of ethnic enclaves. From tracksuit wearing Italians in the South to brotherly loving brothers in the West and a whole melting pot of Hispanics, Irish, Koreans, Russians and Polish in the Northeast. So you’re sure to find a fight wherever you go. If you’re not looking for trouble, then it’s best to stick to Middle City, where you can enjoy traditional eateries and markets, with virtually none of the danger. The almost 100 year old Depository Market is a source for fresh scrapple, seafood, meats and cheese. Or you can venture further south to the Italian Market off Assunpink Avenue and travel back to a time long before the advent of supermarkets, good manners or proper sanitation. If it’s calorific junk you’re looking for, then why not grab a world famous Lenny cheesesteak from the equally famous Big Miz or Philly Gee’s and become embroiled in a feud that’s been going on for almost 30 years now. Just don’t let either proprietor see you entering the other, or you may just end up being added to the menu! Prepare to lose yourself in the Eden State. The contorted backbone of the playable area, that, true to its name, is awash with temptation at every hand’s turn (and plenty of snakes to go with it). The serpentine appearance should be a dead giveaway but don’t be put off, as fun and adventure awaits in an area that’s so much more than a place where “people from Liberty City go to dump their trash”. Across the area’s Nine Counties there’s mountain hiking, waterfalls, nature reserves, airfields, casinos and (of course) plenty of gangs. It’s no wonder when its major cities consistently rank tops among the worst places in America. Geographically, the state is split into North and South, with some mess in the middle that nobody talks about. Thanks to a vast highway and turnpike system you’ll thankfully never have to go there, so let’s move along. BARREN COUNTY Aside from Bobby Baker’s Imaginarium and the Planetarium, it's all lakes and wineries. All things available elsewhere in the state. But there’s something strange going on in the southern skylands, miles from the incestual Appalachians in the rolling hills of the Piccaninnies. Some would say a bit of excitement for a county best known for vast wilderness and cricket sounds since the decline of the manufacturing industry. But the presses haven’t stopped churning out sensationalist diatribes for months. Co-ed cadavers found floating in Camp Craven in the mountain township of No Hope (colloquially No Hope, Craven Lakes). Sporadic sounds of chainsaws in the uninhabited woodlands beside McNeil’s Diner and the Pet Sematary in the pale moonlight. Haddonfield and Woodbury townships have long been on high alert over reports of a crazed slasher. Lumped on top of prom night whisperings in Sawyerville of somebody going postal with a pickaxe in the one time mining village of Strode. Until now the biggest worry had been a pack of hungry wolves straying from Del Lobos Preserve and disrupting a picnic at Myers Creek, but the ghostly goings on have now made Barren County a far less desirable place to live than it was before. If only there were somebody they could call… GUERNSEY COUNTY Ah, good old Guernsey County, The Gateway. Where people start on spray tans and end up with a new face, silicone titties and boxes and boxes of hair products. And that’s just the “men.” It also serves as the Gateway for things moving west. Whether that be Liberty’s trash, their outcasts or their contraband. The commercial hubs of Berchem, Acter and Alderney City and the tip of the chemical coast. It’s also home to the north east’s busiest sea port in Tudor and a plethora of gangs. You’re probably familiar with all of it by now but, given the difference in time period, things are a little different now. Before the Cuban emigres moved up and out of the neighborhood, Leftwood was where they liked to call home. The Korean influence in Alderney City is also all but non-existent and the waterfront is mostly composed of railyards and factories as opposed to the skyscrapers which appear ten or twenty years on. Some things never change though. It still also acts as the stronghold for the Lost MC and the Pegorino crime family. In fact, even more so. HANSEN COUNTY Serving as a stark contrast to Guernsey and Wessex Counties to the south and the absolute antithesis of much of Liberty to the east, Hansen County is one of the wealthiest counties in the United States. That’s not to say that it doesn’t house some very bad people though. From “big earners” in the mob to the migrating ethnic scourge, this is the place that people go when they want to deal with the scum but don’t want to live with them. Demographically the county, to say the least, is fairly diverse and has for years borne the weight of urban swell from surrounding areas. From Latinos at odds with the Italians in Ridgepeck to African Americans in Thurrock and growing concentrations of Asians up and down The Plateau. The north is all residential but the southern part of the county hosts several attractions that bring in people in droves from just about everywhere within a hundred mile radius. And, thanks to the Peterborough Airport, it’s also never been easier to come from beyond. From private jets chartered by cross country celebrities to coke filled jetliners chartered by intercontinental drug traffickers, many notable vessels have been known to land. The hangar space comes at a price but what’s a couple hundred G’s compared to the hassle of immigration checks. It’s no wonder the safety standards are so abysmal. A plane crash is such a badass way to die anyway right? And if you’re lucky there’s always a chance you might land in a river. They’re everywhere! Another big draw is the Riverlands Sports Complex, where you can watch the Olympians get pounded by the Wrath again and then watch the Mambas get pounded by the Olympians.. or the Pounders get pounded by the Wrath. While you’re down there, why not bet that second mortgage on a couple of ponies down at the track. There are also a number of options if you fancy a round of golf. HIGHLAND COUNTY Just outside Hansen County lies Highland. A county almost entirely made up of a collection of mediocre mountains and two massively sprawling state parks. It’s also the absolute furthest many Alderneyites and Libertonians are willing to go, under the illusions of “roughing it” for a vacation in the woods. Roll through in August for the Annual Dog and Pony Show or come see the freak show any other day of the year by wandering into one of the county’s many nondescript unincorporated communities. Go fishing, shoot a deer, shoot a rabbit if you want to. Take a boat out on one of the many lakes and bring it back when you realize the water smells like sewage and you don’t know how to drive. If you’re feeling really adventurous, go for a hike and spend the rest of your weekend getaway trying to find your way back where you should have stayed. If you feel like being a pussy there’s some wildlife management areas and a sunflower maze. Get lost for a couple of hours there instead and take a picture beside a kodiak bear safely trapped behind an electrified fence. Ignore the signs and feed him a burger and tell your wife how he growled at you in front of the fire with a bottle of locally sourced wine as you try in vain to get it up. Then struggle through three hours of the little ones asking “are we there yet?” as you make your way back to your desk job at The Exchange. If you can actually hit a barn door with a bayonet rifle then the area is also an exceptional hunting ground. The bald eagles are “protected” but why not hit up the Willie Stroker State Forest by the Dover River Gap and bag yourself a possum, a raccoon or a fox. If you’re quick on the draw you might even fell a coyote or a bobcat. And if you’re really lucky you might even get you some beaver out there. LIBEL has the whole area dammed up so they can’t swim away. Failing that, just throw some rocks at a bog turtle and tell your friends you bow hunted a white tail and met a real life cowboy at Deldo’s City and then shot him in the ass. WESSEX COUNTY Just east of Barren County, sitting on the murky banks of the Puritan River is Wessex. And in this particular instance we’ve saved the worst ‘til last. There aren't many saving graces when your crown jewel is the rundown city of Stranton. A sh*thole personified by missed opportunities that’s frequently been shunned by the big BAWSAQ companies in favor of Alderney City. And a four term reigning mayor who seems determined to run it into the ground. Downtown has some promise but wander into any other area and you may not wander back out. It’s a city as segregated as any - Blacks to the West, Hispanics to the East, Jews in the South beside the airport and Italians now being relegated to the North. Outside the county’s largest city, the prospects don’t get much brighter, as the runner up Peterborough is like puking your guts up when you’ve been suffering from violent diarrhea all through the night. And what happens when you flush the chain? It washes out in East Willmington and somebody tries to bottle it up and smoke it or inject it through their veins. It’s also home to Alderney’s academic acropolis. Sitting beside a cloud of perpetual smog. Separated from Richmond Island to the east by the Overkill River. If you venture further west things do start looking up, but the once prosperous communities have now been overrun by yuppies and the college going cancerous curse. A bedroom community for insomniac hordes who make the daily commute to surrounding areas and return only to give the local sheriff’s department something to do. The long time residents have their own afflictions, from prescription drug habits to crippling gambling debts that are sure to keep the resident mobsters in polyester suits for years to come. It also has the Willmington Wetlands and the Turtlehead Zoo. Ménage à Trois - A typical day on the East Coast, played out through the actions of our three protagonists. For two it's just the same old stuff - for the other, a chance at a new beginning. Stay Tuned. Gameplay is actually a bit of a misnomer. It's all hypothetical. What follows is basically the wordplay section. Read away and imagine. The economy, the underworld, the overall zeitgeist of the era. Before most of us were born. It might as well be Jupiter, but it's earth. In a fan fiction about a computer game. Set in a make believe world, almost 40 years ago. But stick with with it. You won't regret it. Well maybe you will but you'll need to read and find out. So suspend your disbelief and read on. This took us a while and we'd appreciate it. Welcome to the days of Hoganomics, where the rich get richer and the poor get more creative. Where every bodega is selling a little more than groceries and nearly every establishment is a simple facade, operating purely to mask the illegal activities in the back. Whether you’re an enterprising criminal or simply on the take, there’s always a little extra money to be made. And plenty of ways to spend it all too. Racket Robberies Why be content with simply robbing a store or walking away with a free pack of cigarettes? Why not do a little investigating and see what that simple store owner really has to hide. Call up some of your boys or go in guns blazing and take them for everything they’ve got. If mass murder isn’t your forte, sometimes all it takes is a little persuasion. Maybe you can push the guy around a little and talk him into giving you a hefty fee to leave the place intact. Drug Smuggling Dope selling is a dope’s game. Join in on the fun. Buy or sell a variety of narcotics across the three states as a way of making money - no matter how risky. Choose any number of narcotics swimming around on the streets (or the ocean) including Coke, Heroin, Weed and Methamphetamines. Drug smuggling in Greed & Grit takes a uniquely three pronged approach. Depending on the drug, you can use either Marcus or Danny to get it straight from the source. Then when it makes its way successfully to the open market you can use Tommy to pilfer the dealers and put it back on the streets. Coke and Methamphetamines are both Danny's forte but if it's Weed or Heroin you're looking to distribute, then Marcus is your man. Since coke is undoubtedly king, it'll require the most heavy lifting. Once the suppliers make their drop off, you go and collect it. When it's on dry land, the other protagonist takes over and transports it to various lock ups. After this it becomes open season for all manner of stick up men and alphabet agencies. You can let it be seized by one of the other dick swingers, to the detriment of the other guys' bank accounts, or you can lift it yourself and make the moral choice between selling it on through your partners or turning it in as evidence. Gambling The numbers racket is an underworld business, at least in the big cities. In Liberty State, Lenapia, or much of Northern Alderney - your number one spots for hedging your bets are mobbed up bookies. Take a punt and pick your poison: blackjack, poker, horse races… two cockroaches crawling up a wall. If you need it, take a loan out - go big or go home (with broken kneecaps of course). You can do everything off track at a betting parlor, or you can make your way to one of many real life tracks in locations such as: East Island, Decker, Freeload, Lenapia and Apple Hill. If you want to go really big then why not take a trip down the shore to Empire City. At least if you lose it all you won't have to wander far in order to jump off the pier. The water's so polluted that you'll probably be dead before you know it. And what happens in EC, stays there forever right? Just try to avoid the other saps when you're smuggling in your drugs. Market Manipulation & Gun Running It’s a bull market, baby. The stock game is a hell of a ride. Among the coke-tipped noses of bankers on the Exchange are opportunities to make a little money on the side by spiking the football and screwing with the competition. If you want to make the big figures or sink a whole company on a coin toss then future club fed alumnus Herbert Meinster will be happy to help. Provided he takes his exorbitant cut. Story characters’ll also introduce you to a mechanic where you personally help with the sale of illegal firearms. If you prefer less of a risk (financially speaking) then Biker ‘Buddy’ Earle can help you fulfil your patriotic duty with a sideline to former marines with bucket loads of guns in and out of the Middle East. Even if you lose, America wins. And that's all that matters. Executive Car Service There are a million and one yellow cabs on the streets and quite a few independents trying to crack the market as well. In the days when Zurst is just a figment of the imagination, there exists a certain clientele that need to get where they’re going in style. Who gives a f*ck if the driver has a record, half of these people do too. Whether it be trips from the airport, a low profile getaway or coked up number crunchers making a mad dash from one brokerage firm to another, ferrying the area’s more exclusive commuters can be a great little earner. Not to mention the fact that the majority of these services are controlled by the mob, so you don’t need to worry about anybody skipping out on the fare. Professional Car Theft Translation: some people who don’t want to register a car might want a car by… other means. Light fingered connections like Kelvin Mitcham and Mickey Bardi Jnr. can steal a car on request and bring it right to you and there’s certainly no shortage of seized vehicles available from impound on Tommy’s end. But what if you want to have a crack at liberating a few vehicles from their owners yourself? In East Hook, Liberty City, you might find a man by the name of "Jack the Polack" Palansky with a variety of cars that need finding across town. Kevin McCarthy of Lenapia’s B&D Crew has the inside track on any number of rides in the city and down South ‘Derney. They’re open to any takers; just find the right whip and take it. With or without obstacles or undue stress. Stay in the game long enough and you'll work your way up to a mysterious man named Kaczynski, the one issuing lists across the whole tri-state area from a warehouse in the Tudor docks. Debt Collection & Bounty Hunting Loans and bail bonds - easy money for any entrepreneur willing to get their hands a little dirty. All three protagonists have a man that has an extra-long logbook of people who need paying: Vito Accardi for Danny, Matt Lupo for Marcus, and good ol’ Mickey Gonzalez for Tommy Dwyer, despite being in the hole to various loan sharks himself. How the debts get paid? You be the judge. If they don’t have hard cash, asset forfeiture might be required: a ring, a car, some neat tech from within the debtor’s house. They should’ve known who they were lending from. Alternatively, there's a pretty-much-legal way of making money from the downtrodden trying their hand at an extortionate criminal justice system i.e. catching criminals and felons trying to escape a charge. In Alderney’s flag-waving suburbs, a man named Hester will show you the way. In Alderney’s more rural areas, the sisterly duo of Trixie and Dixie are happy to hire. The choice is yours. Private Security LC is second only to the glamor of Vinewood when it comes to the power of celebrity - and like any John Lennon, you’ll always have plenty of Mark David Chapmans. Pick up work at just about any nightclub or nightlife hotspot or take jobs from a variety of high-profile entertainment agents. Whether that’s skin-industry mogul and Gambetti affiliate Enzo ‘E.Z’ Zaccaro; eccentric