Welcome to GTAForums! (902,484 visits to this link)
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- 2025 Goals (in-game!)
- By Carlin_Stanhope,
- 158.9k
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- RDO Speculation & General Chat (Part II)
- By Moonshine Wagon Fan,
- 464
- posts
- 99.8k
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- 🎪Sicko Circus🎪 is recruiting for PS5!
- By Sicko Circus,
Grand Theft Auto
- 262.7k
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- Grand Theft Auto IV - Legends of Purgatory
- By sweetbellic78,
- 421.6k
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- 2.5m
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- The GTA V beta hunt
- By Kesha_F1,
- 1.3m
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- GTA IV car physics are NOT realistic
- By Lioshenka,
- 574.9k
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- The Chain Game - Round 180
- By Catalyst126,
- 244.3k
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- Beta Vice City
- By Sheikh-Nightshader,
- 92.6k
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- Liberty Tree website
- By San Fierro,
- 177.5k
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- 'Godfather' Criminal Ranking
- By JetNormalGuy,
- 13.1k
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- GTA2 Ending
- By itsallup,
Red Dead
- 249.5k
- posts
- Things you didn't know about RDR2 until now
- By JB1982,
- 25.1k
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- Red Dead Redemption mission order
- By luckycanadian95,
- 539.1k
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- Save Game Wont Load
- By Vitrolic Wither,
- 826
- posts
- Can someone make a mod to add the bobcat to Red Dead Redemption 2 ?
- By Official General,
- 725.8k
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- GInput
- By Silent,
- 196.2k
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- [SL] Ridge Racer+
- By Harukawa,
- 25.8k
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- Legacy websites
- By victm92,
- 5.5k
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- Collector's General Chat
- By universetwisters,
- That Thread about US current events
- By suicidehummer,
- 200.6k
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- Modding logo
- By Scarface!,
- 26.3k
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- GTAF Change Log / Known Issues (when applicable)
- By Spider-Vice,
- 46k
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- 22.9k
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- Acronyms for Certain Common Game Terms - Suggestions
- By Spider-Vice,
1,370 CRIMINALS ONLINE202 Members, 26 Anonymous, 1,142 Guests (See full list)
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