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Forum Rules



Hello and welcome to GTAForums, the social arm of the GTANet and home of the largest Grand Theft Auto community on the web!


Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with these basic rules, enforced to help keep the forums a friendly environment for all of our community:


  • Profile Images and PM's If you have just registered, you may notice you're not able to send Personal Messages (PM) or change your avatar. This is to prevent spammers/spambots and trolls from abusing custom profile fields and avatar uploads. Make 20 posts in our community and you will be able to do all of those things! Be warned that if your 20 posts are rule breaking or spammy and we notice it, we reserve the right to remove them and put you back in the restricted group.
    • Please don't use offensive images as avatars or profile headers, or images that include too many flashing lights or other such illusions.
  • No Flaming Language or comments that are antagonistic, provocative, slanderous, derogatory, abusive, aggressive or confrontational. Do not derail topics with unrelated subjects and insist on doing so when a moderator tells you not to. This includes, but is not limited to, arguments about political views or personal opinions, among other subjects that may be more sensitive and instead belong in a forum like Debates & Discussions. We are not interested in a GTA topic becoming a pissing contest between members who have a personal issue with one another.
  • No Hate Speech Discriminatory language or comments, such as racism, sexism, transphobia or homophobia, misogyny, ableism and any other kind of bigotry. Slurs will earn you an instant permanent ban. Thinly-veiled non-direct comments count towards this. Don't be an arse or you can go elsewhere.
  • No Harassment Continued intimidation, "witch hunting", pressurised, pestering or forceful remarks towards a member in public or in private, sexual or otherwise are not allowed. Although we encourage people to take personal issues to Personal Messages (PM), if either of the members involved reports the PM to staff, it is immediately in our right to decide to act upon it.
    Harassment or encouragement of harassment of Rockstar, its associates, and/or its employees (humans like you, the reader and us, the staff), other individuals and groups such as actors, for any reason, is not tolerated whatsoever and may get you banned from this community immediately, without any chance of negotiation, at a moderator's discretion. You are not welcome here at all if you are involved in these situations.
    On this same vein, posting links to social media profiles of Rockstar employees or associates is usually frowned upon, as these individuals already get enough grief as it is on social media, and they don't need dozens of links to their social profiles posted on a hardcore fan forum like GTAForums and risk getting even more grief. Please use some common sense.
    Calling staff or other regular community members "shills", "fanboys" and similar words is also frowned upon - we encourage constructive discussion of both positive and negative aspects of a given subject, not conspiracy theories. If you are found to be doing this excessively or even purposefully, we reserve the right to remove you from the community for being disruptive at any moderator's discretion.
  • No Explicit Material Posting or linking to any explicit, pornographic or offensive media; such as sex, nudity or gore (this includes signatures & avatars). This includes pornography and nudity from video games - please bring your Rule 34 elsewhere. Depending on the material, and if you heed staff warnings, this may or may not be an instant permanent ban.
  • No Spam Off-topic, nonsensical, one word, smiley-only or otherwise pointless and non-contributory posts (such as single GIF or image posts) are frowned upon. Double posting is also frowned upon, and only allowed if necessary. Do not bump a topic unless needed, please always check the date of the last post before posting. If you don't have anything to add to a topic, just don't. You don't need to increase your post count with a non-contributory post.
    Please report posts or topics to staff that you think are spam, DO NOT contribute to spamming the topic or replying to a spam post further, as this may get you Warned for contributing to spamming in the first place. Conversely, do not abuse or spam the report system, especially when you have a personal problem with another member, as you're wasting staff's time, and you may see yourself getting a penalty as well.
    Links to certain shorteners, Telegram groups, or websites that give you money such as ShareMods are also frowned upon, with the former needing manual moderator approval depending on context. We are a fan community, not a corporation.

  • No Warez Posting links to, requesting or discussing illegally obtained or pirated materials; such as games, software or other media. This includes original game files, you should find another source for this and you may not post them as it's copyrighted material. You can see more details on this policy in our Modding Rules.
  • No Ripping Stealing or plagiarising other people's work and claiming it as your own; such as game mods, images or written content. Depending on the extent of the situation, you may be permanently banned, especially in the case of game mods.
  • No Advertising Promoting your website, YouTube channel, Discord server or other service such as referral links by posting topics/posts in other topics or PMing members. (promotion in your profile or relevant topics e.g. Video topics is acceptable)
  • No Multiple Accounts A new account should only be made if there is a legitimate reason (please contact a staff member first or use our Court Room subforum); members using another account to break rules or evade bans will be taken care of appropriately.


Breaking these rules will result in a Reminder, Warning, Temporary Ban or Permanent Ban being issued by a Moderator. Your Member Log keeps a record of this and explains the reason why it was issued. Action taken is at the Moderator's discretion and judgement, but is based on the severity of your rule violation, how often it may be occurring and your Member Log history. A member with a longer Member Log, depending on their past history, may have a much lower level of tolerance versus a member who is being Warned for the first time.


Please do not argue about Moderator decisions in unrelated threads. If you have a question or issue with a decision, bring it up in Forum Support or post a private appeal in the Court House. Violations may result in additional disciplinary action taken against your account. Remember that all staff have their own opinions and do not necessarily represent the views of GTAForums/GTANet as a whole, we are not a homogenous unit, and we do often have opposite opinions. Staff members are Rockstar community members like any other and will be speaking and participating as such unless otherwise specified.

We rely heavily on our community to flag posts, topics or members that break these rules using the Report system, a link for which is found at the bottom of each post ("Report"). We have some automatic moderation rules that help us out with cleaning the forum from certain specific kinds of content, from pornography posted by spam bots, to illegal copyrighted leaked content, so please use it as much as possible.

Use common sense and you will get along just fine! Like any other forum, there are unspoken 'rules' of etiquette amongst the community regarding spamming (the occasional meme is fine and is actually funny if used in moderation, but please don't go overboard) and trolling (deliberately acting out to annoy or flame the community). While such things aren't generally enforced as rule breaking depending on the situation, Moderators will take action if such posts become a habit, cause problems or result in complaints from other members.

We are a fan forum most of all, and we are certainly not interested in brigading or trolling against Rockstar and their games, "criticism" is one of the reasons we have gripe topics for each mainline Rockstar game - we don't usually enforce the rules too much on those, unless you are being annoying, toxic, harassing or violating any of the other main rules above but please use some common sense.

Last but certainly not least, please be aware that discussion or uploading of anything deemed illegal in the real world is not welcome on GTAForums.




Please remember GTAForums is offered as a free service. To ensure our community remains an enjoyable experience for everyone, we may remove you from GTAForums at any time if you are found to be breaking the rules or otherwise abusing our platform. Remember - freedom of speech is NOT freedom of consequence. Remember you are a guest on a free, private, community-maintained service, this is not your government (no "amendments" or "free speech" laws apply on the Internet), and we reserve the right to remove you at any moment for any reason we deem necessary if you are disruptive to the community.


You can see an updated list of our Staff here. Only the people in the aforementioned page are part of our team and not any others, including any that may have not updated their social media info over the years, or similar. If they're not on the aforementioned list, they are not current GTANet staff and do not represent us in any way, shape, or form.

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