talent-taker Oggie Greenblatt or flamboyant fashion queen Kim Manx. You’ll be out on the street with stars and celebutantes, just watching out for those who might cause harm. The routes to being a bodyguard are slightly different for each protagonist: Marcus will become involved through Steve Schneider (who also offers him a series of exclusive celebrity-centric side missions). But the pathways for Herrera and Dwyer will be a little different. Despite Danny being a convict, security firms are more than happy to offer work to anybody who’s able to keep their cool when faced with a shank wielding psycho. Tommy’s got a badge, which in the private protection business is gold dust. Special allowances from the LCPD also mean that he’s entitled to an extra bonus for doing so. Fashion & Accessories It’s the 80’s, and the pure coke-fueled bump of Hogan-era consumerism is being injected deep into the collective American subconscious. Buy buy buy, buy it in pretty fluorescent colors and always American; unless the Japanese alternative is a little cheaper instead. Purchase either straight from the source or from a variety of department stores like Liberty’s flagship Spender’s outlet in the Triangle, Fuhrberger's in Alderney or Wankstein & Co. in Lenapia’s Middle City. There are also many options to give your character that signature look. Whether it be moderately priced sportswear from labels like Lézard, Biella, Drongo and LS Beans or signature couture from branded stores across the tri-state area such as Didier Sachs, Santo Capra and BULL EMIC. Why not mix and match and get yourself a velour tracksuit designed by Sebastian Dix. A nifty device? The Sumo Beatboy. Buy cassette tapes and listen to music on the go, tune out to the dreariness of the collapsing rust belt city you live in. Want to do some on-the-go photography or play pretend Steve Scott? Buy a photo-camera straight from Genic or a Criterion camcorder. If you prefer to stay at home, you can deck out your pad with an idiot box from the likes of Panoramic or Kakagawa and watch mind melting tosh. Hook up the latest gaming systems from AKEDO and Kaihatsu or some outdated offerings from the likes of Pixtro, Electro and Kakari and fiddle away with pixelated squares until you go square in the eyes. More on this later. You can buy nifty tech, or just about anything else, from the Wallace, Deering and Company catalog, which offers a variety of mailable nick-knacks for the avarist on the go. It also contains ads for third party services such as Warstock Cache & Carry and Pegasus Lifestyle Management, with whom you can set up a line of credit linked directly into your Limit card or any number of offshore accounts. Items bought in stores and catalogues can also be given as gifts. Getting tired of banging hookers and spot a potential girlfriend? Then why not impress her with a pair of Zach Rebleux's or bottle of Chien No. 2. Her like percentage will go up, and hopefully she'll go down. Then you can go back to running the streets without her constantly blowing up your pager. Asset Management Buying a piece of any business - nightclubs, bars, car dealerships, scrap yards - are good for two things. A little bit of legitimate income, and a great lot of money laundering. To keep the charade up, however, you need to make sure a business is actually a business; which means doing the on-the-books owner a favor from time to time to keep things smooth. Troublemakers at the bar? Several troublemakers at the bar? A late delivery or a promotional detail or many-or-any tasks that need-a doing? There’s only one guy at the spot with that particular skill set, and that man is you. On top of your traditional weekly pick up you can also maximize your profits by setting up a little side racket in the back. From good old fashioned staples such as Drinking and Dancing to a range of fast paced adrenaline inducing sports, there are plenty of ways to flit away the boredom across the three varying states. Whether it be enclosed ball games suitable for the urban environment or open air pursuits, you’re sure to find everything you’re looking for and more. Below is a list of activities for you to partake in on your off days.. when you’re not too busy breaking the law. If you want to partake in anything that’s not listed here then you can. But honestly you’re probably better off just playing GTA IV you boring sod. Basketball Making its triumphant return from San Andreas is the game of B-Ball. Like a certain entertainer, who can’t be named for legal reasons, you’ve waited for 16 long years to shoot your shot and here it is. While not exactly on the level of the Holton Hoops or the Penetrators, if you can find a special friend willing to let you dribble and dunk on them you can play a little one on one. And there’s no shortage of wannabe Holland Vagabonds hanging around in the hood for you to challenge either. In fact why not see if they’re looking to get a little action and stick some money down. Then when one of you takes a pounding, ask to go double or nothing. An eviction notice ain’t got nothing on losing that pride. Batting Cages Swing batter batter swiiiinngg. Baseball bats aren't just for home invasion robberies no more. So take one to the cages and have some balls shot at you quicker than you can say Alsaltacuntas. Whilst you try desperately to hit them and knock them as far as you can. Extra points if you can get them into the parking lot. Even more if you can hit some poor schmuck on the sidewalk eating a hot dog. Just don't throw your shoulder out.. you're going to need it to carry all that swag from your home invasion robberies. Golf Ah, the gentlemen’s game. Nowadays there’s so much money floating around that it's hard to tell the criminals from the conscientious. There are a staggering amount of golf courses positioned over the map ranging from public to private. But the basic mechanics are always the same. Take your time to hit it just right and perfect your stroke so that you get your hole every time. The irony being that most of your fellow golfers are men too old to even find the necessary wood. Here’s a tip - it’s the one with the big round head and the longer shaft. Some say it’s not the size of the club but the ball you’re swinging it at. Those people need to up their game of course. Hunting & Fishing So you’ve gotten out of the city, you’ve thrown the leisure suit away, you’ve bought a rifle, a fishing rod, a six pack of beers and a can of worms… Now what do you do? You go and murder some animals of course. Or at the very least take them out of their natural habitat. A man needs to eat! And none of that store bought specially prepared stuff will quite cut the mustard. Even if you’re not hungry, why not do it for sport? Gone are the days when this was a way of life but if you look around you can still turn a profit. Seek out with somebody with lax standards and you might just break even from the meat. This kielbasa is Kosher right? Suuuure. Just make sure that fish still has all its fins and scales. Looking for halal? As-salamu alaykum my friend. Make some connections in the fashion industry and you can also sell on that fur. Or hook up with a taxidermist and score a few trinkets to hang in your pad. You're hardly just going to leave that carcass there to rot now are you? Mountain Biking Everybody loves a good pedal and crank. So crank up those gears and pedal ‘til your heart gives out across some of the most treacherous terrain east of Blaine County. There are also other bikes made for urban cycling but who wants to be caught dead riding one of those? Why not dig deep into your pockets and buy an 18 speed, skinny wheeled slope slayer that costs just as much as a second hand family car. Throw on some lycra and take to the hills, where nobody can see just how stupid you look. And the best part is there’s no Snapmatic so you’ll have to bring a several hundred dollar camera that you’ll probably drop, ride back down and find somewhere to develop the film before you can blow and boast about it. Simpler times. Parachuting & Skydiving There’s nothing more exciting than jumping from a couple of thousand feet and hoping your parachute actually opens when you pull the chord. From helicopters, buildings, mountains, cliffs and bridges there are plenty of places from which to throw yourself. From none of which a person was ever meant to be thrown. The world is depressing so why not get a little bit of excitement, who cares. And if you don’t make it out.. the world is depressing.. who cares. Tennis What’s more exhilarating than two people opposite one another smacking a ball over a net with a glorified snowshoe? Well, quite a lot actually, including most of the above. If you’re that way inclined however, there are plenty of courts dotted around for you to have a go at perfecting your backswing. You probably won’t be playing in Meadows Park anytime soon professionally but there’s no reason why you can’t head over there and challenge some schmuck who thinks he ought to be, right? Watersports No.. not that kind. Although you might want to head down to Star Junction and ask for a price list. We’re talking kayaking, white water rafting, boat racing and jet skiing. Get yourself kitted out and do a spot of scuba diving if you’d like. Whether it be for your own amusement or just trying to impress some guidos down at the shore, the many rivers and oceans that surround and entangle the playable area provide the perfect environment for taking things off shore. To enjoy most of what they have to offer all you need to do is acquire a boat by whatever means, or swim if you’ve got the energy. Alternatively you can make your way to any number of boathouses and activity centres and they’ll help you on your way. Then you can steal the equipment and go exploring. Rules are for sissies, and you’re a man of the seas! Volleyball Beaches are everywhere, so get your fisting hands flexing for those bouncing balls as you dive face first into the sand. Play with yourself or play with a friend and pretend your in Chumash, rather than chest deep in dumpster surrounded by elitist scum suffering from Locust Valley Lockjaw. It's also a sure fire way to get to see women in bikinis up close and personal. So drop your trousers, check your doors, set your controller to vibrate and relive those Dead or Alive fantasies from 2003. In the days before the assault weapons ban, all forms of firearms are fairly easy to acquire all across the Tri-State area. Ammu-Nation is open for business all over the map and at the prices they charge their employees will easily disregard the need for a permit. In the interest of profit margins however they don't stock any imports or heavy artillery. Lucky for you there are a litany of unlicensed dealers operating all over, provided you know where to look. Whether it be potential enemies of the state within the various Chinatowns or ex soldiers offloading their national army's surplus stock, you're sure to find whatever your murderous heart desires including: It's a great time for music. As disco falls out of fashion, derivative genres such as post-disco, New Wave, Electro and Synth-pop are becoming even more popular, while the diverse and ever present genres of Smooth Jazz and Rock music are also on the up. If your skin tone's a little darker (even if it's in your own imagination) then R&B, Funk and Soul are still king but the quiet storm of Hip Hop is bubbling under and it's just about to make a grab for the crown. Music not your thing? There's plenty to talk about and boy does the radio like to let people talk about it. Even if you haven't got a word of English, there's something there for everybody. Unless you don't speak a word of Spanish either.. then you're sh*t out of luck. Afrika Bambaataa & Cosmic Force - Zulu Nation Throwdown Disco Daddy & Captain Rapp - Gigolo Rapp Disco Four - Do It, Do It Doug E. Fresh - Just Having Fun Eddie Cheba - Lookin' Good (Shake Your Body) Fat Boys - Jailhouse Rap Funky 4+1 - Rappin And Rocking The House Gary Byrd and the GB Experience - The Crown Grandmaster Flash - The Adventures of Grandmaster Flash on the Wheels of Steel Joe Bataan - Rap-O Clap-O Kurtis Blow - 8 Million Stories Lady D - Lady D MC Rock - Jazzy 4 MC's Paulett & Tanya Winley - Rhymin' and Rappin' Rhythm Talk - Jocko Rockmaster Scott - The Roof is On Fire RUN-D.M.C. - 30 Days Spoonie Gee & The Treacherous 3 - The New Rap Language Sugarhill Gang - Apache (Jump On It) Sweet G - A Heartbeat Rap The Fatback Band - King Tim III The Fearless Four - It's Magic The Mean Machine - Disco Dream Treacherous Three - Body Rock Trouble Funk - Drop The Bomb Whodini - Big Mouth Adam & The Ants - Stand And Deliver Alphaville - Forever Young Billy Idol - Rebel Yell Blondie - Call Me Bon Jovi - Runaway David Bowie - Let's Dance Devo - Whip It Don Henley - Boys of Summer Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf Eddie Money - Shakin' Eurythmics - Who's That Girl Kim Wilde - Cambodia M - Pop Muzik Nik Kershaw - The Riddle Pat Benetar - Heart Breaker Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall OMD - Enola Gay Siouxsie And The Banshees - Happy House Supertramp - Breakfast In America Talking Heads - This Must Be The Place The Boomtown Rats - I Don't Like Mondays The Clash - Rock the Casbah The Go-Go's - Our Lips Are Sealed The Knack - My Sharona The Police - Every Breath You Take Tubeway Army - Are "Friends" Electric? Van Halen - Jump Visage - Fade To Grey Brick - Dazz Central Line - (You Know) You Can Do It Ebonee Webb - Something About You Eighties Ladies - Turned On To You Freedom - Get Up And Dance Goldie Alexander - Show You My Love Greg Henderson - Dreamin Gwen McCrae - All This Love That I'm Giving Houseband - Funk It Up Leon Haywood - Don't Push It Don't Force It Linx - You're Lying Marvin Gaye - Got To Give It Up Maze Featuring Frankie Beverly - Running Away Michael Wycoff - Looking Up To You Odyssey - Inside Out Rose Rice - Love Don't Live Here Anymore The Brothers Johnson - Stomp! The Keith Diamond Band - The Dip The New Jersey Connection - Love Don't Come Easy The Sequence - Funk You Up (Long Version) Young & Company - I Like What You're Doing to Me Buddy Rich - Bugle Call Rag (Big Swing Face) Cannonball Adderley Quintet - Mercy, Mercy, Mercy Charles Mingus - Open Letter to Duke Charlie Parker - Bebop John Coltrane - Summertime Louis Armstrong - West End Blues Miles Davis - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes Oscar Peterson - How About You Roy Haynes - Full Moon Sun Ra - When There is No Sun Thelonious Monk - Bye-Ya/Monk's Dream Tubby Hayes Quartet - What's New Althea and Donna - Uptown Top Ranking Barrington Levy – Murderer Barry Brown - Truth And Right Black Uhuru - Guess Who's Coming To Dinner Cornell Campbell - Boxing Around David Isaacs - Place In The Sun Early B - Righteous Rasta Eek A Mouse - Terrorists In The City Gregory Isaacs - Night Nurse Half Pint - One Big Ghetto Leroy Sibbles - Life In the Ghetto Michigan & Smiley – Diseases Mighty Diamonds - Pass The Kouchie Peter Tosh - Legalize It Rita Marley – One Draw Super Cat - Jah Paradise Triston Palmer - Innocent Man Yellowman - Mr. Chin ABC - The Look Of Love Angela Bofill - Too Tough Bananarama - Cruel Summer Billy Ocean - Caribbean Queen (No More Love On The Run) Cheryl Lynn - Encore Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me Cyndi Lauper - Girls Just Want To Have Fun Depeche Mode - Just Can't Get Enough Evelyn 'Champagne' King - Back To Love Hall & Oates - I Can't Go for That (No Can Do) Heatwave - Gangsters of the Groove Jackson Five - Can You Feel It Lionel Richie - Running With The Night Madonna - Holiday Melba Moore - Underlove Men Without Hats - Safety Dance Michael Jackson - Beat It Raw Silk - Just in Time Shakatak - Down On The Street Shalamar - I Can Make You Feel Good Soft Cell - Tainted Love Starpoint - It's All Yours Sybil Thomas - Rescue Me Wham! - Everything She Wants Adrenalin O.D. - Going To A Funeral Agnostic Front - Power Bad Brains - Supertouch Damage - Sins of our Fathers Dead Boys - Flame Thrower Love Heart Attack - Society Kraut - Unemployed Minor Threat - Seeing Red Ramones - Teenage Lobotomy Reagan Youth - New Aryans The Dictators - Stay With Me The Icemen - Shadow Out Of Time The Stimulators - Loud Fast Rules! The Young and the Useless - Rise And Shine Undead - Acid Punk Urban Waste - Public Opinion Amanda Miguel - Así No Te Amará Jamás Basilio - Tanto Tanto Amor Celia Cruz & Willie Colón - Usted Abusó Daniela Romo - Mentiras El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico - Vagabundo Hector Lavoe - El Cantante Joe Arroyo - La Rumbera Jose Luis Perales - Y Te Vas Julio Iglesias - "Hey" Miguel Gallardo - Hoy Tengo Ganas De Ti Oscar D'Leon - Lloraras Poncho Sanchez - Morning Roberto Carlos - Amigo Rocío Dúrcal - Amor Eterno Ruben Blades - Decisiones Willie Colon & Ruben Blades - Pedro Navaja Billy Paul - Me And Mrs. Jones Blue Magic - Just Don't Wanna Be Lonely Diana & Marvin - You're My Everything Hall & Oates - Rich Girl Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes - If You Don't Know Me By Now Lou Rawls - You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine Major Harris - Love Won't Let Me Wait McFadden & Whitehead - Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now MFSB - TSOP (The Sound Of Philadelphia) Philadelphia All Stars - Let's Clean Up The Ghetto Teddy Pendergrass - Close The Door The Delfonics - Didn't I (Blow Your Mind This Time) The Jacksons - Enjoy Yourself The Jones Girls - You Gonna Make Me Love Somebody Else The O'Jays - Darlin' Darlin' Baby The Spinners - Rubberband Man The Stylistics - You Make Me Feel Brand New The Three Degrees - When Will I See You Again The Trammps - Hold Back the Night Thelma Houston - Don't Leave Me This Way Alton Edwards - I Just Wanna (Spend Some Time With You) Advance - Take Me To The Top Brandi Wells - Watch Out Carl Carlton - She's a Bad Mama Jama Change - Hold Tight Chemise - She Can't Love You Debarge - I Like It Evelyn 'Champagne' King - If You Want My Lovin George Benson - Give Me The Night Howard Johnson - So Fine Junior - Mama Used To Say Kashif - Stone Love Kool & The Gang - Ladies Night Melba Moore - Love's Comin' At Ya! Midnight Star - Curious Patrice Rushen - Forget Me Nots Shalamar - Don't Try To Change Me SOS Band - Groovin' (That's What We're Doin') Sylvia Striplin - You Can't Turn Me Away Teena Marie - I Need Your Lovin The O'Jays - Put Our Heads Together The Whispers - It's a Love Thing Toney Lee - Reach Up Vicky D - This Beat is Mine Accept - Princess of the Dawn AC/DC - You Shook Me All Night Long Aerosmith - Three Mile Smile Autograph - Turn Up the Radio Billy Squier - The Stroke Black Sabbath - Paranoid Blue Oyster Cult - Dr. Music Budgie - Breadfan Def Leppard - Photograph Dokken - Into The Fire Foreigner - Head Games Judas Priest - Breaking The Law Led Zeppelin - Kashmir Motörhead - No Class Queen - Stone Cold Crazy Red Rider - Lunatic Fringe Riot - Road Racin' Rolling Stones - Start Me Up Rush - Tom Sawyer Saxon - Princess of the Night Scorpions - No One Like You Triumph - Lay It on the Line The Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz Thin Lizzy - Dancing in the Moonlight Van Halen - Somebody Get Me A Doctor ZZ Top - Sharp Dressed Man B Beat Girls ‎– For The Same Man (Nasty Version) Davy DMX - The DMX Will Rock Dominatrix - The Dominatrix Sleeps Tonight Extra T’s - E.T. Boogie Freestyle - Don't Stop The Rock Hashim - We’re Rocking The Planet Herbie Hancock - Autodrive Jamie Jupitor - Computer Power Planet Patrol - Play At Your Own Risk Pretty Tony - Jam The Box Project Future - Ray Gun Omics Quadrant Six - Body Mechanic Richie Scotti - Breaker Seduction - Video Games (Instrumental) Rodney Stepp - Break-Out The Egyptian Lover - Killin’ It Twilight 22 - Siberian Nights Two Sisters - High Noon Unknown DJ & Three-D - Beatronic Willesden Dodgers - Jive Rhythm The Daily Doskie with Cheryl Bowsky - In the days before mansplaining was a crime punishable by death, our wholesome host 'Cherry' Bowsky attempts to stir up a roundtable discussion about ideology and politics with Democratic City Mayor Earl Schmidt, Liberal leaning Governor Iggy Iorio and Republican Worcester County Executive Aengus O'Donnell. What could possibly go wrong? The answer is everything. After being left in the lurch by longtime co-host Johnny Freeloader, Bowsky finds herself severely out of depth due to a lack of knowledge about the subject matter and her inability to mediate between three fierce rivals who engage in a game of petty mud slinging and one upmanship. After several feeble attempts to take hold of the conversation, she simply lets them have at it while she knits a sweater and bakes them some pecan pie. The Open Mike with Mike Riley - Professional talkist and national treasure Michael Riley hosts a special pow wow with a focus on Religion and Morality including Eshel Schochet, Fayad Ali, Pastor Richards and a young Cris Formage. Riley also takes calls from the general public, who by and large seem to be in fear for their lives due to scaremongering and doomsday prophecies perpetuated by the panel of guests. Could Cavern of Sorrow really have sinister undertones? The women from WACOS seem to think so. One particular caller claiming to represent the Mothers of Prevention also seems overly concerned about the damage being done to her kids by the music industry but Riley cuts her off before she has a chance to articulate. Something about advisory stickers.. who cares. The industry will never go for it anyway and none of these people will ever be heard from again. Bar good old Mike of course. Clay and Knight with Clay Kohler and Marianne Knight - Station bosses have teamed vitriolic veteran Clay Kohler with lysergic lefty Marianne Knight in a last ditch effort to keep him on the straight and narrow before showing him the door. Together they host a 'balanced' debate show focused on Law and Order featuring LCPD Commissioner Herbert Winters, District Attorney Rudy Kastrov, Criminal Defense Lawyer Zurial Orzoff and Avenging Angels' founder Jesus Sentenz. Kohler blames the blacks, Knight blames the school system, while the others try in vain to downplay the amount of crime in the city and the adverse effects of readily available firearms. Why not just arm the school children and get it over with eh? Breakfast with Billy Borscht - Playful pandemonium with the eponymous Billy Borscht - a southern born sketch comedian with a penchant for taking cream pies to the face. He's got a supporting cast of puppets that the kids will love including: Dirty Dog, Happy Hippo, Lethargic Lion and Felicia O' Fox. Little do they realise that all of the above is a thinly veiled cover for Billy's problematic drug use and deviant sexuality. When these issues come to light, Borscht will be replaced by Martin Serious but the powers that be will soon realise that simulated sex acts perform by stuffed animals are just a drop in the ocean when faced with the sea of complaints resulting from Marty's debauchery and he will eventually be fired as well. The Dick & Flo Show with Dr. Dick and Aunt Flo - Late Night Advice from clinical psychologist Richard Oppenheimer and Florence D'Angelo Michaels. Dr. Dick constantly takes a no nonsense approach to callers, trying to zero in on a problem without getting caught up in their long stories or digressions before relating it back to some deep seated issue with their mother or father (usually with sexual overtones). Michaels acts as his foil, in that she's a down to earth suburban housewife from East Island who approaches callers problems with common sense and frequently relates them back to her own sex life with her husband (who also happens to be a producer on the show). In a strange twist of fate, it's revealed towards the end of the show that Oppenheimer is not a clinical psychologist at all, but veteran south Alderney broadcaster Eddie Amadeus in disguise, having apparently lost his memory in a plane crash and deeply repressed all remnants of his former self. Amadeus secures a book deal based on his 'experience' and Michaels gets her own syndicated talk show on national TV. Everyone's a winner, save for the Liberty City public, who are left to deal with the consequences of acting on the duo's tawdry advice. Lunchtime with Lazarus - Previously known as Lazarus in the Morning before a forcible name change necessitated by host Johnny Lazarus's ironic inability to get out of bed before midday. Just a few months into his new tenure and standards have already started to slip. The producers probably should have read the warning signs when Lazarus grew his hair long and started sporting a Stetson, after killing off his old persona in '71 and moving East from Los Santos. The signs became a little clearer when he started to actually drink from the bottle live on air. They thought it was all part of the gimmick I guess. Offensive impressions and politically incorrect observations are all part of the act now too. It's only a matter of time before everyone realises he's just an absolute bastard who should never have been allowed on the air in the first place. Until that day comes however, just sit back, listen and prepare to be made to feel very uncomfortable. Somebody said his son is interning at a rock station in Vice City. Hopefully it's just a rumor, otherwise we're all screwed. The Richard Bernstein Show - Before national syndication and a narcissistic name change, we join the patriotic powerhouse and his gaggle of like minded buddies including Jack Howitzer and Lyle Cleethorpes for a series of pre-recorded right sided rants interrupted intermittently by public backlash in order to allow the show to meet the requirements of the fairness doctrine. The longer these guys give President Hogan the reach around, the shorter they'll have to wait before it all blows over. Perhaps they'll even get their own station... or maybe their own network. Now that would be something. Nattering with Chattering - Condescending claptrap with nepotistic nincompoop William Chattering III. Laugh along with Willy boy as he talks down to the public at large while simultaneously lambasting a host of celebrity guests - including satanic rocker turned talent agent Barry "Stillborn" Mickelthwaite and disgraced middleweight boxer "Hurricane" Hercule Robinson who prepares to compete for the world title fresh off a bid for allegedly murdering his wife. Tales of lizard people, the occult and pederastic orgies abound. It's all in Barry's memoir. But what happened to Herc's wife? Chattering's on a mission and he's determined to find out. Even if it means a broken jaw. Talkin' Balls! with Derrick Thackery - Vague sporting talk with Footballing legend BJ Smith and Jorge Asaltacunas of The Birchwood Brawns, in association with the Liberty Sports Network. On the cusp of his career, Jorge just had a baby not too long ago with his teenage girlfriend and wants him to one day follow in his footsteps. BJ discusses his illustrious career and the pitfalls of the industry as well as hinting at what's next. They're eventually joined by up and coming dribbler Tyrone Hancock from the Liberty Penetrators as they discuss the trappings of new found super stardom including readily available women and drugs. The ballers can relate, and they sure do love to talk about it! Our pal Derrick? Not so much. He seems preoccupied with talk of players throwing games and keeps asking about the names and addresses of referees. He also seems to be in some sort of financial trouble. Wonder what's happening. He says he's flying to San Andreas soon so maybe he'll forget about it. We're sure we'll forget about him. The Last Word with Vernon Vapid - Minority Talk Show aimed primarily at Blacks and Gays, ironically hosted by an old white guy. Featuring token black Congressman Jeremiah Johnson, Henry Pidgeon of the Lenapia Biweekly Gay Tribune and aging Yippie turned conspiracy theorist Monie Flowers. Whether it be engineered viruses aimed at the most marginalised in our society or black helicopters in the sky, this paranoiac trio want to make sure we all become woke to the government agenda, even if poor old Vernon can barely manage to keep his eyes open. Bless his cotton socks. But what do you expect from an old fart who named himself after a car. And speaking of which... Oil prices are low, dirty money is in abundance and the US is now home to the Japanese answer to The Big Three. So simmer down and buckle up in some of the finest vehicles from all over the world. It's never been easier. And thanks to less than advantageous right-to-work laws they've never been cheaper to produce. Get them while they're hot because it's only a matter of time before a wave of mergers and acquisitions and you'll be back to riding around in the gas guzzling shells produced by the terrible three once again. To find out what's for the taking, why not take a look through our comprehensive catalogue of everything on offer. (FULL LIST AVAILABLE HERE)
  12. A E. Revere, Francesco Bonomo, and Doktorpolice collaboration, in synergy with Grand Theft Auto: Cosa Nostra Nominated and runner up for Best Concept or Fanfic of 2021 "What was once considered The Best City in America, Liberty City has downgraded to an alarming title of... The Worst City in America." Liberty Tree - 1985 "If I ask you to kill, it's not a question." Salvatore Leone - 1986 "Every dog has his day. Whether you love him or not, you have to put him down." Vittorio "Uncle" Leone - 1985 Theme Song Liberty City in 1985 and 1986 was an American wasteland of vice, temptation, corruption, and greed. In the era where politicians were finally utilizing their power to fight against organized crime and business people were raking in millions using fraudulent methods in Staunton Island, Liberty City is still considered the biggest city in the world that never sleeps but does kill. In the criminal underground, there is unrest. Follow the story of Lucio "Lucky" Goterelli. A seasoned veteran of the Clancio Crime Family in Salvatore Leone's crew. Witness Lucky go through many trails and tribulations as friendships break and betrayal is upon. Many bullets will be fired, a lot of blood will be spilled. "One of favorite places to dump bodies is the Dutch Creek in Christown. Soft soil, easy to dig, plus some nice looking broads in the countryside." Franco "Frankie Spazz" Forelli - 1986 "This city will eat you alive and f*ck your wife. So it's either kill or be killed in this life." Santino "Sonny" Forelli - 1985 Meet Lucky Lucio "Lucky" Goterelli - A seasoned mafioso of The Clancio Crime Family with a long body list and even longer police record. A native of the mobbed up Saint Mark's neighborhood, he grew up in the criminal element. With his father, Gaetano "Gigi" Goterelli being a fully inducted member of the family since the mid-1950's. He also considered Salvatore Leone as his uncle, and learned the way of the streets under him. He vows his loyalty to him and to his father. He owns a one-of-kind 1978 Idaho Ventura Edition. Characters ( In order of appearance ) Salvatore Leone - Clancio - The Mad Man of Saint Mark's. Salvatore is a highly-respected Caporegime of the Clancio Crime Family, operating out of Saint Mark's, Portland. Although he rose up to Caporegime at a very young age and his Uncle became boss of the family, he, now, has the need to step out of the box and aim for the stars. Maybe... for Boss of the family. Michael Blundetto - Clancio - The personal chauffeur and bodyguard to Salvatore Leone. Loyal to Sal, he has done many "jobs" under Sal's orders. Feared by many because of his reputation and his build. Standing at 6 feet and 3 inches and weighing 250 pounds, he has beaten men to death once or twice. If he's coming for you, you better hope he's just going to shoot you in the head. Vittorio "Uncle" Leone - Clancio - The boss of the Clancio Family. A native of Sicily and a loyal member of La Cosa Nostra, he is seen as a Godfather to many of Portlands residents. Loved by many, but feared by the underworld. A soft speaker who very rarely uses profanity, he has ordered many murders throughout the years. Even the murders of some of his own made men. Massimo "The Ginzo" Torini - Clancio - The family's Underboss. Born and raised in the Province of Palermo, Italy to Antonello Torini, former boss of the Clancio Crime Family. Came to America in the late 1950's and was immediately embedded into the family. Not known for speaking fluent English, but is very savvy and loyal to Don "Uncle" Leone. Santino "Sonny" Forelli - Forelli - Boss of the Forelli Crime Family. Arrogant and brash, by nature. The son of former boss, Alberico Forelli, Sonny was considered a spoiled brat with a temper growing up in Fort Staunton. Came to power in 1971 after the Harwood Massacre. Not known for making friends but he has changed his tune and is looking for a partnership with Liberty City's Commission. Michael "Lips" Forelli - Forelli - A Caporegime in the Forelli Family and younger brother to Sonny. Youngest of the Forelli Brothers. Lips, unlike Sonny, does not have a temper. He is seen usually stuffing his face with food and greed. He is what everyone calls a Jinx. He can never win a bet and often borrows money from Downtown. Everyone calls him Lips because of his tendency to talk back with snarky and sarcastic comments. Franco "Frankie Spazz" Forelli - Forelli - Another Caporegime and younger brother to Sonny Forelli. Frankie is the third oldest of the brothers. Has had a never-ending rivalry with Marco Forelli since childhood. Frankie calls him "the favorite." Doesn't have anything significant going on but runs a chop shop ring that's proven to be very successful. Giorgio "Gio" Forelli - Forelli - The first Cousin of the Forelli Brothers and Caporegime of the Forelli Family. If it's one thing he knows, it's money. Gio has operated as Liberty City's biggest loan shark. Going as far as loaning money to singers, musicians, actors, etc. Recovering from a failed money collecting in Vice City in '84, Gio has downsized his operations intentionally to make back the money he lost. It is also rumored that, behind closed doors, he is a cross-dresser. We don't judge. Peter Paul "Big Paulie" Sindacco - Sindacco - Mr. Venturas, himself. Paulie has only been boss for 4 years, but he has proven to the Commission that he's a good one. He operates his family from his luxurious penthouse in Las Venturas. He had a very promising start but has quickly lost grip of his men back in Liberty City. His nephew, Little Johnny, has been handling the day-to-day for him. John "Little Johnny" Sindacco - Sindacco - The favorite nephew of Big Paulie and promising Caporegime for the Sindacco's. Was given the nickname "Little Johnny" because of his youthful look and from his height when he stands next to Big Paulie. Paulie stands at 6'1. In reality, Johnny is 30 years old by 1985 and stands at 5'8, but holds a reputation for being a results-driven enforcer. Robert "Bobby" Caputo - Sindacco - A Soldier in Little Johnny's crew. Bobby has been a Made Guy since 1967, back when the family was under the Sorrano name. The only thing Bobby was good at was being an enforcer and triggerman. He was, at one point, a Caporegime with his own crew in the mid 70's. But he managed the crew poorly. Everyone in his crew was either killed or disappeared by 1977. Bobby's life was spared because of his history with Don Carlo Sorrano and Big Paulie Sindacco. He remains shelved as a Soldato. Phil Arcaro- Sindacco - Loud Mouth Phil is a young and brash half a gangster who still needs to mature. Not yet made, but that is what he wants the most. And won't let anyone get in the way of him getting inducted into the family. Something his father failed to achieve when he was still alive. Despite his younger age, he is a childhood best friend to Little Johnny and Big Jimmy. James "Coolio" Peralta - Sindacco - Six feet tall and muscular gangster, one his way to getting made. Coolio was an imposing force in his neighborhood growing up. He got his nickname from his grandfather, who called him "Erculeo" which meant Herculean. Not being much of a fluent speaker of Italian, James always pronounced it "Coolio" and stuck with it. Has a personal beef with Michael Blundetto from their boxing days. Michael is the one Coolio could never beat. Donovan McLane - FBI - A native of Shoreside Vale. Donovan went through a lot in his childhood. With a drug-addicted Mother and Father, and an older brother who is a well-known dealer and Pimp; Donovan chose another life. Became a cop at 21 then trained to become an FBI agent by 28. By 1985, he is a seasoned agent of 12 years. His methods are unorthodox but he gets results. Even has gotten as far as beating criminals for information and killing scumbags that don't deserve to live during his days in the Narcotics Division. In 1983, he has been reassigned to the Organized Crime Division. Tasked to take down the Sindacco Family. But he has the mindset of "Why stop with just the Sindacco's?" He is a man of truth and justice. Incorruptible. Thomas "Tommy" Lipari - FBI - Born and raised in Saint Mark's. Tommy comes from a long line of criminals, but he broke the generational curse. Becoming an FBI agent instead of a gangster. Unlike his partner, Donovan, Tommy is a smooth talker. He can sweet-talk his way into anything. Not to mention, his knowledge of the Mafia he grew up around. Lipari wants justice and hates the stereotype that all Italians are Mobbed up. He's a proud Italian and even prouder agent of justice. Rocks a slick ponytail and is trained in martial arts. Leon McAffrey - LCPD - Then there's Leon, the prime example of why you shouldn't make EVERYONE an officer. Leon is an LCPD Officer from the 98th precinct. Originally from Aaronsville, he requested a transfer to Liberty City in '84. Ever since then, he's been making "friends" with the criminal element. All for money. The way he's going, he's got the makings of a great Chief of Police. Map Badfellas grants access to the upstate towns (Aaronsville, Christown, Adamton), the forgotten borough of Bellevue Island, as well as, the State of New Guernsey. Each with their own unique characteristics that you, the consumer, can enjoy and appreciate. Neighborhoods Liberty City Upstate New Guernsey Missions 0: The Introduction Overview: A grand introduction of many of the main characters of the storyline. Establishing an early look of what's to come in the future and detailing events that occurred up until the beginning of the main story. Reward: None 1: Lucky Overview: Lucky Goterelli goes about his usual routine. It is also Salvatore Leone's birthday. Reward: $200 [Current Value: $488] 2: Salvatore Overview: Salvatore hires Lucky to pick up money from shaky associate, Curly Bob. Reward: $50 [Current Value: $122] 3. Uncle Leone Overview: It's Uncle Leone's Birthday. Salvatore gets Lucky to get his presents for him and delivery them to Uncle's mansion. Reward: $70 [Current Value: $170] 4. Your Luck's Ran Out Overview: After scamming Lorenzo out of $100,000, Lucky is sent to find and kill the scam artist. Reward: $100 [Current Value: $244] 5. Looking to Parlay Overview: After Lucky's incident at Capital Auto's, Uncle Leone is forcing Salvatore to settle the issue with the Forelli Family. Salvatore and Lucky meet with Sonny Forelli. Reward: $150 [Current Value: $363] 6. Lupara Overview: Salvatore is out of town for a while. Uncle provides Lucky a job to kill a member of the family under suspicion that he is a rat. Reward: $300 [Current Value: $726] 7. Two for One Overview: As a result of the Clancio's wanting to partner up with the Forelli's, Lucky has to do Sonny Forelli a favor; clipping a rat. Reward: Cell Phone 8. Pest Control Overview: Lucky is tasked with killing an associate of the Sindacco Family while making it look like the Irish Mob was responsible for the hit. Reward: $500 [Current Value: $1,215] 9. Rose Overview: Lucky takes his wife, Rose, out on a date. Reward: Mr. Leone Outfit 10. Reunion Overview: Verano Leone, Uncle's only son, comes to visit from D.C. after being away for four years. Lorenzo needs Lucky's help to get information from Glimko. Reward: $400 [Current Value: $1,112] 11. Mister & Misses Overview: After discovering that Katherine Pirri is getting married to a fanook from Florida, Lucky takes drastic measures to make sure Ma Cipriani is the one catering the wedding. Not the competition. Reward: Bedford Point Apartment 12. Hit-Squad-A-Way Overview: Thanks to Lucky's erratic attack on the Forelli ran Cusamano's restaurant, Uncle Leone is sending men to Staunton Island to find the attacker. Lucky has to make sure they don't make it to the borough. Reward: $600 [Current Value: $1,668] 13: Second Amendment Overview: Lucky helps Phil Cassidy make a delivery of firearms to the Yakuza in Torrington. Reward: $3,000 [Current Value: $8,341] 14: The Chinese Connection Overview: In an effort to plan a full-fledged attack on the "Triads." Cam has Lucky follow a Triad enforcer to their headquarters. Reward: None 15: Kick Up Dust Overview: Lucky joins Caporegime Paul Gagliano's crew for a heist. With the first step to ambush a meeting between cops and enforcers at the Cochrane Dam. Reward: None Side-Missions Paramedic - Do jobs to save members of your family or sabotage the life of an enemy. Firefighter - Freelance Arsonists have set fire to Clancio/Leone businesses. Put out the fire. Vigilante - Track down and kill enemies or save fellow mobsters from going to jail. Taxi Driver - Drive fellow mobsters to jobs or save them from situations. Funeral Service - Partake in funeral services of fellow mobsters or sabotage funerals of enemies. Ladies' Man - Collect women from the street to take care of their clients. Import/Export - Fulfill orders made from either in-city or out of state. Midnight Run - Track down targets and deliver them alive to your job provider. Enforcer - Complete jobs for your family. Trafficker - In lucrative methods, sell or buy drugs. Fixer - Be a professional hitman for anonymous contractors. Burglary - Break into businesses or houses at night. Racing - Rule the streets by owning the racing circuit. "See this here Glock, it'll just pepper up your target real good. Now, this Python... this will blow a hole through an elephant if you want it too." Phil Cassidy - 1986 Weapons Thanks to the Free Arms Act of 1975, Ammu-Nation gun shops have been established around the State of Liberty. But, there is a catch. They only sell handguns under the Senate's approval. Heavier weapons such as Shotguns, Semi and Full automatic weapons can be purchased in the black market. There are numerous contacts that provide exactly what you are looking all throughout the city. You just have to find them and make sure you are not followed. Melee Brass Knuckles Baseball Bat Knife Crowbar Chainsaw Machete Katana Pistols Glock 17 Colt 1911 FN Model 1922 .38 Special Smith & Wesson Model 29 Colt Python Submachine Guns TEC-9 MAC-10 Uzi MP5 Thompson M1928 Shotguns Remington 870 Ithaca 37 SPAS-12 Lupara Rifles Kruger AK47 M4 M14 Snipers Remington Model 700 Heckler & Koch SR9T M1903 Springfield Heavy Weapons Flamethrower M60 Minigun RPG Heat-Seeking RPG Thrown Weapons Grenade Tear Gas Molotov Cocktails Satchel Charges with Detonator Criminal Organizations F.B.I. Cosa Nostra Bulletin Clancio Family "A family that spends more time fighting amongst themselves rather than the other families." History: A crime family established in the late 1890's. It gets it's name from Vincenzo "Vinny C." Clancio who came into power in 1922 during Prohibition. The Clancio's have had numerous civil unrest since the family has been established but they still remain as one of the strongest families in Liberty City. Currently headed by Vittorio "Uncle" Leone since 1959, they control Portland with an iron fist. Turf: Mainly Portland. They share Saint Mark's with the Forelli Family but control Harwood, Trenton, Portland View, and the Red Light District. They, also, have a small crew operating in Fort Staunton. Gang Car: Clancio Vincent. Forelli Family "Mafia royalty, a name going back to the 1890's, still going strong... For now." History: A family that started it's criminal career in Fort Staunton in the early 1910's, it wasn't until the 1950's that the Forelli name started to get recognized as seriously as the other families. The current Don is Santino "Sonny" Forelli, the son of Alberico Forelli. Became boss of the family in 1971 after the "Harwood Massacre." There are reports of the Forelli's making moves in Vice City, but they are currently quiet. Turf: They share Saint Mark's with the Clancio's. But the heart of the family lays in Fort Staunton and Torrington. But, they collect money from various businesses throughout Staunton Island. Gang Car: Forelli Sentinel Sindacco Family "From Bellevue Island to Las Venturas, they're the richest family in Liberty City. So they say." History: A family that's relatively young, they were known as The Sorrano Family when they were first established in 1959 by Carlo Sorrano in Bellevue Island. They started gaining recognition in 1961 but were still only seen as a small crew. In 1973, the Sorrano's moved their operation's to Las Venturas and ran the Tropico Casino and Resort, leaving behind only a small crew in Bellevue Island. Their current Don, Paulie Sindacco, rose to power in the late 1970's after Don Carlo Sorrano was sent to prison then deported. He has been living in Las Venturas since 1981. Turf: They control half of Bellevue Island such as, Rotterdam, New Sheffield, and Bellevue Beach. They also run operation's in Fort Staunton as well as gambling and protection in Shoreside Vale. Gang Car: Sindacco Admiral Francari Family "The family from the other side of the river, in the Eden State, New Guernsey. Small-town mob? Farmland mafia? Far from it. They don't take kindly to outsiders, especially outsiders that disrespect New Guernsey." History: The only mafia family based in New Guernsey. With their roots going back to the golden years of prohibition, the Francari's have been the underworld's government for decades. John Francari is now the boss of the family, like his father, Antonio Francari, who gave the family it's name in the early 1920's. They control New Guernsey and profit from the various freight docks and unions in the state. Turf: All of New Guernsey. Even some businesses in Bellevue Island and in Aaronsville. Gang Car: Francari Greenwood The Aaronsville Police Department Crime Report The Dan Schaffer Mob "Our peaceful town didn't have organized crime issues until the Liberty City Jewish Mob made themselves at home here in the early 60's. Now they are nothing but a rag-tag crew of old Jewish men that are, seemingly, harmless." History: The original Jewish Mob that operated in Liberty City up until the 1950's. They were immortalized by Dan Schaffer, real name Dobrev Shaffir, who worked closely with the Italian/Sicilian mafia since the 1920's and formed a gang of professional killers. In 1961, old man Dan Shaffer moved his gang to Aaronsville in Upstate Liberty after an argument gone bad with Uncle Leone. The Schaffer Mob is still active in Upstate Liberty but on a low scale. Dan Schaffer passed away from natural causes in 1980. Harry Ligner now heads the gang. Turf: All of Aaronsville but they collect money from their poker games in Adamton. Gang Car: None. LibertyTree Crime Update The Clovers History: The oldest gang in Liberty City's history, this Irish gang was formed in the mid-1860's and have been operating since then. They are headed by Danny Kelly, a Shoreside Vale native. They have been working closely with the Francari Family from New Guernsey, which resulted in the Clover's running businesses in Steelport, Henson. Turf: Cedar Grove and Pike Creek. As well as, Rockford and some businesses in the Red Light District. Gang Car: Clover Virgo Southside Hoods History: A prominent African-American gang from Wichita Gardens, Shoreside Vale. They first gained recognition after a police bust in 1981, when it was revealed that they were the main Marijuana suppliers of Shoreside Vale and Staunton Island. Their leader is unknown. It is believed that their leader is Oliver Carson A.K.A. Tank, who is serving a 15-year sentence in Midway Island. Turf: Wichita Gardens. Gang Car: Southside Majestic Diablos History: A small gang that consists of mainly Puerto Rican's and Dominican's. They started as only a gang of young latino graffiti artist's. They transitioned into a street after a stranger robbed and killed Benito, a loved resident of Hepburn Heights and member of the Diablo's. Jose Trunchez A.K.A. El Burro declared the Diablo's as a gang and their colors would be red. However, they remain small and poorly armed. Turf: Hepburn Heights. Gang Car: Diablo Stallion. Trench Posse History: A Jamaican gang from Bellevue Island. They were established during the Jamaican influx into Bellevue Island in 1973. Headed by Dexter Cortland A.K.A. King Courtney, they inhabit the projects of Olmstead and Vanderlinde where they spread their Jamaican culture with music and food. Turf: Olmstead and Vanderlinde, Bellevue Island. Gang Car: Trench Voodoo. San Long Triads History: The Chinese Mafia that rule mainland China. However, they only hold a small presence in Portland's Chinatown. But they show ambition to become bigger than what they are now. Their leader is Jan Sun, known to the Chinese locals as "Big Brother Sun." He holds a violent reputation back in China and proves it in Liberty City. Respected by everyone. Turf: Chinatown. Gang Car: San Long Primo Radio Stations Diamond FM is hosted by Spanish Playboy, Raul Hansel and plays Soft Pop, Soft Rock, and Power Ballads. Unleashed FM is hosted by Veronica Blonde and plays Metal music. The Liberty Jam is hosted by Kurtis Blow and plays Hip Hop. East Rock FM is hosted by Brent Davids and plays Glam Rock. Head Radio is hosted by Dani Dany and plays Pop songs. Liberty Soul FM is hosted by Don Suave and plays Soul, Disco, and Funk music. K-Jah Radio is hosted by Zee Duvall and plays Reggae and Dancehall. Jazz Nation Radio is hosted by Frank Sinatra and plays Classic Jazz songs. Golden Years FM is hosted by Dude Kowalski and plays 60's Classics. Double Clef FM is hosted by Luciano Pavarotti and plays Classical and Opera songs. WLLC The Zone FM is hosted by Lazlow Jones until 1986, then gets replaced by Micki Free and plays New Wave music. La Missione FM is hosted by Giorgio Moroder and plays Italo-Disco. Cachamba FM is hosted by Papo Nunez and plays Salsa and Merengue. Radio Elegancia is hosted by Raphael and plays Spanish Ballads. Liberty City Free Radio consists of three segments (The Booth, Real Time, and Liberty Minute). Each segment has their own agenda and charisma. The Booth talks about the Religious people making confessions to Pastor Austin Grant. Real Time is hosted by Former Liberty City Politician, Jonah Bedford, who walks the streets giving live interviews to civilians. Liberty Minute is the Sports segment that quickly reports statistics from every sports team representing Liberty City. Vehicles Sport Cars 4WD/Utility/Vans Two-Door 4-Door Outfits
  13. The Coconut Kid


    There’s a history to this place they rather you forget. It wasn’t always glitz and glamour. They used to call it God’s waiting room. Here, bullet-ridden bodies that wash up with the dawn are forgotten by dusk. Vice Metropolitan Area leads the country in toe-tags at a time when Liberty City, Lenapia and Brannigan are guns-blazing for the coveted title of The Most Violent City in America. Cocaine and exile transform this once-innocent piece of paradise into the hub of the drug economy and the capital of meTV cool. Vice City: Origins is delivered as the story-driven, single-player companion piece to the base release of Grand Theft Auto VI. It takes advantage of next-generation capability to re-imagine the game map fully inclusive of multiple violent metropolitan areas, the expansive Grasslands and the idyllic Lucayan islands. Each location will transform across three pivotal years in Vice City history – 1980, 1985 and 1988. An evolving soundtrack, traffic pattern, civilian population and criminal underworld compliment a fearsome and progressive wanted system, itself underpinned by the technological advances afforded by the War on Drugs. Discover the chaos, opportunity and injustice through the stories of five protagonists. The Exile and The Shepherd, two boat-arrivals from Cuba and Haiti respectively, are broken and brutalised upon their arrival to Vice City in 1980. They must survive captivity and overcome prejudice & political conspiracy to shape futures for themselves. The Hustler, a seasoned and ambitious drug enforcer confined to the heroin markets of Freedom City and Undertown, takes advantage of changing markets and upheaval to enter the cocaine trade. The Fixer, well-established in Tequesta as a prolific contract killer and flamboyant local personality, seizes upon tension between rival organisations to line his pockets. And The Three Time Loser, lurking in the shadows, is ready to blow it all apart. Welcome back to VIce City. Things will be different. Introduction: Welcome to Vice City: Origins. Soundtrack: The blockbuster soundtrack you know and love – bigger and better. Location: Map area and the Evolution of Vice Metropolitan Area. The Exile: Castro is aiming them like bullets at America. The Hustler: Rising to the top. The Shepherd: Building a life against all odds. The Fixer: The makings of a varsity athlete and more. The Three-Time Loser: Doesn't deserve to win. Gameplay: Tools to make it in this world. Underworld: The run down of gang life, syndicate business and cartel schemes in VMA. Vehicles: Three generations of automobile and all yours for the taking. Weapons: An extensive arsenal curated by our resident gunsmith. The Vehicles of Vice City: Added 22/02/23. The Weapons of Vice City: Added 22/02/23. ORIGINAL THREAD: "GRAND THEFT AUTO VI: VICE" Part of The Coconut Collection ENJOY
  14. The Problem In light of the recent news about GTA 6 and the scrapping of Project Americas, it's time for Rockstar to expand beyond GTA 6 and create another series in the same universe. Rockstar will never be able to satisfy all of their different "types" of GTA players at this pace. I believe I have a great concept for the type of gamer I am and more. Update** This concept would be for PC and Mobile Phones. The Mature GTA Player What is my preference? I'm a millennial aged black male from the hood. I'm a fan of La Cosa Nostra due to their level of sophistication and at a certain time being the apex predators in the American Criminal Underworld. I'm a fan of their system more than the idolizing of individuals. My favorite GTA game is Liberty City Stories, being able to play as a mobster in Liberty City and being a part of an Organization bigger than myself. I prefer to play as Michael in GTA 5. I love tycoon games, empire builders, strategy and sim games. My least favorite GTA game is GTA 4. I hate being poor, I hate the main character and all the supporting characters are lame to me. Especially black characters that don't look, talk, or act like the real life authentic article. I hate fantasy games. I hate GTA online due to chaos and flying motorcycles. I prefer to play by myself or in a way where a child can't disturb me. The Solution (New "Mastermind" Protagonist) In La Cosa Nostra you have 2 types of mobsters. You have dumb muscle like Claude from GTA 3. Then you have racketeers, the guys who bring in the money. Then you have a rare breed that can do both. A gamer like me wants to grow and maintain an empire after the storyline of GTA is over. The perfect solution is to be able to go into "Mastermind Mode" where you can control an organization and grow an empire with a Sandbox Sim/Strategy view. But what separates this idea from games that are already out there would be the ability to easily hop out of the Sandbox Sim/Strategy view (Mastermind Mode) and into a GTA 3d world view and interact with the world you are creating/effecting. As simple as switching characters in GTA 5. You'll have the ability to be the rare breed of criminal that can do both and the game never ends unless you fail at maintaining your empire. You can start off as muscle in an organization where you'll spend more time doing hits and GTA style missions but as you advance in the ranks of the organization, new features and more control of different areas will be available in Mastermind mode. This would allow Rockstar to create legendary characters into the GTA Universe and let players live out their life story. Once the characters becomes the old Don (Boss) of the organization you can hop out of the Mastermind view to enjoy the fruits of your labor (via Michael in GTA 5) in the 3d view or even watch members of your organization carry out the actions you ordered them to execute. A player like me doesn't mind spending long periods of time with less action and more strategy. So a branch off series of GTA for more mature gamers would be perfect for a player like me that's still in love with the GTA Universe that raised me but hates the ugly turn that it made for profits. I will give you a concept of the series below using screenshots from existing games. Since Project Americas was too big to scale, the Mastermind series doesn't require the graphics and detailed storyline of the main series. Rockstar can create a fictional Latin American country that is ridiculously corrupt and you create your own character that ends up working for the cartel boss. At this point you stay in 3d (traditional) view most of the time. You learn the ins and outs of the business and earn the trust of your boss and the organization. Through mentorship within the organization you open up Mastermind Mode. You become a Capo within the organization. In charge of the production and transportation of cocaine and other product. Protecting and taking over areas and other businesses. Then you're boss goes to prison and/or dies and you have a civil war and your faction has to compete with rival factions. You are now head of an organization and can run it in whatever style you see fit. You can be sophisticated and a man of the people or you can be an evil dictator. As head of the organization in Mastermind Mode control your shipments to North America ( Vice City, Liberty City, San Andreas etc.,). You can even take your character to GTA Online and buy properties, businesses, and enjoy having money, power and respect. You can also be the "plug" for GTA Online players and send shipments to them in their GTA city from your South American country. GTA hasn't been able to go International yet so this is a perfect opportunity to let players start in another country and eventually make there way into the GTA American Underworld/Universe that's already been established. While having control over your country's economics and development. You can turn it into a resort with casinos and a red light district. This will give players in the GTA Universe the ability to manipulate and create an environment in ways that aren't possible at the moment. Have other criminals and white collar crooks come and launder their money. The possibilities would be endless. The developers can be more care free and focus on the quality of the experience rather then next gen graphics. This would only enhance the main GTA series **Update**- Also, in the past, building an empire requires players to stay in one specific region to maintain it. With this version of GTA being on Mobile Phones and PC, the player can run a criminal empire while at work from their phone and then connect it to GTA Online or GTA 6 when they get home and have their Mastermind criminal travel to the United States to buy properties, expensive clothes, chill on a yacht, enjoy luxury items, make connections and commit crimes in the HD Universe while your empire systematically continues to run itself 24/7. Then fly back to the fictional Latin American country and run it like a defacto President from the PC and Mobile Phone. Evolution The world and technology is evolving faster than GTA can handle. GTA 3 was revolutionary in creating a new level of open world gaming, now it's time to expand. When the base GTA game (console) finally opens up multiple cities, the "Mastermind Mode" could be introduced by having a La Cosa Nostra expansion with The Mafia Commission (National Crime Syndicate) running the United States in it's prime (1950s-1980s), from Liberty City to Las Venturas. The Mastermind series itself can continue to stay International and now introduce other types of criminal organizations like the Triads, Russians, Yakuza, and etc.,. Each one having a uniquely different mastermind mode due to organizational differences. Also integration into the Metaverse and GTA Online.
  15. killdrivetheftvehicle

    Favourite Concept thread

    What are your favourite Concept threads of gtaforums? Name at least one and no more than three. Please insert a link to the concept thread topic(s). (You shouldn't name your own concept thread, because this thread is about finding out the best concept thread and not promoting your own. That you can do in the lounge and your own concept threads.)
  16. I have make new concept about a 3d Tv show based on the game Gta 2 with the 3d graphic like the face of Claude Speed and the two others 1. 2. 3. and yes i have one but i think it is the best idea to make this Topic on this because it works better. And now i am including thing that give you more Details about this Concept but all the ideas and answer are up to you guys and i am gonna Started.
  17. Grand theft auto san andreas HD remake disclaimer: this is not speculation about gta 6. this simply a concept thread where i am sharing an idea of mine. please keep criticism polite and constructive and enjoy. overview: grand theft auto san andreas HD remake is a complete from the ground up rebuild of the game, grand theft auto san andreas. it is an HD universe remake of the original gta san andreas. many characters from the original game will be appearing, though some characters due to this remake taking place in the HD universe of the grand theft auto series, will be replaced with some HD era characters. some of these characters include, salvatore leon, replaced by giovanni ancelotti, johnny sindacco replaced by anthony messina, son of paulie messina, who is don of the messina family. the map consists of HD universe renditions of los santos, san fierro, las venturas, red county, flint county, whetstone county, tierra robada, and bone county. some new locations have also been added and these include, san duarte (based on san diego), rona (based on reno), oakley (based on oakland), San Melendez county (based on san bernadino county). many features from the original such as eating, working out, gang wars, properties, etc will return. some new features will be added as well. several new missions have also been added to the story. the player can take over gang territories in all the citites and fight with many different gangs besides just the ballas and vagos. locations: cities: los santos: where the game starts off and now in it's HD era rendition closer to real life. (based on los angeles) San duarte: a smaller side city where several new missions take place. places such as the naval base can also be found here. (based on san diego) san fierro: now in a more detailed, closer to reality, HD universe rendition(based on san Francisco) Oakley: another small city right across the garver bridge. again, several new story missions take place here. (based on oakland) Rona: a small city where several casinos can be found and interacted with. also kind of a minime of las venturas. (based on reno) las venturas: just like the other major cities is now in a more detailed HD universe rendition. (based on las vegas) towns: sandy shores: a small desert town by the alamo sea that once was a tourist trap but now is a run down trailer park village home to methheads, bikers, and rednecks. several missions take place here as well. (based on desert shores) paleto bay: a quiet coastal town beside mount chiliade. serves as a replacement of angel pine from the original game. (based on morro bay) harmony: just a little town out on the old highway that serves as a rest stop to travelers. grapeseed: a small farming community in blaine county where a mission or two will take place. (based on grapevine) chumash: just a small beach community along the highway to los santos. (based on santa barbara) San melendez: another town near the desert, east of los santos. some story missions will also take place here. (based on san bernadino) Crawstow: another off the grid town in the middle of the desert containing abandon buildings (based on barstow) Santa maria: a coastal town home to a beach and the santa maria boardwalk containing several rides that the player can interact with. (based on santa cruz) Montgomery: a farming community in central san andreas that is also home to the biker culture such as motorcycle rallies. it is also home to several new story missions where Carl Johnson is working with the lost mc. the two major biker gangs also have prominent influence here. (based on hollister CA) Blueberry: another farming community in central san andreas that is also home to a brewery. (based on dixon CA) Pine creek: a former logging town dating back to the 1800's and located up in the redwood forests north of santa maria. (based on boulder creek CA) Bayside: returning from the original game as a town across the bay from san fierro. (based on marin) El quebrados: a small town north of san fierro and bayside. (based on santa rosa) Las barrancas: a town originally built to house workers during the construction of the sherman dam. (based on boulder city NV) Fort carson: a town just south of rona. (based on carson city NV) Las payasadas: a ghost town that had a rich history following the construction of the transcontinental railroad. (based on palisade NV) Tahoe city: a town on the shores of lake whetstone. (based on tahoe city) counties: los santos county (based on Los Angeles county) blaine county: the countryside area north of los santos and where the countryside chapter of the main story begins (based on numerous areas in southern California) San Melendez county (based on San bernadino county) San duarte county (based on San Diego county) red county (based on numerous areas in California's central valley) palomino county (based on Santa Cruz county) flint county (based on sonoma county) whetstone county (based on placer county) tierra robada county (based on several areas in northern Nevada) bone county (based on Clark county) Virgo county (based on Lincoln county Nevada) Sherman county (based on no particular place in Nevada) returning Characters: Carl johnson Big Smoke Sweet Ryder Cesar vialpando kendle catalina the Truth Mike Toreno Wu zi Mu Madd Dogg Eddie pulaski jimmy pulaski Frank tenpenny Zero Jizzy B T-bone mendez Guppy kent paul Maccer ken rosenberg OG loc New Characters: Giovanni ancelotti: replacing Salvatore Leon, Giovanni ancelotti gives Carl Johnson several jobs during the las venturas chapter of the story before Carl Johnson robs his casino with the triads. he immigrated from Naples Italy to liberty city in 1950 where he ran loan shark, fencing, and extortion rackets out of the alderney fruit market. in 1951 he was arrested for being in possession of stolen property and again four years later for loan sharking. in 1960 he was arrested for racketeering. following the death of his uncle he became the don of the ancelotti crime family in 1978. James "bowie" Davidson: born in 1946 in the town of Montgomery San andreas, James Davidson is the president of the San andreas chapter of the lost mc and becomes allies with CJ during the countryside chapter of the game. in 1964 when he was 18 years old he was drafted to fight in the Vietnam war. in 1969 he returned to Montgomery after the war ended and bought his first motorcycle. eventually he fell in the local chapter of the lost mc, became a full patched member at some point and later was promoted to chapter president. soon he meets CJ and then they become allies after Carl helps the lost fight the angels of death mc for control of their territory. Alfonso jimenez: Alfonso is a drug lord and the leader of the Mendoza cartel and an ally of the loco syndicate. the loco syndicate also distribute drugs for the cartel. Gangs: Grove street Families: the protagonist's gang. Ballas: sworn enemies of the families. operate in Los Santos Vagos: Mexican american street gang, enemies of varrios los aztecas. operate in Los Santos. Varrios los aztecas: a Hispanic street gang and enemies of the Los Santos vagos. operate in Los Santos and Blaine county Marabunta grande: an el Salvadorian street gang. operate in Los Santos. The 980's: African american street gang. operate in Oakley. San fierro rifa: Mexican american street gang. operates in Oakley and san fierro. enemies of the 980's. Da nang boys: Vietnamese street gang. operates in san fierro. Triads: Chinese crime syndicate. operates in san fierro. Mendoza cartel: Mexican drug cartel. operates in los santos, san fierro, and san duarte. Russian bratva: Russian criminal organization. operates in Los Santos and san fierro. Mafia: Italian american crime syndicate. operates in las venturas. Lost MC: outlaw motorcycle gang. operates in red and Blaine counties. Angels of death: outlaw motorcycle gang. operates all around san andreas and robada. sworn enemies of the lost mc. Weapons: weapons are customizable in the remake with the ability for the player to add different color schemes, silencers, extended clips, scopes, drum mags, and so on and so forth. Melee: Knife Baseball bat Nightstick Pool cue Golf club Shovel Katana chainsaw pistols: Pistol Desert eagle Python Shotguns: Shotgun Sawnoff shotgun Combat shotgun Submachine guns: Micro smg SMG Tec 9 Assualt rifles: AK47 M4 rifles: Sniper rifle Rifle Combat sniper heavy: RPG Heat seeking rocket launcher Minigun flamethrower Combat MG thrown: Grenade molotovs tear gas Remote explosives other: night vision goggles thermal vision goggles fire extinguisher spray can camera Gang wars: gang wars return from the original. in the remake gang wars have been improved to make them less repetitive than in the original. gang territories can be now be taken over from different gangs in all the cities across the map. to take a territory, instead just looking for gang members to kill, the player can visit a designated hangout of the gang that they are fighting and kill 3 to 4 gang members to start a gang war. once a gang war has been ignited, around three waves of gang members will attack. 1st wave is two carloads of enemy gang members, 2nd is four carloads of enemy gang members, and the 3rd and final wave is six carloads of enemy gang members. after a battle with rival gang members, the player must clear out all the gang's strongholds within that territory. the number of strongholds within a territory ranges from 1 to 4 strongholds. to clear out a stronghold the player must kill all the enemy gang members inside, destroy all the product that the gang is storing in there, and if they want to, the player can loot the strongholds for money and drugs, which brings me to my next point. Drug dealing: unlike the original game, the player can now buy and sell drugs similar to Chinatown wars. though a drug dealing side activity was originally planned to be in the beta version of the original game but was cut during development. to engage in this activity, the player must encounter a drug dealer on the street, usually they can be found in the poor ghetto neighborhoods of the cities. the dealer will offer drugs to the player, the option to decline or accept will appear on screen. if the player chooses accept a menu will appear showing the drugs that are available from the dealer as well as an option to sell any drugs you have in your holdall. drugs that can be bought and sold are, cocaine, meth, crack, weed, ecstasy, heroin, and mushrooms. certain areas around the map will also high demands for certain types of drugs, for example crack is the most highly demanded drug in areas such as south central LS and Oakley. to sell drugs to pedestrians simply stand on a street corner and a pedestrian will approach you if you have the drugs they want. they will then ask you for the drug and then an option to accept or decline will appear on screen. by choosing accept, an animation of Carl taking the drug out of his holdall and handing it to the pedestrian while the pedestrian hands Carl a wad of cash will play. after the animation ends the pedestrian walks away and a good sum of cash is added to the players in game money balance. players can also kill drug dealers and loot them of their drugs and money. players can also receive tip offs to perform special deals with key individuals, to perform a special deal the player must have the type and amount of drugs the key individual wants and then meet up with them in a certain spot. once the player meets up with the buyer, they will ask you for the drugs then you must press a certain button to trigger an animation of Carl handing the buyer the drugs while the buyer hands Carl a wad of cash. after the deal is done the player will have a large sum of money added to their in game balance. occasionally the deals can turn out to be sting operations set up by police or they can be attacked by rival gang members so it is always advised that recruit some grove street families gang members to accompany you on the special deals. Grove street: in the remake grove street acts a lot like the camp in rdr 2. several activities such as street gambling, basketball, and others can be participated in by the player. Emmett can sell Carl weapons and ammo at discount prices. video games can be played on the television in the Johnson safe house. players can also hangout with big smoke, sweet, ryder, and other gang members in sweet's house, similar to the campfire in rdr2. Properties and Assets: many properties can be bought all over san andreas including safehouses and businesses. players can also buy land and have extra assets built. after you buy a plot of land, an office trailer will appear on the land. the player must enter the office trailer and press a certain button to open a menu where they choose what to build. things you can build include, houses, apartment complexes, casinos, and car dealerships. after the player builds houses and apartment complexes, they can either use them as safehouses or rent them out and make income from them. a new feature added in the remake is gang properties which are business properties controlled by different gangs, very similar to vice city stories's feature known as empire building. gang properties that can be taken over include, drug labs, chop shops, fences, protection rackets, gambling dens, and loansharking businesses. after acquiring business properties, the player can do missions to upgrade the business and increase its income. gangs will attack and try to reclaim one of your gang properties after you've taken over a gang property. once a gang property is fully upgraded grove street families gang members wearing more formal clothing such as open gray suit jackets and pants with green dress shirts will be guarding the property with more powerful weapons and can be recruited. income from properties now goes straight to the players in game money balance that way players don't have travel all around the map just to collect some money.
  18. Alright so hear me out guys, this is something ill try to start once i get a copy of SA, modding tools and a pc that can run the game ill give it the run-around to this idea 3 dudes leave greenglass college in LV, and each had got onto the plane to go to a certain state; (the first guy goes to Vice, the 2nd goes to Liberty, and the 3rd comes back to Los Santos.) but as they get to their places, they all get robbed in a way: (Guy 1 gets robbed in Vice because he was riding a taxi, so some street criminal jacks it and he bails out with his backpack) (guy 2 gets his bus ticket to staunton stolen by a hobo (that might hit a resemblance to a certain someone) (guy 3 gets his taxi ride taken away by some rich prick who shows the taxi driver a wad of cash) They start off by taking a certain vehicle and being taught how to walk/drive (like almost every game) Guy 1 jacks a Light blue Sabre that was left on one of the parking lots. Guy 2 steals a Dark red Sentinel that is parked nearby in the little lots of francis international airport. Guy 3 takes the beige Solair that was in the parking lot in LSX
  19. GRAND THEFT AUTO: THE INNER CIRCLE The 3rd concept by DownInTheHole. Note: I plan on redoing this concept soon. I don't like the state of it at present. (Theme Song) Michael Gray (feat. Shelley Poole) - Borderline Other concepts by me: Grand Theft Auto: Borders Grand Theft Auto: Carcer City ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About 20 miles west of Carcer City, Musketoon lies its sister city Ellis (also known as EL ILL), located in the state of Illinois. A city with an unsurmountable love for all things sports, alcohol, and house music, is marred by a dark past, ranging from the Prohibition-era gangster slayings in the 20s and 30s, Civil Rights clashes with the police in the 60s and 70s and the Rust Belt period in the 80s and 90s. Based on the actual city of Chicago, Illinois, Ellis today in the early 21st century looks to be a shining example of how a city can rise from its ashes and triumph over its problems, even building a new stadium, known as the Hope Stadium, in commemoration of its struggle. And yet, with the advent of a new opportunities and a growing interest in yet another dubious war initiated by foreign policy, a wave of political ambition and greed looms over Ellis, and many cities like it, as members of the elite clamor at the prospect of becoming mayor during the city’s big election year. Taking advantage of the city’s high crime and murder rate, prospective candidates manipulate and spin the volatile climate of the city to their favors, performing all manners of vice, each more depraved than the last to get to the top; spreading misinformation, hiring gangs to destroy campaign materials and blackmail their rivals, throwing lavish soirees and parties to curry favor the big dogs and even going as far as to hold an opponent’s family hostage. Two big political factions in the city exist, the Populists and the Traditionalists. The Populists, signified by the color yellow, are known for their progressive politics and Laissez-faire economic policies that are supported mostly by the city’s lower class, whereas the Traditionalists, signified by the color blue, have a more conservative approach towards the city, being staunchly anti-globalist and are firm believers of trickle-down economics, popular among the city’s elite and big business. That said, the two factions will stop at nothing to climb over one another this election, even if it means taking the lives, and/or destroying the livelihoods of innocent people. A local band of hitmen and assassins, known as The Inner Circle, with roots to the gang wars in the 1930s, are among those criminal elements to have their services called in, taking jobs from the highest bidder. These jobs become progressively inhumane as the elections continue, and members within the organization find themselves at loggerheads with each other, taking jobs from opposing clients. This grows into an internal struggle, as members clash with one another to either protect or kill a target, as the definition of what an assassin is becomes increasingly muddied as they find themselves caught up in a relentless game of violent chess between the elite. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The city of Ellis is split into 9 districts and 1 outskirt town, each having a distinct flavor and atmosphere, occupied by different groups of people of varying socio-economic and racial backgrounds. There is a saying that goes in the city of Ellis, “If you want to lose your life, head south, if you want to lose your humanity, head north.” Serviced by the local bus depot and the El, a colloquial term for the rapid train line, much of the city can be traversed with public transport in a matter of minutes, considered to be one of the more complex and efficient systems in the United States, after Liberty City, though automobiles are still very much the preferred mode of transport for most Ellisians. The overhead Interstate freeway I-13 serves as the main connection between the districts, which also connects to other Midwestern cities such as Carcer City, which is unseen in-game, though the scenic Lakeside Driveway, which runs through Aubrey, Sligo, East Ellis, Holliwock and Basquiat, is also used. THE DISTRICTS AUBREY CHANDELIER HEIGHTS, HURLEY BOULEVARD, BRUNSWICK, PIERRE DRIVE, OUTLOOK LANE The northwestern suburban district of Ellis, and one of the most affluent. Old money runs the district of Aubrey, with gated communities, private security and boutique restaurants and shops. A local country club known as the Chandelier Country Club rules the neighborhood with an iron fist, keeping the real estate prices up and driving off the poor, heavily implied to be financed by one of the city’s most influential gangs, The Armagh Syndicate, among others. Many of the city’s elite politicians and aldermen reside in Aubrey, where they cautiously tread outside to other neighborhoods to gather votes. BARCLAY GARCIAN AVENUE, BLACKBURN, ULMEYDA PARK, GREEKTOWN, LITTLE ODESSA A small district which shares some of its turf with the neighboring Sligo, and is home to the Greek and Polish/Ukrainian diaspora in Ellis. Often called the Hove Beach of Ellis, many of the city's Eastern European and Southern European immigrants can be found in Barclay, running restaurants, flower shops and car dealerships. A local subset of the Greek Mafia can be found here, hanging around Tomasi's Gyros in Greektown. A newly-formed gang in the city, the Greek Mafia, also known as the Loukanis Crime Family, are making moves in the shipping business, and worke closely with Vito Cattaneo's clan of Mafioso. SLIGO MASTERSON, REVY AVENUE, LITTLE ARMAGH, FAIRBANKS, LAKE MUSKETOON PIER, ELLIS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT The city’s northeastern district with a large Irish-American diaspora, overlooking the iconic Ellis River to the west, that flows towards central. Famous for its taverns and nightclubs that blast French House, UK Garage and Trance, Sligo is also famous for its picturesque scenery of Lake Musketoon, which its pier overlooks, visited by thousands of tourists from all around, the Ellis River flowing perpendicular to it. That said, the area also has a notable Armagh Syndicate presence, acting as muscle for the various nightclubs in the area, as well as running protection and fraud rackets in the area. The city’s flagship airport, Ellis International, is also located here, which is one of the busiest airports in the Midwest, along with Warrington Airport in Carcer City. The runway runs between the north and north eastern areas of the furthest ends of the map, cutting off directly before the lake shore. WEST ELLIS CLONAKITTY, HARLOW PARK, VENICE, BARLEIGH MARKET, GALLIVANTER BOULEVARD, PARSONS FIELDS A part residential, part commercial district of the city of Ellis, where rows of middle-class suburbs are interspersed with layers of small-to-mid-sized apartment blocks and some malls. A large Italian-American diaspora resides in West Ellis, having been around since the early 20th century. The district is also known for being the site of an infamous massacre in 1932, where 10 mobsters from the local Ellis Crime Family were brutally slain in cold blood in the private room of a nightclub by a group of armed assassins, possibly hired by the Irish Mob. The nightclub has since been turned into a bar named Walton’s, which capitalizes on this chunk of mob history to attract new customers. The district is also home to a local chapter of the Delta Chargers MC, an outlaw motorcycle gang with an affinity for Japanese import motorcycles and old-school hot rods, which was founded in Ellis in the mid-80s. CENTRAL FOLSOM SQUARE, BALISTER FINANCIAL DISTRICT, BELTRAN PARK, JACKSON POINT, SAINTS BOULEVARD, NEW CENTER The commercial district of Ellis, Illinois, and a place where business is conducted, and the largest district in Ellis. Colloquially known as the Ellis Loop, many of the city’s famed landmarks and skyscrapers are located here, built in various architecture styles ranging from the Steel Renaissance and Art Deco of the early 20th Century, to the more Brutalist-inspired modernist styles in the 1950s and onwards. A famed landmark, The Rosetta Stone, affectionately known as the Ellis Polished Turd, is very popular among tourists to Ellis, with its reflective surface used as the basis for many vacation photobombs. Additionally, many companies and corporations are based in this district, mostly congregating at the Balister Financial District. The Ellis River runs through the center of the district, which is dyed green during St. Patrick’s Day in spring. EAST ELLIS ATHENIA, BOYLE HEIGHTS, HELSINKI, STADIUM DRIVE, HOCKEY PARK, SLYBOROUGH A district where all the big stadiums and trendy bars in town are, facing the majestic Lake Musketoon, such as the Cavalier Stadium and the Hope Stadium, currently under construction. It is also home to Ellis’s small slice of Greek culture, the neighborhood of Athenia, also home to a large casino called Capone’s Chips, offering games such as roulette, craps and baccarat to out-of-town executives and tourists. BROCKWELL CARVER, PRYZBYLEWSKI DRIVE, STANFIELD ALLEY, FREAMON, BROCKWELL WOODS The most dangerous district in Ellis, located in the south-west, facing inland Illinois, surrounded by the woods. Brockwell is notorious for being home to some of the most infamous housing projects in the Midwest, The Cipriani Homes, where homicides are commonplace and shootings are widely considered to be daily occurrences. A powerful gang founded in the projects, known by the local name, The Killa Mob, appears to rule the projects and most of the district, and also appear to dabble in politics as well, judging by their uncanny ability to influence black and Hispanic voters living in the district. That said, not all hope is lost in Brockwell, and there are attempts by the local community to pen up a truce between the gangs in the district, though this has yet to reach fruition. DARWIN QUAZAR HEIGHTS, CHINATOWN, NOLAN ALLEY, OCHOA, SHERRINGTON The south-central district of Ellis, noticeably more well off than either Brockwell or Holliwock, in part due to its closer proximity to Central. Houses the city’s Chinese-American population, complete with its own Chinatown, peddling all manners of food and goods. Some of the city’s most renowned fine-dining restaurants are located in Darwin. A Triad organization exists in the district, though it is not as influential as the other Chinese syndicates in the east and west coasts, being mostly confined to counterfeiting and money laundering gangs that operate on behalf of their more powerful compatriots. HOLLIWOCK CANTON COURTS, LAKESIDE CUTOFF, HARLING, BRICETON, EDMUNDVILLE The south-eastern, mostly-industrial district of Ellis, and considered to be the most second-most dangerous district in the city, though crime is mostly confined to the housing projects in the area, not unlike Brockwell, and partly due to the district facing the city’s Interstate freeway, the I-13, and as such is often policed by the EPD. Crime aside, the district is known to house some of the biggest ball courts in the city, as well as being home to some of the best soul food places in the Midwest, owing to African-American immigration from the South in the 1950s and 1960s. BASQUIAT, ILLINOIS HUNTSWORTH, PLEMMONS, EAST POINT A smaller, yet considerably more run-down industrial city located southeast of Ellis, formerly an automobile powerhouse not unlike Carcer City a few miles away, loosely based on Gary, Indiana. The effects of the Rust Belt have not been kind on Basquiat, as the city struggles with a high crime and corruption rate, underfunded and understaffed public services and police, rows of abandoned factories and housing and a diminishing population. That said, despite its decrepit nature and not being incorporated into the Ellis metropolitan area, Basquiat is still considered to be heavily active in the Ellis mayoral elections, composing a medium-large cast of the African-American vote. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inspired by games and movies such as Killer7, Black Lagoon, The Wire and Bad Times At The El Royale, the game’s prologue begins with members of The Inner Circle at odds with one another in early 2005, during the inauguration of the new mayor, before going back to the start of 2004 and beginning with the storyline, with each protagonist having their own arc (With the name of each arc being that of their names). These arcs briefly explore their respective histories and backstories, as well as how they joined the crew, before going through the events which lead up to the events of the prologue and the epilogue, from their individual perspectives. Finishing all the arcs leads to the epilogue, where the story ties the actions of all the characters together, and a majority of the protagonists are killed canonically during this arc. That said, all the characters will still be playable once the game is complete, and can be switched, GTA V-style. As Ellis features four seasons, much like Chicago in real life, there is a gradual progression of seasons with each arc, as the game shifts from 2004 to 2005. PROLOGUE CHEYENNE MICHA ORLANDO JEROME KELLOCK EPILOGUE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROTAGONISTS Given the nature of The Inner Circle, there exists five playable protagonists in the game, each with their own skillset and personality and also having their own respective motivations and loyalties to explain their backstories. Cheyenne “Che” Ricci “Seems like no matter I go, there's always gonna be some asshole with a paper crown that's gonna kick me down.” Skillset Driving: **** Fighting: *** Stamina: **** Marksmanship: ***** Charisma: ** The de facto protagonist of the game. A 26-year old Italian-American novice assassin and former US Army sniper who served two tours in Afghanistan, and the illegitimate daughter of late Ellis Crime Family enforcer, Antonio “The Electrician” Ricci. She is the newest member of The Inner Circle, having only joined in late-2003, not long after returning home from Kabul, where she sustained an injury which also lead her to be briefly captured by the insurgency. She joins the circle in part due to the turbulent economy cities like Ellis were experiencing at the time post-9/11, as well as to not let her military experience go to waste. Prior to her service, Che has only heard stories of her biological father, most of which ended grisly with the victims involved. Growing up in foster care and in relative poverty, she only learns of her mafia past after her foster mother, Josephine Salinas, reveals this before she enlists in the military. Returning to Ellis, she attempts to hook up with the don of the Ellis Mafia, Vito Cattaneo, whose organization is currently growing obsolete in the new century and having problems with informants and the law, and is harboring intentions of going straight. Despite this, Vito, whose son was killed by the EPD in 2002, embraces Che with open arms, expressing regret for not adopting her himself. They form somewhat of an odd father-daughter bond, though Che is generally hesitant of this, believing the man to be crooked and having ulterior motives. She also meets a mysterious figure named Emika Dharan later in her arc, who appears to front a large, shadowy company named Greytex Holdings, which intends to profit from the elections, and its ensuing collateral damage. She claims to know of Che and her past, and tells her that the EPD are trying to crack down on the Ellis Mafia. With this bargaining chip, she asks Che to do wet work in exchange for Vito’s freedom. With the two parties breathing down her necks, and proving her worth to The Inner Circle, and attempting to survive the inner conflict in the squad after that, Che continually hones her craft over the course of the storyline, and learns who her true friends and family are, in a city that damns loyalty. She drives a silver 2004 Dundreary Greenbelt, which is normally tuned to WROC: Ellis Rock Radio, Ellis Pirate Radio and WATH: Ellis After Dark. Micha Lin “Ain’t no use fightin’ the inevitable. This life of lyin’ and cheatin’ is the life you chose, if I may be so inclined as to say some final words on your behalf, least you could do is accept this with dignity.” Skillset Driving: **** Fighting: *** Stamina: ***** Marksmanship: **** Charisma: **** A 36-year old Chinese-American assassin born and bred in the Mississippi Delta, and a former mistress and hitwoman for the Algonquin Triads in Liberty City during the early-90s, who speaks with a thick Southern twang that surprises most people unfamiliar with her. The third-oldest member in The Inner Circle, she joins the hit squad in 1996 out of necessity due to the Triad war east side as well as a passion for contract-killing, after two years of laying low in the city. A sadistic yet honorable killer, Micha is the first member that Che meets in the circle, they quickly form a close bond together, which lasts throughout the storyline. Growing up, Micha ran and dealt with the local moonshine runners in the Mississippi area, where she honed her shooting skills learning from the men in the business. After killing an important member of a rival Triad and unwittingly starting a civil war in Liberty City, she leaves the city immediately and heads to Ellis, where she meets her handler Gemini, of The Inner Circle. She also gets acquainted with the local Chinese-American diaspora in the city, including a man named Eric Teng, a garage owner, JDM mechanic and gambling addict who is in hock with Ellis Triad boss Johnny Wang as well as Greytex Holdings, and a man who has provided Micha cash, a job and a place to stay after her exile from Liberty City. As much as Micha would want to kill Johnny and save Eric the trouble, the man has connections to the Triads back in the East Coast, who would not take a liking to that sort of thing. She eventually crosses paths with Emika Dharan of Greytex Holdings, who is coincidentally acquainted with Che Ricci. Both women do wet work for her under The Inner Circle name, and likewise gets tangled up in the political mess. With Greytex Holdings, Johnny Wang and later other members of The Inner Circle holding knifes at their throats, it is only a matter of time before Micha's luck runs out, unless of course, she reaches a solution, even if that means piling the Ellis River with bodies. She drives a red 2004 Declasse Sundancer, which is normally tuned to WNMD: The New Mode 101.3FM and WWPT: The Sound of the Future. Orlando Rojas “Y’know, Alderney’s paradise compared to this sh*thole, at least over there the suits act like they know they’re dickheads.” Skillset Driving: *** Fighting: **** Stamina: **** Marksmanship: **** Charisma: ** A 29-year old Cuban-American assassin originally from Alderney City, formally working as a hired gun and hitman for the various street gangs and criminal organizations since his teens. He is the second-newest member of the Inner Circle, having only joined in 2000. A boastful contract killer, proud of his kills and achievements, underneath all that hubris lies a deep-seeded sense of insecurity and a moral conflict, and in reality, is only in the business to make money for his parents back home. He is mentored by Kellock Wilkes on his first contract from The Inner Circle, where they express similar thoughts regarding views on mortality and the act of killing. From that experience, they form a friendship not unlike that of Micha and Che, though it appears to be manipulative in nature, at least from Kellock’s end. This relationship begins to rock towards the end of 2004, when the violence brought about by the mayoral elections in Ellis takes form. Both men begin to take part in violent contracts against rival members of political factions, some against people who have nothing to do with the violence to begin with. He grows disturbed of this, and secretly moves over to Jerome to ask for help. With his moral dilemma at full swing, Orlando has to eventually decide what kind of a hitman he wants to be in the city. He drives a black 2004 Schyster PMP GT, which is normally tuned to WMTL: Metallish FM and WULF: Unleaded Fury 94.8FM. Jerome Hills “Real troopers know when to stay quiet when they need to.” Skillset Driving: **** Fighting: **** Stamina: **** Marksmanship: ***** Charisma: **** A 56-year old African-American veteran assassin and a native Ellisian who grew up in the infamous Brockwell district, working as a hired killer for the street gangs between the 1970s-to-early-1980s, prior to the existence of the infamous Killa Mob. He is the oldest member of The Inner Circle, having met Gemini around 1982, and was part of an earlier incarnation of the circle. He has learned much from the experience, and still keeps in contact with the surviving members of the old crew. The voice of reason for the entire crew and a close friend to Gemini, he attempts to use his influence as a veteran criminal to stop the political turmoil in Ellis from getting worse, choosing only to assassinate individuals he deems disruptive to the greater peace of the city. Disliked by both Micha and Kellock for being too conservative and with Che and Orlando uneasy around him due to his stoic yet deadly demeanor and feared reputation, the only solace and friends he can look out to are Gemini, his old partner and former Inner Circle hitwoman Jackie Solange and local Brockwell businessman and childhood friend, Logan Parnell, who is running for the 2004 Ellis mayoral elections. With the 2004 Elections becoming progressively violent and corrupt, and being the lone wolf in The Inner Circle, Jerome goes independent, choosing only to take contracts that matter to him and his community, and to do whatever he can to protect Logan from becoming another number in the campaign killings. He drives a 2004 silver Bravado Recoil, which is normally tuned to WUND: The Underground 100.1FM, WCRK: Wile Out Radio and WRNB: The Fire 104.2FM. Kellock Wilkes “So, an Italian, a Chinese, a Cuban, a Colored man and an Irishman walk into a bar. The bartender sees this and makes a mental note. He tells ‘em to wait, walks to the back room and pulls out a 12-gauge from the armory before headin’ out again and blastin’ ‘em all to hell.” Skillset Driving: *** Fighting: ***** Stamina: **** Marksmanship: *** Charisma: ***** A 45-year old Irish-American assassin and former enforcer for a local sect of the Armagh Syndicate, known as The O’Haras. A thoroughly violent and sadistic killer with a nihilistic and hedonistic streak who takes pleasure in destruction and murder, he joins the Inner Circle around 1990, due to a falling out between him and the higher-ups of the syndicate. Unsatisfied with the progressively bureaucratic and legitimate direction that the Armagh Syndicate is taking, as well as the arrest, and later life imprisonment, of one of the only leaders he respects, Floyd O’Hara, Kellock gets into a fight with the other leaders of The O’Haras, which ends with the man blinding another enforcer, Daryl Moran, in the right eye. Daryl, now the de facto leader of the Armagh Syndicate, continues to harbor hatred towards Kellock to this day. He leaves the gang, and soon joins The Inner Circle through a chance meet-up with Jerome Hills, who happened to be in the same bar together that night. Fortunately for Kellock, the circle was hiring, and soon he was taking contracts all over town. Fast-forward to 2003, and he becomes one of the most feared contract killers in the city. This captures the attention of Traditionalist mayoral candidate Alderman Barry McCarthy, who offers him several contracts against Populist candidates, including his rival, businessman Max Burrows, in an attempt to discredit him and his campaign. He shifts away from the workings of The Inner Circle, and for a time with his partner, Orlando, who unknowingly tags along, he continually takes part in the chaos of the city with absolute compliance, while evading, and trying to get back at Daryl and his crew when he has the chance. He drives a 2004 Albany Palatine, which is normally tuned to WCHL: Pure Sound and WCLS: Ellis’s Neo-Classical. MAJOR CHARACTERS Characters that play a big role in shaping the narrative and gameplay of the storyline. Gemini The handler of The Inner Circle. A seemingly harmless old man with a wealth of knowledge on Ellis’s history and politics, he is the go-to for many of the circle’s contracts, having been in the business since (allegedly) the mid-1930s. Continuing where founder Thomas Ringer left off, Gemini’s past remains a mystery, with many, even the longtime member Jerome Hills, not knowing his real name. He anticipates the violence that wrecks the city during the tumultuous mayoral elections of 2004, as well as the internal conflict affecting The Inner Circle during this time. That said, he is a man a few words who takes his duty as a job-giver seriously, believing that the circle is able to resolve their issues independently, and that he is only there to give advice when needed. That said, the closest to a friend he has in the circle is none other than Jerome himself, owing to their long history together. Emika Dharan The shadowy CEO of an international brokerage known as Greytex Holdings, with ties to several corporations, firearms and security details as well as the American elite. Recently coming to the city of Ellis, Illinois on business, she uses the political situation in the area to her advantage, supporting the campaign violence in the districts and forging a temporary business relationship with leading Populist candidate, Max Burrows, a local millionaire and businessman with ties to the Ratchet Mob, as well as the other gangs in the city's projects. Her motives remain a mystery, but it is likely that she intends to profit from the fallout of the decimation of the city. Manipulating people like Che, Micha, and Max, the city of Ellis, to an opportunist like Emika, is her chessboard, and sees the people that work for her and her crew as nothing more than disposable pawns. When she appears in that dark grey 2004 Grotti Vanguard of hers, expect her heavily armed security detail to not be too far away. That said, she can hold up on a fight on her own as well, having the ability to wield dual Helsings; the only character in the game to do so. Maximilian "Max" Burrows An African-American businessman, record label executive and investor who is currently running for mayor as part of the Populist party. Growing up in poverty in the ghettos of nearby Carcer City, Max moves to Ellis in the early 60s as a young teenager, and quickly rises through the ranks in the local street gangs. An intelligent and cunning man, he leaves the hood and makes it big, forming his own hedge fund and record label in the 1980s, and soon becomes among the city’s richest men. He even marries a former model with the maiden name Pauline Temple, who was at one point, the Miss USA of 1994. Max continues to use his gang connections to his advantage, paying the Ratchet Mob to go after his opponents during the 2004 elections, and even forges a relationship with Emika Dharan. Maintaining a progressive and liberal image for the voters, he continues to fight his way up the political ladder, with the mask that hides his corruption slipping over the course of the storyline. Alderman Barrington "Barry" McCarthy The top contender for the Traditionalist party and their leading mayoral candidate. Popular among the city’s whiter and richer populace, and a strict conformer to family values. A former DA before going to City Council, Barry knows the workings of the justice and political system inside and out, though he is not afraid of using the gangs in his city to his advantage, as his relationship with current Armagh Syndicate leader Daryl Moran, as well as former member and contract killer Kellock Wilkes, proves. A vicious and opportunistic man not unlike his rival Max, sculpting a family man image for himself, along with an aggressive electoral campaign to gather as many votes as he can, though unlike his competitor, he is blunt and offensive with his public remarks, choosing to feign ignorance and stupidity and sew outrage when the situation calls for it. That said, Barry puts his family first before everything else, with a wife of nearly 20 years and two daughters in middle school. This proves to be his Achille’s heel, as the safety of his family becomes threatened over the course of 2004, when things go out of hand in the midst of all the political chaos and misinformation. Logan Parnell A community businessman and the owner of several fine dining restaurants and soul kitchens across Ellis, most notably in Holliwock, and a man who is running for mayor as part of the Populist party. A painfully inept, yet humble man, his campaign staff consists of only two secretaries, one sociologist, three campaigners and one statistician, though he continues to garner a modest following in the southern districts of Ellis as well as in the nearby city of Basquiet. Childhood friends with Inner Circle hitman Jerome Hills, the last thing Logan wants is to be corrupted by the system he wishes to be part of, though over the course of the storyline, this proves almost impossible to do, and the man often finds himself getting into life-threatening situations where he needs the killer’s help. Frequenting Poppy’s, one of the most famous soul kitchen joints in the Midwest, where his wife, Joanna Parnell, is a head chef, he continues to use the back room of the restaurant as an office for his campaign in an attempt to remain true to his community, as he continues to face obstacles and dangers over the course of 2004. Alfie A woman dressed in an Ellis Cubs mascot suit who happens to be a notorious arms dealer in the city. Working on an exclusive contract for The Inner Circle, Alfie offers her services to all members of the crew, driving a gun van, a light blue 2004 Imponte Olmec, on-location to sell her guns to these individuals, as a result of a nationwide ban on military-grade firearms. Never seen outside of her suit so as to maintain her anonymity, Alfie can sometimes be found frequenting the many bars in the city of Ellis at night, where she gets maudlin after a couple of pints or is observed to exhibit hooligan-like behavior watching the game on the mounted bar television, sometimes getting into fights with the other patrons in the bar. BOSSES Antagonistic characters, excluding certain protagonists and major characters, that play a major role as boss characters during the gun duels at the end of each arc. Kenneth "Poncho Ken" Wesson The leader of the Killa Mob in Brockwell, and an Afghanistan War veteran not unlike Che. A volatile and violent leader with no regard for authority, he dislikes Max and his campaign crew for manipulating the good people of Brockwell, and as such, he and Emika want him out of the picture and replaced with a more malleable and obedient puppet. On behalf of Max, Emika sends Che out to the projects to kill him, in exchange for allowing Vito Cattaneo to walk the streets, unmolested by the law. Johnny Wang The local boss of the Ellis Triads, with connections with other Chinese organizations in the east coast. Proficient in firearms, Johnny thinks he is untouchable due to his prowess and connections, and uses this as leverage against Micha, who has other reasons for disliking him. Jason "Ironman" Welder One of Emika Dharan's top security personnel, who works as her personal enforcer, among others. Actively working against the Traditionalists on behalf of Max, Jason performs due diligence on the electoral campaigns and rallies across the city, before determining the best course of action for Emika to take. He gets his name from his durability, where he is able to soak up plenty of bullets without going down. Daryl Moran Former enforcer and current leader of the Armagh Syndicate, distinguishable by an eyepatch that covers his right eye. He used to work with Kellock Wilkes when they were part of The O'Haras back in the late-70s and 80s, until their falling out in '89, when the latter gouges one of his eyes out in a fight. SUPPORTING CHARACTERS Characters that play a major role in a character-specific arc, or to another major character. Vito Cattaneo The current don of the Ellis Crime Family, or what's left of it. With the Armagh Syndicate running the game, he confines himself to West Ellis and bits of Central, where he runs small-to-medium rackets and underground casinos that make enough to keep the gang, a far cry from their golden years in the 20s and 30s, afloat. Eric Teng A mechanic and owner of the Ellis Midnight Club Tuners modding garage in Quazar Heights, Darwin, and a close friend of Micha's. He has a terrible gambling addiction, and finds himself in the debt of Johnny Wang and even big companies like Greytex. Jackie Solange A retired assassin and old friend of Jerome's, who was formerly a member of The Inner Circle, as part of its second generation. Pauline Temple-Burrows The trophy wife of mayoral candidate Max Burrows, who uses her influence as a media personality and model to help her husband fight against their Traditionalist rivals. Sarah McCarthy The beloved wife of leading Traditionalist mayoral candidate Barry McCarthy, and the mother of two children, Yvonne and Talia. Joanna Parnell The faithful wife of Populist underdog, Logan Parnell, and head chef at the renowned soul food restaurant, Poppy's. Henry Erickson The current mayor of Ellis as of 2004. A Traditionalist party member, he intends to use vitriol between the factions as a fodder to support his radical policies in an attempt to look good in front of the folks at DC, and has dreams of becoming a Senator himself. He has a business relationship with current Traditionalist candidate, Barry McCarthy, and by extent, assassins Kellock Wilkes and Orlando Rojas, as well as Daryl Moran, the leader of the Armagh Syndicate. The Broker Real name unknown. A powerful, mysterious man who is only seen at the very end of the game, implied to be a close business partner to Emika Dharan, as well as having a hand in world affairs and politics. He offers Che the chance to move to Southeast Asia with a job as an arms dealer, after the mess in Ellis in 2004-5. UNSEEN CHARACTERS Unseen characters that play an important role in the game. Thomas Ringer The now-deceased founder of The Inner Circle, who was once a member of the Irish Mob during Ellis's infamous mob rule in the 1920s, before becoming an assassin himself once The Great Depression hit. Albert Cattaneo The late son of Vito Cattaneo, who was murdered at a cathouse storing the Mafia's counterfeit money by the police in New Center, Central in 2002. Josephine Salinas Che's foster mother, who the assassin keeps in close contact with. At the time of the game, she no longer lives in Ellis. Instead, the correspondence between the two women is exchanged via email. Floyd O'Hara The leader of The O'Haras, a local subset of The Armagh Syndicate that used to rule much of the neighborhood of Masterson in Sligo. Implied to have been set up by his underlings, Floyd is arrested sometime in 1990, and was sent to life in prison for numerous felonies, some which were false charges against him. He dies in prison sometime before 2004, and was among the only people Kellock respects.
  20. Faris01

    GTA SA Joker

  21. [To be filled in]
  22. Who would be your character (background, personality etc.)? What city/town would it be based in (i.e. Liberty City is based on New York City)? And what would be the storylines? What gangs would you have featured? And what cars would be in the game? Again, although I registered on here last year, I'm still pretty new to the site and only occasionally log in from time to time so please hold your daggers and teeth before you attack me as I don't sit there all day long reading every single thread that ever was written, it'd take me a whole damn year! If there's already a thread like this that exists, just ask a moderator to move my thread into the original one instead of trying to create a cyber war, OK? Cool! So please, do share your answers with me as I'd like to see what everyone's ideal GTA would be like.
  23. How would you feel if every GTA kept this original box art style like GTA 2 and 3 had. It looked almost as if Rockstar was shaping their box covers into a theme with the cross hair over a car jacking but then not long after scrapped the whole idea and changed it to the traditional box art we have now.
  24. GRAND THEFT AUTO: BORDERS The 2nd concept by sabitsuki (1994 Theme) Jamiroquai - Emergency On Planet Earth (2020 Theme) Hante. - The Storm Other concepts by me: Grand Theft Auto: Carcer City Grand Theft Auto: The Inner Circle ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAGLINE “On the Mexican-American frontier in the west coast during the early-90s, a group of men capitalize off the drug trade along the borders, as an increasingly-violent rivalry brews between cartels, with each organization struggling to reach the top of the food chain. All hell soon breaks loose, and the second generation become victims to the fallout of the events that unfold. Desperate for answers of their plight, the two descendants of these men attempt to reach the root of this multi-generational conflict, which all so suddenly took their normal lives away from them.” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW (TWO DIFFERENT ERAS) The game is set both in 1994 and 2020, and features four playable protagonists, with two in each era. The story covers the foundation of cartels in 1994, and the present-day cartel wars in 2020, all set around the Southern San Andrean Mexican-American Border, featuring three different cities and many smaller towns. There are many different changes in the map between the eras. For example, buildings such as the Mile High Club and the Diamond Casino & Resort in Los Santos and the Vizcaino Arch in Ciudad Vizcaino are not present in 1994, with either parking spaces or a series of residential or commercial housing in place of it prior to their construction. Borders are generally easier to cross in 1994 and infrastructure and roads in all three cities are less developed compared to 2020. In contrast, certain buildings are demolished or incorporated into newer buildings by 2020, such as the absence of the Bullitt Recreational Center and Blob Music in Los Santos from 1994, now replaced by buildings or parking spaces, or the incorporation of a few buildings to form the Arcadius Center in 2020, through the building of a public square. Many areas in all three cities, such as Davis and Mirror Park in Los Santos and Mercado Cerrito in Ciudad Vizcaino, are gentrified in 2020, and thus experience a lot less crime with a much greater police presence. The way the game is filtered depends on the era as well. 1994 is generally filtered blue and yellow, reflecting the optimism and the economic boom of this time, as well as Los Santos’s recovery from the riots in 1992, along with a slight grain to emulate 35mm film. 2020, on the other hand, is filtered red and purple, reflecting the political strife and cynicism of the late-2010s, and takes on a cleaner, digital look reminiscent of film and TV made during this time. Era-switching is only available once the main storyline is completed, and the eras can be revisited either by washing your face in a safehouse or by visiting a landmark, such as a gravestone or an area of interest. Themes of the game include multi-generational conflict and the pursuit of truth, and depending on how things unfold in 1994, it can potentially affect the events that occur in 2020, such as the fates of the protagonists from 1994. The protagonists in 2020 are tasked with uncovering the truth of the events in 1994 during the tumultuous cartel wars of the former, and depending on how things go, they can either get the actual truth, a false account of the events during that time, or somewhere in between. Many different endings can stem from these findings. These range from the best ending, where the truth behind the events in 1994 is revealed, the antagonist of the game is defeated and both 1994 protagonists live, to the worst ending, where a false account of the events are shown to the current protagonists, the antagonist gets away with everything, and both protagonists from 1994 are killed. Certain stranger missions are also affected by this, and depending on how things go in 1994, it can affect the outcome in 2020, once the new protagonist meets with the same stranger. If a stranger mission has not been completed in 1994 and the story progresses to 2020, the follow-up mission will not be available in the current era, and the player has to complete the storyline in order to switch eras to finish the stranger mission. Technology is different between 1994 and 2020, with the protagonists relying on a primitive cellular phone and notepad to keep tabs, and owning a vinyl player at their personal safehouses for any purchasable music in 1994 which shuffles a maximum of 10 discs at a time, while smartphones are used in 2020, with Bluetooth-style wireless speakers used in safehouses which the player can use by accessing the Fruit Music streaming app on their phones, where they can make custom playlists with a maximum of 50 songs. Drones are also controllable in 2020, with them being used for certain missions in the storyline. Music is drastically different between the eras, with 1994 being much more AOR, funk and acid jazz-heavy, and 2020 leaning towards hip hop, darkwave and R&B. Certain stations are exclusive to certain years, and a number of tracks from 1994 are brought forward to 2020, where they are featured in throwback stations. Some stations which exist in both eras, also experience genre changes between the years. That said, all music from both eras are available on Fruit Music in 2020, should the player long for the good old days. LANGUAGE As the game is set in the Mexican-American border, two main languages, Mexican Spanish and English, are used in equal amounts throughout the game and story. In many scenes involving Mexicans or Hispanic-Americans, Spanish is used as a spoken language as opposed to English for authenticity, similar to shows such as Narcos. Therefore, it is advisable that monolingual players turn on the subtitles, at least for foreign languages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SETTING Once again set in Southern San Andreas, three main cities are featured in Borders, along with several small towns and enclaves. Blaine County is not present in this rendition of Southern S.A., and the map cuts off just right after Fort Zancudo and the Tataviam Mountains, with Route 1 (Grand Ocean Highway) curving around the mountains and forming a cliffside freeway towards Crawford. Two American counties and one Mexican municipality are present in Borders, which are Los Santos County, Santa Domingo County and Sierra Municipality. Beach towns play a relatively large role in the game, being home to many of the game’s hotels as well as areas where business is conducted. A complete map with icons will be presented in the near-future. LOCATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLOT (WIP) The story in GTA: Borders is told in different acts, with the prologue being an act of its own. There are four acts in 1994 and four acts in 2020, giving the storyline a total of nine acts. 1990 PROLOGUE 1994 ACT I 1994 ACT II 1994 ACT III 1994 ACT IV 2020 ACT I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTERS (WIP) Featuring a vast set of characters, GTA: Borders is a multi-generational tragedy that affects the lives of people throughout the decades. PROTAGONISTS PRIMARY CHARACTERS SECONDARY CHARACTERS MINOR CHARACTERS STRANGERS & FREAKS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO BE CONTINUED... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. After a long absence, I'm finally back with what is probably my biggest dream project to date: COLORS The year is 2022. Richard Herczog, a 19 year old man who lives with his parents in the quiet town of Greensboro is about to face the biggest, most depressing turn of events he's had in his life: his mother leaving him and his father for another man. What happens upon this discovery is a downturn spiral, wherein Richard gets involved in everything corrupt and criminal, from police work to the mafia, all so his remaining parent can keep a happy life. But will this be enough to grant HIM a happy life? As the saying goes, crime does not pay... Overview: COLORS is a 2022 open world crime-oriented tactical shooter released by HYDRUX GAMES. The game is similar to Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto series in that it features a wide open sandbox, where players can perform many legal and not-so-legal actions in the world. Taking place in a parody of Hungary's Pest Megye ("Capital County"), the game features two big cities: Greensboro (Pilisvörösvár), its surrounding villages, and Capital City (Budapest). The game also naturally includes fake versions of European vehicles, such as the Scout ExtraD (Skoda Superb) or the Einheitkutchse Süßig (Volkswagen Caddy). CONTENT: Vehicles: Valiant (Volvo), Scout (Skoda), Einheitkutchse (Volkswagen), Rump (Ford), Majestic (Mercedes Benz), Runner (Renault), Braco (Iveco), FAG (DAF), Swift (Scania), CHIQ (MAN), GFN (BMW), Trundl (Rolls Royce), Rubisento (Suzuki), Davenport (SEAT), Pygmy (Mini), Bronco (Porsche), Throb (Smart), Felis (Peugeot), Bolt (Opel), Prosy (FIAT), Romero (Alfa Romeo), Malkin (Jaguar), RULE (Audi) Weapons: Pistol (Danuvia VD-01), .50 (Desert Eagle), Knife, Baseball Bat, Chainsaw, Machine Pistol (MP9), SMG (MP5), Pump Shotgun (Remington Model 887), Combat Shotgun (Akdal MKA 1919), Assault Rifle (AK-63), Heavy Rifle (MCIWS), Sniper Rifle (Tikka T3), RPG, Grenade, Molotv Cocktail, Programmable AR (Mk 47 Striker) Characters: Richard Herczog: The player character. Richard is a 19 year old college dropout who lived with his parents in Greensboro. He has severe mood swings, and thus got an addiction to alcohol. A punk at heart, Richard usually dresses in dark leather clothing. While he's an overall negative person and hates most things, he has a soft spot for animals, and works part-time at a dog shelter. John Herczog: An army veteran, John is the father of Richard and was the husband of Melinda. His strenght and tatoos hide a kind heart. Melinda Herczog: The mother of Richard and the former wife of John, Melinda is a hot headed, violent women. She always carries around her shotgun, and doesn't hesitate to use it if anyone angers her. She no longer lives with her family, instead is with her new husband, Márton. Her betrayal of Richard and John is the driving point of the plot. CONTINUING SOON!
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